Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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UMPHREY, WALLACE (chron.) (continued)
- * Death Lives Here!, (nv) New Detective Magazine Mar 1948
- * Death on Dames!, (nv) Detective Tales Feb 1950
- * Five Tickets to Hell, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Dec 1939
- * The Floating Sepulcher, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Jan 1941
- * G-Guts, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Jan 1940
- * G-Heat, (nv) F.B.I. Detective Stories Aug 1949
- * The Grim Reapers Audition, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Apr 1941
- * Hell and a Hundred Grand, (ss) New Detective Magazine May 1947
- * Hells Ante-Chamber, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Sep 1940
- * Henpecked Hideout, (ss) 15 Story Detective Feb 1951
- * Homicide Hunch, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Feb 1941
- * Inquisition by Night, (ss) Shock May 1948
- * The Jade Monster, (nv) Ten Detective Aces Sep 1941
- * Just a Bullet Between Friends, (ss) New Detective Magazine May 1950
- * Killer, Come Home!, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Feb 1953
- * Killers Carnival, (nv) Detective Story Magazine Jan 1953
- * Married to Mischief, (nv) Popular Detective Jul 1952
- * The Monkey Off His Back, (ss) Thrilling Detective Jun 1952
- * Portrait of Murder, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Oct 1939
- * The Quick and the Dead, (ss) New Detective Magazine Mar 1947
- * Reprieve for the Damned, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Apr 1947
- * Satans Postman, (ss) Ten Detective Aces May 1940
- * Stop, Look and Murder!, (ss) Detective Tales Jul 1947
- * Suicide in Spades, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Oct 1951
UMSTED, E. O. (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Agnes Does Not Live Here Anymore, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jan 6 1940
- * Boom-Town Bum, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Mar 11 1939
- * Bullet Bonus, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Sep 1940
- * Death Registers a Complaint, (ss) Clues Detective Stories Sep 1942
- * Dont Fiddle with Murder, (ss) Exciting Detective Win 1941
- * Dont Mention Murder, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Nov 25 1939
- * Finger in the Flood, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Feb 11 1939
- * Hush Money Talks, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine May 1942
- * I Collect Scars, (ss) Red Star Detective Jun 1940
- * I Dig Up Dirt, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Sep 30 1939
- * Jinx, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jan 27 1940
- * League of Broken Bones, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jan 14 1939
- * Moonlight Saving, (ss) Exciting Detective Fll 1940
- * Murders Spotlight, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Aug 1940
- * The Quick and the Deadly, (ss) Detective Fiction Jan 1951
- * Shipshape, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Sep 9 1939
- * Suicide Specialist, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Oct 1940
- * System, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jul 8 1939
- * Thursday Closing, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Oct 28 1939
UNATIN, DON; pseudonym of Bud Ampolsk, (1923?- ); other pseudonym Bill Ryder (chron.)
- * Brides for the Devils Cauldron, (nv) Shock Mystery Tales Magazine Dec 1961
- * Call My Hearse Now!, (nv) Off Beat Detective Stories Nov 1958
- * The Creep!, (ss) Sure-Fire Detective Stories Aug 1957
- * Dead: Do Not Disturb!, (nv) Sure-Fire Detective Stories Apr 1958
- * Death by Appointment, (ss) Sure-Fire Detective Stories Jan 1957
- * The Devil Is a Dame!, (ss) Two-Fisted Detective Stories Dec 1960
- * Dumb Blondes Are Murder!, (ss) Web Detective Stories Dec 1959
- * Harness Bull, (nv) Web Detective Stories Jan 1961
- * Hate Needs Lovely Victims!, (nv) Off Beat Detective Stories Sep 1959
- * Her Shroud Wont Fit!, (ss) Two-Fisted Detective Stories Jun 1959
- * Her Type Is No Good, (ss) Sure-Fire Detective Stories Feb 1957
- * Lady from Hell!, (ss) Saturn Web Detective Story Magazine Apr 1959
- * Line My Tomb with Gold!, (ss) Two-Fisted Detective Stories Mar 1960
- * Luck Needs a Lover!, (nv) Two-Fisted Detective Stories Aug 1960
- * Lusts Lone Witness, (nv) Web Detective Stories Jul 1959
- * One Hideous Night!, (nv) Off Beat Detective Stories May 1960
- * Penny Cost Plenty!, (ss) Web Detective Stories Feb 1960
- * Scared CopDead Cop!, (ss) Off Beat Detective Stories Mar 1960
- * Scream the Night Through!, (ss) Saturn Web Detective Story Magazine Feb 1959
- * Search for Hell!, (nv) Off Beat Detective Stories Sep 1958
- * Slaughter the Lovelies!, (nv) Off Beat Detective Stories Jul 1959
- * Soft Arms Mean Slaughter!, (nv) Two-Fisted Detective Stories Dec 1959
- * Terror Has Many Faces!, (ss) Saturn Web Detective Story Magazine Aug 1958
- * Theres No Escape!, (ss) Two-Fisted Detective Stories Oct 1960
- * Through the Gates of Hell!, (ss) Sure-Fire Detective Stories Dec 1957
UNGER, LISA (1970- ) (chron.)
