Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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St. JOHN, JOHN; pseudonym of Richard Sale, (1911-1993); other pseudonym Bernard Elas (chron.)
- * The Day I Die, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 28 1937
- * The Golden Guppy [Patrolman Peter Piper], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Sep 2 1939
- * Ham on Wry [Patrolman Peter Piper], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 17 1941
- * Million Dollar Cop [Patrolman Peter Piper], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jan 13 1940
- * The Neutrality of Peter Piper [Patrolman Peter Piper], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 17 1940
- * Pay for the Piper [Patrolman Peter Piper], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Dec 16 1939
- * Pay the Piper [Patrolman Peter Piper], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Mar 1 1941
- * Peter Pipers Patrol [Patrolman Peter Piper], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Dec 28 1940
- * Peter Pipers Pickle [Patrolman Peter Piper], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Oct 14 1939
- * Radio Sixty-Seven, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jul 17 1937
- * The Sheik of Araby [Patrolman Peter Piper], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Feb 10 1940
- * The Sign of the Archer [Patrolman Peter Piper], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 7 1937
- * The Sioux Saver, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Mar 22 1941
St. MAUR, HENRI (fl. 1930s-1940s); pseudonym of James H. S. Moynahan, (fl. 1910s-1940s); other pseudonym Henry Seymour (chron.)
- * The Blue Light, (ss) Private Detective Stories Aug 1939
- * Cheesecake, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Jan 1941
- * Go AheadShoot!, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Jan 1942
- * The Gun Talks, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Jun 1941; also as Bullet Backfire, by Henry C. Malcolm.
- * Lady Killer, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Jan 1940
- * Local Gal Makes Hood, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Aug 1942
- * Maneater, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Nov 1940
- * Nymph in the Nude, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Sep 1939
- * Peep Show, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories May 1939
- * The Phantom Sniper [Ed Byrnes], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Dec 1938
- * Sing-Song Gal, (ss) Private Detective Stories Mar 1939
- * Skyrocket Kid, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Mar 1939
- * Stick Around for Murder, (ss) Private Detective Stories Oct 1941; see also under James H. S. Moynahan.
- * Ten Bucks a Dance, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Apr 1939
- * Too Many Women, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories May 1941
- * Trojan Trooper, (ss) Private Detective Stories Oct 1940
- * The Unkissed Bride [Ed Byrnes], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Nov 1938
- * The Wolf Curse, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories Feb 1939
SAKI; pseudonym of H. H. Munro, (1870-1916); (about) (chron.)
- * Circumstantial Evidence, (ss) Beasts and Super-Beasts, John Lane 1914, as Dusk.
- * Dusk, (ss) Beasts and Super-Beasts, John Lane 1914; also as Circumstantial Evidence.
- * The Hounds of Fate, (ss) The Westminster Gazette May 13 1911
- * The Lost Sanjak, (ss) The Complete Short Stories of Saki, Viking Press 1930
- * Sredni Vashtar, (ss) The Westminster Gazette May 28 1910
SALE, RICHARD (Bernard) (1911-1993); see pseudonyms Bernard Elas & John St. John; (about) (chron.)
