Startling Mystery Stories
Startling Mystery Stories specialised in stories where either the
detective or villain had supernatural powers or their scientific
equivalent. Despite a steadily growing circulation during its 18 issues
it was killed in 1971 by increasing costs and distribution problems.
1966 |
 v1 #1, #1 Summer |
 v1 #2, #2 Fall |
 v1 #3, #3 Winter |
1967 |
 v1 #4, #4 Spring |
 v1 #5, #5 Summer |
 v1 #6, #6 Fall |
 v2 #1, #7 Winter |
1968 |
 v2 #2, #8 Spring |
 v2 #3, #9 Summer |
 v2 #4, #10 Fall |
 v2 #5, #11 Winter |
1969 |
 v2 #6, #12 Spring |
 v3 #1, #13 Summer |
 v3 #2, #14 Winter |
1970 |
 v3 #3, #15 Spring |
 v3 #4, #16 Summer |
 v3 #5, #17 Fall |
1971 |
 v3 #6, #18 Mar |