It was with the next issue (v15 #1) that life became complicated. The dates inside the
magazine simply continued as the 1st and 15th of each month, but the covers were instead
labelled as "First xxx Number" or "xxx Month-End Edition" respectively. In addition,
the covers (alone) indicated the date the issue was published (e.g. v15 #1 was "Out Dec. 24th 1909").
It has not been possible to identify all the "out" dates precisely, but they were always from the
previous month and started as the 24th on v15 #1, switched to the 10th & 25th in 1910, and then
switched to 7th & 23rd in late 1911 or early 1912.
This pattern continued until v33 #5 (15-Sep-1914). During this period, the issues below have been
labelled as 1st xxx & 2nd xxx to match the cover designations, with an estimated "out" date listed
in brackets below.