The General Fiction Magazine Index
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Hecht, Ben (1894-1964) (about) (items)
- A Doting Burglar, (ss) All-Story Weekly October 6 1917
- The Woman with the Odd Neck, (ss) The Black Cat November 1917
- A Sort of a Story, (ss) All-Story Weekly December 22 1917
- A Humoresque in Ham, (ss) The Smart Set April 1918
- The Fingers at the Window, (na) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day August 1923, etc.
- Lindro the Great, (ss) Liberty July 11 1925
- The Unfaithful Window, (vi) The Red Book Magazine December 1925
- The Shadow, (ss) Liberty January 30 1926
- Nine Fifty-Five, (vi) The Red Book Magazine March 1926
- The Magic Pen, (vi) The Red Book Magazine May 1926
- The Lifer, (vi) The Red Book Magazine February 1927
- The Little Blue Man, (ss) The Red Book Magazine March 1927
- “Phony”, (vi) The Red Book Magazine April 1927
- Zalzalza, (ss) The Red Book Magazine May 1927
- The Rival Dummy, (ss) Liberty August 18 1928
- The Champion from Far Away, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 9 1930
- The Ax, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1930
- The Bull That Won, (ss) Physical Culture July 1931
- The Mystery of the Fabulous Laundryman, (ss) Liberty October 31 1931
- The Terrified Doctor, (ss) The Champion from Far Away by Ben Hecht, Covici Friede, 1931
- A Wistful Blackguard, (ss) The Champion from Far Away by Ben Hecht, Covici Friede, 1931
- Actor’s Blood, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post February 20 1932
- In the Midst of Death, (ss) Liberty May 28 1932
- The Ghost of the San Mareno Hotel, (nv) Liberty March 18 1933 (+1)
- Crime Without Passion, (nv) The Grand Magazine September 1933
- The Widow Cagle’s Trousers, (ss) Actor’s Blood by Ben Hecht, Covici, 1936
- The Adventures of Professor Emmett, (nv) A Book of Miracles by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1939
- The Lost Soul, (ss) A Book of Miracles by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1939
- Go, Scholar-Gypsy!, (ar) Story September/October 1941 [Ref. Sherwood Anderson]
- Specter of the Rose, (ss) Liberty November 22 1941
- Afternoon of an Author, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- As Apple Blossom Falls, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Ballad of Dead Reporters, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- The Bewitched Tailor, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Echoes from a Rubbish Heap, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Evening in Ermine, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Feast of the Bums, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Four Rabbis Speak, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Goodbye to an Old Man, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Hand Me Me Sword, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Hitler’s Lost Cause, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- How Do You Do?, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- I Want to Go Home, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- A Maverick from Movie Land, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Miracle on WHN, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Mishkin’s Soul of Man, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Murder in Broome Street, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- My Tribe Is Called Israel, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- No Casting, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Nude on Rocks, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Obit for Nobody, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Open Letter to Mr. Churchill, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- A Paganini of the Gutter, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- A Poet Out of Yesterday, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Poor People, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Tale of a Midget, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Three Without a Story, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Wreath for a Little Girl, (ss) 1001 Afternoons in New York by Ben Hecht, Viking Press, 1941
- Inpostor in Heaven, (nv) Redbook Magazine August 1942
- Miracle of the Fifteen Murderers, (nv) Collier’s January 16 1943
- Concerning a Woman of Sin, (ss) Collier’s March 27 1943 (+1)
- Serenade to a Nickel, (nv) Redbook March 1943
- The Café Sinister, (ss) Collier’s August 21 1943
- The Pink Hussar, (ss) Collier’s September 25 1943
- Guilty!, (ss) Redbook October 1951
- The Nymph Who Lost Her Head, (ar) Argosy June 1963
- In the Dark, (ss)
Hedrick, T. K. (fl. 1900s-1920s) (items)
- Consider the Amoeba…, (pm) Orientations of Ho-Hen by T. K. Hedrick, Bobbs-Merrill, 1921
- The Great Pig, (pm) Orientations of Ho-Hen by T. K. Hedrick, Bobbs-Merrill, 1921, as by Hoki-Poki
- [hokku], (pm) Orientations of Ho-Hen by T. K. Hedrick, Bobbs-Merrill, 1921, etc.
- Fireflies glowing in the velvet dark…, (pm)
- The Swine King, (ss)
Hedworth, Barbara (fl. 1920s-1940s) (items)
- The Promise, (ss) The Golden Mag. #10, March 1927 [Ref. R. H. Evens]
- The Traitor, (ss) The Golden Mag. #12, May 1927
- The Winning Hand, (ss) The Golden West #1, July 1927
- The Pluck of a Tenderfoot, (ss) The Golden West #2, August 1927
- A Matter of Sentiment, (ss) The Golden West #5, November 1927
- Won on the Stroke, (ss) The Golden West #9, March 1928
Heffernan, Dean L. (c1894-1964) (about) (items)
- Dreams of Peace, (ss) All-Story Weekly August 30 1919
- The Riders of Ramapo Pass, (nv) All-Story Weekly December 20 1919
- Sheriff of Shallow Gulch, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 25 1920
- Get ’Em While They’re Hot, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 24 1923
- The Fight That Wasn’t Fit, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1924
- One-Wallop Widdle, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 10 1924
- The Crime at the Lafayette Arms, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine November 1924
- The Fast Black Runs, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1925
- Riders of the Pass, (nv) North•West Stories September 1929
- Office Call, (ss) Short Stories July 25 1931
Heffernan, John A. (1871-1952) (about) (items)
- A Collision in Elysium, (ss) Adventure November 1910
- The Sky Police, (ss) The All-Story Magazine December 1910
- A Man Among Kings, (sl) The All-Story Magazine February 1911, etc.
- Dad and Destiny, (ss) Adventure June 1911
- Frazzled Friskies, (ss) Adventure August 1911
- Violets, (ss) The Cavalier September 1911
- Wall Street and Sleepy Hollow, (ss) Adventure December 1911
- The Dragon, (ss) Adventure January 1912
- The Trust Builder, (ss) Adventure April 1912
- Princess Peaches-and-Cream, (ss) Adventure May 1912
- Haroun Al Raschid Buchmuller of Rag-Bag, (ss) Adventure June 1912
- The Baby and the Wireless, (ss) Adventure May 1914
- The War Bride, (ss) Adventure April 1916
Heiman, Leo (1925- ) (about) (items)
- Israel’s Secret Society of Vengeance, (ar) Adventure October 1965
- I Felt the Green Madness (with Alex White), (ar) Adventure February 1966
- You Can Love Forever, (ar) Adventure April 1966
- Adventure in Belgium, (pi) Adventure December 1966
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 1, (pi) Adventure December 1966
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 2, (pi) Adventure February 1967
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 3, (pi) Adventure April 1967
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 4, (pi) Adventure June 1967
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 5, (pi) Adventure August 1967
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 6, (pi) Adventure October 1967
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 7, (pi) Adventure October 1967
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 8, (pi) Adventure December 1967
- $2 Billion Nazi Loot—Who’s Going to Find It?, (ar) Argosy December 1967
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 9, (pi) Adventure February 1968
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 10, (pi) Adventure April 1968
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 11, (pi) Adventure June 1968
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 12, (pi) Adventure August 1968
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 13, (pi) Adventure October 1968
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 14, (pi) Adventure December 1968
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 15, (pi) Adventure February 1969
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 16, (pi) Adventure April 1969
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 17, (pi) Adventure June 1969
- Travel Guide for Men—Chapter 18, (pi) Adventure August 1969
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