Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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URQUHART, PAUL (chron.) (continued)
- * The Legacy of Terror, (ss) Detective Weekly Aug 17 1935
- * The Man They Couldnt Kill, (ss) Detective Weekly Jun 8 1935
- * The Man who Sold Secrets, (na) Detective Weekly Oct 12 1935
- * Mr. Kilmer Sees Red [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #396 1933; also as Mr. Smith Gang Smasher.
- * Mr. Smith Gang Smasher [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #396 1933, as Mr. Kilmer Sees Red.
- * The Mystery at Moat Farm [Sexton Blake], (na) Detective Weekly Sep 15 1934
- * The Mystery of the 13th Chest [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #315 1931; also as The Riddle of the Royal Oak, uncredited.
- * The Mystery of the Murdered Bookmaker, (na) Detective Weekly Feb 1 1936
- * The Mystery of the Red Barn [Sexton Blake], (na) Detective Weekly Apr 21 1934
- * Sinister Villa [Sexton Blake], (na) Detective Weekly May 12 1934
- * The Vicarage Murder Case [Sexton Blake], (na) Detective Weekly Feb 23 1935
- * Who Killed the Sergeant Major?, (ss) Detective Weekly Jul 20 1935
VACHSS, ANDREW (Henry) (1942- ) (chron.)
- * Alibi, (ss) Born Bad, Black Lizard 1994
- * Big Sister [Underground], (vi) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jul 1999
- * Born Bad, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jun 1992
- * Chocolate Bar, (ss) Hardboiled #19 1994
- * Choice of Weapons, (ss) The Strand Magazine #28 2009
- * Cough, (vi) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Aug 1989
- * Cripple [Cross], (vi) Hardboiled Detective #10 1990
- * Dope Fiend [Underground], (ss) Everybody Pays, Vintage 1999
- * Family Resemblance, (vi) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jan 1990
- * Joyride, (vi) Cemetery Dance #7 1991
- * Mad Dog [Cross], (ss) The Armchair Detective Win 1990
- * Perp Walk [Underground], (vi) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Dec 1996
- * A Piece of the City, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Feb 2003
- * Pigeon Drop [Cross], (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Sep 1999
- * Placebo, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Mar 1989
- * Theyre All Alike, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Sep/Oct 2001
- * Two-Way Radio [Cross], (ss) Hardboiled #24 1998; reprint from Das Magazin, in Switzerland; first appearance in English language.
- * Value Received [Cross], (vi) Hardboiled #10 1989
- * Warlord, (pl) New Mystery v1 #1 1991
- * White Alligator, (vi) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Apr 1990
_____, reviews:
_____, [ref.]
VALE, DERWENT (fl. 1960s-1970s) (chron.)
- * Checkmate and Checkmate, Says Toni [Toni Blake], (nv) London Mystery Selection #110 1976
- * Picture of Value [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #83 1969
- * Red Rose in the Coffin [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #84 1970
- * Ski for Your Life, Toni! [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #91 1971
- * TargetParis [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #81 1969
- * To Hijack a Lorry [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #85 1970
- * Toni and Salvation [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #99 1973
- * Toni and the Saladins [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #98 1973
- * Toni and the Yellow Hats [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #103 1974
- * Toni and Two Assassins [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #96 1973
- * Toni Celebrates the Fifth Day of the Fifth Moon [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #93 1972
- * Toni Doesnt Know Which Side She Is On [Toni Blake], (nv) London Mystery Selection #107 1975
- * Toni Enraged [Toni Blake], (nv) London Mystery Selection #90 1971
- * Toni Has a Pricking in Her Thumbs [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #97 1973
- * Toni Has Ten Seconds [Toni Blake], (nv) London Mystery Selection #95 1972
- * Toni in the Flea Market [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #100 1974
- * Toni Is Guilty of Graffiti [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #105 1975
- * Toni Makes the Punishment Fit the Crime [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #104 1975
- * Toni or Somebody Else? [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #102 1974
- * Toni Rescues a Paul Klee [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #89 1971
- * Toni Rides a Tiger [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #106 1975
- * Toni Smuggles Chianti [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #88 1971
- * Toni Takes a Hornets Nest [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #101 1974
- * Toni Takes the Pushers [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #82 1969
- * Toni Wins at Roulette [Toni Blake], (ss) London Mystery Selection #86 1970
- * Toni Works the Ullyses Trick [Toni Blake], (nv) London Mystery Selection #94 1972
- * Tonis Odyssey [Toni Blake], (nv) London Mystery Selection #87 1970
- * Tonis Rendezvous on Galata Bridge [Toni Blake], (nv) London Mystery Selection #92 1972
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