The FictionMags Index
Chronological List
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WALKER, PAUL (G.) (1942-2007) (stories)
- Creatures of Light and Darkness, by Roger Zelazny (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1970
- The Age of the Pussyfoot, by Frederik Pohl (br) Science Fiction Review #37 1970
- Agent of Entropy, by Martin Siegel (br) Science Fiction Review #37 1970
- Armageddon 2419 A.D., by Philip Francis Nowlan (br) Science Fiction Review #36 1970
- Dragons, Elves and Heroes, by Lin Carter (br) Science Fiction Review #36 1970
- The Farthest Reaches, by Joseph Elder (br) Science Fiction Review #37 1970
- FJA Presents: The Frankenscience Monster, by Forrest J Ackerman (br) Science Fiction Review #37 1970
- Science Fiction Terror Tales, by Groff Conklin (br) Science Fiction Review #37 1970
- The Several Minds, by Dan Morgan (br) Science Fiction Review #37 1970
- Whos Afraid of Philip K. Dick? (ar) Science Fiction Review #36 1970
- Worlds of the Wall, by C.C. MacApp (br) Science Fiction Review #36 1970
- The Young Magicians, by Lin Carter (br) Science Fiction Review #36 1970
- [letter] (lt) Science Fiction Review #36 1970, etc.
- Adventures in Discovery, by Thomas E. Purdom (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1970
- Eight Fantasms and Magics, by Jack Vance (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1970
- I Sing the Body Electric, by Ray Bradbury (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1970
- Lilith, by George MacDonald (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1970
- Player Piano, by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1970
- The Prisoner #2, by David McDaniel (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1970
- Satans World, by Poul Anderson (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1970
- The Ship Who Sang, by Anne McCaffrey (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1970
- Time and Again, by Clifford D. Simak (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1970
- Trouble with Lichen, by John Wyndham (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1970
- The Watch Below, by James White (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1970
- Almuric, by Robert E. Howard (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- Carders Paradise, by Malcolm Levene (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- Dark Piper, by Andre Norton (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- Lord Tyger, by Philip José Farmer (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- Magellan, by Colin Anderson (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- Nomads of Gor, by John Norman (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- One Before Bedtime, by Richard Linkroum (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- Report on Probability A, by Brian W. Aldiss (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- Rogue Star, by Frederik Pohl & Jack Williamson (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- The Silver Eggheads, by Fritz Leiber (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- Starship, by Brian W. Aldiss (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- Times Without Number, by John Brunner (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- Tolkien: A Look Behind The Lord of the Rings, by Lin Carter (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- The Wanderer, by Fritz Leiber (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- The Witches of Karres, by James H. Schmitz (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1970
- Beyond Tomorrow, by Damon Knight (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- Crime Prevention in the 30th Century, by Hans Stefan Santesson (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- DangerHuman, by Gordon R. Dickson (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- Final War, by K.M. ODonnell (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- 14 Great Tales of ESP, by Idella Purnell Stone & John W. Campbell, Jr. (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- The Little Monsters, by Roger Elwood & Vic Ghidalia (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- The Mercy Men, by Alan E. Nourse (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- Nine Tomorrows, by Isaac Asimov (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, by Robert Silverberg (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- 13 Great Stories of Science-Fiction, by Groff Conklin (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- Tonight We Steal the Stars, by John W. Jakes (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- Treasure of Tau Ceti, by John Rackham (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- The Wagered World, by Laurence M. Janifer & S.J. Treibich (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- Worlds of Wonder, by Harry Harrison (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1970
- After Doomsday, by Poul Anderson (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- At the Edge of the World, by Lord Dunsany & Lin Carter (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- The Bane of Kanthos, by Alex Dain (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- The Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction15th Series, by Edward L. Ferman (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- Charles FortProphet of the Unexplained, by Damon Knight (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- Defoliation, by Thomas Whiteside (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- Earthrim, by Nick Kamin (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- England Swings SF, by Judith Merril (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- Grimms World, by Vernor Vinge (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- Guardians of Time, by Poul Anderson (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- Hex, by Arthur H. Lewis (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- Kalin, by E.C. Tubb (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- Men on the Moon, by Donald A. Wollheim (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- The Parasaurians, by Robert Wells (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- Perry Rhodan #4: Invasion from Space, by Walter Ernsting & Kurt Mahr (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- Phoenix Ship, by Walt Richmond & Leigh Richmond (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- The Power of X, by Arthur Sellings (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- A Strange and Seeing Time, by Elizabeth Byrd (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- Strange Creatures from Time and Space, by John A. Keel (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- Time Rogue, by Leo P. Kelley (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- The Time Trap Gambit, by Larry Maddock (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- The Warlock, by Wilson Tucker (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- The Weapon Shops of Isher, by A.E. van Vogt (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- The Yellow Fraction, by Rex Gordon (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1970
- The Anything Tree, by John Rackham (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1971
- Gallaghers Glacier, by Walt Richmond & Leigh Richmond (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1971
- The Jester at Scar, by E.C. Tubb (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1971
- Kar Kaballa, by George Henry Smith (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1971
- The League of Grey-Eyed Women, by Julius Fast (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1971
- Lud-in-the-Mist, by Hope Mirrlees (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1971
- Perils of the Peaceful Atom, by Richard Curtis & Elizabeth Hogan (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1971
- Positive Charge, by Walt Richmond & Leigh Richmond (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1971
- This Perfect Day, by Ira Levin (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1971
- To Venus! To Venus!, by David Grinnell (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1971
- Tower of Medusa, by Lin Carter (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1971
- The Winds of Darkover, by Marion Zimmer Bradley (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1971
- Beneath the Planet of the Apes, by Michael Avallone (br) Science Fiction Review #43 1971
- The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, by H.P. Lovecraft (br) Science Fiction Review #43 1971
- The Man Who Fell to Earth, by Walter S. Tevis (br) Science Fiction Review #43 1971
- The Mind Cage, by A.E. van Vogt (br) Science Fiction Review #43 1971
- Nebula Award Stories Five, by James Blish (br) Science Fiction Review #43 1971
- Phantasies, by George MacDonald (br) Science Fiction Review #43 1971
- The Sorcerers Skull, by David Mason (br) Science Fiction Review #43 1971
- A Thunder of Stars, by Dan Morgan & John Kippax (br) Science Fiction Review #43 1971
- Affair with a Lonesome Monster (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jun 1972
- The Premature Fall of the American Horned Eagle (ss) Cypher Sep 1972
- The Peculiar Exploits of Brigadier Ffellowes, by Sterling E. Lanier (br) Cypher Mar 1973
- An Interview with Fritz Leiber (iv) The Alien Critic #5 1973
- An Interview with R. A. Lafferty (iv) The Alien Critic #6 1973 [R.A. Lafferty]
- Paul Walker Interviews Bob Tucker (iv) SF Echo Apr 1975
- Bob Tucker Interviewed by Paul Walker (iv) SF Echo #22 1975 [Wilson Tucker]
- An Interview with Zenna Henderson (iv) Odyssey Spr 1976
- Cold Hand in Mine, by Robert Aickman (br) Galaxy Science Fiction Nov 1977
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