The FictionMags Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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SERLING, ROD (chron.) (continued)
- * The Midnight Sun, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Dec 1981; broadcast on November 17, 1961.
- * The Mighty Casey, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Jul/Aug 1985; broadcast June 17, 1960.
- * Mirror Image, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Jan/Feb 1984; broadcast February 26, 1960.
- * The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine May 1981; broadcast on March 4, 1960.
- * Mr. Dingle, The Strong, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Mar/Apr 1984; broadcast February 3, 1961.
- * My Most Memorable Christmas, (ar) My Most Memorable Christmas, ed. Gerald Walker, Pocket Books 1963
- * The Night of the Meek, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Jan 1982; broadcast on December 23, 1960.
- * Notes for a Twilight Zone Movie, (ar) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Mar/Apr 1983
- * The Obsolete Man, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Apr 1989; broadcast on CBS television, June 2, 1961.
- * The Odyssey of Flight 33, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Aug 1981; broadcast February 24, 1961.
- * One for the Angels, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Jan/Feb 1983; broadcast on October 9, 1959.
- * A Passage for Trumpet, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Mar 1982; broadcast on May 20, 1960.
- * The Purple Testament, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Oct 1985; broadcast February 12, 1960.
- * A Quality of Mercy, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Nov 1982; broadcast on December 29, 1961.
- * The Rip Van Winkle Caper, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Jun 1986; broadcast April 21, 1961.
- * Showdown with Rance McGrew, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Apr 1986; broadcast February 2, 1962.
- * A Stop at Willoughby, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Feb 1982; broadcast on May 6, 1960.
- * A Thing About Machines, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Dec 1985; broadcast October 28, 1960.
- * Time Enough at Last, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Sep 1981; broadcast November 20, 1959.
- * To Serve Man, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Sep/Oct 1984; broadcast March 2, 1982. Based on the story by Damon Knight.
- * The Trade-Ins, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Aug 1982; broadcast on April 20, 1962.
- * Walking Distance, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Apr 1981; broadcast October 30, 1959.
- * Where Is Everybody?, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Mar/Apr 1985; broadcast October 2, 1959.
- * Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up, (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Feb 1986; broadcast May 26, 1961.
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- * Be Careful What You Ask For...: Serling, Bradbury and Beaumont by Roger Anker, (ar) Dark Discoveries Sum 2009
- * The Changing of the Guard by Anne Serling-Sutton, (sa) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Jan/Feb 1985
- * The Evolution of a Pioneer: Why Rod Serling Entered The Twilight Zone by Tony Albarella, (ar) Dark Discoveries Sum 2009
- * The Facts of Life by Linda Brevelle, (iv) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Apr 1982
- * Fourteen Ghosts in The Twilight Zone by Rick Kennett, (ar) All Hallows #17 1998
- * More Stories from the Twilight Zone reviewed by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Jan 1962
- * Rod Serling Viewed from Beyond The Twilight Zone by Andrew Sarris, (bg)
- * Rod Serling by William F. Nolan, (iv)
- * Rod Serling: Articulating the American Nightmare by Jason V. Brock, (ar) Dark Discoveries Sum/Fll 2010
- * Rod Serling: First Citizen of the Twilight Zone by Marc Scott Zicree, (bg) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Apr 1981, uncredited.
- * Rod Serling: First Citizen of the Twilight Zone, uncredited, (bg) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Apr 1981
- * Stories from The Twilight Zone reviewed by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog May 1961
- * Théâtre: lombre de Rod Serling by Luc Pomerleau, (mr) Solaris #82 1989
SERNINE, DANIEL; pseudonym of Alain Lortie, (1955- ); (about) (chron.)
