The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Lines, Steve (1957-2021); used pseudonym Haydon Atwood Prescott (about) (chron.)
- * Ancestors & Acolytes, (il)
- Cyäegha #7, Autumn 2012; reprinted from Twisted in Dream: The Collected Weird Poetry of Ann K. Schwader, Hippocampus Press, 2011.
- * Behind the Mask, (il) Cyäegha #12, Winter 2014
- * The Black Pharaoh, (pm) Dreams of a Diseased Mind by Steve Lines, BJM Press, 2000
- * Bruce Pennington: Days of Future Past, (ar) Fungi #22, July 2015 [Ref. Bruce Pennington]
- * Call of the Whippoorwills, (pm) Dark Horizons #41, Spring 2002
- * Carcosa, (il) Cyäegha #13, Spring 2015
- * The Comptonbury Horror, (pm) Dreams of a Diseased Mind by Steve Lines, BJM Press, 2000, as by Steve Lines
- * The Creature from Galaxy X, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * Demon, (cv) Lovecraft’s Disciples #10, September 2007
- * The Departure of Malygris (with John B. Ford), (ss) Strange Sorcery #9, March 2009
- * Donovan’s Brain, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * Down to a Sunless Sea, (pm) Imelod #15, Autumn/October 1999
- * Dreamhound, (pm) Dreams of a Diseased Mind by Steve Lines, BJM Press, 2000
- * The Eyes of the Scorpion, (nv) Weird Worlds #2, March 2007
- * The Feaster in the Tomb, (pm) Dreams of a Diseased Mind by Steve Lines, BJM Press, 2000, as by Steve Lines
- * The Fire & the Frozen Flame, (ss) Strange Sorcery #5, November 2007
- * Galaxina, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * Gallery (with Andrea Bonazzi, Nick Gucker, Allen Koszowski & Peter Von Sholly), (il) Sargasso: The Journal of William Hope Hodgson Studies Fall 2013
- * The Ghooric Zone, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * The Ghoul, (pm) Dreams of a Diseased Mind by Steve Lines, BJM Press, 2000, as by Steve Lines
- * Green Slime, (ss) Futuristic Fiction #3, February 2020
- * The Guardian at the End of the World, (cv) Weird Worlds #3, October 2008
- * The Heart of Shunguu, (cv) Thrilling Tales #5, September 2010
- * He’s Dead Jim, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * The Hierophant of Leng, (ss) The Yellow Sign #2, February 2008
- * The Hounds of Tindalos, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * The House on the Borderland, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * The House on the Prairie, (cv) Thrilling Tales #3, February 2008
- * The King in Yellow #1, (il) Cyäegha #13, Spring 2015
- * The King in Yellow #2, (cv) Cyäegha #13, Spring 2015
- * Lizzy, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * The Lonely Aviator, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * The Maker of Nightmares (with John B. Ford), (ss) The Evil Entwines (Extended Version!) by John B. Ford & Guests, Rainfall, 2005
- * Mary Jane, (pm) Descent Into Darkness #7, 2020
- * The Monolith, (pm) Dreams of a Diseased Mind by Steve Lines, BJM Press, 2000, as by Steve Lines
- * Nazgul, (cv) Strange Sorcery #8, May 2008
- * The New Gods, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * The Night Eternal (with John B. Ford), (sl) Flashing Blades #1 Aug 2015, #2 Jan, #3 Feb, #4 Mar, #5 Apr 2017
- * Nightland, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * Nightwinds, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * Pickman’s Model, (pm) Lovecraft’s Disciples #42, October 2020
- * Pickman’s Painting, (pm) Dreams of a Diseased Mind by Steve Lines, BJM Press, 2000
- * Preface (with John B. Ford), (pr) Tales of Horror #10, August 2018
- * Rats in the Walls, (pm) Lovecraft’s Disciples #42, October 2020
- * Space Chick, (cv) Startling Space Stories #1, November 2007
- * The Stone of Stars (with Kevin Oliver), (ss) Lovecraft’s Disciples #1, December 2005
- * Strange Aeons, (pm) Dreams of a Diseased Mind by Steve Lines, BJM Press, 2000
- * The Torturers of Zykakis (with Ian Davey), (ss) Strange Sorcery #5, November 2007
- * Underground, (cv) Strange Sorcery #10, October 2009
- * A Vision of Carcosa (with John B. Ford), (ss) Death Songs of Carcosa by John B. Ford & Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2006
