The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1385
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Nickle, David (fl. 1990s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Delilah Party, (ss) Cemetery Dance #56, 2006
- * Drakeela Must Die, (ss) Odyssey #0, September 1997
- * The Dummy Ward, (ss) TransVersions #1, Autumn 1994
- * Ground-Bound, (ss) On Spec Spring 1999
- * Janie and the Wind, (nv) Cemetery Dance #38, 2002
- * The Killing Way, (ss) On Spec Spring 1992
- * Love Means Forever, (ss) On Spec Spring 1996
- * The Mayor Will a Brief Statement, and Then Take Questions, (ss) ChiZine #33, July/September 2007
- * The Old Dog, (ss) On Spec Spring 1995
- * On the Record (with Karl Schroeder), (ar) On Spec Fall 1993
- * Rat Food (with Edo van Belkom), (ss) On Spec Spring 1997
- * [unknown story], (ss) ChiZine #42, October/December 2009
_____, [ref.]
Nicoll, Gregory E. (1958- ) (chron.)
- * Blaykee & His Tales, (pm) The Diversifier November 1976
- * The Coffin-Maker (with Steve Antczak), (ss) Deathrealm #26, Winter 1995/1996
- * Dig Me No Grave, (pm) The Diversifier November 1976
- * Edgar Allan Poe and the Lord of the Winds, (ss) Equinox #4, Summer 1977
- * The Fellahin’s Reward, (pm) The Diversifier July 1976
- * For the Dead Travel Fast, (ss) Terminal Frights ed. Kenneth E. Abner, Jr., Terminal Fright, 1997
- * From the Deep, (ss) Equinox #3, May 1976
- * Galileo Saw the Truth, (pm) Fantasy Crossroads #10/11, March 1977
- * The House of the Beast Within, (ss) Equinox #4, Summer 1977
- * How SFWCC Sat in Judgement on Blood Salvage, (ar) Critical Mass January/February 1989
- * The Life and Work of Howard Phillips Lovecraft, (bg) Equinox #3, May 1976 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * The Man Who Collected Lovecraft [Cthulhu], (ss) The Diversifier May 1977
- * Of Coolers, Chicken Hats and the Stars, A SFWCC Appreciation, (ar) Critical Mass January/February 1989
- * On the Blue Guillotine, (ss) When the Black Lotus Blooms ed. Elizabeth A. Saunders, Unnameable Press, 1990
- * They Called Him Queen of Horror [Cthulhu], (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #5, 1984
- * Tumblin’ Dice, (vi) Critical Mass January/February 1989
- * Undertaker, (ss) Dark Regions v3 #2, 1996
- * The Unusual Case of Frederick Harrison, (ss) Equinox #3, May 1976
- * Wishing You Were Here, (ss) Critical Mass January/February 1989
- * Year of the Rat Quiz, (qz) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine November/December 1984
Nicolson, Janet K. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Against the Grain, (ss) Abyss & Apex #63, 3rd Quarter 2017
- * Chance Encounters, (ss) On Spec Fall 2014
- * Dawn of the Darkship, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #65, December 2016
- * How We Say Hello, (ss) On Spec April 2016
- * In Jove’s Eternal Embrace, (ss) On Spec #110, 2019
- * Sisters of Iron, (ss) On Spec #118, 2021
- * The Skysinger’s Daughter, (ss) On Spec September 2016
_____, [ref.]
Niditch, B. Z. (fl. 1980s-2010s) (chron.)
