The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1402
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Newman, Kim (James) (1959- ); used pseudonym Jack Yeovil (about) (chron.)
- * Abdication Street [USSA] (with Eugene Byrne), (na) Interzone #105, March 1996
- * Angel Down, Sussex [Diogenes Club], (na) Interzone #149, November 1999
- * The Big Fish [Diogenes Club; Cthulhu], (nv) Interzone #76, October 1993
- * Birthday Wishes and Greetings, (ms) Farmerphile #11, January 2008
- * The Celt from Kent, (iv) Fear #6, May/June 1989 [Ref. Robert Holdstock]
- * Chamber of Horrors: British Horror Films, Before and After Hammer, (ar) The Scream Factory #17, Spring 1996
- * Citizen Ed [USSA] (with Eugene Byrne), (nv) Interzone #113, November 1996
- * Clive Barker, (iv) Interzone #14, Winter 1985/1986 [Ref. Clive Barker]
- * A Clockwork Orange, (mr) Interzone #154, April 2000 [Ref. Stanley Kubrick]
- * Coppola’s Dracula [Anno Dracula], (na) The Mammoth Book of Dracula ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson, 1997
- * Counterfactuals, (rc) Interzone #121, July 1997
- * Culprits or, Where Are They Now? (with Eugene Byrne & Neil Gaiman), (hu) Interzone #40, October 1990
- * D & D, (ss) The Gate #2, 1990
- * Dreamers, (ss) Interzone #8, Summer 1984
- * Famous Monsters, (ss) Interzone #23, Spring 1988
- * Fiction File:
* ___ 22: James Ellroy, (bg) Fear #24, December 1990 [Ref. James Ellroy]
- * Film Reviews, (mr) The Gate #1, 1989
- * Film & Video Reviews, (mr) The Gate #2, #3 Dec 1990
- * Gargantuabots vs the Nice Mice, (ss) Interzone #33, January/February 1990
- * Great Western, (nv) New Worlds ed. David Garnett, White Wolf, 1997
- * Hellraiser—Not in a Theatre Near You Any Time Soon, (ar) Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series #9, February 2024
- * An Horrific Doorstop, (rc) Interzone #131, May 1998
- * Iain Banks, (iv) Interzone #16, Summer 1986 [Ref. Iain Banks]
- * In the Air [USSA] (with Eugene Byrne), (nv) Interzone #43, January 1991
- * James Ellroy, (bg) Fear #24, December 1990 [Ref. James Ellroy]
- * Just Like Eddy, (ss) Interzone #148, October 1999
- * Kim Newman, (cl) Beyond Fantasy & Science Fiction; #2, 3.
- * Kim Newman, (cl) Beyond Fantasy & Science Fiction #1 Apr/May, #2 Jun/Jul, #3 Sep/Oct 1995
- * Liberty Valance Died for You! (with Kim Newman), (rc) Interzone #41, November 1990, as by Kim Newman & Jack Yeovil
- * Life’s Lottery (extract), (ss) The Edge #6, December 1997/January 1998; may be an extract from a forthcoming novel.
- * The Man Who Collected Barker [Sally Rhodes], (ss) Fantasy Tales, v.11 #4 ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson, 1990
- * The Man Who Collected Clive Barker [Sally Rhodes], (ss) Fantasy Tales, v.11 #4 ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson, 1990, as "The Man Who Collected Barker"
- * Many Unhappy Returns, (bg) Fear #4, January/February 1989
- * Mary Reilly, (br) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #5, 1991 [Ref. Valerie Martin]
- * The McCarthy Witch Hunt, (nv) The Original Dr. Shade and Other Stories by Kim Newman, Pocket UK, 1994
- * Monsters, (rc) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #5, 1991
- * Moon Moon Moon [Richard Jeperson; Diogenes Club], (nv) Subterranean (online) Summer 2009
