The FictionMags Index
Chronological List
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WINTER, DOUGLAS E. (1950- ) (stories)
- Child of Sorrow (pm) Eldritch Tales #7 1980
- Profile: Charles Platt (ar) Science Fiction Review #47 1983
- From Doug Winter: The Faces of Fear (ar) Castle Rock May 1985
- Winter Reviews Skeleton Crew (rv) Castle Rock Sep 1985
- Growing Pains (iv) Berkley 1985 [V.C. Andrews]
- Talking Terror with Stephen King (iv) Faces of Fear, Douglas E. Winter, Berkley 1985
- Collecting King (ar) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Feb 1986
- Horror and the Limits of Violence: Interviews with Dennis Etchison, Suzy McKee Charnas, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Stephen King, Alan Ryan, John Coyne and David Morrell (iv) American Fantasy Fll 1986
- A Conversation with Charles L. Grant (iv) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Apr 1987
- Talking Terror with Clive Barker (iv) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Jun 1987
- Raising Hell with Clive Barker (ar) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Dec 1987
- Splatter: A Cautionary Tale (ss) Masques II, ed. J. N. Williamson, Maclay & Associates 1987
- Creating Koko: A Conversation with Peter Straub (iv) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Feb 1989
- American Psycho (br) Cemetery Dance #8 1991
- On The M.D. (br) Cemetery Dance #9 1991
- Black Sun (ss) Iniquities Aut 1991
- The Image of the Beast: Dario Argentos Animal Trilogy (ar) Cemetery Dance #10 1991
- A Horror Without Limits (ar) Cemetery Dance #14 1992
- Shadowings (br) Weird Tales Win 1992/93 1992, etc.
- The Evil Eye of Dario Argento (ar) Cut! Horror Writers on Horror Film, ed. Christopher Golden, Berkley 1992
- Night Eternal (ar) The Scream Factory Presents: Night of the Living Dead 25th Anniversary Tribute, ed. Bob Morrish, Peter Enfantino & John Scoleri, Deadline Press 1993
- Books (rc) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jul 1997, etc.
- Ramsey Campbell (ar) Squanes Journal #4 1997
- Saving Horror (ar) Event Horizon Feb 15 1999
- The Pathos of Genre (ar) Event Horizon Jun 23 1999
- Book Review (br) Cemetery Dance; Spr, Sum 91.
- Night Letters (br) Cemetery Dance, #16 9999, etc.
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