Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

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    Detective Story Magazine:
    Detective Story Magazine was the first pulp magazine devoted to detective fiction, and was actually a continuation of the dime novel series Nick Carter Stories with its first issue continuing a serial begun in that magazine. It ran for 34 years with half of that being on a weekly basis (although it had dropped to quarterly by the end of its life), notching up an amazing 1057 issues.

    Detective Story Magazine [v1 #5, December 5, 1915] (Street & Smith, 10¢, 128pp, pulp)
    Details taken from Table of Contents.
    • 1 · The Secret of the Fifty-Third Floor · Judson Thorne · nv
    • 30 · Suspicion Leads to Complication · Anon. · ms
    • 31 · The Amphitheater Plot [Part 2 of 5; Nick Carter] · Nicholas Carter (by Samuel C. Spalding) · sl; based on “The Great Boxing Fraud” by Andrew Murray (Union Jack #483, January 11, 1913).
    • 51 · Amazing Nightly Crimes · Anon. · ms
    • 52 · Britz, of Headquarters [Part 5 of 5; Lt. Britz] · Hilary Blake · n. People’s Ideal Fiction Magazine Mar 1910 (+3)
    • 78 · Give Your Razor a Vacation · Anon. · ms
    • 79 · The Red Raven Stories II.—Plot and Counter-Plot [Red Raven] · Scott Campbell · ss
    • 88 · Strangely Shot for a Burglar · Anon. · ms
    • 89 · The All-Seeing Eye · Leslie W. Quirk & Horatio Winslow · ss
    • 96 · The Man in the Motor-Mask. III.—The Stolen Secretary [Edwin Nikoder] · Fred Jackson · ss Gunter’s Magazine Dec 1908
    • 103 · Girl Fights Burglar · Anon. · ms
    • 104 · The Poisoner’s Cup · Frank Parks · ss
    • 111 · “Reported Missing” [The Chief] · Ross Beeckman · ss The Popular Magazine Jul 1 1910
    • 122 · An Improvised Courthouse · Anon. · ms
    • 122 · Tragic Family History · Anon. · ms
    • 123 · The Voice · Frank Conly · ss
    • 126 · A Witch Up to Date · Anon. · ms
    • 126 · Novel Way to Keep Men Sober · Anon. · ms
    • 127 · Reforming Skinny · Bertram Zorn · ss
    • 128 · Headquarters Chat · [The Editor] · cl

    Detective Story Magazine [v1 #6, December 20, 1915] (Street & Smith, 10¢, 128pp, pulp)
    Details taken from Table of Contents.
    • 1 · A Handful of Pearls · Clinch Newton · nv
    • 32 · Wild Bullet Makes Trouble · Anon. · ms
    • 32 · A Bold Robbery · Anon. · ms
    • 33 · The Amphitheater Plot [Part 3 of 5; Nick Carter] · Nicholas Carter (by Samuel C. Spalding) · sl; based on “The Great Boxing Fraud” by Andrew Murray (Union Jack #483, January 11, 1913).
    • 52 · The Green Cloak [Part 1 of 4] · Yorke Davis · na People’s Ideal Fiction Magazine Jan 1910 (+2)
    • 70 · Adventuress Trailed Eleven Years · Anon. · ms
    • 71 · The Vanished Man [The Chief] · Ross Beeckman · ss The Popular Magazine Sep 15 1910
    • 81 · Murder Leads to Superstition · Anon. · ms
    • 82 · The Red Raven Stories III.—The Inner Wheel [Red Raven] · Scott Campbell · ss
    • 91 · The Bronze Buddha · J. W. Harvey · ss
    • 100 · Playful Highwaymen · Anon. · ms
    • 101 · The Man in the Motor-Mask. IV.—The Rockhill Housewarming [Edwin Nikoder] · Fred Jackson · ss Gunter’s Magazine Jan 1909
    • 108 · Novel Prison Release · Anon. · ms
    • 109 · Finger Nail Sam’s Trail · Nathan Day · ss
    • 115 · Convict Proves to Be Assassin · Anon. · ms
    • 116 · The Last Chord · Burns Patterson · ss
    • 122 · Kelly of the Sixteenth Precinct · John Edward Russell · ss People’s Oct 1909
    • 126 · Prison Refuses Convict · Anon. · ms
    • 127 · Headquarters Chat · [The Editor] · cl
    • 128 · A Clever Forger · Anon. · ms

    Detective Story Magazine [v2 #4, February 20, 1916] (Street & Smith Publications, Inc., 10¢, 128pp, pulp)
    Details supplied by Monte Herridge.
    • 1 · Dead Eyes’ Secret · Herman Landon · nv
    • 18 · The Riddle of the Wizard’s Belt [Hamilton Cleek] · Thomas W. Hanshew · nv
    • 35 · A Monkey Burglar · Anon. · ms
    • 35 · Girl Horse Thief to Prison · Anon. · ms
    • 35 · Origin of the Clean Shave · Anon. · ms
    • 35 · Killed by Crazed Man · Anon. · ms
    • 36 · The Crime Destroyer [Part 1 of 3] · Frank Conly · sl
    • 56 · Finger-Print Detection · Anon. · ms
    • 57 · Death in Life [Part 2 of 5; Nick Carter] · Nicholas Carter (by Samuel C. Spalding, [?]) · sl; based on “The Case of the Belgian Relief Fund” by John W. Bobin (Union Jack #583, December 12, 1914).
    • 77 · Inquisitive Student in Jail · Anon. · ms
    • 77 · Released Convict Returns · Anon. · ms
    • 78 · The Broken Glass · William Vassall · ss
    • 85 · Thief Photographed at Work · Anon. · ms
    • 86 · Short or Long? · Frank Parks · ss
    • 93 · Man Buried Alive · Anon. · ms
    • 93 · Barrel Explodes While Being Cleaned · Anon. · ms
    • 94 · The Verdict of the Knives · Samuel Charles Spalding · ss
    • 101 · Think Suicide Was Murdered · Anon. · ms
    • 102 · The Red Raven Stories VII.—A Sin That Saved [Red Raven] · Scott Campbell · ss
    • 112 · Original Method of Protection · Anon. · ms
    • 112 · Strange Sign of Insanity · Anon. · ms
    • 113 · The Bank’s Detectives · Wilson Clay Missimer · vi The New Magazine (US) Oct 1910
    • 116 · Convict to Be Hung · Anon. · ms
    • 116 · Works to Make Thefts Good · Anon. · ms
    • 117 · With Apologies to Red Chalk · James William Egan · ss
    • 121 · Policeman’s Mistake · Anon. · ms
    • 122 · The Third Degree · Donald Doyle · ss
    • 126 · Killed by Her Own Son · Anon. · ms
    • 127 · Headquarters Chat · [The Editor] · cl
    • 128 · Thought Wife Buried Alive · Anon. · ms
    • 128 · Unlocked Safe Cracked · Anon. · ms
    • 128 · Quelling Prison Mutiny · Anon. · ms

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