- * Alibi Ike, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Feb 25 1939
- * The American, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Oct 12 1940
- * American in Action [Casey Mason], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jan 4 1941
- * The Argus-Eyed Man [Captain McGrail], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Dec 7 1940
- * Assignment to Assault, (ss) Baffling Detective Mysteries May 1943
- * Back Stage [Candid Jones], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jan 15 1938
- * The Balinese Dagger [Daffy Dill], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 22 1936
- * Banshee [Candid Jones], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Apr 9 1938
- * The Big Top Murders [Candid Jones], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Nov 13 1937
- * The Black Mamba, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine Oct 1933
- * The Black Spot [Captain McGrail], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Apr 26 1941
- * Blind Ad for Murder, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Oct 29 1938
- * Bombs Bursting in Air [Daffy Dill], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Nov 23 1940
- * A Breath of Death, (nv) Mystery Book Magazine Oct 1945
- * A Breath of Murder [Owl-Eye Venner], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Oct 20 1934
- * Bring Home the Bacon [Roony Calamity Quade], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Feb 8 1941
- * Broadway Beat, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Feb 24 1940
- * The Bronze Casket, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Jul 1934
- * The Bumper-Offer [Daffy Dill], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Jun 22 1935
- * Burma Star [Daffy Dill], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jan 18 1941
- * By Claw and Fang [Daffy Dill], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Dec 16 1939
- * The Camera Kills [Candid Jones], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Jul 31 1937
- * Cannibal Moon, (ss) Super-Detective Stories Jul 1934
- * The Case of the Giant Rat [Daffy Dill], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Sep 9 1939
- * The Chair That Judged [Cliff Brant], (nv) Black Book Detective Magazine Oct 1936
- * Chiller-Diller [Daffy Dill], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Jun 24 1939
- * The Cobra Is a Gentleman [John the Cobra], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Feb 13 1937
- * Cocked Dice [Daffy Dill], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly May 11 1935
- * Colyumist for a Day, (nv) Double Detective Feb 1940
- * Come and Get It [Daffy Dill], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Sep 14 1940
- * Come Out of That Grave [Daffy Dill], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 13 1938
- * Contempt of Court, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jun 11 1938
- * Convoys Cant Be Careless [Casey Mason], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Oct 26 1940
- * Coppers Night Out [Casey Mason], (ss) Detective Fiction Feb 21 1942
- * Corpse House, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1942
- * The Corpse Stayed Overnight, (na) Detective Tales Apr 1939
- * The Corpse Who Called at Dawn [EscortS, Inc], (ss) Double Detective Sep 1940
- * Crazy Night [Roony Calamity Quade], (nv) Double Detective Mar 1940
- * Creeps by Night, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Sep 3 1938
- * The Curious Cop [Captain McGrail], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Mar 16 1940
- * The Dancing Corpse, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Sep 7 1935
- * Dancing Rats [Daffy Dill], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Feb 27 1937; not the same as the story of the same name in the June 1942 issue of Black Mask.
- * The Dancing Rats [Dr. Nick Adams], (nv) Black Mask Jun 1942; not the same as the story of the same name in the February 27, 1937 issue of Detective Fiction Weekly.
- * The Dead Man Has a Dummy [Daffy Dill], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Nov 5 1938
- * Dead Mans Float [Owl-Eye Venner], (ss) Thrilling Detective Apr 1939
- * Dead Mans Theft [Penny Packer], (ss) Popular Detective Oct 1936
- * The Deadly Meek [Captain McGrail], (ss) Detective Fiction Nov 1 1941
- * Death Flies High [Daffy Dill], (nv) Flynns Detective Fiction Jun 1943
- * Death in Pink [Daffy Dill], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Mar 2 1940
- * Death of a Glamor Girl [Daffy Dill; Candid Jones], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Apr 8 1939
- * Death of a Red Herring, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Feb 22 1941
- * Death on a Thousand Legs [Owl-Eye Venner], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Dec 22 1934
- * Death on an Ocean Liner, (nv) Thrilling Detective Mar 1940
- * Death on High Iron [Daffy Dill], (ss) Detective Fiction Sep 17 1941
- * Death to the War Mongers!, (nv) Double Detective Jan 1940
- * Delayed Action [Candid Jones], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jun 14 1941
- * Derringer [Owl-Eye Venner], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Mar 11 1939
- * Detourto Death [Daffy Dill], (ss) Flynns Detective Fiction Jan 1943
- * The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Sep 1939
- * The Devil Calls a Doctor, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Apr 29 1939
- * The Devils Mistress, (sl) Detective Fiction Nov 15, Nov 29, Dec 13, Dec 27 1941, Jan 10, Jan 24, Feb 7 1942
- * Die, Hamlet! [Daffy Dill], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Mar 5 1938
- * Dig Another Grave [Roony Calamity Quade], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 11 1940
- * A Dirge for Pagliaccio [Daffy Dill], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jul 29 1939
- * The Doctor Doubles in Death, (ss) Detective Tales Mar 1942
- * Dont Crowd Your Luck, (ss) Double Detective Apr 1939
- * Double Trouble [Daffy Dill], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Oct 31 1936
- * A Dream of Death [Captain McGrail], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jan 20 1940
- * The Egg [Daffy Dill], (ss) Clues Detective Stories Mar 1935
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