The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 438
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Harmer, Frances (A.) (fl. 1900s-1920s) (chron.)
- * The Backward Path, (ss) The Green Book Magazine April 1918
- * The Cheat, (ss) The Scrap Book November 1907
- * The Helping Hand, (ss) Ainslee’s December 1913
- * Hidden Gold, (ss) Smith’s Magazine May 1910
- * The Honorable Roy Carteret [Dane Anerley], (ss) Smith’s Magazine May 1917
- * Managing Miriam [Dane Anerley], (ss) Smith’s Magazine April 1917
- * The Mentor and the Maid, (ss) Smith’s Magazine November 1918
- * Mr. Anerley’s Mendacities:
* ___ I.—Managing Miriam [Dane Anerley], (ss) Smith’s Magazine April 1917
* ___ II.—The Honorable Roy Carteret [Dane Anerley], (ss) Smith’s Magazine May 1917
- * The Painting of Perdita, (ss) Ainslee’s July 1915
- * A Pair of Pink Shoes, (ss) Smith’s Magazine December 1915
- * The Portrait, (ss) Ainslee’s April 1917
Harper, Arthur (Welch) (1921-1996) (about) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Blue Book Magazine Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Nov 1947, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Oct 1948, Mar, Apr, Jun 1949
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Blue Book Magazine (Canada) May 1948
_____, [?]
Harper, Vincent; pseudonym of Henry Austin Adams (1861-1931) (about) (chron.)
- * The Adventures of Major Corker:
* ___ No. 1. Ole Miss Tildy’s Elopement [Major Alexander Hannibal Corker], (ss) Smith’s Magazine June 1905
* ___ No. 2. Dirk Cutler’s Post-Mortem Courtship [Major Alexander Hannibal Corker], (ss) Smith’s Magazine July 1905
* ___ No. 3. The White Elephant [Major Alexander Hannibal Corker], (ss) Smith’s Magazine August 1905
* ___ No. 4. The Fateful Asterisk [Major Alexander Hannibal Corker], (ss) Smith’s Magazine September 1905
* ___ No. 5. Dr. Oglethorpe’s Suspicions [Major Alexander Hannibal Corker], (ss) Smith’s Magazine October 1905
* ___ No. VI—The Siege of the South Wing [Major Alexander Hannibal Corker], (ss) Smith’s Magazine November 1905
- * By Eminent Domain, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine November 1904
- * A Closed Incident, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine March 1906
- * The Consulate and the Empire, (ss) The Red Book Magazine November 1905
- * A Crossed Scent, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine March 1905
- * Dirk Cutler’s Post-Mortem Courtship [Major Alexander Hannibal Corker], (ss) Smith’s Magazine July 1905
- * Divided, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine February 1905
- * Dr. Oglethorpe’s Suspicions [Major Alexander Hannibal Corker], (ss) Smith’s Magazine October 1905
- * The Exiles, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine January 1904
- * The Fatal Proofs, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine June 1904
- * The Fateful Asterisk [Major Alexander Hannibal Corker], (ss) Smith’s Magazine September 1905
- * The Feast of the Wholly Innocents, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine April 1905
- * The First Meet, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine October 1904
- * The Flurry in Bubbles, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine May 1905
- * From Saturday to Monday, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine December 1904
- * Horse Sense, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine May 1905
- * The Key to the Oblong Box, (ss) The Red Book Magazine June 1905
- * Made in Heaven, (nv) Ainslee’s Magazine June 1906
- * Old Force-o’-Habit’s Way, (ss) The Red Book Magazine September 1906
- * Ole Miss Tildy’s Elopement [Major Alexander Hannibal Corker], (ss) Smith’s Magazine June 1905
- * The Phantom Ha-Ha, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine January 1905
- * The Siege of the South Wing [Major Alexander Hannibal Corker], (ss) Smith’s Magazine November 1905
- * Wealtha, (ss) The Red Book Magazine November 1906
- * The White Elephant [Major Alexander Hannibal Corker], (ss) Smith’s Magazine August 1905
Harriman, E(lmer) E. (1861-1936) (about) (chron.)
- * The Automatic Cure (with Dick Halliday), (ss) Short Stories January 10 1923
- * Birth of Globe, Arizona, (ms) Adventure September 30 1924
- * The Broken Wheel, (pm) Adventure 1st June 1921
- * A Burned Steak, (ss) Adventure February 20 1922
- * The Cañon Road, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1927
- * Come Hell or High Water, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine January 25 1919
- * The Devil Horse, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 9 1929
- * Dry Arizona, (pm) Adventure December 30 1921
- * The Gooseyoke Returns a Call, (ss) Adventure mid June 1918
- * The Judgment of the Desert, (ss) Adventure 1st April 1921
- * Lanky Bob, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine April 1922
- * The Last Flop of the Hooked Fish, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 20 1918
- * The Lobster-Back Yank (with Dick Halliday), (ss) Short Stories April 25 1922
- * Missionary Bill, (ss) Adventure mid June 1920
- * The Mongrel, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1923
- * Mopping Up, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1924
- * Not of Their Blood, (ss) Adventure December 30 1921
- * The Obstinacy of Bill Robbins, (ss) Adventure February 10 1922
- * The Old Prospector, (pm) Adventure 1st February 1921
- * Paying His Debt, (ss) Adventure mid March 1919
- * A Quick Decision, (ss) Adventure mid November 1918
- * The Revolt, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1923
- * Reyes of Altar, (ss) Adventure mid January 1921
- * Riding Steel, (ss) Adventure May 1916
- * Ritter’s Pond, (ss) Adventure 1st November 1917
- * The Splitrock Mine, (ss) Adventure 1st December 1918
- * Stopping a Native War, (ar) Adventure June 15 1931
- * Strict Justice, and Cheap, (ss) Adventure February 1917
- * The Ten-Cent Bandit (with Dick Halliday), (ss) Short Stories February 25 1922
- * That Fool Pete, (ss) Adventure 1st October 1917
- * That No-Good Eskimo!, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd August 1926
- * Vag, (ss) Adventure mid February 1918
- * Where’s the Fight?, (ss) Adventure November 1 1931
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