The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Baxter, Alan (1970- ) (about) (chron.)
- * All the Eyes That See, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #42, December 2023
- * Building a Career with Small Presses, (ar) Grimdark Magazine #18, 2019
- * The Chart of the Vagrant Mariner, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2015
- * The Darkness in Clara, (nv) SQ Mag #14, May 2014
- * Exposure Compensation, (ss) Midnight Echo #10, November 2013
- * The Fathomed Wreck to See, (ss) Midnight Echo #9, May 2013
- * It’s Always the Children Who Suffer, (ar) Midnight Echo #10, November 2013
- * Mirrorwalk, (ss) Murky Depths #16, June 2011
- * Not the Worst of Sins, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #133, October 31 2013
- * Once Was Lost, (ss) Aurealis #99, April 2017
- * Roll the Bones, (ss) Crowded Magazine #2, September 2013
- * Thirty-Three Tears to a Teaspoon, (ss) Far Voyager ed. Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2014
- * Trawling the Void, (ss) Midnight Echo #6, November 2011
- * Trial Not Required, (ss) M-Brane SF #13, February 2010
- * Under Calliope’s Skin, (ss) Grimdark Magazine #19, 2019
- * Upon a Distant Shore, (ss) Dimension6 #2, 2014
- * A Word from the President, (ms) Midnight Echo #16 Dec 2021, #17 Aug 2022, #18 Oct 2023
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Baxter, John (Martin) (1939- ); used pseudonym Martin Loran (about) (chron.)
- * The Case of the Perjured Planet [Stephen Quist] (with Ron Smith), (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1967, as by Martin Loran
- * A Dream of Great Cities, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow July 1970
- * Eviction, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #128, March 1963
- * The God Killers, (n.) New Worlds SF #163 Jun, #164 Jul 1966
- * Interlude, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #136, November 1963
- * Memories of the Future:
* ___ 1. A Dream of Great Cities, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow July 1970
* ___ 2. Writers vs. Hollywood, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow August 1970
* ___ 3. New Bottles, Old Wine, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow September 1970
- * More Than a Man, (ss) New Worlds SF #147, February 1965
- * New Bottles, Old Wine, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow September 1970
- * The New Country, (ss) Science Fantasy #64, April 1964
- * An Ounce of Dissension [Stephen Quist] (with Ron Smith), (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact July 1966, as by Martin Loran
- * Skirmish, (ss) New Worlds SF #161, April 1966
- * Toys, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #138, January 1964
- * The Traps of Time, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #140, March 1964
- * Vendetta’s End, (ss) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #29, 1962
- * View from the Underground, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #122, September 1962
- * Writers vs. Hollywood, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow August 1970
- * [letter], (lt) New Worlds Science Fiction #114 Jan, #116 Mar, #118 May 1962, #130 May 1963
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Baxter, John R. (fl. 1930s-1940s); used pseudonym Ralston Shields (chron.)
- * Black Mother of Murder, (nv) Horror Stories October/November 1938, as by Ralston Shields
- * Daughter of the Devil, (nv) Horror Stories October/November 1937, as by Ralston Shields
- * The Dictator and the Zombie, (ss) Terror Tales January/February 1940, as by Ralston Shields
- * Food for the Fungus Lady, (nv) Horror Stories December 1939/January 1940, as by Ralston Shields
- * A Kiss for the Blood Lady, (nv) Terror Tales January/February 1939, as by Ralston Shields
- * Mistress of the Blood-Drinkers, (nv) Horror Stories March 1940, as by Ralston Shields
- * Priestess of Pestilence, (nv) Terror Tales May/June 1939, as by Ralston Shields
- * Vengeance of the Living Dead, (nv) Terror Tales September 1940, as by Ralston Shields
Baxter, Stephen (Michael) (1957- ); used pseudonym Jim Jones (about) (chron.)