_____, [ref.]
- * Interview by Andrew F. Gulli, (iv) The Strand Magazine #42 2014
- * Lisa Unger Interview by Jon Jordan, (iv) Crimespree Magazine Jul/Aug 2008, Jul/Aug 2009
- * Lisa Unger Is Bad to the Bone, uncredited, (iv) Suspense Magazine Jun/Jul 2016
- * Lisa Unger by Jen Forbus, (ar) Crimespree Magazine Jul/Aug 2010
- * New Yorks Loss Is Floridas Gain, uncredited, (iv) Suspense Magazine Feb 2012
- * Rants and Raves by Robert J. Randisi, (cl) Crimespree Magazine Jul/Aug 2008
- * The Red Hunter Will Prey on Readers by Amy Lignor, (iv) Suspense Magazine Mar/Apr 2017
- * Spencer-Fleming for Hire by Julia Spencer-Fleming, (cl) Crimespree Magazine Jul/Aug 2008
UPTON, JEAN (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Collectors Corner (with Roger Johnson), (cl) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #12, #13 1995
- * Collectors Corner:
* ___ Film and Television Memorabilia (with Roger Johnson), (cl) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #15 1996
* ___ Holmes and Antiques (with Roger Johnson), (cl) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #10 1994
* ___ I Am a Bear of Very Little Brain (with Roger Johnson), (cl) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #11 1995
* ___ Seasonal Greeting Cards, (cl) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #17 1996
* ___ Sherlockian Miniatures (with Roger Johnson), (cl) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #14 1996
* ___ Simple Gifts, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #22 1997
* ___ Society Lapel Pins and Badges (with Roger Johnson), (cl) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #16 1996
* ___ Theatrical Memorabilia, Part 1, (cl) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #18 1996
* ___ Theatrical Memorabilia, Part 2, (cl) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #19 1997
- * Does anyone Have a deerstalker?, (ar) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #13 1995
- * Film and Television Memorabilia (with Roger Johnson), (ar) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #15 1996
- * Holmes and Antiques (with Roger Johnson), (ar) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #10 1994
- * I Am a Bear of Very Little Brain (with Roger Johnson), (ar) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #11 1995
- * Jonathan Creek (with Roger Johnson), (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #34 1999
- * Schlock Homes: A Loose Canon, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #28 1998; The Other Detectives.
- * Seasonal Greeting Cards, (ar) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #17 1996
- * Sherlockian Miniatures (with Roger Johnson), (ar) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #14 1996
- * Simple Gifts, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #22 1997
- * Society Lapel Pins and Badges (with Roger Johnson), (ar) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #16 1996
- * Telly Tecs:
* ___ Jonathan Creek (with Roger Johnson), (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #34 1999
- * Theatrical Memorabilia, Part 1, (ar) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #18 1996
- * Theatrical Memorabilia, Part 2, (ar) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #19 1997
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