The FictionMags Index
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KING, RUFUS (stories) (continued)
- The Weapon That Didn’t Exist (ss) Flynn’s Feb 20 1926, as “The Dud”. [Reginald de Puyster]
- Without a Clue (ss) The Red Book Magazine Aug 1928
- Double Murder (sl) The Red Book Magazine Jan 1929, etc. [Lt. Valcour]
- The Murder in the Storm (sl) The Red Book Magazine Jul 1929, etc. [Lt. Valcour]
- The Murders on the Ship (sl) Redbook Magazine Feb 1930, etc. [Lt. Valcour]
- Champagne (ss) College Humor Apr 1931
- Murder in the Willett Family (n.) Doubleday Crime Club 1931
- The Secret Agent (sl) Redbook Magazine May 1932, etc.
- Murder Fathoms Down (na) Redbook Magazine Mar 1934
- The Case of the Constant God (na) Cosmopolitan Apr 1936 [Lt. Valcour]
- A Wreath from the Sky (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine Aug 1936
- Eye Witness (ss) Short Stories Sep 25 1936
- Crime of Violence (n.) Cosmopolitan Jun 1937 [Lt. Valcour]
- Murder Over Miami (n.) Cosmopolitan Feb 1939
- The Case of the Prodigal Bridegroom (ss) Redbook Magazine Nov 1939 [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Case of the Sudden Shot (ss) Redbook Magazine Dec 1939; also as “The Tenth Case Out of Ten”. [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Tenth Case Out of Ten (ss) Redbook Magazine Dec 1939, as “The Case of the Sudden Shot”. [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Y-Shaped Scar (ss) 1939 [Dr. Colin Starr]
- 4 Minutes—5 Seconds (ss) Redbook Magazine Feb 1940
- The Case of the Buttoned Collar (nv) Redbook Magazine Apr 1940; also as “Three Paths to Choose”. [Dr. Colin Starr]
- Three Paths to Choose (nv) Redbook Magazine Apr 1940, as “The Case of the Buttoned Collar”. [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Case of the Radiant Refugee (ss) Redbook Magazine May 1940 [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Case of the Three Baleful Brothers (ss) Redbook Magazine Jun 1940 [Dr. Colin Starr]
- A Lonely, Lovely Lady (na) Redbook Magazine Aug 1940 [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Radiant Refugee (ss) The Strand Magazine Sep 1940 [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Three Baleful Brothers (ss) The Strand Magazine Oct 1940 [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Case of the Muted Violin (ss) Redbook Magazine Feb 1941 [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Case of the Metal Ring (ss) Redbook Magazine Mar 1941
- The Case of the Jet Black Sheep (ss) Redbook Magazine Apr 1941; also as “Ride with the Wind”; also as “You Must Ride with the Wind”. [Dr. Colin Starr]
- Ride with the Wind (ss) Redbook Magazine Apr 1941, as “The Case of the Jet Black Sheep”. [Dr. Colin Starr]
- You Must Ride with the Wind (ss) Redbook Magazine Apr 1941, as “The Case of the Jet Black Sheep”. [Dr. Colin Starr]
- Buck Fever (ss) Redbook Magazine May 1941, as “The Case of the Seven Good Hunters”. [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Case of the Seven Good Hunters (ss) Redbook Magazine May 1941; also as “Buck Fever”. [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Demigoddess (nv) Redbook Magazine Jun 1941
- The Case of the Grey Jacket (ss) The Strand Magazine Aug 1941 [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Case of the Fragile Flower (ss) Redbook Magazine Sep 1941 [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Case of the Peculiar Precautions (nv) Redbook Magazine Jan 1942 [Dr. Colin Starr]
- Her Past Should Be Her Own (na) Redbook Magazine Feb 1942
- The Case of the Pleasant Strangers (ss) Redbook Magazine Jun 1942 [Dr. Colin Starr]
- The Case of the Passementerie Band (ss) Redbook Magazine Sep 1942
- The Case of the Rich Recluse (sl) Redbook Feb 1943, etc.
- The Case of the Dowager’s Etchings (sl) Redbook Jul 1943, etc.
- The Adventure of the Incautious Guest (na) Redbook Apr 1944
- The Secret Beyond the Door (na) Redbook Dec 1945
- The Lady Said “If”— (na) Redbook May 1947
- The Case of the Redoubled Cross (n.) Doubleday 1949
- The Body in the Pool (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Feb 1955
- The Body in the Rockpit (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine Oct 1955
- Let Her Kill Herself (na) The Saint Detective Magazine May 1956 [Chief Bill Duggan]
- Miami Papers Please Copy (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Oct 1956
- Stairway to Murder (na) The Saint Detective Magazine Mar 1957
- To Remember You By (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Aug 1957
- Malice in Wonderland (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Oct 1957 [Chief Bill Duggan]
- Agree—or Die (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Dec 1957 [Chief Bill Duggan]
- Murder on Her Mind (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine Dec 1957
- Each Drop Guaranteed (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Mar 1958
- Damon and Pythias and Delilah Brown (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Apr 1958
- Rendezvous with Death (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Aug 1958
- Happy Ending (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Oct 1958
- The Patron Saint of the Impossible (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Dec 1958 [Stuff Driscoll]
- The Tigress of the Chateau Plage (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Mar 1959
- A Little Cloud...Like a Man’s Hand (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1959 [Stuff Driscoll]
- The Seeds of Murder (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Aug 1959 [Stuff Driscoll]
- A Borderline Case (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Dec 1959
- The Bluebird Persuaders (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1960 [Lieutenant Ben Coll]
- The Faces of Danger (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Nov 1960 [Stuff Driscoll]
- Gift for the Bride (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1962 [Stuff Driscoll]
- The Gods, to Avenge... (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Jun 1963 [Stuff Driscoll]
- The Caesar Complex (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Sep 1963 [Stuff Driscoll]
- The Perfect Stranger (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Sep 1964 [Stuff Driscoll]
- Anatomy of a Crime (na) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Dec 1966 [Stuff Driscoll]
KING, STEPHEN (Edwin) (1947- ); see pseudonym John Swithen (stories)
- The Glass Floor (ss) Startling Mystery Stories Fll 1967
- The Reaper’s Image (ss) Startling Mystery Stories Spr 1969
- The Fifth Quarter (ss) Cavalier Apr 1972, as by John Swithen.
