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    SFWA Bulletin [v7 #3, #27, December 1969]
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    SFWA Bulletin [v7 #4, #28, February 1970] ed. Barry Malzberg (Science Fiction Writers Association, 20pp, octavo s/s)
    Details supplied by Bud Webster.
    • [illustrations] · Jack Gaughan · il
    • 1 · Nebula Awards Banquets, 1970 · Anon. · ar; Once again, the Nebs were to be held in three very disparate places, NYC,; New Orleans and Berkeley. The latter Banquet was organized by Alva Rogers,; Greg Benford and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro.
    • 2 · From the Secretary-Treasurer · Anne McCaffrey · cl; “Responding to the requests of many members, and because efficient equipment; is a felt want, SFWA purchased a used #360 Gestetner in excellent condition; for $345....It will facilitate the production of the FORUM...” How...faanish.; Also, the colophon mentions that the Managing Editor is Joyce Malzberg, and; that typesetting was done on an IBM Selectric. When did Ted White cease; doing it in his basement along with CRAWDADDY?
    • 3 · Obituary - Evelyn del Rey · Robert Silverberg · ob; Heartfelt and affectionate, he writes “Shrewd, witty, capable of loving and; receiving love, she brought laughter and grace wherever she went. And though; she was a strong-minded woman in a field marked by clashing egos, she had,; so far as I’m aware, no enemies at all.” lovely, Bob.
    • 4-5 · Eire - A Writer’s Paradise · Harry Harrison · ar; about the advantages and drawbacks to living in Ireland under Articlea 1 & 2; of the Finance Act. “Bob Shaw, Irishman himself...states that a writer could; rent a simple country cottage for 2 pounds a week and buy enough food to; cook for another 2 quid. So a bit less than ten dollars a week would cover; all expenses. $500 a year!” At some point, Sec-Treas McCaffrey must have; taken him at his word.
    • 6-13 · The Doubleday Contract · Damon Knight · ar; fourth in a series, prefaced by his “About the Contract Articles.” “Each; BULLETIN contract article is offered to the publisgher for comment or; rebuttal. Doubleday received a copy of this one, but declined to discuss; it.” Bob, Barry, how successful were these articles in persuading the; publishers?
    • 13 · Nebula Nominations · Anon. · ms; including PKDick’s “A. Lincoln, Simulacrum”, published as We Can Build You by DAW in ’72.
    • 14-16 · What Can Be Found on Other Worlds? (Analysis of the Unknown) · Alexis Tsvetikov · ar; “It appears to be possible that the following little investigation would be; of some interest and use to the science fiction Writers. It shows them; roughly what kind of aliens and their environment authors may consider; populating their distant worlds.” What follows is certainly beyond my; capabilities, but I’d love for somebody to explain it to me in small words.; It’s followed by a note from Ms McCaffrey: “The above article is obviously; complimentary to ‘How to Build a Planet’ by Poul Anderson, BULLETIN, Vol. 2,; No. 6, Whole No. 9.”
    • 16 · New Members · Anon. · cl; includws Jack Dann and Robert Weinberg, not to mention the reinstatement of Bester and Delany.
    • 17-19 · People and Places · Anon. · cl; in which Judy Merril announces “...the wedding of her daughter, Ann Pohl to; Alan Reed”, and that James Blish signed with Doubleday “ do a; definitive, two-volume history of witchcraft and demonology.” As I can find; no record of this, would I be correct in assuming that this turned into the; After Such Knowledge books?
    • 19 · Note · Gordon Dickson · ms; preface to the Market Report indicating that “ more marketplace; announcements for ’Ultimate Publications’ (AMAZING, FANTASTIC, and certain; reprint magazines) will be run until further notice for the following; reasons: Several SFWA members have complained that manuscripts submitted at; Ultimate have neiher been accepted nor returned and requests for returns; have been ignored.”
    • 20 · Market Report · Anon. · cl; “NEW DIMENSIONS: Robert Silverberg reports that this volume has now been; closed. There is a good possibility for a successor but at present he does; not want submissions. The membership will be notified.” So, Bob, whatever; happened with this one?

