The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 523
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Johnson, Victor H(ugo) (1912-1996) (chron.)
- * Black Gang Boss, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine November 1949
- * Forced Draft, (ss) Bluebook December 1954
- * The Monkey Who Went to Sea, (ss) Argosy November 1951
- * My Most Exciting Adventure:
* ___ Nightmare on the Potomac, (ar) Argosy February 1953
- * Nightmare on the Potomac, (ar) Argosy February 1953
- * Prison Riot, (na) Bluebook June 1954
- * The Ravisher, (ss) Bluebook August 1954
- * A Time for Whiskey, (ss) Bluebook September 1954
- * A Voice in the North Sea Fog, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1951
- * [response to Sid Levy], (ms) Bluebook January 1955
_____, [ref.]
Johnson, W(alter) Ryerson (1901-1995); used pseudonym Robert Wallace (about) (chron.)
- * Barb Wire, (sl) Short Stories Jul 10, Jul 25, Aug 10, Aug 25 1944
- * Baseballs and Bullets, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1937
- * Black Damp, (nv) Argosy September 11 1937
- * Black Salvage, (nv) Argosy December 1943
- * Dry-Land Pirate, (sl) Short Stories Jan 10, Jan 25, Feb 10, Feb 25 1946
- * The Golden Lions of Rhyolite, (nv) Argosy June 11 1938
- * A Man Could Make a Million, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1946
- * Meet Me in St. Louis, (nv) Argosy June 12 1937
- * Mirror Magic, (ss) Short Stories January 10 1947
- * The Mushroom Spread, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1931
- * North from Natchez, (nv) Short Stories October 25 1943
- * Owl Hoot Exile, (ss) Short Stories December 10 1944
- * Rattler Prowler, (ss) Adventure May 15 1929
- * Second Hand Gold, (nv) Short Stories January 10 1945
- * Some Battered but Safe, (ss) Adventure June 15 1929
- * The Squeeze, (ss) Adventure March 20 1926
- * Storm Shadow, (ss) Argosy September 24 1938
- * The West’s Number One Problem, (nv) Short Stories August 10 1945
- * The Whispering Hood, (nv) Short Stories December 10 1945
- * [letter], (lt) Short Stories January 10 1946
Johnston, Calvin (Pease) (1871-1942) (chron.)
- * The Agent at Ghost Station, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 7 1923
- * The Agent at Showdown, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 7 1924
- * All Outdoors, (pm) The Popular Magazine February 18 1928
- * Ambition-Broke, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 7 1926
- * Are Dreams the Sixth Sense?, (es) Gunter’s Magazine August 1905
- * The Bad Man Who Had “It”, (vi) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #52, August 1929
- * Barkless, Detective of Expression, (ss) People’s Ideal Fiction Magazine July 1913
- * A Beggar Dog (with Eldon Speake), (ss) Gunter’s Magazine March 1905
- * Ben Bruce, (na) Gunter’s Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1907
- * Ben Bruin’s Raid, (ss) Gunter’s Magazine February 1907
- * Black Cat Mystery of Barney Malone, (ss) People’s February 1909
- * The Blood of the Brave, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 20 1925
- * Buccaneers’ Cay, (pm) The Popular Magazine April 20 1926
- * The Cabin, (pm) Complete Stories January 1928
- * Cabin Night, (pm) The Popular Magazine November 20 1926
- * Challengers, (pm) The Popular Magazine 1st January 1929
- * Charity and the Canary, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 20 1925
- * The Chattel Mortgage, (ss) People’s December 1908
- * Comeback’s Prize Poltroon, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1910
- * Conquistadors, (pm) The Popular Magazine February 25 1928
- * Cricket, (pm) The Popular Magazine September 1931
- * Cricket Lore, (pm) The Popular Magazine March 20 1927
- * Crook’s Paradise, (ss) Complete Stories September 1927
- * Crossed Records, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 20 1922
- * The Day of the Black Dog, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 20 1928
- * Dead-Loss, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 7 1924
- * Deepdollars, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 20 1922
- * Easiest Money, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 20 1922
- * Easter on the Range, (pm) The Popular Magazine 2nd May 1930
- * Enter November, (pm) The Popular Stories November 26 1927
- * An Epitaph in 1920, (pm) Gunter’s Magazine August 1905
- * Eugene Field’s Drink on the House, (ar) Complete Novel Magazine #26, June 1927
- * Firelight in Spring, (pm) Complete Stories June 1927
- * The Goodbye in the Forest, (pm) Gunter’s Magazine March 1907
- * Greatness, (es) Gunter’s Magazine September 1905
- * The Hall of Fame, (es) Gunter’s Magazine September 1905
- * Hank Snap’s Reward, (ss) Gunter’s Magazine June 1905
- * Hard Knocks of Opportunity, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 20 1923
- * The Headlight Across the Flood, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 20 1924
- * Held for Signals, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 20 1923
- * The Hidden Picture, (ss) Gunter’s Magazine July 1905