- * When I Was an Astroman, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * When They Return, (pm) Dreams of a Diseased Mind by Steve Lines, BJM Press, 2000
- * When Worlds Collide, (pm) Nightmares from Infinity by Steve Lines, Rainfall Books, 2003
- * The Yellow King, (cv) The Yellow Sign #2, February 2008
- * [front cover], (cv) Black Tears #6, 1994
- * [front cover], (cv) Sierra Heaven #4^12, 1998
- * [front cover], (cv) Terror Tales #3 1998, #4 2009, #1 Feb 2014, #14 Sum 2020
- * [front cover], (cv) The Dream Zone #1 Jan 1999, Jan 2000
- * [front cover], (cv) Dead Things Magazine #1, July/September 1999
- * [front cover], (cv) Dark Horizons #41 Spr 2002, #43 Spr/Sum 2003
- * [front cover], (cv) Lovecraft’s Disciples #1 Dec 2005, #2 Feb, #3 Apr, #4 Jun, #5 Aug, #6 Nov 2006, #7 Jan, #8 Mar, #9 May 2007, #12 May 2008, #14 Mar 2010,
#32 Apr 2018
- * [front cover], (cv) Thrilling Tales #1 2006, #2 2007, #8 Feb 2012, #9 Oct 2016
- * [front cover], (cv) The Yellow Sign #1 Mar 2006, #3 Jun 2011, #5 Jan 2016, #8 Nov 2017
- * [front cover], (cv) Beyond the Borderland #1 Jul, #2 Dec 2006
- * [front cover], (cv) Strange Sorcery #1 Jul 2006, #2 Jan 2007, #6 Jan 2008, #15 2015, #23 Jul 2017
- * [front cover], (cv) Weird Worlds #1 Nov 2006, #2 Mar 2007, #4 Feb 2012
- * [front cover], (cv) Tales of the Weird West #2 Aug 2015, #6 May 2018
- * [front cover], (cv) Tales of the Weird and Uncanny #1, October 2016
- * [front cover], (cv) Space Adventures #3 Feb, #4 Mar, #6 Oct 2017
- * [front cover], (cv) Out of the Shadows #2 Mar 2017, #5 2020
- * [front cover], (cv) Shocking Stories #1 May, #3 Oct 2017
- * [front cover], (cv) Tales of Horror #3 May, #4 May, #5 Jul, #6 Aug, #7 Dec, #8 Dec 2017, #9 May, #10 Aug 2018
- * [front cover], (cv) Futuristic Fiction #1 Jun 2018, #3 Feb 2020
- * [front cover], (cv) Haunted Horror #2, June 2018
- * [front cover], (cv) Planets of Peril #1, 2020
- * [front cover] (with Matt Woodward), (cv) Space Adventures #2, February 2016
- * [front cover] (with Matt Woodward), (cv) Terror Tales #5 Feb 2016, #15 Aut 2020
- * [front cover] (with Matt Woodward), (cv) Strange Sorcery #34 Jul, #35 Aug 2020
- * [front cover] (with Matt Woodward), (cv) Terrifying Tales #7, 2020
- * [front cover] (with Matt Woodward), (cv) Thrilling Tales #11, 202? (unpublished)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Black Tears #6, 1994
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Terror Tales #2, #4 1998
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Enigmatic Tales #2 Sep, #3 Dec 1998, Spr, #6 Aut, #7 Win 1999, #10 Aut 2000
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Sci-Fright #1 Feb/Mar, #2 Apr/May, #5 1999
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Dead Things Magazine #2 Oct/Dec 1999, #3 Jan/Mar 2000
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Dream Zone January 2000
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Dark Horizons #40 Aut 2001, #41 Spr, #42 Aut/Win 2002, #44 Aut/Win 2003, #46 Aut/Win 2004
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Fungi #20 Spr 2011, #21 Sum 2013
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Hyborian Gazette #1, 2015
_____, ed.
- * Editor: E’ch Pi El #7 May 2009, #8 Dec 2010, #9 Jun 2011
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Lovecraft’s Disciples #1 Dec 2005, #2 Feb, #3 Apr, #4 Jun, #5 Aug, #6 Nov 2006, #7 Jan, #8 Mar, #9 May, #10 Sep 2007, #11 Mar,
#12 May 2008
#13 Mar 2009, #14 Mar, #15 Jul, #16 Nov 2010, #17 Jul 2011, #18 Mar 2012, #19 Mar 2014, #20 Mar, #21 Oct 2015, #22 Mar, #23 Sep,
#24 Oct 2016
#25 Feb, #26 Apr, #27 Jun, #28 Jul, #29 Dec 2017, #30 Feb, #31 Mar, #32 Apr, #33 Jun, #34 Oct 2018, #35 Jan, #36 Mar,
#37 May, #38 Jun, #39 Jul, #40 Aug, #41 Sep, #42 Oct 2020
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Thrilling Tales #1 2006, #2 2007, #3 Feb 2008, #4 Mar 2009, #5 Sep 2010, #6 Jan, #7 Apr 2011, #8 Feb 2012, #9 Oct 2016, #11 (unpublished) 202?