- The Boogeyman (ss) Cavalier Mar 1973
- The Ledge (ss) Penthouse Jul 1976
- Children of the Corn (nv) Penthouse Mar 1977
- The Night of the Tiger (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Feb 1978
- La Nuit du Tigre (ss) Fiction (France) Jun 1978; translated from the English (“The Night of the Tiger”, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, February 1978).; translated by Gilbert Gauthier.
- The Doll Who Ate His Mother (br) Whispers Oct 1978
- The Gunslinger (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Oct 1978 [The Dark Tower]
- The Crate (nv) Gallery Jul 1979
- The Way Station (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Apr 1980 [The Dark Tower]
- The Monkey (nv) Gallery Nov 1980
- The Wedding Gig (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Dec 1 1980
- Firestarter (ex) Viking 1980
- Why We Crave Horror Movies (ar) Playboy Jan 1981
- The Oracle and the Mountains (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Feb 1981 [The Dark Tower]
- The Jaunt (nv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine Jun 1981
- The Slow Mutants (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jul 1981 [The Dark Tower]
- The Monster in the Closet (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal Oct 1981
- Do the Dead Sing? (ss) Yankee Nov 1981
- The Gunslinger and the Dark Man (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Nov 1981 [The Dark Tower]
- Cujo (ex) Viking 1981
- Digging the Boogens (mr) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine Jul 1982
- Before the Play (nv) Whispers Aug 1982
- It Grows on You (ss) Whispers Aug 1982; revised from Marshroots, 1975.
- On the Shining and Other Perpetrations (ar) Whispers Aug 1982
- ‘The Evil Dead’ (mr) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine Nov 1982
- The Raft (nv) Gallery Nov 1982
- The Word Processor (ss) Playboy Jan 1983
- Uncle Otto’s Truck (ss) Yankee Oct 1983
- A Stephen King Sampler (ms) Footsteps #2 1984
- 1984: A Bad Year if You Fear Friday the 13th (ar) The New York Times Apr 12 1984; also as “The Triple Whammy”.
- The Triple Whammy (ar) The New York Times Apr 12 1984, as “1984: A Bad Year if You Fear Friday the 13th”.
- Mrs. Todd’s Shortcut (nv) Redbook May 1984
- The Ballad of the Flexible Bullet (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jun 1984
- The Revelations of ’Becka Paulson (ss) Rolling Stone Jul 19/Aug 2 1984
- Beachworld (ss) Weird Tales Fll 1984
- Gramma (nv) Weirdbook #19 1984
- Dolan’s Cadillac (nv) Castle Rock Feb 1985, etc.
- Cat from Hell (ar) Castle Rock Jun 1985
- The Politics of Limited Editions (ar) Castle Rock Jun 1985, etc.
- Lists That Matter (Number 7) (ms) Castle Rock Aug 1985
- Lists That Matter (Number 8) (ms) Castle Rock Sep 1985
- Lists That Matter (No. 14) (ms) Castle Rock Oct 1985
- Fie on Fantasy (ar) Fantasy Review Dec 1985, as “Regis Reprimandum”.
- Regis Reprimandum (ar) Fantasy Review Dec 1985; also as “Fie on Fantasy”.
- Lists That Matter (ms) Castle Rock Jan 1986
- Stephen King Comments on It (ar) Castle Rock Jul 1986
- The End of the Whole Mess (nv) Omni Oct 1986
- The Dreaded X (ar) Castle Rock Dec 1986/Jan ’87
- Everything You Need to Know About Writing Successfully—in Ten Minutes (ar) 1986
- A Postscript to “Overdrive” (ar) Castle Rock Feb 1987
- Why I Wrote The Eyes of the Dragon (ar) Castle Rock Feb 1987
- King Bookmark (ar) Castle Rock Apr/May 1987
- Prologue: The Sailor and the Door (ex) Castle Rock Apr/May 1987
- Entering the Rock Zone, or, How I Happened to Marry a Rock Station from Outer Space (ar) Castle Rock Oct 1987
- “Ever Et Raw Meat?” and Other Weird Questions (ar) New York Times Book Review Dec 6 1987; also as “Letters from Hell”.
- Letters from Hell (ar) New York Times Book Review Dec 6 1987, as “‘Ever Et Raw Meat?’ and Other Weird Questions”.
- Stephen King Picks a Winner! (ms) Castle Rock Dec 1987
- SK Criticized for References to Blacks: Stephen King Replies (ar) Castle Rock Mar 1988
- SK Clarifies Gardner Reference (ar) Castle Rock May 1988
- Nightmares in the Sky [with F-Stop Fitzgerald] (ex) Viking 1988
- The Reploids (ss) Night Visions 5, ed. Douglas E. Winter, Dark Harvest 1988
- Rainy Season (ss) Midnight Graffiti Spr 1989
- The Dark Half (ex) Viking 1989
- The Bear (ex) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Dec 1990; extract from the forthcoming novel (The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands, Donald M. Grant, 1991). [The Dark Tower]
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