Magazine Title |
Private Affairs |
Private Club |
Private Confessions |
Private Confessions (Canada) |
Private Detective (Stories) |
Private Detective (Canada) |
Private Detective (UK) |
Private Detective Stories [2007] |
Private Eye [1953] |
Private Eye [1961] |
Private Eye Detective Tales |
Private Eye Illustrated |
Private Films |
Private Investigator Detective Magazine |
The Prize |
Prize Air Pilot Stories |
Prize Detective Magazine |
Prize Ghost Stories |
Prize Sea Stories |
Prize Story Magazine |
Prize Western |
Probe |
Procrastination |
Procyon |
Prof. Stone Adventures |
Progress |
The Progressive Grocer |
Prohibited Matter |
Pro Se Presents |
Prospect [1995] |
Proteus [1966] |
Proteus [1981] |
ProtoStellar |
Prototype X |
Proud Flesh |
Provincetown Arts |
P.S. |
Psychic Dimensions |
Psychology |
Psychotic |
Psychotrope |
Pub |
Public Enemy |
A Public Space |
Puck [1877] |
Puck [1994] |
Puck's Library |
Puerto del Sol |
Puffin Post |
Pulp [1970] |
Pulp! [2010] |
Pulp Adventures |
The Pulp Collector |
The Pulp Dealer |
Pulpdom |
The Pulp Era |
Pulp Eternity Magazine |
Pulpette |
Pulp Fan |
Pulp Fiction |
Pulp: Fiction and Poetry |
Pulp: A Fiction Magazine |
Pulphaüs: The Universal Magazine |
Pulphouse: A Weekly Magazine |
Pulphouse Fiction Spotlight |
Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine |
Pulp Literature |
Pulp Magazine |
Pulp Modern |
Pulp Reader |
Pulp Reality |
Pulp Review |
Pulpsmith |
The Pulpster |
Pulp Tales |
Pulp Tales Presents |
Pulp Vault |
Pulsar! |
Pulse Pounding Adventure Stories |
Punch |
The Puritan [1897] |
Purple Prose |
Purpleverse |
Pursued |
The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine |
Pursuit—The Phantom Mystery Magazine (Australia) |
Pussycat |
Putnam's Monthly [1853] |
Putnam's Monthly [1906] |
Putrid Pulp Reprint |
The Quaker |
Quanta |
Quantum [1975] |
Quantum [1990] |
Quark/ |
Quarry Magazine |
Quarterly West |
The Queen |
The Queenslander |
Queen's Quarterly |
Quest [1926] |
The Quest [1965] |
Questar |
Quest Detective News |
Quick Action Detective Stories |
Quickie |
Quick-Trigger Stories of the West |
Quick Trigger Western Magazine |
Quick Trigger Western Novels Magazine |
Quinapalus |
The Quiver |
QWF (Quality Women's Fiction) |
Racing Shorts |
Racing Special |
Racket-Buster Detective |
Racketeer and Gangland Stories |
Racketeer Stories |
Rackets |
Racy |
Racy Stories |
Radiant |
Radio Digest |
Radio Fun |
Radio Guide |
Radio Mirror |
Radio News |
Radio Record |
Radio Stories |
Radio Times |
Radon Journal |
RAF Aces |
RAF Aces (Canada) |
Rage [1956] |
Rage (for Men) [1960] |
Rage [1996] |
The Railroad Man's Magazine |
Rain Crow |
Rain Taxi |
The Rake |
The Rambler Magazine [2004] |
Rampike |
Ranch Love Stories |
Ranch Romances |
Ranch Romances (Canada) |
Ranch Romances (UK) |
Random Realities |
Rangeland Love Stories [1950] |
Rangeland Love Stories [1950] (Canada) |
Rangeland Love Stories [1933] |
Rangeland Love Stories [1936] |