The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 724
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Squier, Emma-Lindsay; [Mrs. John Bransby] (1892-1941) (about) (items)
- Pinto, the Demon, (??) Live Stories September 1919
- A Woman, a Song—and an Idea, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine November 1919
- He Never Learned the Word “Can’t”, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine January 1920
- The Fan, (ss) Smith’s Magazine May 1920
- Ming Pai, (ss) Smith’s Magazine January 1922
- A Great Rushing of Wings, (nv) McCall’s December 1924
- The Soul of Caliban, (ss) Everybody’s December 1924
- A Man and His Horse, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #39, September 1925
- The Four-Foot Reformer, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #40, October 1925
- Dead Men’s Shoes, (vi) The Red Book Magazine September 1926
- Lost Love Song, (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1929
- The Caprice of the Queen, (ss) Redbook Magazine January 1930
- Cargo of Hate, (ss) Redbook Magazine January 1932
- Tribal Law, (ss) Redbook Magazine June 1932
Squires, C(harles) Clyde (1883-1970) (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Smith’s Magazine July 1921
- [illustration(s)], (il) Everybody’s June 1926
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 23 1927
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 21 1927
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 2 1927
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories January 25 1928
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories May 25 1928
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories (UK) early June 1928
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories July 25 1928
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories October 10 1928
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories (UK) early October 1928
- [front cover], (cv) North•West Stories 2nd November 1928
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories (UK) early December 1928
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories February 10 1929
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories (UK) mid February 1929
- [front cover], (cv) North•West Stories March 1929
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories April 25 1929
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories (UK) late August 1929
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories (UK) late December 1930
- [front cover], (cv) Short Stories November 10 1936
Stacey, Joseph C.; [working name of Joseph Chester Stasulewicz] (1918-1981); used pseudonym E. Gordon Edwards (items)
- The Allen Murder Case, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 1942
- Wanna Bet?, (ms) Bluebook August 1952
- Temper, Temper!, (ms) Argosy November 1955
- Ludicrous Laws, (ar) Argosy December 1955
- “Divorce Granted”, (ms) Argosy February 1956
- Now You Know It, (ar) Adventure February 1956
- Sporting Notes, (ar) Adventure March 1956
- Battle Notes, (ar) Adventure April 1956
- Do You Know Your Boxers?, (ar) Adventure June 1956
- Are You Military Wise?, (qz) Argosy July 1956
- Odd and Screwy Laws, (ar) Adventure July 1956
- Are You Battle-Wise?, (qz) Argosy August 1956
- Crime Notes, (cl) Adventure August 1956, etc.
- Are You Plane-Wise?, (qz) Argosy November 1956
- Test Your Sports I.Q., (ar) Adventure March 1958, as by E. Gordon Edwards
Stacpoole, H(enry) de Vere (1863-1951) (about) (items)
- The Cottage on the Fells, (na) Laurie, 1908
- Skeleton Island, (nv) The London Magazine March 1911
- High Tide, (ss) The Story-teller July 1911
- The Blood Stone, (ss) The Red Book Magazine January 1914
- The Presentation, (na) The Story-teller March 1914
- Pearl Island, (ss) The Premier Magazine August 1914
- The Pearl Fishers, (n.) The Grand Magazine December 1914 (+9)
- The Buccaneers, (na) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction March 1915
- The Fortunate Island [Captain Slocum], (ss) The Popular Magazine November 20 1915
- The Encounter with Keller [Captain Slocum], (ss) The Popular Magazine December 7 1915
- A Question of Conscience [Captain Slocum], (ss) The Popular Magazine December 20 1915
- The Beazleys [Captain Slocum], (ss) The Popular Magazine January 7 1916
- Abkeller [Captain Slocum], (ss) The Popular Magazine January 20 1916
- Maru [Captain Slocum], (ss) The Popular Magazine February 7 1916
- The Gold Trail, (n.) The Popular Magazine February 20 1916, etc.
- Choc [Jacques Radoub], (ss) The Red Magazine March 15 1916
- Quits [Jacques Radoub], (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1916
- Schneider [Jacques Radoub], (ss) The Red Magazine April 15 1916
- The Little Prince [Jacques Radoub], (ss) The Red Magazine May 1 1916
- Mansoor [Jacques Radoub], (ss) The Red Magazine May 15 1916
- The Bird Cage [Jacques Radoub], (ss) The Popular Magazine July 7 1916
- The Satin Shoe, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) August 1916
- The Captain Gets a Ship [Captain Michael Blood], (ss) The Popular Magazine November 7 1916
- The Yan-Shan [Captain Michael Blood], (ss) The Popular Magazine November 20 1916
- A Cargo of Champagne [Captain Michael Blood], (ss) The Popular Magazine December 7 1916
- Avalon Bay [Captain Michael Blood], (ss) The Popular Magazine December 20 1916
- The Big Haul [Captain Michael Blood], (ss) The Popular Magazine January 7 1917
- The Mound of Darkness, (ss) The Windsor Magazine January 1917
- The Millionaire Mascot, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 20 1917
- De Profundis, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 7 1917
- The Message, (ss) The Story-teller July 1917
- The Bay of Pearls, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 20 1917
- In His Place, (sl) The Popular Magazine November 7 1917, etc.