- * The Hill Horse, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 20 1924
- * The House of Bracken, (na) Ainslee’s June 1922
- * The Housewarming at Gunsight, (ss) Complete Stories 1st April 1929
- * The Hundred-Per-Cent Christmas Stocking, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 20 1926
- * In Siding, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 7 1924
- * The Invisible Flagman, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 20 1923
- * The Jane—By Act of Providence, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 7 1923
- * The January Day, (pm) Gunter’s Magazine February 1906
- * Joe Bennett’s Friend, (ss) People’s December 1909
- * Joey Moore—The Autobiography of a Boy, (na) Gunter’s Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1906
- * Journey Folks, (ss) Complete Stories April 1928
- * Mail for Roaring River, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 7 1925
- * The Man the Cook Made, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 20 1923
- * The Marlowes, (na) People’s Mar, Apr 1909
- * Mascot Extraordinary, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 7 1924
- * Midnight, March 20th, (pm) The Popular Magazine March 17 1928
- * A Minute with—, (cl) The Popular Magazine 1st Jul, 1st Sep 1929
- * Mr. Blivins on Railroad Tracers, (vi) Gunter’s Magazine March 1906
- * Mrs. Kadiak’s Fortune, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 7 1922
- * Narragansett, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1924
- * A New One of Wild Bill, (vi) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #44, December 1928
- * Night Thoughts, (es) Gunter’s Magazine September 1905
- * Oklahoma’s Day, (ms) Complete Novel Magazine #27, July 1927
- * The Old Moon, (pm) Gunter’s Magazine August 1906
- * The Old Valentine, (vi) Gunter’s Magazine February 1908
- * O’Toole’s Third Wreck, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1911
- * Outlawed with Honors, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 7 1924
- * Outlaws, (ss) Adventure September 1913
- * The Pay-Day Game, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 20 1925
- * The Peak of Presentiment, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 7 1923
- * The Perfect Stranger, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine February 1926
- * Picnic Idyll, (pm) Gunter’s Magazine May 1905
- * Pioneer of Dust Storm Station, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 20 1923
- * Post Mortem Gratitude, (es) Gunter’s Magazine October 1905
- * The Pride of the Scutcheons, (ss) Gunter’s Magazine March 1908
- * The Race of the Meteor, (ss) Gunter’s Magazine January 1907
- * The Riddle of Mankind, (pm) Gunter’s Magazine March 1905
- * Rule G, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 20 1923
- * The Run of the Outlaw Mail, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1925
- * School of Honesty, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 20 1924
- * The Secret Man, (es) Gunter’s Magazine July 1906
- * Shipmates, (pm) The Popular Magazine 1st June 1929
- * A Snowbound Thanksgiving, (ss) Gunter’s Magazine December 1906
- * Spring Squall, (pm) Complete Stories March 1928
- * The Stocking of Snow, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 20 1924
- * Switch Lights, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 7 1923
- * The Switchman’s Ghost Story, (ss) People’s Ideal Fiction Magazine October 1910
- * The Tactics of Terry, (ss) The Argosy September 1905
- * The Ten-Thousand-Dollar Kite, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 7 1923
- * “Them Eleven Hypocrites”, (ss) The All-Story Magazine June 1905
- * Thread of Destiny—Three Spools, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 7 1923
- * The Three Lamps, (es) Gunter’s Magazine October 1905
- * The Tollhouse, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 7 1922
- * The Tory Turkey at the Continental Dinner, (ss) Gunter’s Magazine January 1906
- * Traveller’s Choice, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 7 1924
- * untitled (“Lives there a man with soul so dead…”), (pm) Gunter’s Magazine May 1907
- * The Veteran’s Last Campaign, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1906
- * The War Arrow of King Philip, (ss) Gunter’s Magazine April 1908
- * The Warder, (pm) The Popular Stories December 24 1927
- * What Do You Think?:
* ___ Are Dreams the Sixth Sense?, (es) Gunter’s Magazine August 1905
* ___ Greatness, (es) Gunter’s Magazine September 1905
* ___ The Hall of Fame, (es) Gunter’s Magazine September 1905
* ___ Night Thoughts, (es) Gunter’s Magazine September 1905
* ___ Post Mortem Gratitude, (es) Gunter’s Magazine October 1905
* ___ The Three Lamps, (es) Gunter’s Magazine October 1905
- * Whistle: The Flagman’s Dog, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 20 1922
- * A Wild West Dairyman, (ss) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #47, March 1929
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