The FictionMags Index
Chronological List
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HUGO, VICTOR (-Marie) (1802-1885) (stories)
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame (n.) 1831
- Gilliatts Escape from the Devil Fish (ex) 1866; from The Toilers of the Sea.
- Hans of Iceland (sl) Colonial Monthly Jul 1869, etc.
- Louis XVII. Capet, Éveille-Toi! (pm) Harpers New Monthly Magazine Nov 1883; translated by Elizabeth Wormeley Latimer.
- Loves Loyalty (pm) The Argosy (UK) Jun 1884; translated by Alice King.
- Evening (pm) The Argosy (UK) Sep 1890; translated by C. E. Meetkerke.
- The Entrance (pm) The Ludgate Monthly May 1891; translated from the French (Jeanne fait son entrée, 1877).; translated by Philip May.
- Jenny (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1891; translated from the French.
- To My Soul (pm) The Argosy (UK) Jun 1891; translated by C. E. Meetkerke.
- Apparition (pm) The Argosy (UK) Jul 1891; translated by C. E. Meetkerke.
- A Vision (pm) The Argosy (UK) Aug 1891; translated by C. E. Meetkerke.
- Oceana Nox (pm) The Argosy (UK) Nov 1892; translated by C. E. Meetkerke.
- Hope (pm) The Argosy (UK) Dec 1894; translated by C. E. Meetkerke.
- Mesrour and His Princess (ss) Short Stories Aug 1899; translated by Gertrude M. Merser.
- Love-Letters. With Comment by Paul Meurice [with Paul Meurice] (ar) Harpers New Monthly Magazine Nov 1900
- The Love-Letters of Victor Hugo (1820-1822) [with Paul Meurice] (ar) Harpers Monthly Magazine Dec 1900, etc.
- The Poets Plaint (pm) Cassells Magazine Jan 1902; translated by Mary Alice Vialls.
- In the Toils of a Sea-Monster (ex) The Scrap Book Nov 1909; translated from the French (Les Travailleurs de la Mer, Verboeckhoven et Cie, 1866).; translated, uncredited.
- Claude Gueux (ss) The Scrap Book Mar 1910; translated from the French.; translated by Florence Crewe-Jones.
- The Runaway Gun (ss) The Argosy (UK) Oct 1932; translated by Marjorie Laurie.
- The Alchemy of the Grave (pm)
- Battling a Sea Monster (ex); from Toilers of the Sea.
- The Dragonfly (pm); translated from the French (Odes et Ballades, Hector Bossange, 1828).
- The Duel with the Cannon (ss)
- The Emperors Return (pm)
- The End of Tallyrands Brain (ar)
- A Fight with a Cannon (ss)
- Hubert, the Spy (ss)
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame (n.) 1831
- Jean Valjeans Escape (ex)
- Last Days of a Condemned Man (ex)
- Long Ago (pm)
- Night (pm)
- Transmutation (pm)
- The Worlds Supreme Geniuses (es)
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