    SFWA Bulletin [v6 #3, #30, July 1970] ed. George Zebrowski (16pp, 5½" x 8½")
    Given as v7 #5, whole number 29. Details supplied by Bud Webster.
    • Election Results · Anne McCaffrey · ar; “Gordon R. Dickson Returned to office. Tom Purdom New Vice President, Quinn Yarbro New secretary.”
    • From the Secretary/Treasurer · Anne McCaffrey · ar; “Without giving way to a typically McCaffrey-type scene, I can’t step down from my official/officious position as Secretary/Treasurer without thanking SFWAns in general for putting up with my various errors, flaws, delayed replies and mix-ups. (Ha! you didn’t know I goofed, did you?)”
    • The 1969, West-Coast Nebula Awards Banquet, Revisited · Roger Lovin · ar; “1969 will go down in SFWA history as the Year the West Coast stuck it in New York’s Ear...It may also make history on the gab-n’-gobble circuit as the year the rubber chicken was finally laid to rest. Did we eat!”
    • The Future of SFWA Public Relations · James Gunn · ar; “One way public relations operates is to take advantage of natural public relations opportunities: 1) conventions; 2) awards; 3) publications; 4) visits; 5) articles; 6) courses; 7) films; 8) speakers; and 0) whatever else the fertile minds in this field can think of.”
    • Title List and Ms. Return Survey Results · John Jakes · ar; “Major publishers of hard and soft cover science fiction were surveyed to obtain a statement of policy on these two questions:; 1. Are you willing to carry a list of the author’s previously published titles, including titles not published by you, provided the author furnishes the copy?; 2. Is a book manuscript regularly returned to the author after publication? Or is it returned only if the author requests it?” Avon, Bantam, Belmont, and Walker & Co. didn’t reply.
    • Part Time Jobs for Science Fiction Writers · Tom Purdom · ar; “...I have also encountered a certain amount of prejudice against science fiction writers. Many employers still associate science fiction with bug eyed monsters...” Well, that hasn’t changed much in 45 years.
    • Nebula Recommendations · Anon. · ms; Six of the eight novel nominees were Ace titles.
    • New Members · Anon. · cl; Included Jerry Bixby (Jerome, I presume), Sam Lundwall and Bill Rotsler.
    • People and Places · Anon. · cl; Features a lengthy note from George Scithers about duplicating manuscripts for multiple submissions suggesting that members “...inquire at your local Eastman Kodak Verifax Dealer. Mine sold me a used Bantam copier for $25; it’s worked perfectly ever since.”
    • Market Report · Anon. · cl; Includes an announcement that Dell Books “...has cut back its SF program to near nothing and Gail Morrison will not read new mss. for the present.” I wonder how long that lasted? Also, Chum Silverberg announced that New Dimensions 2 “ not open yet, and the editor is not reading mss. at the moment.”

    SFWA Bulletin [v6 #4, #31, September/November 1970]
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    SFWA Bulletin [v6 #5, #32, 1971]
    • [illustrations] · Jack Gaughan · il
    • 1 · The 1971 Nebula Awards Banquet: New York, New Orleans, Berkeley California · Anon. · ms
    • 2 · From the President · Gordon R. Dickson · cl
    • 2 · From the Vice President · Ron Goulart · ms
    • 3 · Market Report · Anon. · ms
    • 6 · Nebula Recommendations · Anon. · ms
    • 8 · Market Report · Anon. · ms
    • 10 · Bulletin Corrections · Anon. · ms
    • 11 · People and Places · Anon. · cl
    • 12 · More People and Places · Anon. · cl
    • 12 · New Members · Anon. · ms

    SFWA Bulletin [v6 #6, #33, 1971]
    • 1 · The Nebula Awards · Anon. · ms
    • 1 · [photographs] · Jay Kay Klein · pt
    • 2 · Nebula Award Winners 1970 · Anon. · ms
    • 3 · James Gunn Elected New President · Anon. · ms
    • 4 · New York City. The East Coast Banquet · Jay Kay Klein · ar
    • 6 · New Orleans. The Southern Banquet · Rick Norwood · ar
    • 6 · Berkeley. The West Coast Day Conference and Banquet · Quinn Yarbro · ar
    • 7 · [photographs] · Guy Lillian · pt
    • 8 · Meet the Editor. An Editor’s View of Science Fiction · Alan Ravage · ar
    • 12 · The East Coast Banquet · Anon. · ms
    • 12 · [photographs] · Jay Kay Klein · pt
    • 14 · [photographs] · Anon. · pt
    • 17 · Congresso Europeo di SF · Anon. · ms
    • 18 · A Note from a Former Vice-President · Ron Goulart · ar
    • 19 · Nebula Recommendations · Anon. · ms
    • 20 · Science Fiction in East Germany · Carlos Rusch; translated by Giles R. Hoyt · ar
    • 22 · People and Places · Anon. · cl
    • 23 · Market Report · Anon. · ms

    SFWA Bulletin [v7 #1, #34, July 1971]
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    SFWA Bulletin [v7 #4, #37, 1971]
    • 1 · Ben Bova New Analog Editor, Ace Appoints Frederik Pohl · George Zebrowski & Ben Bova · ar
    • ins. · Late News. Market Report: The Alien Condition · Anon. · ms
    • 3 · Donald A. Wollheim · Donald A. Wollheim · ar
    • 4 · John W. Campbell Memorial Fund · Anon. · ms
    • ins. · Ace Appoints Frederik Pohl · Anon. · ms
    • 5 · From the President · James Gunn · cl
    • 8 · Nebula Recommendations · Anon. · ms
    • 10 · Market Report · Anon. · ms
    • 11 · Copyright II · Douglas N. Mount · ar
    • 16 · Market Report · Anon. · ms

    SFWA Bulletin [v7 #5-6, #38-39, 1972]
    • ins. · Late News. Universe 3 Open · Anon. · ms
    • 1 · 1971 Editorial Gathering · Gordon R. Dickson · ar
    • 2 · From the President · James Gunn · cl
    • 3 · Market Report · Jack Dann & Pamela Sargent · ms
    • 7 · The Wearing Out of Genre Materials · Joanna Russ · ar
    • 19 · Correspondence: How to Know You’re Out of Print · Robert Reginald · ar
    • 20 · Science Fiction Work Out Series: Several Stories Which I never Got Around to Writing and Which I Offer to Any Writer Interested, Part II · Barry N. Malzberg · ar
    • 21 · SFWA Questionnaire · Damon Knight · ar
    • 22 · Science Fiction Bestsellers · Pamela Sargent · ms
    • 23 · From the President · James Gunn · cl
    • 23 · Nebula Recommendations · Anon. · ms
    • 24 · People and Places · Anon. · cl

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