The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 2145
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * Matchmakers, (pz) Spiral Words #2, 1999
- * Mathematical Puzzle #3, (pz) Stardust #3, 1976
- * Mathematics in Action, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #46, June 15 1954 [Ref. O. G. Sutton, F.R.S.]
- * Richard Christian Matheson Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1989 [Ref. Richard Christian Matheson]
- * Math Puzzle, (pz) Stardust #2, 1976
- * A Matter of Degree, (ss) (by Mike Chinn) Nemonymous #10, 2010
- * Maxim Verehin, (iv) Nightmare #2, November 2012 [Ref. Maxim Verehin]
- * May/June Poetry News, (ms) Star*Line May/June 2009
- * May Preview, (ms) Apex Magazine #107, April 2018
- * Me and My Angels, (iv) Omenana #1, December 2014 [Ref. Ibrahim Ganiyu]
- * The Measure of Sorrow, (br) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #90, Q1 2023 [Ref. J. Ashley-Smith]
- * Mecano Sapiens, (pi) Amazing Stories May 1979
- * Mechanical Mice, (ms) Astounding Science Fiction April 1952
- * Mechanical Voices for Phone Numbers, (ms) Astounding Stories of Super-Science September 1930
- * Media Release from the South African National Space Agency, (ms)
- * The Medical Officer, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #58, June 15 1955
- * Medusa’s Garden: A Vampire’s Lament, (pm) Abyss & Apex #51, 3rd Quarter 2014
- * Meet Daniel Cohen, (iv) Thrills & Chills #15, 1996 [Ref. Daniel Cohen]
- * Meet Me in the Park, (??) Colonies Science Fiction Magazine #1, 2000
- * Meet the Author of This Novel, (ms) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1939
- * Meet the Authors:
* ___ Raymond Z. Gallun, (bg) Amazing Stories March 1942 [Ref. Raymond Z. Gallun]
- * Meet the Devil’s Reject: An Interview with Sid Haig, (iv) Dark of Night #1, September/October 2005 [Ref. Sid Haig]
- * Meet the Editors!, (ms) The Weird Fiction Review #9, Winter 2019
- * Meet the Fan…, (bg) Stardust Nov, Aug, Sep 1940 [Ref. Forrest J Ackerman]
- * Meet the Gang #12, (pm) Sweetness and Light Spring 1940
- * Meet the Gang #5, (pm) Sweetness and Light Summer 1939
- * Meet the Gang #6, (pm) Sweetness and Light Fall 1939
- * Meet the Gang #9, (pm) Sweetness and Light Winter 1940
- * Meet the Scribes and Drawers, (bg) Black Rose #1 Jan, #2 Jul 1998
- * Mellie’s Zoo, (ss) (by A. C. Wise) Nemonymous #9, 2009
- * Member News, (cl) Star*Line v15 #7, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1992, Jan/Feb, May/Jun 1993, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug,
Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1994
Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, v18 #6/v19 #1 Nov/Feb 1995
- * Member Roster, (ms) Star*Line November/December 1994
- * Membership Directory, (ms) Star*Line November/December 1980
- * Membership Roster, (ms) The Megaflow Manifesto January 1991
- * Memoirs of a Vampire Hunter by Peter Allchin, (br) Lacuna #2, April 2010
- * A Memorial to Montague Summers, (ms) Aklo Summer 1991
- * Memorial Tribute to Jonathan David Levine, (ms) Penny Dreadful #14, 2001
- * The Menace of the Insect, (ms) Astounding Stories April 1931
- * Men Against the Stars, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #19, March 15 1952 [Ref. Martin Greenberg]
- * Menagerie on the Run in Xeno’s Arrow, (ar) Parsec Fall 2000
- * Men Behind Amazing Stories, (ar) Amazing Stories April 1952
- * The Men Behind the Space Rockets, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #68, April 15 1956 [Ref. Heinz Gartmann]
- * The Men from Mars, (cl) ProtoStellar #2, 1991
- * The Men in Black: Mysterious Agents of Intimidation, (ar) Dark Realms #11, Summer 2003
- * Men, Lost at Sea, Live Through Week of Horror, (ms) Weird Tales June 1923