- * Alpha and Omega, (rc) Interzone #106, April 1996
- * The Ant-Men of Tibet [Cavor], (nv) Interzone #95, May 1995
- * Author’s Note, (ms) Interzone #120, June 1997
- * Awful Warnings and Alma Sedgwick, (rc) Interzone #62, August 1992
- * The Bark Spaceship [Xeelee], (ss) Dream Magazine #14, November 1987
- * The Barrier, (ss) Interzone #133, July 1998
- * The Baryonic Lords [Xeelee], (na) Interzone #49 Jul, #50 Aug 1991
- * Before Sebastopol, (ss) New Moon #1, September 1991
- * Behold Now Behemoth, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 2000
- * The Blight of the Cooters, (rc) Interzone #109, July 1996
- * The Blood of Angels, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 1994
- * Breeding Ground [Xeelee], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2003
- * Brigantia’s Angels, (ss) Interzone #91, January 1995
- * Cadre Siblings [Xeelee], (nv) Interzone #153, March 2000
- * Celestial Matters, (br) Interzone #106, April 1996 [Ref. Richard Garfinkle]
- * The Children of Time, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2005
- * The Chop Line [Xeelee], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 2003
- * Cilia-of-Gold [Xeelee], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 1994
- * Climbing the Blue [Xeelee], (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2005
- * The Cold Sink [Xeelee], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2001
- * Columbiad [Baltimore Gun Club], (ss) Science Fiction Age May 1996
- * Dante Dreams, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 1998
- * Darkness, (ss) Interzone #102, December 1995
- * The Diary of a Collaborator: The Genesis of “The Spacetime Pit”, (ar) Interzone #108, June 1996
- * Disorder and Precision, (ss) Substance Autumn 1995
- * Downstream, (ss) Interzone #75, September 1993
- * The Dreaming Mould, (ss) Interzone #179, May 2002
- * Dreams of Ancestral Fish [Saddle Point], (ss) Science Fiction Age November 1996
- * Eagle Song, (ss) Postscripts #15, Summer 2008
- * Earth II [Flood], (na) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2009
- * Earth III [Flood], (na) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2010
- * The Eighth Room [Xeelee], (nv) Dream Science Fiction #20, Summer 1989
- * The Eleven-Dimensional Cranium of God, (ss) Auguries #16, 1992, as by Jim Jones
- * The Entoptic Man, (vi) The Lyre #1, Spring 1991
- * The Exploration of the Future, (rc) Interzone #97, July 1995
- * First to the Moon! [Prospero One] (with Simon Bradshaw), (ss) Spectrum SF #6, July 2001
- * Forgotten Futures I, (br) Interzone #81, March 1994 [Ref. Marcus L. Rowland]
- * Formidable Caress [Xeelee], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 2009
- * From Caribbean to Clementine, (vi) Nature #6769, February 3 2000
- * The Fubar Suit [Manifold], (ss) Interzone #123, September 1997
- * Fusion Summer [Saddle Point], (ss) Science Fiction Age July 1996
- * Gaijin [Saddle Point], (ss) Science Fiction Age July 1996
- * George and the Comet, (ss) Interzone #52, October 1991
- * The Ghost Pit [Xeelee], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2001
- * Ghost Wars [Xeelee], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 2006
- * Glass Earth, Inc., (ss) Future Histories ed. Stephen McClelland, Horizon House, 1997
- * The Gödel Sunflowers [Xeelee], (ss) Interzone #55, January 1992
- * Good News, (ss) Substance #1, Winter 1994
- * Gossamer [Xeelee], (nv) Science Fiction Age November 1995
- * The Gravity Mine [Manifold], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction April 2000
- * The Great Game [Xeelee], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2003
- * Green-Eyed Monster (with Eric Brown), (ss) Spectrum SF #2, April 2000
- * Grey Earth [Manifold], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 2001
- * The Habitat, (ss) Dream Quarterly #17, Autumn 1988
- * Halo Ghosts, (ss) Roadworks #7, Winter 2000
- * Hero [Xeelee], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 1995
- * Hot Head, (br) Interzone #62, August 1992 [Ref. Simon D. Ings]
- * Huddle [Manifold], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1999
- * The Hunters of Pangaea, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 2002
- * The Hydrous Astronauts, (ss) Age of Wonder #1, Winter 1998
