Accused Detective Story Magazine was an attractively-packaged
digest with tough, fast-moving, and colorful fiction, that developed out
of the pulp magazines of the 1950s. It survived for a mere four issues.
1956 |
 v1 #1 Jan |
 v1 #2 Mar |
 v1 #3 May |
 v1 #4 Jul |
Despite the lurid covers and story titles, Ace-High Detective
Magazine ran fairly standard mystery-adventure stories. It only
lasted seven issues before folding.
1936 |
 v1 #1 Aug |
 v1 #2 Sep |
 v1 #3 Oct |
 v1 #4 Nov |
 v2 #1 Dec |
1937 |
 v2 #2 Jan |
 v2 #3 Feb/Mar |
No issues seen, but advertised on rear cover of Ace G-Man Stories (UK).
The first three issues of Ace Mystery were really weird horror
magazines rather than mystery magazines, offering the usual mix of
sadistic fantasy, weird menace and sexual apprehension. The last two
issues, retitled Detective Romances, were somewhat more sedate.
The first issue has been seen priced at both 10c and 15c.
1936 |
 v1 #1 May |
 v1 #2 Jul |
 v1 #3 Sep |
 v1 #4 Nov |
1937 |
 v2 #1 Jan |
Self-described as a "metaphysical crime series", Alcoholman only
had three official issues, with a fourth produced but never officially
distributed, each featuring an installment of the serial "Monster
Zipper" about Alcoholman, the "intoxicated detective".
1998 |
 #1 Summer |
 #2 Autumn |
 #3 Winter |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
#4 |
Alibi was produced specifically for, and sold exclusively through, the
newsstands in Woolworth's stores nationwide. It survived for a mere five issues.
1934 |
 v1 #1 Jan |
 v1 #1 Feb |
 v1 #3 Mar |
 v1 #4 Apr |
 v1 #5 May |
2013 |
 #1 Nov |
2014 |
 #2 Mar |
 #3 May |
 #4 Oct |
2015 |
 #5 Jan |
 #6 May |
 #7 Sep |
Series of annuals reprinting from other Street & Smith crime fiction magazines. There is believed to be
no 1944 issue (probably because of the launch of All Fiction Stories) or 1947 issue.
1942 |
1943 |
1944 |
1945 |
1946 |
1947 |
1948 |
Series of annuals reprinting from Street & Smith's Detective Story Magazine, Street & Smith's Love Story Magazine,
and Romantic Range.
Dell's first attempt to issue a mystery digest magazine. A good line-up
of authors, but all with reprinted stories. The magazine only lasted for a single issue.
1950 |
 #1 Oct-Dec |
A "Red Star" publication of Manvis Publications, featuring the usual
"weird menace" stories. It is believed that only two issues were published starting with
#2, although rumours of an Oct-1941 issue (#1) do persist.
1941 |
 v1 #2 Dec |
1942 |
 v1 #3 May |
Mike Cook, in Mystery, Detective and Espionage Magazines, says one issue is known
of this pulp magazine, but provides no details of it and no copy has been located.
It seems likely that this was a misreading for the 1950 Mystery
Stories which carried a banner heading of "Amazing Detective Mystery".
Appears to be another attempt at a hero pulp, but the magazine only lasted for a single issue.
1941 |
 v1 #1 Jul |
Arguably a reprint anthology like Avon Fantasy Reader, though it carried a few new stories.