The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1946
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Townley, Jon (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)] (with Richard Lon Cohen, John Harris, Peter Knifton, Pamela Mower, Hans-Ulrich Osterwalder & Michael Whelan), (il) Omni May 1980
- * [illustration(s)] (with Richard Lon Cohen, John Harris, Peter Knifton, Pamela Mower, Hans-Ulrich Osterwalder & Michael Whelan), (il) Omni (UK) v2 #8, 1980
Townsend, George P. (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * Editorial, (ed) New Moon Quarterly
- * Editorial, (ed) Dream Science Fiction #19 Spr, #20 Sum, #21 Aut 1989, #23 Spr, #24 Sum 1990, #27 Jan 1991
- * Gazumpers Beware! Townsend’s Here!, (ed) Dream Quarterly #18, Winter 1988
- * Relic, (ss) Dream Magazine #1, September 1985
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ New Moon
* ___ New Moon Quarterly
- * Editor: Dream Quarterly #18 Win 1988, #19 Spr, #20 Sum, #21 Aut, #22 Win 1989, #23 Spr, #24 Sum, #25 Sep, #26 Nov 1990, #27 Jan, #28 Apr, #29 Win,
#1 Sep 1991
#2 Jan 1992
_____, [ref.]
Townsend, John S(tephen) (1957- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Calcified in Death Like Shining Stars, (ss) Dream Magazine #3, January 1986
- * Crystal Blue Persuasion, (ss) Overspace #14, December 1991
- * Crystals on the Gadroon, (pm) Nova SF #4, October 1992
- * The Dark Side of the Sun, (ss) Nightfall #2, 1990
- * The Dross on Aaron Four, (ss) Auguries #18, 1994
- * Fair Weather Friends, Foul Water Foes, (pm) Nova SF #4, October 1992
- * The Fingers of Summer, (pm) Nova SF #4, October 1992
- * For Those in Peril on the Sea, (vi) Nova SF #4, October 1992
- * Friable in Fragramento, (ss) Dream Quarterly #16, Summer 1988
- * The Gesture, (ss) Overspace #10, September 1990
- * He Talked of Triangles, (ss) Overspace #9, July 1990
- * I Hope They’re Safe Tonight in the Crystal Air, (pm) Nova SF #4, October 1992
- * The Incognizant Kinetophone, (pm) Nova SF #4, October 1992
- * Infringement of the Aubade, (pm) Nova SF #4, October 1992
- * In the Dream Cell, (ss) Dream Magazine #2, November 1985
- * I Spent the Rest of the Afternoon Shooting Blackbirds Out of the Trees, (pm) Nova SF #4, October 1992
- * The Painted Lady’s Dance, (ss) Overspace #15, July 1992
- * Psychedelia to Psychomania, (gp) Nova SF #4, October 1992
- * Revelation Twenty Three, (pm) Nova SF #4, October 1992
- * Seagulls to the Portcullis, (pm) Nova SF #4, October 1992
- * Thirty Degrees of the Scorpion, (ss) New Moon Quarterly #2, September 1987
- * To Make a Moonlight Man Go Blind, (ss) Nova SF #1, Spring 1990
- * When Anteaters Rode Majestically, (pm) Nova SF #4, October 1992
_____, [ref.]
Townsend, Sara Jayne (1969- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Cigarette Burns, (ss) Grotesque #5, 1994
- * Jimi Hendrix Eyes, (ss) Peeping Tom #31, August 1998
- * Just Don’t Scream, (vi) Peeping Tom #2, 1991
- * Kay’s Blues, (ss) Roadworks #14, Autumn/Winter 2002
- * Morgan’s Father, (ss) Roadworks #8, Spring 2000
- * The Top Floor, (ss) Fear #11, November 1989
- * Train to Maladomini, (ss) Sierra Heaven #4^12, 1998
_____, [ref.]
Towse, Mark (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Bucket of Chicken, (vi) The Sirens Call #58, Summer 2022
- * The Fruits of Labour, (ss) Midnight Echo #17, August 2022
- * A Good Man, (ss) parAbnormal Magazine March 2022
- * The Masterpiece, (nv) Horror, Breaking Rules Publishing, 2019
- * Nature’s Perfume, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #5, November 2020
- * Okenheart, (ss) Chilling Tales #6, May 2019
- * An Old Romantic, (ss) 34 Orchard #7, Spring 2023
- * The Park, (vi) The Sirens Call #42, December 2018
- * The Taste of Bourbon, (vi) The Sirens Call #55, Halloween 2021
- * The Trip, (ss) parAbnormal Magazine March 2020
T’Pyr, Rainbow (chron.)
- * After a Meeting with a Monopod Ambassador…, (pm) Pandora #14, 1985
- * Entry 2267/1-27, (pm) Pandora #7, 1981
- * Entry 2267/7-11, (pm) Pandora #5, 1980
- * Faeries, (pm) Pandora #8, 1981
- * Womansong: Entry 2267/2-4, (pm) Pandora #4, 1979
Train, Oswald (1915-1988) (chron.)
- * Burroughs “Impossibility” Not so Impossible, (ar) Science Fiction Digest October 1932
- * The Eternal Wanderer, (cl) The New Science Fiction Collector Jul, Nov/Dec 1937, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May, Jun/Jul, Aug, Oct/Nov 1938, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct,
Nov/Dec 1939
Jan/Feb 1940
- * The Eternal Wanderer, (cl) Science Fiction Collector September/October 1937, uncredited.
- * The Eternal Wanderer, (cl) Fantascience Digest Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr 1939
- * It’s Just the Same (with James V. Taurasi), (ar) Fantascience Digest January/February 1938
- * The Man Who Murdered Himself, (ss) Cosmic Tales January/February 1938
- * Theft of the White Vulture, (ss) Science Adventure Stories #1, 1938
- * Van Quirk’s Lunar Cable, (ss) Science Adventure Stories October 1938
- * [cartoon(s)] (with John V. Baltadonis), (ct) Cosmic Tales November/December 1937
- * [letter], (lt) OAK Leaves #11, 1975
- * [letter from Barnesboro, PA], (lt) Astounding Stories Apr, Sep 1931, Apr, Sep 1932
- * [letter from Philadelphia, PA], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries June 1947
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
Trakl, Georg (1887-1914) (chron.)
- * Delirium, (pm)
- * De Profundis, (pm) Song of the Departed: Selected Poems of Georg Trakl by Georg Trakl, Copper Canyon Press, 2012
- * Klageleid (Lamentation), (pm)
_____, [ref.]
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