- * Men of Other Planets, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #17, January 15 1952 [Ref. Kenneth Heuer]
- * Men of Science, (ms) Space Journal March/May 1959
- * Men Sing Hymn as They Go to Death, (ms) Weird Tales June 1923
- * Mention My Name in Atlantis, (br) Amra v2 #59, 1973 [Ref. John Jakes]
- * Men Who Look Like Somebody Else, (pi) True Strange Stories October 1929
- * The Men Who Make the Argosy, (cl) Argosy May 10 1941 [Ref. E. Hoffmann Price]
- * Merchandizing Aspects, (ar) All Rare #1, Spring 1980
- * Mercury, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #34, June 15 1953
- * Mercury-198 Is Now Available, (ms) Astounding Science Fiction October 1949
- * Mercury, World of Contrasts, (vi) Captain Future Spring 1941
- * Mercury: World of Heat, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #49, September 15 1954
- * Mermaid Alignment Chart, (ms) Mermaids Monthly #1, January 2021
- * Mermaid Crossword Puzzle, (pz) Spellbound Fall 2000
- * Message Board, (cl) Star*Line Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Nov/Dec 1980, Jul/Aug 1981
- * Message from Earth, (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1972
- * Messages from Space, (cl) Scientifiction Jan, Apr, Jun 1937
- * Messages from the dead letter office, (cl) Fright Depot #1, 1988
- * Messages from the Fright Depot, (ed) Fright Depot #1, 1988
- * A Message to the Future, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1939
- * Messenger of Zhuvastou, (br) Amra v2 #60, 1973 [Ref. Andrew J. Offutt]
- * Metabolism Based on Silica?, (ms) Analog Science Fact—Fiction October 1961
- * Metacognition and the Writer Skill Set, (ed) Abyss & Apex #41, 1st Quarter 2012
- * Metalclad, (ss) (by S. T. James) Scoops March 31 1934
- * Metal Machine Music, (ss) Proud Flesh Fall 1994
- * The Metal Robot [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (vi) Captain Future Winter 1940
- * The Metamorphosis of Simon Wright [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (vi) Captain Future Winter 1944
- * Meteorites, (ms) Space Journal March/May 1959
- * Meteorological Rocket Approaches Sun, (il) If January 1955
- * Metric Notes for Those Who Are Into Schemae, (ar) Star*Line December 1978
- * Mexico’s Island of Dolls: Isla de las Munecas, (ms) Jamais Vu #3, Summer/Autumn 2014
- * Michael A. Arnzen: Psychopaths & Other Dark Brews, (iv) Random Realities #7, Summer 1995 [Ref. Michael A. Arnzen]
- * Michael Carlson Jawbone #12, (fr) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1976
- * Michael Hague, (iv) Ariel, The Book of Fantasy v4, 1978 [Ref. Michael Hague]
- * Michael Jodoin Interview, (iv) Liquid Imagination #3, Spring 2009 [Ref. Michael Jodoin]
- * Michael Leadingham’s Cover Art: A Storybook Kingdom, (ms) OG’s Speculative Fiction #1, July 2006 [Ref. Michael Leadingham]
- * The Michael Lohr Interview, (iv) Probe #141, June 2009 [Ref. Michael Lohr]
- * Michael Moorcock, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #129, April 1963 [Ref. Michael Moorcock]
- * A Michael Moorcock Biography, (bg) The Time Centre Times v1 #1, 1985 [Ref. Michael Moorcock]
- * Microbes and Us, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #57, May 15 1955 [Ref. Hugh Nichol]
- * Micro-Organisms Seem Deathless, (ar) Science and Invention January 1921
- * The Microscope, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1943
- * MidAmeriCon Prigress Report #1 [sic], (fr) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1976
- * Midnight Graffiti’s Pik-a-Plot Guide to Horror, (ms) Midnight Graffiti #2, Fall 1988; based on Gahan Wilson’s “The Science Fiction Horror Movie Pocket Computer” (National Lampoon November 1971).