- * After the Last War, (pm) Edgar: Digested Verse #5,
- * Holography, (pm) Ice River #1, Summer 1987
- * Monday, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #4, July 2004
- * Oscar Wilde’s Trial, Old Bailey April 1895, (pm) Stygian Articles #5, Spring 1996
- * Picasso’s Metaphysics, (pm) Mindmares #9, Winter 2000
- * Pier Paolo Pasolini, (pm) Velocities #2, Spring 1983
- * The Skywriter, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1986
- * Somnambulist, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1985
- * The Story of Phoenix, (pm) Stygian Articles #5, Spring 1996
- * Two in Cornfu, (pm) Stygian Articles #5, Spring 1996
- * Where the Cat Sleeps, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #4, July 2004
- * You Stars, (pm) Space and Time #117, Fall 2012
- * [poem], (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #5, September 2005
Niehoff, Linda (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * The Discarded Ones, (ss) Apex Magazine #139, 2023
- * Fever Girls, (ss) Weird Horror #4, Spring 2022
- * Glass Moon Water, (ss) Diabolical Plots #101, July 2023
- * Her Ring, (vi) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2022
- * Like a Sunday House, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #97, October 2021
- * Willow Wood, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #398, January 11 2024
- * You and the Wolf Boy, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2022
nielsen, ayaz daryl (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Aunt Hilde’s Talking Walls, (pm) parAbnormal Digest #4, September 2012
- * breakfast with the soothsayer, (pm) Outposts of Beyond January 2020
- * Ch-Ch-Children!, (pm) Star*Line October/December 2011
- * Dispatch, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2010
- * 4 Untitled Haiku, (gp) Black Petals (online) #108, Summer 2024
- * neighbors, (pm) Outposts of Beyond January 2020
- * The Sorcerer’s Curse, (pm) Star*Line October/December 2011
- * untitled (“a long day’s rest”), (pm) Star*Line Fall 2019
- * untitled (“another alien intervention”), (pm) Star*Line Fall 2015
- * untitled (“a portrait of the”), (pm) Star*Line Spring 2022
- * untitled (“a starship in flames”), (pm) Star*Line Fall 2019
- * untitled (“a villain reciting”), (pm) Star*Line Fall 2021
- * untitled (“breakfast with the soothsayer”), (pm) Star*Line Fall 2016
- * untitled (“days of solitude”), (pm) Star*Line Summer 2020
- * untitled (“evil vanquished in”), (pm) Star*Line Spring 2019
- * untitled haiku (“answer to a prayer”), (pm) Black Petals (online) #108, Summer 2024
- * untitled haiku (“family reunion…”), (pm) Black Petals (online) #108, Summer 2024
- * untitled haiku (“hugging and kissing”), (pm) Black Petals (online) #108, Summer 2024
- * untitled haiku (“soaking in hot tub”), (pm) Black Petals (online) #108, Summer 2024
- * untitled (“hangover and…”), (pm) Star*Line January/March 2013
- * untitled (“her gentle kisses”), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2019
- * untitled (“‘hey!’”), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2019
- * untitled (“hungry and searching”), (pm) Star*Line Fall 2019
- * untitled (“lovely envoy”), (pm) Star*Line Fall 2019
- * untitled (“making extra sure”), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2022
- * untitled (“mesmerizing, but”), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2017
- * untitled (“planet of flowers”), (pm) Star*Line Fall 2016
- * untitled (“red wedding dress”), (pm) Star*Line Spring 2019
- * untitled (“scratching his”), (pm) Star*Line Spring 2019
- * untitled (“served with fingerlings”), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2017
- * untitled (“silently”), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2021
- * untitled (“skin like fly-paper”), (pm) Star*Line Summer 2021
- * untitled (“squalling from a shelf…”), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2017
- * untitled (“the sea gulls screaming”), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2017
- * untitled (“waking this morning”), (pm) Star*Line Fall 2016
- * untitled (“we buried”), (pm) Star*Line Spring 2018
- * Verdict, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2010
- * why this weeping, (pm) Star*Line January/March 2013
- * [untitled, a tanka of sorts], (pm) Star*Line January/February 2010
Nielsen, D. Sandy (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Bear Shirt, (ss) Masque Noir #2, March 1999
- * Bottled Dreams, (ss) Crossroads July 1993
- * Cold Feet, (ss) Premonitions #3, Spring 1994
- * Fertility, (ss) Crossroads June 1994
- * The First Conflict, (ss) Vampire Dan’s Story Emporium #3, Summer/Fall 1997
- * Forever Whine, (ss) Crossroads October 1993
- * Gardeneress, (ss) Weird Stories #26, November 1998
- * Insert Name Here, (ss) Dark Regions & Horror Magazine #10, Fall 1998
- * Is Everything Well? [Gardenworld], (ss) Mindmares #2, Spring 1998
- * Jungle Warfare, (ss) Startling Science Stories #1, August 1997
- * Leeves Sees It Through, (ss) Dark Matter #2, 1998
- * Making Contact, (ss) Challenging Destiny #2, March 1998
- * My Man, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #7, Spring 1997
- * The Red Sled, (ss) Challenging Destiny #5, January 1999
- * Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’, (ss) Dark Regions v3 #2, 1996
- * A Tale for Torra, (ss) Weird Stories #22, July 1998
- * Thorval on Ice, (ss) Shadow Sword #5, January 1995
- * Torra’s Alias, (ss) Weird Stories #24, September 1998
- * Torra’s Great Love, (ss) Weird Stories #23, August 1998
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