Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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FISCHER, BRUNO (chron.) (continued)
- * Bones Will Tell, (nv) Mammoth Mystery Feb 1945
- * The Bride Wore Black, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Sep 1944
- * Bugged, (ss) Manhunt Aug 1961
- * The Case of the Handless Corpse, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Jan 1944
- * The Case of the Sleeping Doll, (ss) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Oct 1944
- * Come Home to Murder, (nv) Mammoth Detective Nov 1944
- * Come to My Funeral!, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine Nov 1945
- * Coney Island Incident, (nv) Manhunt Nov 1953
- * Cop with Wings, (ss) Mammoth Detective Jul 1946
- * The Dead Dont Die, (nv) Popular Detective Nov 1949
- * Dead Man Wearing a Hatpin, (ss) Chief Detective Win 1946
- * The Dead Men Grin [Ben Helm], (n.) David McKay 1945
- * Deadlier than the Male!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1945
- * Death Attends Rehearsal [Ben Helm], (nv) Dell Mystery Novels Magazine Jan/Mar 1955, as The Quiet Woman.
- * Death Comes in Small Packages, (ss)
- * Death Is the Wedding Guest, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine Jul 1943
- * Death on the Beach, (ss) Mammoth Detective Feb 1944
- * Deaths Bright Red Lips, (nv) Mammoth Mystery Dec 1946
- * The Deep, Dark Grave, (nv) Giant Detective Win 1951
- * The Dog Died First, (na) Mystery Book Magazine Fll 1949
- * Dont Bury Him Deep, (nv) Doc Savage Jul 1946
- * Double, (ss) Manhunt Jun 1954
- * Double Deadline, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Sum 1946
- * The Enemy, (ss) Doc Savage May 1946
- * The Face of Fear, (ss) New Detective Magazine Nov 1947
- * Fatally Yours, (nv) New Detective Magazine May 1944
- * Five OClock Menace, (ss) Black Mask May 1949
- * The Gift, (ss) Mammoth Detective Nov 1943
- * Give a Dog the Name, (ss) Mammoth Detective Jan 1946
- * A Grave Is Waiting, (ss) Popular Detective Sep 1952
- * The Green Vest, (ss) The Shadow Fll 1948
- * Guest from the Grave, (nv) Ten Detective Aces May 1948
- * The Hands of Death, (nv) Popular Detective Mar 1949, as The Hands of Mr. Prescott.
- * The Hands of Mr. Prescott, (nv) Popular Detective Mar 1949; also as The Hands of Death.
- * Hang That Husband High!, (nv) Detective Tales Jul 1948
- * Homicidal Homestead, (ss) Shock Mar 1948
- * Homicide Homework, (nv) Detective Tales Nov 1947
- * The Hour of the Rat, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Dec 1948
- * I Am Thinking of Murder, (nv) The Shadow Aug 1944
- * I Thought Id Die, (na) New Detective Magazine Sep 1948
- * Ike Walsh and the Boy Wonder, (nv) The Shadow Jan 1945; also as You Murdered Him.
- * Ill Slay You in My Dreams, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Sep 1944
- * Kill Without Murder, (ss) Black Mask Jan 1944
- * A Killer in the Crowd, (ss) Black Mask Jul 1947
- * Killers Leave Me Cold!, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine Oct 1947
- * Killing the Goose, (ss) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Oct 1945
- * Kiss the Dead Girl, (ss) Popular Detective May 1952
- * The Lady Grooms a Corpse, (nv) Black Mask Jan 1950
- * Lady in Distress, (ss) Thrilling Detective Dec 1949
- * The Lady of Death, (ss) Flynns Detective Fiction Jan 1944
- * The League of Little Men, (na) Flynns Detective Fiction Nov 1943
- * The Letter Death Wrote, (ss) Gem Detective Fll 1946
- * Little Men, What Now?, (na) Flynns Detective Fiction Feb 1944
- * The Mamselle Means Murder!, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine Jun 1948
- * The Man Who Lost His Head, (nv) Doc Savage Jul 1945
- * The Man Who Wasnt Himself, (nv) New Detective Magazine Nov 1944
- * The Man Who Would Be Hitler, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1944
- * Middleman for Murder, (ss) Black Mask Nov 1947
- * Mind Your Own Murder, (nv) Mammoth Detective Aug 1945
- * More Deaths Than One, (na) Mammoth Mystery Jun 1947
- * Murder Is Simple, (ss) Flynns Detective Fiction Sep 1943
- * MurderMy Aunt, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Jan 1946
- * Murder on Wheels, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine Sep 1943
- * Murder Takes No Furlough, (ss) Crack Detective Stories Jul 1944
- * Murder Throws One Stone, (ss) The Shadow Feb 1945
- * Murder Turns the Curve, (ss) Popular Detective Sep 1948
- * Murder Wears a Skirt, (n.) Mammoth Detective May 1944
- * My Problem IsMurder!, (nv) Ten Detective Aces Feb 1944
- * Night for Dying, (na) Flynns Detective Fiction Aug 1943, as The Night Is for Dying.
