The FictionMags Index
Chronological List
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CARTER, LIN (stories) (continued)
- Tsathoggua (pm) Amra v2 #32 1965
- Uncollected Works (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Mar 1965
- The Unspeakable (pm) Amra v2 #32 1965
- Abdul Alhazred (pm) Amra v2 #39 1966
- Lost Rlyeh (pm) Amra v2 #39 1966
- The Return (pm) Amra v2 #39 1966
- The Silver Key (pm) Amra v2 #39 1966
- Unknown Kadath (pm) Amra v2 #39 1966
- Our Man in Fandom (cl) If Apr 1966
- An APA for Everyone (ar) If May 1966
- Diombars Song of the Last Battle (pm) Amra v2 #40 1966 [Thongor]
- Fan Clubs U.S.A. (ar) If Jun 1966
- A Sorcerous Scroll (br) Amra v2 #40 1966; review of Spirits, Stars, and Spells, by L. Sprague de Camp & Catherine Crook de Camp.
- The Gods of Neol-Shendis (ss) Amra v2 #41 1966
- Science Fictions Holiday (ar) If Jul 1966
- Conventions Galore (ar) If Aug 1966
- How to Live Like a Slan (ar) If Sep 1966
- Handy Phrase-Book in Fannish (ar) If Oct 1966
- Crown of Stars (nv) Worlds of Tomorrow Nov 1966 [Hautley Quicksilver]
- Science-Fiction Fanways (ar) If Nov 1966
- The Other Fandoms (ar) If Dec 1966
- Still More Fandoms (ar) If Jan 1967
- The Fan Awards (ar) If Feb 1967
- The Hugo and the Nebula (ar) If Mar 1967
- Thief of Llarn, by Gardner F. Fox (br) Amra v2 #43 1967
- Its New York in 67! (ar) If Apr 1967
- SF Superclubs (ar) If May 1967
- The N3F and Others (ar) If Jun 1967
- The Purpose of Fandom (ar) If Jul 1967
- Fan Into Pro (ar) If Aug 1967
- Friday at the Fanoclasts (ar) If Sep 1967
- Fans Down Under (ar) If Oct 1967
- Fandom in Europe Today (ar) If Dec 1967
- Scroll of Maghreb (br) Amra v2 #45 1967; review of Tales of Maghrebinia, by Gregor von Rezzori.
- Foreign Fandom (ar) If Jan 1968
- The Writing of Conan of the Isles (ar) Deeper Than You Think... Jan 1968
- At Nycon #3 (ar) If Mar 1968
- Limericks: Barsoomian (pm) Amra v2 #46 1968
- Meanwhile, Back at the Worldcon... (ar) If Apr 1968
- The Sorceress of Qar, by Ted White (br) Amra v2 #46 1968
- New Currents in Fandom (ar) If May 1968
- More Conan Due (ar) Science Fiction Times Jun 1968
- The Accursed (pm) Amra v2 #47 1968
- Beyond (pm) Amra v2 #47 1968
- The Book of Eibon (pm) Amra v2 #47 1968
- The Elder Age (pm) Amra v2 #47 1968
- Hyperborea (pm) Amra v2 #47 1968
- The Million Favored Ones (pm) Amra v2 #47 1968
- The Peaks Beyond Throk (pm) Amra v2 #47 1968
- Spawn of the Black Goat (pm) Amra v2 #47 1968
- Overscroll (br) Amra v2 #48 1968; review of The Eyes of the Overworld, by Jack Vance.
- Anent SAGA (lt) Amra v2 #49 1968
- Swackle on Alpha-Centaurian-Hacking (lt) Amra v2 #49 1968
- Conan and the Cenotaph [with L. Sprague de Camp] (ss) Worlds of Fantasy v1 #1 1968 [Conan]
- Under the Eaves (ss) The Arkham Collector Sum 1969
- A Guide to the City (vi) Fantastic Oct 1969
- Scroll on Theratlantis (br) Amra v2 #51 1969; review of Voyage to Atlantis, by James W. Mavor, Jr..