- * The Midnight Street Review, (br) Midnight Street #5, Summer 2005
- * Midnight Street Writers & Artists, (bg) Midnight Street #1, Winter/Spring 2004
- * Midnight Surprise, (cs) Grotesque Quarterly v2 #3, 2018
- * Mighty Fine Days, (ss) (by Antony Mann) Nemonymous #2, May 2002
- * The Mighty Revelator Passes, (ms) REH: Two Gun Raconteur #13, Fall 2009
- * Mike Mignola, (iv) Nightmare #3, December 2012 [Ref. Michael Mignola]
- * Mike Wood MinneAPA, (fr) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1976
- * The Militia House, (br) Grimdark Magazine #35, 2023 [Ref. John Milas]
- * The Milky Way’s Spherical Halo, (ar) The Daily Galaxy
- * The Mind Machine, (ss) Scoops March 24 1934
- * The Mind of Man, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1998
- * Minds and Machines, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #54, February 15 1955 [Ref. W. Sluckin]
- * Minicon 2014—Amended with Marcon Schedule, (ms) Grantville Gazette v50 2013, v51, v52, v53 2014
- * Mini-Interview: Clive Barker, (iv) Lights Out! June 1990 [Ref. Clive Barker]
- * Mini Interview: M. E. Counselman, (iv) Star*Line January/February 1982 [Ref. M. E. Counselman]
- * Mining Diamonds with Diving Bell, (ms) Science and Invention December 1920
- * Minutes of Meeting, (ms) Probe August 1970
- * The Miracle of Bradley Moor, (ss) Erotic SF #1, 1977
- * Miracles, (ms) The Terrific Register, Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1825
- * Mirage, (vi) Fantastic Universe June 1958
- * Miranda’s Will, (vi) Punch January 28 1914
- * Miri Castor Interview, (iv) Black Girl Magic Lit Mag #1 Jan, #2 Apr 2016 [Ref. Miri Castor]
- * The Miroslaw Lipinski Interview, (iv) Tekeli-li! #4, Winter/Spring 1992 [Ref. Miroslaw Lipinski]
- * A Mirror for Observers, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #44 Apr 15 1954, #60 Aug 15 1955 [Ref. Edgar Pangborn]
- * Miscellaneous, (ms) Star*Line Winter 1991
- * Miscellaneous Notes, (ms) M-Brane SF #1, February 2009
- * Miscellaneous Recipes for Wisdom and Power, (ms) Grimoire #3, Winter 1983
- * Miscellany, (ms) Into the Ruins #8 Wtr, #9 Spr, #10 Sum, #11 Fll 2018, #12 Spr, #13 Sum, #14 Fll 2019, #15 Spr, #16 Sum 2020
- * Mischlings, (pm) Abyss & Apex #39, 3rd Quarter 2011
- * Missing in Action, (vi) Fantasy Magazine September 1934
- * Missing John Hudson, (ss) (by Gelett Burgess) The Master of Mysteries, Bobbs, 1912
- * Missing Links, The Twilight Zone Eighth Anniversary Quiz, (qz) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine April 1989
- * Missing Mars Mineral Found, (ar) Thrilling Wonder Stories Spring 2009
- * Mission: Impossible 2, (mr) (by Jim Francis) Science Fiction World #3, August 2000
- * The Mississippi Society of Paranormal Investigators, (iv) parAbnormal Digest #2, September 2011
- * Mr. Robot—Louis B. Shalako, (??) Twisted Tongue #16, June 2010
- * Mithre—Hot and Undead, (pi) Red Scream #0, April/May 2005
- * M. John Harrison News, (ss) Interzone #13, Autumn 1985 [Ref. M. John Harrison]
- * A MM Bibliography, (bi) The Megaflow Manifesto January 1991 [Ref. Michael Moorcock]
- * Mmm—Delicious, (nv) (by Reggie Oliver) Nemonymous #7, 2007
- * Mobile, Phone, (ss) (by Brian Howell) Nemonymous #3, 2003
- * The Model Husband Contest, (vi) Punch
- * Model Jets and Rockets for Boys, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #47, July 15 1954 [Ref. Raymond F. Yates]
- * Modern Alchemy, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #63, November 15 1955
- * A Modern Miracle, (vi) Spacetrails #3, November 1952
- * Modern Science Illustrated, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #45, 1954
- * The Modern Self-Educator, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #45, 1954
- * Modern Style Rockets, (ms) Astounding Science Fiction October 1952
- * A Modest Proposal, (fa) (by Jonathan Swift) S. Harding, 1729, uncredited.