- * The Night Is for Dying, (na) Flynns Detective Fiction Aug 1943; also as Night for Dying.
- * Night Time Is Murder Time, (nv) New Detective Magazine Nov 1945
- * No Escape!, (na) Detective Tales Jan 1949
- * One Thousand Ways to Die, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1943
- * The Pickup on Nightmare Road, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine Dec 1948
- * The Pigskin Bag, (na) Mammoth Detective Nov 1946
- * The Portraits of Eve, (na) Manhunt Feb 1958
- * Presenting the Author, (bg) Mammoth Detective May 1944
- * The Quiet Woman [Ben Helm], (nv) Dell Mystery Novels Magazine Jan/Mar 1955; also as Death Attends Rehearsal.
- * The Restless Hands, (na) Mystery Book Magazine Sum 1949
- * A Ride for Mr. Two-by-Four, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine Sep 1943
- * Sam Ralls Private Ghost, (nv) Popular Detective Jul 1949
- * Satans Servant, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine Apr 1943
- * Say Goodby to Janie, (nv) Manhunt Jul 1953
- * Scream Theme, (ss) Ten Detective Aces Mar 1945
- * Service Call, (ss) Ed McBains Mystery Book #3 1961
- * The Shallow Grave, (nv) Suspect Detective Stories Feb 1956
- * Silent as a Shiv, (nv) Detective Tales May 1948
- * Sing a Song of Death, (nv) New Detective Magazine Jul 1943
- * Smart Guy, (ss) Rex Stout Mystery Quarterly May 1945
- * Smile, Corpse, Smile!, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine Feb 1948
- * Some Die Hard, (sl) Flynns Detective Fiction Jul, Aug 1944
- * The Spider Lily, (na) Mammoth Mystery Jan 1946
- * Stop Him!, (ss) Manhunt Mar 1953
- * Strange Man, Strange Murder, (ss) Crack Detective Stories Nov 1948
- * They Came with Guns, (nv) Manhunt Jul 1957
- * TNT for Two, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine Jun 1945
- * The Trap, (ss) Detective Tales Mar 1948
- * The Twelfth Bottle, (ss) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine May 1944
- * Two Mice for a Cat, (na) Crack Detective Stories Jan 1946
- * Twos Company, .22s a Shroud, (nv) 10-Story Detective Magazine Sep 1946
- * We Are All Dead, (ss) Manhunt May 1955
- * Wrap Up the Corpse, (nv) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine May 1945
- * You Murdered Him, (nv) The Shadow Jan 1945, as Ike Walsh and the Boy Wonder.
FISH, ROBERT L(loyd) (1912-1981); see pseudonyms A. C. Lamprey & Robert L. Pike (chron.)
- * The Adventure of Black, Peter [Schlock Homes], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jul 1974
- * The Adventure of the Adam Bomb [Schlock Homes], (nv) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Sep 1960
- * The Adventure of the Animal Fare [Schlock Homes], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Oct 1977
- * The Adventure of the Artists Mottle [Schlock Homes], (nv) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Nov 1961
- * The Adventure of the Ascot Tie [Schlock Homes], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Feb 1960
- * The Adventure of the Belles Letters [Schlock Homes], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jun 30 1980
- * The Adventure of the Big Plunger [Schlock Homes], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Feb 1965
- * The Adventure of the Briary School [Schlock Homes], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Feb 1973
- * The Adventure of the Common Code [Schlock Homes], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Sep 1979
- * The Adventure of the Counterfeit Sovereign [Schlock Homes], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jun 1963; also as The Counterfeit Sovereign.
- * The Adventure of the Disappearance of Whistlers Mother [Schlock Homes], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Feb 1968
- * The Adventure of the Dog in the Knight [Schlock Homes], (nv) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Feb 1970
- * The Adventure of the Double-Bogey Man [Schlock Homes], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Feb 1962
- * The Adventure of the Elite Type [Schlock Homes], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jul 1977
- * The Adventure of the Final Problem [Schlock Homes], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Feb 1964
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