The FictionMags Index
Chronological List
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KILWORTH, GARRY (Douglas) (1941- ) (stories)
- Reaching Out (ss) Science Fiction Monthly v3 #3 1976
- S.P.S.P.: Society for the Protection of Small Persons (ar) Drilkjis #3 1978
- Toomeys Circus (ss) Ad Astra #6 1979
- The Man Who Collected Bridges (ss) Amazing Stories May 1980
- Lord of the Dance (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Nov 1980
- The Rose Bush (ss) Ad Astra #13 1980
- The Invisible Foe (ss) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Jan 18 1982
- Almost Heaven (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Feb 1982
- Ascendancies, by D.G. Compton (br) Extro v1 #1 1982
- Sumi Dreams of a Paper Frog (ss) Extro v1 #1 1982
- Blind Windows (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jul 1982
- Scarlet Fever (ss) Extro v1 #3 1982
- The Dissemblers (ss) Interzone Aut 1982
- In Praise of Aliens (ar) Drilkjis #6 1982; originally delivered as a talk to the Birmingham SF Group in May 1981.
- Confessions of a Bradbury Eater (ar) Foundation Nov 1983
- Spiral Winds (ss) Interzone Aut 1984
- The Songbirds of Pain (ss) The Songbirds of Pain, Gollancz 1984
- The Final Assassin (ss) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Jan 1985
- The Lost Garden of Enid Blyton, Beatrix Potter, Lucy Atwell and the Rest of the Lads of the 32nd Parachute Regiment (ss) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Mar 1985
- The Thunder of the Captains (ss) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Jun 1985
- Image in a Dark Glass (ss) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Jul/Aug 1985
- The Vivarium (ss) Interzone Spr 1986
- Hobblythick Lane (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jul 1986
- Angels Eyes (ss) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Aug 1986
- Paper Moon (ss) Omni Jan 1987
- The Light of the World (ss) Opus Quarterly Spr 1987
- Feral Moon (ss) The Fiction Magazine Jul/Aug 1987
- Dop*elgan*er (ss) Interzone Aut 1987
- The Looking-Glass Man (ss) Omni Mar 1988
- [letter] (lt) Interzone Sep/Oct 1988, etc.
- Ifurin and the Fat Man (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Mar 1989
- The Mens Room (ss) Interzone May/Jun 1989
- Bowmen in the Mist (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jun 1989
- Filming the Making of the Film of the Making of Fitzcarraldo (ss) In the Hollow of the Deep-Sea Wave, The Bodley Head 1989
- Island with the Stink of Ghosts (ss) In the Hollow of the Deep-Sea Wave, The Bodley Head 1989
- Truman Capotes Trilby: The Facts (ss) Back Brain Recluse #15 1990
- Surfing Spanish Style (ss) The Gate #2 1990
- In the Country of Tattooed Men (ss) Omni Sep 1990
- Networks (ss) Fantasy Tales, #5, ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson 1990
- The Lost Garden of Enid Blyton, Beatrix Potter, Lucy Atwell and the Rest of the Lads of the 32nd Parachute Regiment (cs) Orbit: The Best of Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine #3 1990; adapted from the story of the same name (Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine, March 1985).; adapted by Fred Burke.
- The Lost Garden of Enid Blyton, Beatrix Potter, Lucy Atwell and the Rest of the Lads of the 32nd Parachute Regiment [with Fred Burke] (cs) Orbit: The Best of Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine #3 1990; adapted from the story of the same name (Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine, March 1985).
- Hamelin, Nebraska (ss) Interzone Jun 1991
- The Ragthorn [with Robert Holdstock] (nv) A Whisper of Blood, ed. Ellen Datlow, Morrow 1991
- Home (ss) Works #8 1992
- Memories of the Flying Ball Bike Shop (nv) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Jun 1992
- The Sculptor (nv) Interzone Jun 1992
- On Animal Fantasy (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #11 1992
- My Lady Lygia (ss) R.E.M #2 1992
- 1948 (ss) Strange Plasma #5 1992
- Fossils (ss) Interzone Mar 1993
- Punctuated Evolution (ss) Crank! #1 1993
- Black Drongo (ss) Omni May 1994
- Nerves of Steel (ss) New Worlds 4, ed. David Garnett, Gollancz 1994
- Wayang Kulit (ss) Interzone Dec 1994
- Waiting by the Corpse (ss) Maelstrom Feb/Jul 1995
- Singing Rock (ss) Kimota #4 1996
- The Council of Beasts (ss) Interzone Sep 1996
- Somethings Wrong with the Sofa (vi) The Edge #4 1997
- Attack of the Charlie Chaplins (ss) New Worlds, ed. David Garnett, White Wolf 1997
- Moby Jack (ss) The Edge #6 1997/98
- We Are the Music Makers (ss) infinity plus Jun 1998
- Paris by Night [with Scott Baker, Susan Casper & Gwyneth Jones] (nv) Event Horizon Oct 15 1998
- The Bare Rock and the Vulture (iv) Interzone Oct 1998 [Gwyneth Jones]
- Mirrors (ss) Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, HarperPrism 1998
- Shadow-Hawk (ex) infinity plus Jul 1999
- Death of the Mocking Man (ss) Interzone Sep 1999
- Bonsai Tiger (ss) Spectrum SF #1 2000
- The Green Man Tennis Club (ss) infinity plus Jul 2002
- Dip a Pen in Your Heart and Write! (ob) Interzone Aug 2002 [Richard Cowper]
- Murders in the White Garden (ss) Postscripts Spr 2005
- 12 Men Born of Woman (ss) Postscripts Spr 2006
- Atlantic Crossing (ss) Postscripts Sum 2008
- The Fabulous Beast (ss) BFS Journal Spr 2012
- The Short Story (ar) BFS Journal Aut 2012
- Chasing Gaia (ss) Breakout, ed. Nick Gevers, PS Publishing 2015
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