- To Clark Ashton Smith (pm) The Arkham Collector Win 1970
- Barsoomian Antecedents (lt) Amra v2 #52 1970
- Brak the Barbarian, by John W. Jakes (br) Amra v2 #52 1970
- The Players of Hell, by Dave van Arnam (br) Amra v2 #52 1970
- Sword of the Dawn, by Michael Moorcock (br) Amra v2 #52 1970
- All Hallows Eve (pm) The Arkham Collector Sum 1970
- Black Thirst (pm) The Arkham Collector Win 1971
- The Forgotten (pm) Witchcraft & Sorcery #5 1971
- The Doom of Yakthoob (vi) The Arkham Collector Sum 1971
- A Day in Derleth Country (ar) Is Oct 1971
- In Defense of Heroes (ar) Amra v2 #55 1971
- The Real Hyborean Age (ar) Amra v2 #56 1972
- The Witch of the Mists [with L. Sprague de Camp] (nv) Fantastic Aug 1972 [Conan]
- Death-Song of Conan the Cimmerian (pm) The Howard Collector #17 1972
- Black Sphinx of Nebthu [with L. Sprague de Camp] (nv) Fantastic Jul 1973 [Conan]
- Digging Up Atlantis (ar) The Haunt of Horror Aug 1973
- Nameless Gods and Entities: Robert E. Howards Contribution to the Cthulhu Mythos (ar) The Howard Collector #18 1973
- Of Hobbits, Heroes, & Ego-Boo (br) Amra v2 #60 1973; review of Master of Middle Earth: The Fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, by Paul H. Kocher.
- The Utmost Abomination [with Clark Ashton Smith] (ss) Weird Tales Fll 1973
- The Double Tower [with Clark Ashton Smith] (ss) Weird Tales Win 1973
- Notes on the Making of Khymyrium (ar) Anduril Jul 1974
- Red Moon of Zembawei [with L. Sprague de Camp] (nv) Fantastic Jul 1974 [Conan]
- Black Hawk of Valkarth (ss) Fantastic Sep 1974 [Thongor]
- The City of Pillars (ss) Kadath #1 1974
- Shadows in the Skull [with L. Sprague de Camp] (nv) Fantastic Feb 1975 [Conan]
- The Tower of Time [with Robert E. Howard] (ss) Fantastic Jun 1975 [James Allison]
- The Scroll of Morloc [with Clark Ashton Smith] (ss) Fantastic Oct 1975
- The City in the Jewel (nv) Fantastic Dec 1975 [Thongor]
- People of the Dragon (ss) Fantastic Feb 1976
- The Stairs in the Crypt [with Clark Ashton Smith] (ss) Fantastic Aug 1976
- Black Moonlight (nv) Fantastic Nov 1976 [Thongor]
- L. Sprague de Camp: Quixote with a Pen (ar) Fantastic Jun 1977
- The Pillars of Hell (ss) Fantastic Dec 1977
- The Thing in the Pit (ss) Lost Worlds, DAW 1980
- Dreams in the House of Weir (nv) Weird Tales #1, ed. Lin Carter, Zebra 1981
- Editorial (ed) Weird Tales #1, ed. Lin Carter, Zebra 1981
- The Light from the Pole [with Clark Ashton Smith] (ss) Weird Tales #1, ed. Lin Carter, Zebra 1981
- The Descent Into the Abyss [with Clark Ashton Smith] (nv) Weird Tales #2, ed. Lin Carter, Zebra 1981
- Introduction (in) Weird Tales #2, ed. Lin Carter, Zebra 1981
- Something in the Moonlight (nv) Weird Tales #2, ed. Lin Carter, Zebra 1981
- The Eyrie (in) Weird Tales #3, ed. Lin Carter, Zebra 1981
- The Winfield Inheritance (nv) Weird Tales #3, ed. Lin Carter, Zebra 1981
- The Laughter of Han (vi) Fantasy Tales #9 1982
- The Offering (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #7 1982
- Limericks from Yuggoth (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #12 1983
- Contra Capronam (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #14 1983
- The Vengeance of Yig (ss) Weird Tales #4, ed. Lin Carter, Zebra 1983
- More Limericks from Yuggoth (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #18 1983
- For the Blood Is the Life (ss) Risque Stories #1 1984 [Tara]
- The Thing Under Memphis (vi) Crypt of Cthulhu #22 1984
- The Book of Eibon: The Unbegotten Source (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #23 1984
- Confessions of the Mad Monk Clithanus: The Incantation of the Elder Sign (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #23 1984
- The Necronomicon: Concerning Them from Outside (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #23 1984
- The Love of the Sea (vi) Risque Stories #2 1984 [Tara]
- The Feaster from the Stars [with Clark Ashton Smith] (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #26 1984
- Susran (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #26 1984
- The Vault Beneath the Mosque (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #29 1985
- Mnomquah (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #31 1985
- Pale Shadow (vi) Risque Stories #3 1985 [Tara]
- The Acolyte of the Flame (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #36 1985
- High Atlantis (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #36 1985
- A Response (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #36 1985
- The Stone from Mnar (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #36 1985
- The Madness Out of Time (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #39 1986 [Azathoth]
- Murder in Space (ss) Astro-Adventures #1 1987 [Hautley Quicksilver]
- Digging Up Irem (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #45 1987
- Behind the Mask (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #47 1987
- Dreams of the Black Lotus (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #48 1987
- From the Vaults of Yoh-Vombis (cl) Crypt of Cthulhu #48 1987, etc.