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): The Yellow Sign #1 Mar 2006, #2 Feb 2008, #3 Jun 2011, #4 Oct 2012, #5 Jan 2016, #6 Jan, #7 Jan, #8 Nov 2017
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Beyond the Borderland #1 Jul, #2 Dec 2006
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): E’ch Pi El #1 2006, #2, #3, #4 Dec 2007, #5 Mar, #6 Jul 2008, #10 Feb 2015, #11 Feb 2016, #12 Jan 2017, #13 Apr 2018,
#14 2020, #15 (unpublished) 202?
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Strange Sorcery #1 Jul 2006, #2 Jan, #3 Mar, #4 May, #5 Nov 2007, #6 Jan, #7 Mar, #8 May 2008, #9 Mar, #10 Oct 2009, #11 Feb,
#12 Sep 2010
#13 Jun 2011, #14 Mar 2012, #15, #16 Sep, #17 Oct 2015, #18 Jan, #19 Feb, #20 Oct 2016, #21 May, #22 Jun, #23 Jul, #24 Aug 2017
#25 Jan, #26 Feb, #27 May, #28 Jun, #29 Sep 2018, #30 Jan, #31 Feb, #32 Mar, #33 May, #34 Jul, #35 Aug, #36 Sep 2020
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Weird Worlds #1 Nov 2006, #2 Mar 2007, #3 Oct 2008, #4 Feb 2012
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Startling Space Stories #1 Nov 2007, #2 Jan 2011, #3 Oct 2012, #4 Jan 2014, #5 (unpublished) 202?
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Tales of the Weird West #1 Jan 2014, #2 Aug 2015, #3 Jul, #4 Aug, #5 Sep 2017, #6 May, #7 Oct 2018, #8 Jun 2020
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Terror Tales #1 Feb, #2 May, #3 Aug, #4 Nov 2014, #5 Feb 2016, #6 Jan, #7 Spr, #8 Sum, #9 Aut, #10 Win 2017, #11 Spr 2018, #12 Wtr,
#13 Spr, #14 Sum, #15 Aut 2020
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Flashing Blades #1 Aug 2015, #2 Jan, #3 Feb, #4 Mar, #5 Apr 2017
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Space Adventures #1 Jan, #2 Feb 2016, #3 Feb, #4 Mar, #5 Sep, #6 Oct 2017, #7 Jan 2018
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Out of the Shadows #1 Sep 2016, #2 Mar 2017, #3 Jul 2018, #4 Feb, #5 2020, #6, #7 2021, #8 (unpublished) 202?
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Chilling Tales #1 Oct 2016, #2 Sep 2017, #3 Jan, #4 Aug, #5 Dec 2018, #7 May, #6 May 2019, #8 2020
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Tales of Horror #1 Oct 2016, #2 Mar, #3 May, #4 May, #5 Jul, #6 Aug, #7 Dec, #8 Dec 2017, #9 May, #10 Aug, #11 Sep, #12 Dec 2018
#13 2020, #14 2021, #15 (unpublished), #16 (unpublished) 202?
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Tales of the Weird and Uncanny #1 Oct, #2 Oct 2016, #3 Apr, #4 Nov 2017
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Terrifying Tales #1 Oct 2016, #2 Sep 2017, #3 Jul, #4 Sep 2018, #5 Mar, #6 Apr, #7 2020, #8 (unpublished) 202?
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Shocking Stories #1 May, #2 Aug, #3 Oct 2017, #4 Feb, #5 Sep 2018, #6 2020
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Beyond the Unknown #1, January 2018
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Descent Into Darkness #1 Feb, #2 Mar, #3 Mar, #4 Apr, #5 Oct 2018, #6 Jan, #7 2020, #8 (unpublished) 202?
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Haunted Horror #1 Mar, #2 Jun, #3 Dec 2018, #4 May, #5, #6 2020
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Creepy Nightmares #1 May, #2 Nov, #3 Dec 2018, #4 Mar, #5 2020
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Futuristic Fiction #1 Jun, #2 Oct 2018, #3 Feb, #4, #5 2020
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Swords of Adventure #1 Nov 2018, #2 May 2020
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Sinister Stories #1 Jun, #2, #3 2020, #4 2021
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Strange Science Fiction Adventures #1 2020, #2 2021
- * Editor (with John B. Ford): Planets of Peril #1, 2020
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