- * The Ice Line [Anti-Ice], (na) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2010
- * The Ice War [Anti-Ice], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 2008
- * Icosahedral God [Saddle Point], (ss) Science Fiction Age November 1996
- * Inherit the Earth, (ss) New Worlds 2 ed. David S. Garnett, Gollancz, 1992
- * In the Abyss of Time, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2006
- * In the Manner of Trees, (ss) Interzone #62, August 1992
- * In the MSOB, (vi) Interzone #105, March 1996
- * The Jonah Man, (ss) Interzone #28, March/April 1989
- * A Journey to Amasia, (ss) Arc February 17 2012
- * Kimera’s Breath [Saddle Point], (ss) Science Fiction Age September 1997
- * Kintu’s Children [Saddle Point], (ss) Science Fiction Age September 1997
- * Lieserl [Xeelee], (ss) Interzone #78, December 1993
- * The Logic Pool [Xeelee], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 1994
- * The Long Road, (vi) Postscripts #6, Spring 2006
- * Lost Continent, (ss) Interzone #164, February 2001
- * The Lowland Expedition [Xeelee], (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2006
- * Marginalia [Manifold], (ss) Interzone #143, May 1999
- * Mittelwelt, (ss) Interzone #82, April 1994
- * Moon-Calf, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 1998
- * Moonseed, (ex) Voyager, 1998
- * Moon Six, (nv) Science Fiction Age March 1997
- * Moon Wizard, (ss) Villains! ed. Mary Gentle & Roz Kaveney, Roc UK, 1992, as "The Strongest Armour"
- * More Than Time or Distance [Xeelee], (ss) Opus Quarterly #4, Winter 1988
- * New Legends, (br) Interzone #97, July 1995 [Ref. Greg Bear & Martin H. Greenberg]
- * Ninety Six of the Best, (ms) The Alien Has Landed #4, Spring 1997
- * No Longer Touch the Earth, (ss) Interzone #72, June 1993
- * N-Space, (br) Interzone #41, November 1990 [Ref. Larry Niven]
- * On the Orion Line [Xeelee], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2000
- * The Orchards of the Moon, (nv) Interzone #60, June 1992
- * PeriAndry’s Quest [Xeelee], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 2004
- * The Phoebean Egg [Anti-Ice], (nv) Edison’s Frankenstein ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2009
- * Pilgrim 7, (ss) Interzone #67, January 1993
- * The Plain of Bones, (ex) from Silverhair, Millennium, 1999
- * Planck Zero [Xeelee], (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1992
- * Project Boreas: A Base at the Martian North Pole, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 2008
- * Project Hades [Jones & Bennet], (na) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2010
- * Project Herakles [Jones & Bennet], (na) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2012
- * Prospero One [Prospero One] (with Simon Bradshaw), (ss) Interzone #112, October 1996
- * Raft [Xeelee], (ss) Interzone #31, September/October 1989
- * Richter Ten, (br) Interzone #106, April 1996 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke & Mike McQuay]
- * Rusting Gantries and Lawn Ornaments: Science Fiction and the Space Age, (ar) Interzone #105, March 1996
- * Saddle Point [Saddle Point], (ss) Science Fiction Age July 1996
- * Saddle Point Dreamtime, (gp) Science Fiction Age November 1996
- * Saddle Point: Roughneck [Saddle Point], (na) Science Fiction Age May 1998
- * The Saddle Point Sequence, (gp) Science Fiction Age July 1996
- * Saddle Point: The Children’s Crusade [Saddle Point], (nv) Science Fiction Age March 2000
- * Saddle Point: The Engine of Kimera, (gp) Science Fiction Age September 1997
- * Saddle Point: The Face of Kintu [Saddle Point], (ss) Science Fiction Age May 1999
- * Save Us Captain Culpepper, (ss) The Scanner #1, Winter 1988, as by Jim Jones
- * Science (with Gregory Benford), (cl) Science Fiction Age January 1997
- * Sheena 5 [Manifold], (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2000
- * A Signal from Earth, (ss) Postscripts #5, Autumn 2005
- * Silver Ghost [Xeelee], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 2000
- * Soliton Star [Xeelee], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction May 1997
- * Something for Nothing, (ss) Interzone #23, Spring 1988
- * The Song [Warhammer], (nv) Red Thirst ed. David Pringle, GW Books, 1990
- * Space, (ex) Science Fiction World #2, July 2000; forthcoming from Voyager (August 2000).