- Corsairs of the Cosmos (ss) Astro-Adventures #2 1987 [Star Pirate]
- The Benevolence of Yib (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #51 1987
- Still More Limericks from Yuggoth (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #51 1987
- Ghosts of Ganymede (ss) Astro-Adventures #3 1988 [Star Pirate]
- And Yet Even Still More Limericks from Yuggoth (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #53 1988
- Dead of Night (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #54 1988 [Anton Zarnak]
- The Fishers from Outside (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #54 1988
- From the Archives of the Moon (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #54 1988
- How Ghuth Would Have Hunted the Silth (vi) Crypt of Cthulhu #54 1988
- Papyrus of the Dark Wisdom [with Clark Ashton Smith] (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #54 1988
- Planet in Peril (nv) Astro-Adventures #4 1988 [Star Pirate]
- The Secret in the Parchment (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #54 1988
- The Shadow from the Stars (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #54 1988
- Strange Manuscript Found in the Vermont Woods (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #54 1988
- How Her Doom Came Down at Last on Adrazoon (vi) Crypt of Cthulhu #57 1988
- Perchance to Dream (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #56 1988 [Anton Zarnak]
- Fear (pm) Spectral Tales #1 1988
- Walpurgisnacht (pm) Weird Tales Fll 1988
- The Thievery of Yish (vi) Fantasy Tales, v.10 #1, ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson 1988
- Beyond the Worlds We Know (uw) Astro-Adventures #5 1988, etc. [Star Pirate]
- Death of an Angel (ss) Two-Fisted Detective Stories #2 1988
- Black Stars in the Skulls of Doom (vi) Crypt of Cthulhu #61 1988
- Mu (pm) Weird Tales Win 1988/89
- Sabbat Eve (pm) Weird Tales Win 1988/89
- A Swordsman of Mars (uw) Astro-Adventures #8 1989 [Barsoom]
- A Bottle of Djinn (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #69 1989
- Druid Hill (pm) Spectral Tales #2 1989
- The Great Old Ones (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #69 1989
- The Strange Doom of Enos Harker (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #69 1989
- Sweet Tooth (vi) Crypt of Cthulhu #69 1989
- Terror Wears Yellow (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #69 1989
- The Bell in the Tower [with H. P. Lovecraft] (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #69 1989; written by Carter from a fragment by Lovecraft (The Descendant, Leaves No. 2 (Winter 1938)).
- Ékkő a toronyban [with L. Sprague de Camp] (ss) Fantasy Magazin 1989; translated from the English (The Gem in the Tower, Conan the Swordsman, 1978); translated by Baranyi Gyula.
- Concerning Them from Outside (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- If Ye Would Raise the Dead (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- The Liers-in-Wait (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- The Ninth Verse That Summoneth Yog-Sothoth (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of Calling Up That Which You Cannot Put Down (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of Foul Necromancy (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of Ib, and the Vengeance Thereof (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of Koth, and the Sign of Koth (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of Leng and the Mysteries Thereof (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of Opening the Door to Yog-Sothoth (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of That Which Is Foretold of Their Return (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of That Which Is Needful to Sorcery (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of the Coming Hence of the Old Ones (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of the Dream-Gates (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of the Five-Pointed Star Carven of Grey Stone (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of the Old Ones and the Favors They Bestow (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of the Powers of the Moon (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of the Powers of the Sorcerer (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of the Several Modes to Enforce the Dismissal (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of the Signs of Hnaa (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of the Times and Seasons to Be Observed (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of the Worlds Beyond this World, and the Modes of Travel (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of Them from Outside and Their Spawn (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Of Tindalos, and the Hounds Thereof (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- The Openers of the Way (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- The Peril That Lurketh Beyond Time (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- The Punishment of the Old Ones (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- The Ritual of the Silver Key (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Somewhat of the Gates That Open to Beyond (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Those That Aid the Unnamable Devourers (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- To Send Back Down That Which Ye Have Called Up (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Umr At-Tawil (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #70 1990
- Margus and Zekander (ss) Fungi Spr 1996
- Khymyrium (ex) Fungi Fll 1996, etc.
- Cthulhu & Co. (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #95 1997
- The Light in the East (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #95 1997
- The Burrowers Beneath (ss) Cthulhu Cultus #6 1997
- The Doom of Enos Harker [with Laurence J. Cornford] (ss) Nightscapes #2 1997; based on the fragment The Strange Doom of Enos Harker by Lin Carter.
- About Lin Carter (bg) Fungi Sum 1998
- Mooreeffoc (pm) Fungi Sum 1998
- The Demon Star (vi) Crypt of Cthulhu #99 1998
- October (pm)
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