- * The Mold Farmer, (br) Three Crows Magazine #9, April 2021 [Ref. Rick Claypool]
- * A Moment in History, (ms) Vertex June 1975
- * Moment in History:
* ___ Crab Nebula, (ms) Vertex August 1973
* ___ Dr. Goddard’s Fireworks Machine, (ms) Vertex December 1973
* ___ The Experiment That Failed, (ms) Vertex October 1973
* ___ The First and the Last, (ms) Vertex April 1974
* ___ The Flight of Apollo 11, (ms) Vertex April 1973
* ___ Monument to the Seven, (ms) Vertex February 1974
* ___ Near Miss, (ms) Vertex December 1974
* ___ Nov 1, 1952—A Star Comes to Earth, (ms) Vertex June 1973
* ___ Soviet Space Stamps, (pi) Vertex August 1974
* ___ Superbird, (ms) Vertex July 1975
- * Monkey-Face and Mrs. Thorpe [Doctor Martinus], (ss) Ghost Stories August 1927, as "The Soul That Lost Its Way", by Arthur Branscombe
- * Monkeys with Machine Guns, (iv) Murky Depths #1, 2007
- * Monsieur Rouelle, (ms) The Terrific Register, Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1825
- * The Monster and the Lady, (pi) Monster Parade November 1958
- * Monster from Green Hell, (mr) Monsters and Things April 1959
- * Monster of the Marsh, (ss) Scoops February 24 1934
- * Monster Parade Rogue’s Gallery of Ghouls, (pi) Monster Parade November 1958
- * Monster Pin-Ups, (pi) Monster Parade Dec 1958, Mar 1959
- * Monsters and Things Pin-Ups, (pi) Monsters and Things April 1959
- * Monster Sex Club News, (ms) Monster Sex Tales August/September 1972
- * Monsters in Your Living Room, (ar) Monster Parade September 1958
- * The Monster Speaks, (cl) Sinister Stories Feb, Mar, May 1940
- * Monster Squad, (mr) American Fantasy Summer 1987
- * Monstrous Twin, (ms) Astounding Science-Fiction June 1938
- * Monte Carlo Casino Yields Huge Annual Profit, (ms) Weird Tales July/August 1923
- * Monument to the Seven, (ms) Vertex February 1974
- * Moon, (cn) Shoreline of Infinity #12, Summer 2018
- * The Moon, (vi) Captain Future Winter 1942
- * The Moon Base, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #54, February 15 1955
- * Moon Base One, (br) Analog Science Fact & Fiction (UK) June 1961 [Ref. Hugh Walters]
- * The Moon Changes Hands, (ms) Our Public Lands
- * The Moon Laboratory [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (vi) Captain Future Winter 1942
- * The Moonlatch, (pm) Kalki #1, July 1965
- * The Moon Puzzle, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #53, January 15 1955 [Ref. N. O. Bergquist]
- * The Moon Raiders, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #57, May 15 1955 [Ref. Sydney J. Bounds]
- * Moon Rockets, (ms) Astounding Stories March 1931
- * The Moons of Mars, (vi) Captain Future Fall 1942
- * Moon Tomes, (??) Colonies Science Fiction Magazine #1, 2000
- * A Moorcock Discography, (bi) The Megaflow Manifesto October 1988 [Ref. Michael Moorcock]
- * Moorcock, Michael (John) (1939- ): A Postscript, (ms) Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. John Clute & Peter Nicholls, Orbit, 1993
- * Moorlands of the Not, (pm) Destiny Winter 1951/Spring 1952
- * The Morals of Science, (ms) Fantastic Universe March 1959
- * Morbidon’s Memoirs, (cl) Daarke Worlde #4 Oct/Nov 1993, #5 Feb/Mar, #6 Jun/Jul 1994