- * Mother Hen [Sally Rhodes], (ss) Fantasy Tales, #6 ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson, 1991
- * Mutant Popcorn, (mr) Interzone #20, Summer 1987
- * Newman on Campbell, (ar) Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series #4, May 2021 [Ref. Ramsey Campbell]
- * The Next-But-One Man, (ss) Interzone #19, Spring 1987
- * The One Safe Place, (br) Squane’s Journal #4, 1997
- * The Original Dr. Shade, (nv) Interzone #36, June 1990
- * The Pale Spirit People, (ss) Interzone #79, January 1994
- * Patricia’s Profession, (ss) Interzone #14, Winter 1985/1986
- * Phantom, (br) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #5, 1991 [Ref. Susan Kay]
- * Pieces of Hate, (bg) Fear #5, March/April 1989
- * The Pierce Arrow Stalled, And…, (ss) Famous Monsters by Kim Newman, Pocket UK, 1995
- * A Quarter to Three [Cthulhu], (ss) Fear #2, September/October 1988
- * Residuals [USSA] (with Paul J. McAuley), (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 1997
- * St James Guide to Horror, Ghost & Gothic Writers, (br) Interzone #131, May 1998 [Ref. David Pringle]
- * Satan on Celluloid, (ar) Fear #27, March 1991
- * Silver Light (with Kim Newman), (br) Interzone #41, November 1990 [Ref. David Thomson], as by Kim Newman & Jack Yeovil
- * Slow News Day [Alternate Major], (ss) Interzone #90, December 1994
- * The Snow Sculptures of Xanadu, (ss) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #5, 1991
- * SQPR, (nv) Interzone #59, May 1992
- * Strange Things in Close Up, (br) Interzone #33, January/February 1990 [Ref. Howard Waldrop]
- * Teddy Bears’ Picnic [USSA] (with Eugene Byrne), (na) Interzone #122 Aug, #123 Sep 1997
- * Ten Days That Shook the World [USSA] (with Eugene Byrne), (nv) Interzone #48, June 1991
- * The Terminus, (ss) Fantasy Tales #15, Winter 1985; an earlier version was in the fanzine Sheep Worrying, 1981.
- * Them Bones, (br) Interzone #33, January/February 1990 [Ref. Howard Waldrop]
- * They Live!, (iv) Fear #1, July/August 1988 [Ref. John Carpenter]
- * Time After Time, (ar) Fear #12, December 1989
- * Tom Joad [USSA] (with Eugene Byrne), (nv) Interzone #65, November 1992
- * Twitch Technicolor, (ss) Interzone #28, March/April 1989
- * Übermensch!, (ss) New Worlds 1 ed. David S. Garnett, Gollancz, 1991
- * A Victorian Ghost Story, (ss) Interzone #139, January 1999
- * Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals, (br) Interzone #121, July 1997 [Ref. Niall Ferguson]
- * Voices Prophesying War, (rc) Interzone #71, May 1993
- * Voices Prophesying War: Future Wars 1763-3749, (br) Interzone #71, May 1993 [Ref. I. F. Clarke]
- * Waltzing Through the Genres, (iv) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #5, 1991 [Ref. David Morrell]
- * Week Woman, (ss) Dark Voices 4 ed. David Sutton & Stephen Jones, Pan, 1992
- * What a Cast List!, (rc) Interzone #33, January/February 1990
- * Whistle and I’ll Come to You (1968), (ar) Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series #3, October 2020 [Ref. M. R. James]
- * You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings [Anno Dracula], (ss) Horror Garage #3, 2001
- * [appreciation of Nick Lowe], (ms) Interzone #230, September/October 2010 [Ref. Nick Lowe]
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #43 Jan 1991, #132 Jun, #136 Oct 1998, #148 Oct 1999, #160 Oct 2000
