The FictionMags Index
Chronological List
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WENTWORTH-JAMES, GERTIE de S. (stories) (continued)
WENTZ, (John) ROBY (1909-1979) (stories)
- Day After Tomorrow (nv) Astounding Mar 1942
- A Nose for News (ss) Astounding Jun 1942
- Change (ss) Unknown Worlds Oct 1943
- House of Tomorrow (ss) Astounding May 1944
- Fury and Sound (ss) Suspense, the Mystery Magazine Nov 1946; broadcast July 26, 1945, script by Robert E. Lee & Irving Reis.
- Eve (ss) Suspense, the Mystery Magazine Dec 1946; broadcast October 19, 1944, script by Robert L. Richards based on The Black Angel by Cornell Woolrich.
- Double Entry (ss) Suspense, the Mystery Magazine Jan/Feb 1947; broadcast December 20, 1945, script by Robert Minton.
- A Sense of Smell (ss) Suspense, the Mystery Magazine Mar 1947; broadcast September 21, 1944 as The Bluebeard of Belloc, script by Sylvia Richards.
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