The FictionMags Index
Chronological List
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LANGFORD, DAVID (Rowland) (1953- ) (stories)
- Crankenstein - A Sfinx Serial in thirty-seven horrifying parts (vi) Sfinx #5 1972
- Scourge of Space (ss) Sfinx #9 1974
- Cesspool of Stars (ss) Sfinx #10 1975
- [letter] (lt) Zimri #7 1975
- The Incredible Shrinking World! [with Jon Langford] (cs) Drilkjis #1 1976, etc. [Mac Malsenn]
- Litter (ar) Drilkjis #1 1976
- Two Golden Minutes with Ian Watson (ms) Drilkjis #1 1976
- Concerning (ed) Drilkjis #2 1976, etc.
- Eye Among the Blind, by Robert Holdstock (br) Drilkjis #2 1976
- Jellyfish (ss) Sfinx #11 1976
- People Who Like Books Like This Will Like This Book (ar) Drilkjis #3 1978
- Imbalance (ss) Ad Astra #4 1979
- Its Smart to Have a Welsh Address (ar) Inca #1 1979
- Genocide for Fun and Profit (ar) Drilkjis #4 1979; originally delivered as a speech at Yorcon, Easter 1979.
- Hegira, by Greg Bear (br) Foundation Jan 1980
- St Sebastians Reviews (rc) Drilkjis #5 1980
- Turing Test (ss) Practical Computing Apr 1980
- Law of Conservation (ss) Ad Astra #10 1980
- Legion, by Charles L. Grant (br) Foundation Jun 1980
- Morlock Night, by K.W. Jeter (br) Foundation Jun 1980
- Shadow of Earth, by Phyllis Eisenstein (br) Foundation Jun 1980
- Does Anyone Else Have Something Further to Add?, by R.A. Lafferty (br) Foundation Oct 1980
- Ladies from Hell, by Keith Roberts (br) Foundation Oct 1980
- Lagrange Five, by Mack Reynolds (br) Foundation Oct 1980
- Mayflies, by Kevin ODonnell, Jr. (br) Foundation Oct 1980
- Ring-a-Ring of Ringworld (br) Arena SF #11 1980; review of The Ringworld Engineers, by Larry Niven.
- This House Believes That Characterization Is Not Necessary for Good Science Fiction [with Tim Stannard, Ian Watson, Peter R. Weston & Pamela Bulmer] (ar) Drilkjis #5 1980; transcript of a debate held at Novacon 9, November 1979.
- The Final Days (ss) Destinies v3 #1 1981
- Vulgarity and Nullity (br) Arena SF #12 1981; review of The Number of the Beast, by Robert A. Heinlein.
- Sacrifice (nv) Destinies v3 #2 1981
- Expanded Universe, by Robert A. Heinlein (br) Foundation Oct 1981
- The Spirit of Dorsai, by Gordon R. Dickson (br) Foundation Oct 1981
- The Day of the Triffids, by John Wyndham (br) Extro v1 #1 1982
- Friendly Reflections (ss) Practical Computing Feb 1982
- Split Second, by Garry D. Kilworth (br) Extro v1 #1 1982
- Deathhunter, by Ian Watson (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1982
- Concerning a Number of Things (ed) Drilkjis #6 1982
- Greep! [with Mike Barr] (cs) Extro v1 #2 1982
- Obituary (ob) Extro v1 #2 1982 [Philip K. Dick]
- A Better Mantrap, by Bob Shaw (br) Foundation Jun 1982
- Greep! [with Jim Barker] (cs) Extro v1 #3 1982
- Helliconia Spring, by Brian W. Aldiss (br) Extro v1 #3 1982
- The One Tree, by Stephen R. Donaldson (br) Extro v1 #3 1982
- When the Wind Blows, by Raymond Briggs (br) Extro v1 #3 1982
- Writing and Selling Science Fiction (br) Extro v1 #3 1982
- Hearing Aid (ss) Practical Computing Oct 1982
- The Fantastic Stories of Cornell Woolrich, by Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg (br) Foundation Feb 1983
- Alien Accounts, by John Sladek (br) Science Fiction Review #46 1983
- Too Good to Be (ss) Imagine Jun 1983
- Aurelia, by R.A. Lafferty (br) Foundation Jul 1983
- Duel of Words (ss) Sfinx #2 1983
- Lost Event Horizon (ss) Imagine Mar 1984
- The Distressing Damsel (ss) Amazing Stories Jul 1984
- Wetware (ss) What Micro? Dec 1984
- Cube Root (ss) Interzone Spr 1985
- Midas World, by Frederik Pohl (br) Foundation Spr 1985
- Look at It This Way (pm) Amazing Stories Jul 1985
- The Ball and the Cross, by G.K. Chesterton (br) Foundation Aut 1985
- Equal Rites, by Terry Pratchett (br) Foundation Sum 1987
- Earthdoom [with John Grant] (ex) Grafton Books 1987
- Trillion Year Sneer (ar) Xyster #13 1987; originally presented as a talk at Conspiracy, the 1987 World Science Fiction Convention in Brighton.