- * Agonie en trois exemplaires, (ss) Requiem #11 1976
- * Les Amis de monsieur Soon, (nv) Solaris #50 1983
- * Atelier décriture 80, (ar) Solaris #34 1980
- * La Bande Dessinee:
* ___ (3) Le Scénario & Le Decoupage (with Luc Pomerleau), (ar) Solaris #43 1982
- * Boréal 87 (with Luc Pomerleau), (ar) Solaris #77 1988
- * Boréal: Un Reportage (with Joël Champetier), (ar) Solaris #53 1983
- * La Bouteille, (ss) Requiem #5 1975
- * Brève aventure de Gonzague Préjudice, (ss) Requiem #14 1977
- * Capsules, (ms) Solaris #53 1983
- * Capsules (with Luc Pomerleau), (ms) Solaris #92 1990
- * Challenger: vous allez mourir là-haut, (ar) Solaris #66 1986
- * Le Coffret, (ss) Requiem #10 1976
- * Colloque du Groupe de recherches interdisciplinaires sur les littératures fantastiques dans limaginaire québécois (with Élisabeth Vonarburg), (ar) Solaris #91 1990
- * Deuxième Festival international de Cinéma fantastique de Montréal, (ar) Solaris #107 1993
- * Écrire pour son plaisir, (ar) Solaris #31 1980
- * Édito 2 (with Joël Champetier, Claude Janelle, Charles Montpetit, Luc Pomerleau & Élisabeth Vonarburg, (ed) Solaris #53 1983
- * Éditorial, (ed) Solaris #57 1984, #67 1986
- * Entrevue avec Stéphane Nicot, (iv) Solaris #57 1984
- * Entrevue: Élisabeth Vonarburg (with Louise Alain & Joël Champetier, (iv) Solaris #106 1993
- * Entrevue: Jacques Brossard (with Luc Pomerleau), (iv) Solaris #90 1990
- * Entrevue: Jean-Pierre Hubert, (iv) Solaris #59 1985
- * Entrevue: Norbert Spehner (with Julie Martel), (iv) Solaris #104 1993
- * Entrevue: Yves Meynard ou la poésie des mots (with Julie Martel), (iv) Solaris #109 1994
- * Exode 4, (nv) Solaris #35, #36 1980
- * Exode 5, (nv) Requiem #18 1977
- * Le Festival international du cinéma fantastique de Montréal, (ar) Solaris #104 1993
- * Fragments dun univers tourmenté, (ar) Solaris #105 1993
- * La Fresque aux trois démons, (ss) Requiem #23 1978
- * Hansval de Troie (with Bernard Jacques), (cs) Solaris #39, #41 1981, #44 1982
- * Hansval de Troie (3) (with Bernard Jacques), (cs) Solaris #42 1981
- * Historique de la SFQ (loger version of the preceeding article «La Science-Fiction Québécoise» ), (ar) Solaris #79 1988
- * Jalbert, (ss) Requiem #5 1975
- * Les Littéranautes (with Jean-Philippe Gervais), (cl) Solaris #103 1992
- * Les Littéranautes (with Joël Champetier), (cl) Solaris #147 2003
- * Loin des vertes prairies, (nv) Solaris #48 1982
- * Le Masque, (ss) Solaris #40 1981
- * Ministère de la Culture et Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, (ed) Solaris #102 1992
- * Monsieur Olier devient ministre, (nv) Solaris #73 1987
- * Néons roses et bleus dans un salon désert (Part of Ailleurs a previous story, already published), (ss) Solaris #104 1993
- * Nocturne, (nv) Solaris #28 1979
- * Nuits blanches, (nv) Solaris #81 1988
- * Pleine lune sur Atlantic: entretien avec Daniel Roby, (iv) Solaris #149 2004
- * Pluies amères, (nv) Solaris #100 1992
- * Le Scénario & Le Decoupage (with Luc Pomerleau), (ar) Solaris #43 1982
- * Science-Fiction et Fantastique au Quebec (with Claude Janelle), (cl) Solaris #43 1982
- * Le Sérieux dans la fantasy, (ar) Solaris #64 1985
- * SF québécoise et SF canadienne: trajectoires parallèles? Réflexions sur Con-cept 1990, (ar) Solaris #94 1990
- * SFC et SFQ: Trajectoires convergentes? (with Élisabeth Vonarburg), (ar) Solaris #75 1987
- * Souvenirs de lumière, (ss) Solaris #138 2001
- * Théâtre: Les choix de Maître Samsagace, (ar) Solaris #66 1986
- * La Tour du silence, (ss) Requiem #7 1975
- * Tribune libre: la Voie du Milieu, (lc) Solaris #94 1990
- * Les Zines et les autres (with Luc Pomerleau & Élisabeth Vonarburg, (cl) Solaris #74 1987
_____, reviews:
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- * Bountiful (with Scott H. Urban), (pm) Bare Bone #3 2002
- * A Collector of Literature, (ss) Cthulhu Cultus #7 1997
- * Coming, (ss) Cthulhu Sex v1 #23 2002
- * The Complex, (pm) Cthulhu Sex v2 #23 2006
- * Daddys Little Girl, (ss) Bare Bone #2 2002
- * Dark Footnotes (with D. F. Lewis), (ss) Dread #9 1999
- * Flesh (with Scott H. Urban), (pm) Mindmares Sum 1998
- * Fun & Games, (pm) Penny Dreadful #6 1998
- * The Grand Host, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse Win 2001
- * (He Believes) (with D. F. Lewis), (vi) Mindmares Win 1998
- * I Sit, (pm) Vampire Dans Story Emporium #5 1998
- * Immaculate Flesh It Is Not (Homage to Frankenstein), (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse Aut 1997
- * The Magical Dull Magic of an Introduction, (in) Yellow Bat Review Fll 2001
- * A Midnight Walker, (pm) Penny Dreadful #7 1998
- * Moment of Grace (with John Sweet), (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse Sum 1999
- * Nothing Left to Give, (pm) Yellow Bat Review Fll 2002
- * Quiet, (pm) Penny Dreadful #7 1998
- * Rats, (ss) The Blue Lady #7 1997
- * The Red Death & I, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse Win 1997
- * Relaxation, (pm) Penny Dreadful #7 1998
- * Sketch Pad, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse Sum 1997
- * There Are Ten Parks in This Town, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse Sum 1998
- * Vagari in Dementia Nos (with Greg Vance), (pm) Mindmares Win 1998
- * Visions, on the Apocalyptic Scale, (pm) Penny Dreadful #6 1998
- * [haiku], (pm) Yellow Bat Review Fll 2001
- * [haiku], (pm) Flesh & Blood v2 #9 2002
_____, ed.
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