- Castle Innis, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1917
- The White Eye, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1917
- The Hero, (ss) In Blue Waters by H. de Vere Stacpoole, Hutchinson, 1917
- Mrs. Shane, (ss) The Premier Magazine January 1918
- The Slayer, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 7 1918
- The Long Reach, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction May 1918
- The King of Maleku, (ss) Smith’s Magazine June 1918
- The Box of Bonbons, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction August 1918
- The Frigate Bird, (na) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction September 1918
- The Queen’s Necklace, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) September 1918
- The Middle Bedroom, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1918
- The Beach of Dreams, (n.) The Strand Magazine February 1919 (+5)
- In the Days of the Snorri, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 20 1919
- A Primal Woman, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 20 1919
- Blight, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 20 1919
- Iceland Magic, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 7 1919
- Old Junk, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 20 1919
- The Love Line, (ss) Smith’s Magazine December 1919
- The Prosecution of Buck Slane, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 20 1920
- The Making of Him, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 20/April 7 1920
- Keeping the Secret, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 20/May 7 1920
- The Man Who Found Himself (with Margaret Stacpoole), (na) Smith’s Magazine April 1920, etc.
- The “Martin Hyke”, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 20 1920
- Money Talks, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 7 1920
- The Story of a Beard, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 20 1920
- The Cat and the Mice, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 7 1920
- Magic, (ss) Lloyd’s Magazine September 1920
- Picaroons, (sl) The Popular Magazine October 20 1920, etc.
- Kiliwakee, (ss) Lloyd’s Magazine December 1920
- The Monster, (ss) The Story-teller January 1921
- “It Is Paris!”, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 20 1921
- Cocktail, Sar?, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 7 1921
- The Pineapple Girl, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 7 1921
- The Hunter and the Hunted, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 20 1921
- “Glued”, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 20 1921
- Kadjaman, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 7 1921
- The End of the Road, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 20 1921
- Mary Jane Somers, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 7 1921
- The Mystery of Captain Knott, (ss) The Story-teller November 1921
- The Story of Gombi, (ss) Lloyd’s Story Magazine December 1921
- Luck, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 7 1922
- Did Kressler Kill His Wife?, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1922
- Vanderdecken, (sl) The Popular Magazine March 7 1922, etc.
- Beaten on the Post, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine March 1922
- The System, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 20 1922
- The Deaf Mute, (ss) The London Magazine April 1922
- The Other One, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine April 1922
- A Case in Point, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine May 1922
- Iron Law, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine June 1922
- The Chilean Girl, (ss) Lloyd’s Story Magazine July 1922
- The Story of Billy Broke, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine July 1922
- Under the Flame Trees, (ss) The Story-teller July 1922
- The Making of a Millionaire, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine August 1922
- Brutus, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) November 1922
- The Papuan Paddle, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 7 1923
- The Garden of God, (n.) The Strand Magazine January 1923, etc.
- Baited with Beautiful Eyes [Billy Harman & Bud Davis], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1923
- Striking It Rich [Billy Harman & Bud Davis], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine April 1923
- The Way of a Maid with a Man [Billy Harman & Bud Davis], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1923
- Sunk Without Trace [Billy Harman & Bud Davis], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1923
- A Deal with “Plain Sailin’ Jim” [Billy Harman & Bud Davis], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1923
- Pearls of Great Price! [Billy Harman & Bud Davis], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1923
- The Story of a Girl, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine September 1923
- Gold and the Girl, (sl) The Popular Magazine March 20 1924, etc.
- The Story of Dakea and the Charm, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine April 1924
- The Gates of Morning, (sl) The Popular Magazine August 20 1924, etc.
- Passion Fruit, (ss) Everybody’s August 1924
- The Voice of the Torrent, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 20 1924
- The Story of Kanoa and the Jinni, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 7 1924
- Hiram’s Way, (nv) The Popular Magazine November 20 1924
- The Pearl of Taheu, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1924
- Leeson’s Two Wives, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine February 1925
- Bombo, (ss) The Story-teller March 1925
- The House of Crimson Shadows, (na) The Popular Magazine April 20 1925
- The Case of Mrs. Keller, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine September 1925
- The Town in the Sea, (na) The Popular Magazine October 20 1925
- The Story of Captain Halibut, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1925
- Johnson and the Viatique, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine January 1926
- The Ten-Franc Counter, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine February 1926
- Chattering Jimmy, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 20 1926
- In the House of the Russian, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1926
- Mircami, (ss) The Story-teller May 1926
- The Mystery of Uncle Bollard, (na) The Popular Magazine October 7 1926
- The Story of Captain Kane, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 7 1926
- Karan, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine January 1927
- The Silver Cliff, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine February 1927
- Madness from the Sky, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1927
- The Pearl That Came Home, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 20 1927
- The Tomb of the Elephants, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 7 1927
- Cabin No. 5, (ss) The Popular Stories October 22 1927
- Coral Sands, (na) The Popular Stories November 19 1927
- The Mascot, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1928
- The Barred Window, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #79, January 1929
- The Romance of Captain Duffy, (ss) The Story-teller April 1929
- The Case of Mr. Stringer, (ss) The Popular Magazine 1st June 1929
- The Girl and the Joss, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine July 1929
- The Man with a Grouch, (ss) The Popular Magazine 2nd January 1930
- The Chank Shell, (sl) The Popular Magazine 1st May 1930, etc.
- The Madman, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 1931
- The Gold Bar, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1933
- He Who Wanted More, (ss)
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