- * The Space Butterflies [Spaceship Falcon], (ss) Back Brain Recluse #13, 1989
- * The Spacetime Pit (with Eric Brown), (nv) Interzone #107, May 1996
- * Spindrift [Manifold], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 1999
- * Starphone [Xeelee], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2017
- * The Strongest Armour, (ss) Villains! ed. Mary Gentle & Roz Kaveney, Roc UK, 1992
- * Sunfly (with Eric Brown), (ss) Interzone #100, October 1995
- * Sun God [Bado & Slade], (ss) Interzone #120, June 1997
- * The Sun Person [Xeelee], (ss) Interzone #69, March 1993
- * The Switch [Xeelee], (ss) The Edge #2, March/April 1990
- * Theories of Everything, (br) Interzone #63, September 1992 [Ref. John D. Barrow]
- * Thinking It Through, (rc) Interzone #41, November 1990
- * Those Who Know, (rc) Interzone #63, September 1992
- * Time Machines, (br) Interzone #97, July 1995 [Ref. Paul J. Nahin]
- * The Time Pit [Xeelee], (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact October 2005
- * Touching Centauri [Manifold], (nv) Phase Space by Stephen Baxter, Voyager, 2002
- * Traces, (ss) Interzone #45, March 1991
- * Tracks, (ss) Interzone #169, July 2001
- * Triton Dreamtime [Saddle Point], (ss) Science Fiction Age November 1996
- * The Twelfth Album, (ss) Interzone #130, April 1998
- * 25: Celebrating 25 Years of Interzone, (ms) Interzone #211, July/August 2007
- * The Tyranny of Heaven [Xeelee], (ss) Dream Science Fiction #24, Summer 1990
- * Under Martian Ice, (vi) Nature #7026, February 10 2005
- * Vacuum Diagrams [Xeelee], (ss) Interzone #35, May 1990
- * Wanpamba’s Tomb [Saddle Point], (ss) Science Fiction Age September 1997
- * War Birds, (ss) Interzone #126, December 1997
- * War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches, (br) Interzone #109, July 1996 [Ref. Kevin J. Anderson]
- * What Might Have Been, (rc) Interzone #81, March 1994
- * The Xeelee Flower [Xeelee], (ss) Interzone #19, Spring 1987
- * Zemlya, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 1997
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #131, May 1998
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- * An Aching Nostalgia for the Future by Allan Blake, (iv) Odyssey #2, 1998
- * Adventures in Science by Colin Munro, (iv) Interzone #50, August 1991
- * Anti-Ice by John Clute, (br) Interzone #80, February 1994
- * Biolog: Stephen Baxter by Richard A. Lovett, Ph.D., (bg) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2006
- * Book Review: Stephen Baxter’s The Time Ships by Paul Beardsley, (br) Substance Autumn 1995
- * Coalescent by Nigel Brown, (br) Interzone #193, Spring 2004
- * Conqueror by John Howard, (br) Interzone #210, June 2007
- * Editor’s Interview by Liz Holliday, (iv) 3SF #0, March 2002
- * Evolution by Nigel Brown, (br) Interzone #188, April 2003
- * Flood by Paul F. Cockburn, (br) Interzone #217, August 2008
- * Flux by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #83, May 1994
- * The Ghost Pit by Lee Battersby, (br) Ideomancer August 2002
- * Gulliverzone by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #126, December 1997
- * Interview: Stephen Baxter by James Palmer, (iv) Strange Horizons April 18 2005
- * Interview: Stephen Baxter by Lisa Negus & Robert D. Rowntree, (iv) Ideomancer September 2005
- * Interview: Stephen Baxter by David Barr Kirtley, (iv) Lightspeed #78, November 2016
- * The Light of Other Days (with Arthur C. Clarke) by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #155, May 2000
- * The Long Earth (with Terry Pratchett) by Sophie Yorkston, (br) SQ Mag #9, July 2013
- * Longtusk by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #156, June 2000
- * The Massacre of Mankind by Duncan Lunan, (br) Interzone #268, January/February 2017
- * The Massacre of Mankind by Don Sakers, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September/October 2017
- * The Massacre of Mankind by Peter J. Heck, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2018
- * A Matter of Scale by A. T. Campbell, III & Lawrence Person, (iv) Nova Express Winter/Spring 1998
- * The Medusa Chronicles (with Alastair Reynolds) by Duncan Lunan, (br) Interzone #264, May/June 2016
- * The Medusa Chronicles (with Alastair Reynolds) by Don Sakers, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact October 2016
- * Moonseed by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #136, October 1998
- * Origin by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #172, October 2001
- * A Painter of Immensities by Nick Gevers, (iv) Interzone #164, February 2001
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