Perry Rhodan / Atlan / Starman
A series of paperback books, reprinting from the popular German space
opera series. The bulk of the volumes contain additional stories and
magazine-like features. The first five volumes contained two Perry Rhodan stories
each, separately titled but not separately by-lined - the two authors
were listed together on the cover as if the stories were collaborations.
Each double volume was numbered as one, thus getting instantly out of
phase with the German numbering.
Volumes 6 through 108 contained 1 Perry Rhodan novel each, with varying amounts of
back-up stories and features. The next 5 volumes reverted to the
original format of publishing 2 Perry Rhodans per book, but this time the stories
were separately numbered. The volumes were formatted as if they were two
books in one, but the pagination was continuous throughout.
The next three volumes were also doubles, each containing one numbered
novel in the Atlan series (a spin-off of Perry Rhodan) and one Perry Rhodan that had been
previously skipped and thus could not be assigned a number. These were
followed by one double volume with two Atlan novels.
The final book from Ace was a single Perry Rhodan novel. This was reprinted from a
different series of the German publications and was longer than the
other novels. After Ace dropped the series they were published in
pamphlet format, like that of the German originals, and distributed only
through the mail. They were issued simultaneously in groups of six.
The next group issued consisted of one Perry Rhodan novel and five novels in a new
series, Starman. To ensure that subscribers would buy all six, they were
issued as one thick trade paperback, though they were paginated as six
separate issues.
1969 |
 #1 |
 #2 |
 #3 |
1970 |
 #4 (Jan) |
 #5 (Apr) |
1971 |
 #6 (Aug) |
 #7 (Sep) |
 #8 (Oct) |
 #9 (Nov) |
 #10 (Dec) |
1972 |
 #11 (Feb) |
 #12 (Apr) |
 #13 (May) |
 #14 (Jun) |
 #15 (Jul) |
 #16 (Aug) |
 #17 (Sep) |
 #18 (Oct) |
 #19 (Nov) |
 #20 (Dec) |
1973 |
 #21 (Jan) |
 #22 (Mar) |
 #23 (Apr) |
 #24 (May) |
 #25 (Jun) |
 #26 (Jul) |
 #27 (Aug) |
 #28 (Aug) |
 #29 (Sep) |
 #30 (Sep) |
 #31 (Oct) |
 #32 (Oct) |
 #33 (Nov) |
 #34 (Nov) |
 #35 (Dec) |
 #36 (Dec) |
1974 |
 #37 (Jan) |
 #38 (Jan) |
 #39 (Feb) |
 #40 (Feb) |
 #41 (Mar) |
 #42 (Mar) |
 #43 (Apr) |
 #44 (Apr) |
 #45 (May) |
 #46 (May) |
 #47 (Jun) |
 #48 (Jun) |
 #49 (Jul) |
 #50 (Jul) |
 #51 (Aug) |
 #52 (Aug) |
 #53 (Sep) |
 #54 (Sep) |
 #55 (Oct) |
 #56 (Oct) |
 #57 (Nov) |
 #58 (Nov) |
 #59 (Dec) |
 #60 (Dec) |
1975 |
 #61 (Jan) |
 #62 (Jan) |
 #63 (Feb) |
 #64 (Feb) |
 #65 (Mar) |
 #66 (Mar) |
 #67 (Mar) |
 #68 (Apr) |
 #69 (Apr) |
 #70 (Apr) |
 #71 (May) |
 #72 (Jun) |
 #73 (Jun) |
 #74 (Jul) |
 #75 (Jul) |
 #76 (Aug) |
 #77 (Aug) |
 #78 (Sep) |
 #79 (Sep) |
 #80 (Oct) |
 #81 (Oct) |
 #82 (Nov) |
 #83 (Nov) |
 #84 (Dec) |
 #85 (Dec) |
1976 |
 #86 (Jan) |
 #87 (Jan) |
 #88 (Feb) |
 #89 (Feb) |
 #90 (Mar) |
 #91 (Mar) |
 #92 (Apr) |
 #93 (Apr) |
 #94 (May) |
 #95 (May) |
 #96 (Jun) |
 #97 (Jun) |
 #98 (Jul) |
 #99 (Jul) |
 #100 (Aug) |
 #101 (Aug) |
 #102 (Sep) |
 #103 (Sep) |
 #104 (Oct) |
 #105 (Oct) |
 #106 (Dec) |
1977 |
 #107 (Jan) |
 #108 (Feb) |
 #109/110 (Mar) |
 #111/112 (Apr) |
 #113/114 (May) |
 #115/116 (Jun) |
 #117/118 (Aug) |
 #1 (Sep) |
 #2 (Oct) |
 #3 (Nov) |
 #4/5 (Dec) |
1978 |
 (Jan) |
 #119 (Oct) |
 #120 (Oct) |
 #121 (Oct) |
 #122 (Oct) |
 #123 (Oct) |
 #124 (Oct) |
1979 |
 #125 (Jan) |
 #126 (Jan) |
 #127 (Jan) |
 #128 (Jan) |
 #129 (Jan) |
 #130 (Jan) |
 #131 (Apr) |
 #132 (Apr) |
 #133 (Apr) |
 #134 (Apr) |
 #135 (Apr) |
 #136 (Apr) |
 #137 (Jul) |
1997 |
 #1800 |
1998 |
 #1801 Apr |
 #1802 May |
 #1803 Jul |