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Snappy Detective Mysteries

Country: US
Total Issues: 2+3=5

Short-lived risque companion to Snappy/Sizzling Romances and similar titles.

Issues & Index Sources

  May-1935 – Jun-1935: Crime Fiction Index
  Jul-1935 – Sep-1935, as Sizzling Detective Mysteries: Crime Fiction Index


  May-1935 – Jun-1935: Edmar Publishing Co., Inc., 125 W. 45th Street, New York
  Jul-1935 – Sep-1935: Nudeal Publishing Co., Wilmington.


  large pulp

Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Snappy Detective Stories

Country: US
Total Issues: 2

Following the initial success of Spicy Detective Stories the publishers attempted to reserve the "Spicy" adjective for themselves by producing ashcan issues for two proposed companion titles, Spicy Mystery Stories and Spicy Adventure Stories.

Simultaneously, the same publishers (Harry Donenfeld & Frank Armer) produced three more ashcan issues, for a parallel line of "Snappy" titles. Each of these issues was 12 pages long and was dated July 1934. The three Snappies never did achieve real publication but, possibly in response to the launch of Snappy Detective Mysteries by a rival publisher, a second set of ashcan issues was prepared and copyrighted. They were a bit more substantial than the first issues (36 pages) and were all dated May 1935.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jul-1934 – May-1935: Crime Fiction Index
Publishers:   Trojan Publishing (#1), Culture Publications (#2)
Formats:   standard pulp
Prices:   25c
Pagecounts:   128pp
Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Snappy Mystery Stories

Country: US
Total Issues: 2

Following the initial success of Spicy Detective Stories the publishers attempted to reserve the "Spicy" adjective for themselves by producing ashcan issues for two proposed companion titles, Spicy Mystery Stories and Spicy Adventure Stories.

Simultaneously, the same publishers (Harry Donenfeld & Frank Armer) produced three more ashcan issues, for a parallel line of "Snappy" titles. Each of these issues was 12 pages long and was dated July 1934. The three Snappies never did achieve real publication but, possibly in response to the launch of Snappy Detective Mysteries by a rival publisher, a second set of ashcan issues was prepared and copyrighted. They were a bit more substantial than the first issues (36 pages) and were all dated May 1935.

The contents of the second issue are not known; the Library of Congress can no longer find its copy, and no other has yet surfaced.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jul-1934 – May-1935: Crime Fiction Index (Missing: May-1935)
Publishers:   Trojan Publishing (#1), Culture Publications (#2)
Formats:   standard pulp
Prices:   25c
Pagecounts:   128pp
Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Snappy Romances

Country: US
Total Issues: 2+3+6?=11?

Issues & Index Sources

  May-1935 – Jun-1935: FictionMags Index (Missing: Jun-1935)
  Jul-1935 – Sep-1935, as Sizzling Romances: FictionMags Index (Missing: Sep-1935)
  Jan-1936 – Jul-1936, as Real Breezy Romances: FictionMags Index (Missing: Jan-1936)


  May-1935 – Jun-1935: Edmar Publishing Co., Inc.
  Jul-1935 – Sep-1935: Nudeal Publishing Co.
  Jan-1936 – Jul-1936: Best Publishers


  May-1935 – Jun-1935: standard pulp
  Jul-1935 – Jul-1936: bedsheet



Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Uncovered: The Hidden Art of Girlie Pulps
Issue Checklist

Snappy Stories

Country: US
Total Issues: 316+ (possibly 321)

An early example of liberated fiction full of free women!

Issues & Index Sources

  Aug-1912 – Mar-1927: FictionMags Index (incomplete)
  Apr-1927 – May-1928, as Snappy Stories and Pictures: FictionMags Index (incomplete)
  1930 – 1932?, as Snappy Stories: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)


  1912 – 1928: The New Fiction Publishing Corporation (Clayton Magazines)
  1930 – ?: Lowell Publications Inc.


  Virgina O'Day, Alexander Samalman


  standard pulp




  Aug-1912 – Aug-1915: monthly
  Sep-1915 – Nov-1926: twice-monthly
  Dec-1926 – May-1928: irregular

Related Sites

  The Pulp Magazines Project

Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Uncovered: The Hidden Art of Girlie Pulps

Online Sources

  Online Books (2 issues)
Issue Checklist

Snappy Stories [1948] (UK)

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1948: FictionMags Index
Publishers:   The Wesley Press, Bebington, Liverpool

Snappy Stories [1949] (UK)

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1

Issues & Index Sources:  Mar-1949
Publishers:   Utopian Press, 22 Roland Gardens, London SW7
Pagecounts:   32pp


Country: US
Total Issues: 72

Subtitled "A Comic Weekly of Comic Stories by Comic Authors". All stories reprinted from Five Cent Comic Library.

Issues & Index Sources:  11-Oct-1899 – 20-Feb-1901
Publishers:   Frank Tousey, NY
Formats:   8" x 11"
Prices:   5c
Frequency:   weekly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography


Country: UK
Total Issues: 905

Humorous magazine created chiefly from advance proofs and blocks of the American papers Puck, Life, and Judge. Possibly published some Sherlock Holmes parodies.

Issues & Index Sources:  9-Aug-1890 – 19-Nov-1907
Prices:   1d


Country: US
Total Issues: 2

Amateur online magazine which converted into a blogzine.

Issues & Index Sources:  Mar-2003 – Apr-2003
Editors:   Gabe Chouinard

The Society of Misfit Stories Presents…

Country: US
Total Issues: 12 (as at Jul-2024)

The Society of Misfit Stories is a home for those wonderful stories that are too long for most magazines but too short for print.

Issues & Index Sources:  Feb-2019 – present: Science Fiction Index (Missing: any after Sep-2022)
Publishers:   Bards and Sages Publishing
Issue Checklist

Society Spanking Stories

Country: France
Total Issues: 3?

Flagellation magazine containing various stories about corporal punishment and a correspondence section on the same. Despite being published in France, this was targeted at a British audience.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1930s
Publishers:   Les Beaux Oeuvres, Establissement H.P., 43 Chaussee d'Antin, Paris
Prices:   2/6d
Issue Checklist

Sociopathic Times

Country: Australia


Issues & Index Sources:  Summer 1993 – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Editors:   Rod Marsden

The Sockdolager

Country: US
Total Issues: 9

A quarterly magazine of short genre fiction, most of it SF or fantasy.

Issues & Index Sources:  Spring 2015 – Summer 2017
Editors:   Alison Wilgus & Paul Starr


Country: UK
Total Issues: 1?

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1950s
Publishers:   Paget Publications, 106 Glenthorne Road, Hammersmith, London
Prices:   2/6d

Solarpunk Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 15 (as at Jul-2024)

A bimonthly magazine of radically hopeful and optimistic science fiction and fantasy.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan/Feb-2022 – present: Science Fiction Index (Missing: #15, May/Jun-2024; any after #15, May/Jun-2024)
Editors:   Justine Norton-Kertson & Brianna Castagnozzi
Formats:   ebook
Prices:   $6.00
Issue Checklist

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