- L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman?, by Bent Corydon & L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. (br) Foundation Spr 1988
- Best Foot Forward (ar) 8000 Plus Sep 1988
- Blit (ss) Interzone Sep/Oct 1988 [Blit]
- Eternity, by Greg Bear (br) Foundation Spr 1989
- Proteus Unbound, by Charles Sheffield (br) Foundation Win 1989/90
- Contrivances (ar) Contrivance Programme Book, Contrivance 1989
- Fun with Senseless Violence (ar) Diolch Yn Fawr 1989; adapted from a guest of honour speech delivered at Orycon 11 in Portland, Oregon in 1989.
- Wisdom of the Ancients (ar) Australian Science Fiction Review #20 1989; revised from an earlier version (Focus #15, 1988).
- Dangerous Thoughts (ar) Foundation Sum 1990
- Isaac Asimovs Last Robot Story (vi) Space Bar Jul 1990
- Despatches from the UFO Wars (ar) Interzone Oct 1990
- A Snapshot Album (ss) Interzone Jan 1991
- Thud and Blunder (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #1 1991
- Banned in New York (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #2 1991
- Bound and Gagged (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #3 1991
- Close Encounters? Science and Science Fiction, by Michael Shallis, Michael Shortland & Robert Lambourne (br) Foundation Sum 1991
- The Worst Crime in the World (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #4 1991
- Ancient Images (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #5 1991
- Ernest Bramah: Crime and Chinoiserie (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #5 1991
- The Reader Is Warned (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #6 1991
- Encounter of Another Kind (ss) Interzone Dec 1991
- On the Twilight Edge (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #7 1992
- Blossoms That Coil and Decay (ss) Interzone Mar 1992
- Gorey Stories (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #8 1992
- Ask Aunty Agonistes (fa) Nexus Spr 1992
- The Rest of Chesterton (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #9 1992
- One Side Laughing: Stories Unlike Other Stories, by Damon Knight (br) Foundation Sum 1992
- Tell Me the Old, Old Story (ar) Quantum Sum/Fll 1992; delivered as a speech at Boskone 29.
- A Stout Fellow (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #10 1992
- A Gadget Too Far (ar) New Worlds 2, ed. David S. Garnett, Gollancz 1992
- Ansible Link (cl) Interzone Aug 1992, etc.
- Notes & Queries (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #11 1992
- The Missing Bits (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #12 1992
- The Editor My Destination (ar) Quantum Spr/Sum 1993
- Owl Stuffing Time (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #14 1993
- What the Black Holes Foretell (ar) Nexus Spr 1993
- Lord Kelvins Machine, by James P. Blaylock (br) Foundation Spr 1994
- Inside Outside (ar) New Worlds 4, ed. David Garnett, Gollancz 1994
- Engineman, by Eric Brown (br) Foundation Win 1994/95
- The Net of Babel (ss) Interzone Feb 1995
- Ansible Hyperlink (vi) Interzone Apr 1995
- The Spear of the Sun (ss) Interzone Oct 1996 [Father Brown]
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