_____, [ref.]
- * Anno Dracula by John Clute, (br) Interzone #69, March 1993
- * Anno Dracula by Paula Guran, (br) Weird Tales Winter 2012
- * Back in the USSA (with Eugene Byrne) by Paul Di Filippo, (br) Interzone #129, March 1998
- * Bad Dreams by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #43, January 1991
- * The Bloody Red Baron by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #105, March 1996
- * A Conversation with Kim Newman by Henry W. Wagner, (iv) Cemetery Dance #36, 2001
- * Critical Words by Paul Calvin Wilson, (iv) Lighthouse Magazine #2, December 2003
- * Demon Download by Peter T. Garratt, (br) Interzone #45, March 1991
- * Drachenfels by John Clute, (br) Interzone #35, May 1990
- * Dracula Cha Cha Cha by Tom Arden, (br) Interzone #166, April 2001
- * Genevieve Undead by Peter T. Garratt, (br) Interzone #78, December 1993
- * Genevieve Undead by Gwyneth Jones, (br) Interzone #88, October 1994
- * Ghosts and Vampires with Kim Newman by Trevor Kennedy & Allison Weir, (iv) Phantasmagoria Magazine #25, Winter 2024/2025
- * Horror: 100 Best Books (with Stephen Jones) by Stan Nicholls, (br) Interzone #29, May/June 1989
- * Horror: 100 Best Books, ed. by Stephen Jones and Kim Newman (with Stephen Jones) by Baird Searles, (br) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 1989
- * In Dreams (with Paul J. McAuley) by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone #70, April 1993
- * Interview with Kim Newman by David Mathew, (iv) infinity plus January 1998
- * Jago by John Clute, (br) Interzone #54, December 1991
- * Johnny Alucard by Ian Hunter, (br) Interzone #250, January/February 2014
- * Kim Newman by John Gilbert, (bg) Fear #24, December 1990
- * Kim Newman by Roz Kaveney, (iv) Interzone #36, June 1990
- * Kim Newman by Trevor Kennedy, (iv) Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series #2, March 2020
- * Kim Newman Interview by Robert S. Neilson, (iv) Albedo One #7, 1995
- * Kim Newman on Life’s Lottery by David Matthew, (iv) The Third Alternative #21, 1999
- * Life’s Lottery by Tim Robins, (br) Interzone #148, October 1999
- * Luggage in the Crypt: Kim Newman by Nicholas Vince, (iv) Skeleton Crew February 1991
- * My Vampires Are Us: An Interview with Kim Newman by Nick Gevers, (iv) Redsine #9, July 2002
- * The Newman Files by Graham Evans, (iv) Interzone #113, November 1996
- * The Night Mayor by John Clute, (br) Interzone #32, November/December 1989
- * The Night Mayor by Baird Searles, (br) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1991
- * The Original Dr. Shade and Other Stories by Neil Jones, (br) Interzone #89, November 1994
- * The Quorum by John Clute, (br) Interzone #83, May 1994
- * Route 666 by Neil Jones, (br) Interzone #89, November 1994
- * Silver Nails by Neil Jones, (br) Interzone #188, April 2003
- * Time and Relative by Paul Beardsley, (br) Interzone #175, January 2002
- * Where the Bodies Are Buried by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #162, December 2000
Newman, Paul (1945- ) (chron.)
- * Catching Up with an Old Friend, (ss) Black Petals (online) #56, Summer 2011
- * The End of the Story, (ss) Morpheus Tales Flash Fiction Special 2009
- * Sector Z, (ss) Dreams from the Strangers’ Café #5, January 1996
- * Takeout, (vi) Black Petals (online) #48, Summer 2009
- * Ware the Moon, (ar) Dagon #8, 1985
- * Welcome to Flavor Country, (ss) Morpheus Tales #24, September 2014
- * You’ll Never Walk Alone, (ss) Black Petals (online) #50, Winter 2010
Newman, Robert (Howard) (1909-1988); used pseudonyms Robert Howard Norton & Roger Howard Norton (chron.)
- * Cave of the Corpses, (ss) Terror Tales January/February 1937, as by Roger Howard Norton
- * Dead Man’s Magic, (ss) Horror Stories December 1936/January 1937, as by Roger Howard Norton
- * Girl Into Beast, (ss) Terror Tales November 1935, as by Robert Howard Norton
- * I Belong to the Beast!, (ss) Horror Stories June 1935
- * Love Comes from the Tomb, (ss) Horror Stories June/July 1936, as by Roger Howard Norton
- * Messiah of the Maimed, (ss) Terror Tales November/December 1939, as by Roger Howard Norton
- * Mother of Monsters, (ss) Horror Stories September 1935, as by Roger Howard Norton
- * My Tomb Is Ready, (ss) Terror Tales September/October 1939, as by Roger Howard Norton
- * Priestess of Writhing Death, (ss) Horror Stories October 1935, as by Roger Howard Norton
- * They Did Not Need a Hell, (ss) Terror Tales June 1935
Newman-Stille, Derek (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Constructing the Future, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #24, September/October 2018
- * Every Witch Is a Question, (pm) Polar Starlight June 2024
- * Faded, (ar) Fireside Quarterly Spring 2019
- * High Priest, (cv) Polar Borealis May 2024
- * I Don’t Want Your Cure, (pm) Polar Starlight February 2024
- * Pandora’s Box, (pm) Polar Starlight April 2024
- * Writing While Disabled (with Kristy Anne Cox), (cl) Strange Horizons February 28 2022
- * [front cover], (cv) Lackington’s #5, Winter 2015
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