Nebula Science Fiction
For many years, Nebula Science Fiction held the distinction of being the only
professional SF magazine published in Scotland, but made a name for itself by
frequently publishing original stories by American and Australian authors. It
also made history by publishing the first SF story by Robert Silverberg, as well
as buying the first SF stories written by Brian Aldiss and Barrington Bayley.
While many UK issues were distributed in the US with a price sticker over the UK price,
there was also a short-lived American reprint edition which ran for
nine issues, each of which appeared four months after the equivalent UK issues.
There were also Australian and New Zealand reprint editions of
some of the issues (at least #10 in both and #11 & #12 in Australia) but it is
thought these simply had different covers and prices to the UK editions.
1952 |
 v1 #1 #1 Autumn |
1953 |
 v1 #2 #2 Spring |
 v1 #3 #3 Summer |
 v1 #4 #4 Autumn |
 v2 #1 #5 (Sep) |
 v2 #2 #6 (Dec) |
1954 |
 v2 #3 #7 (Feb) |
 v2 #4 #8 (Apr) |
 #9 (Aug) |
 #10 (Oct) |
 #11 (Dec) |
1955 |
 #12 (Apr) |
 #13 (Sep) |
 #14 (Nov) |
1956 |
 #15 (Jan) |
 #16 (Mar) |
 #17 (Jul) |
 #18 (Nov) |
 #19 (Dec) |
1957 |
 #20 (Mar) |
 #21 (May) |
 #22 (Jul) |
 #23 (Aug) |
 #24 (Sep) |
 #25 (Oct) |
1958 |
 #26 (Jan) |
 #27 Feb |
 #28 Mar |
 #29 Apr |
 #30 May |
 #31 Jun |
 #32 Jul |
 #33 Aug |
 #34 Sep |
 #35 Oct |
 #36 Nov |
 #37 Dec |
1959 |
 #38 Jan |
 #39 Feb |
 #40 May |
 #41 Jun |
1958 |
 #30 Sep |
 #31 Oct |
 #32 Nov |
 #33 Dec |
1959 |
 #34 Jan |
 #35 Feb |
 #36 Mar |
 #37 Apr |
 #38 May |
 #39 Jun |
1954 |
 #10 (Oct) |
 #11 (Dec) |
1955 |
 #12 (Apr) |