Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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HELFER, HAROLD (chron.) (continued)
- * Law and (Some) OrderTrue Anecdotes, (ms)
- * Law and Disorder, (cl)
- * Law and Disorder, (cl) The Phantom Detective Fll 1951, Sum, Fll 1952
- * The Liars Club, (ms)
- * The Liars Club, (ms) Popular Detective May 1951
- * Meet Mrs. Murder, (ts) Triple Detective Fll 1952
- * Miscellaneous Mayhem, (ms) Popular Detective Fll 1953
- * More Crime Capers, (cl)
- * Mother Forged Checks, (ms) Popular Detective Jan 1953
- * Nightmare Pattern, (ss) Thrilling Detective Jun 1949
- * Off Beat, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine Apr 1951
- * The Other Side of the Story, (ms) Black Book Detective Win 1951
- * The Other Side of the Story, (ms) Triple Detective Win 1951
- * Police Blotter, (ms) Guilty Detective Story Magazine Sep 1956
- * The Purse, (ss) Black Book Detective Spr 1951
- * The Readers Jury, (cl) Triple Detective Spr 1954
- * The Real Bluebeard, (ts) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Fll 1952
- * The Register, (ts) Triple Detective Sum 1951
- * Scotland Yards Nemesis, (ts)
- * Self Denial, (ar) F.B.I. Detective Stories Feb 1951
- * So Sorry Now!, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine Apr 1952
- * Such Is Crime!, (ar) Mobsters Dec 1952
- * Tell It to the Judge, (ms) The Phantom Detective Win 1951
- * Thats How It Happened, (ms) Thrilling Detective Jun 1951
- * The Thing in the Cage, (ts) Popular Detective Sep 1951
- * Time for Crime, (ar) Fifteen Detective Stories Feb 1954
- * Too Many Suspects, (ss) G-Men Detective Sum 1949
- * Turn on the Heat, (ss) Popular Detective Jan 1949
- * Two White Beards, (ts) Triple Detective Fll 1953
- * Unlawful Logic, (ts) All-Story Detective Dec 1949
- * Violence in Paradise, (ts) Triple Detective Spr 1952
- * The Wardens Wife, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine Dec 1956
- * What Gives in the Barn?, (ms) Popular Detective Jul 1952
- * The Woman on the Ledge, (ss) Popular Detective Nov 1948
- * Wrong Route to Robbery, (ar) Fifteen Detective Stories Apr 1954
HELLER, JEFF (fl. 1950s-1960s); pseudonym of Jay Folb, (fl. 1950s-1960s) & Henry Slesar, (1927-2002); other pseudonyms Sley Harson, O. H. Leslie, John Murray & Jay Street (chron.)
- * And Seven Makes Death, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Dec 1959
- * Dig We Must, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Aug 1961
- * Real, Real Crazy, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Feb 1961
- * Simon Says: Hand Over Your Fortune, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Oct 1959
- * The Split-Level Ghost, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Apr 1958
- * Two Accounts, One Death, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine May 1961
- * Victim, Dear Victim, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine May 1960
HELLER, WILLIAM (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
_____, reviews:
- * Murder by Direction, (mr) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Win 1989, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, mid-Dec 1990, Feb, Mar, Apr, May,
Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, mid-Dec 1991, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, mid-Dec 1992, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, mid-Dec 1993, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec,
mid-Dec 1994, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, mid-Dec 1995
HELLMAN, WILLIAM (fl. 1930s-1940s); (about) (chron.)
- * A Bullet for the Groom, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine Apr 1946
- * Cold Figures, (ss) Detective Tales May 1945
- * Dealer in Death, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Nov 1939
- * Easy Kill, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine Sep 1946
- * Furys Backfire, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine Mar 1944
- * The Hick and the Hijackers, (vi) Ten Detective Aces Apr 1944
- * High Voltage Volunteer, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine Dec 1945
- * Oscar Pays Off, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Aug 1946
- * Shell Game, (ss) Detective Tales Aug 1944
- * Where Theres a Will, (vi) Ten Detective Aces Jan 1946
- * A Word to the Wiseguy, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Sep 1945
HELMS, RICHARD (Warren) (1955- ); (about) (chron.)
- * Bloodstained Glass, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Dec 2016
- * Busting Red Heads, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Mar/Apr 2014
- * The Cripplegate Apprehension, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jul/Aug 2019
- * The Gods for Vengeance Cry [Judd Wheeler], (nv) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Nov 2010
- * The Gospel According to Gordon Black, (ss) Thrilling Detective (online) Fll 2007
- * The King of Gonna, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine May/Jun 2018
- * The Man with Two Grins [Pat Gallegher], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Sep/Oct 2018
- * Missing Person, (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Sep/Oct 2017
- * Second Sight Unseen [Amboy Boatright; Bowie Crapster], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jul 2014
- * Shooting Stars [Amboy Boatright; Bowie Crapster], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Sep/Oct 2015
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