- * More About the Abominable Snowman, (ms) Fantastic Universe November 1958
- * More About the Authors, (bg) Century #1 Mar/Apr, #2 May/Jun, #3 Sep/Oct 1995, #4 Jan/Feb 1996
- * More About the Egyptians, (ms) Weird Tales April 1923
- * More Announcements, (ms) Star*Line Apr, Jun 1979
- * More by Our Writers, (bi) Fusion Fragment #3, November 2020
- * More Common Than We Are Willing to Admit: Odd Phobias, (ms) Withersin v1 #1, 2007
- * More Illustrators, (ar) Amra v2 #14, 1961
- * More Models, (ms) Authentic Science Fiction #18, February 15 1952
- * More Pages, More Reviews, (ms) Interzone #8, Summer 1984
- * More Roses, (ms) Star*Line November/December 1983
- * More Telescope Fiends, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1948, as by Raymond A. Palmer
- * More Than a Dream?, (ms) Ghost Stories January 1930
- * More Than Giant Mirrors Required, (ms) Astounding Science-Fiction July 1941
- * More X-Prize Competitors, (ar) Artemis #8, Winter 2003
- * Morlock Night, (br) Weird Tales Summer 2011 [Ref. K. W. Jeter]
- * Morrigan Hel: Fetish Goddess, (pi) Red Scream Winter 2005
- * Mort Castle, (iv) Cemetery Dance #4, Spring 1990 [Ref. Mort Castle]
- * Mother Nokes, (ar)
- * Mother of the Dispossessed, (ss) SteamPunk Magazine #1, 2007
- * Mother Shipton, (ms) Fantastic Universe August 1958
- * Mothman: The Curse of Point Pleasant, the True Story from a Resident, (ar) Dark Realms #7, Summer 2002
- * Motor Hints, (cn) Science and Invention Nov 1920, Jan 1921
- * The Mountain, (ss) (by Michael Moorcock) Boys’ World June 15 1963, uncredited.
- * Mountain of Light!, (ms) Astounding Stories December 1933
- * Movie “Creepy Tales”, (ar) Blood Moon Rising #11, May/June 2002
- * Movie: Death House (2017), (iv) DeadLights Horror Fiction Magazine February 1 2017 [Ref. B. Harrison Smith]
- * Movie Quiz, (qz) Probe #59, May 1984
- * Movie Review: Oz the Great and Powerful, (mr) Conjurings #1, June 2013
- * Movies: Dracula: The Dark Prince, Frailty, Insomnia, Minority Report, (ar) Dark Realms #7, Summer 2002
- * Movie Thrillers, (pi) Science and Invention September 1920
- * Movie Werewolves Then & Now, (ar) Werewolf Magazine #6, 2007
- * Moving Day, (cs) Grotesque Quarterly v2 #2, 2018
- * M. Parfitt, (iv) Cyber-Psychos AOD #9, July 1999 [Ref. M. Parfitt]
- * The M.R. James Plaque, (ms) Ghosts & Scholars #27, 1998 [Ref. M. R. James]
- * M.R. James Plaque Appeal, (ms) All Hallows #14 Feb, #15 Jun 1997 [Ref. M. R. James]
- * M.R. James’s Headstone: A New Appeal, (ms) Ghosts & Scholars #28, 1999 [Ref. M. R. James]
- * The M.R. James Survey Results, (ms) Ghosts & Scholars #20, 1995
- * The Mrs. Anne Radcliffe Literature Award, (ar) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967
- * Ms Found in a Wastebasket, (pm) The Phantagraph May 1944
- * Multiple Choice Question, (ms) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction December 1961
- * Mummies Made by Electricity, (ms) Weird Tales May 1923
- * The Mummy Who Wanted a Daddy!, (ss) Shock Tales January 1959, as "The Harlot Wouldn’t Die", by Willy Hunter
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