The General Fiction Magazine Index
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Abrahams, Doris Caroline (1901-1982); used pseudonym Caryl Brahms (items)
- F for Ferdinand, 4 [Ferdinand 4] (with Simon Jacoblivitch Skidelsky), (ss) Lilliput February 1941, as by Caryl Brahms & S. J. Simon
- Ma from the Buildings [Ferdinand 4] (with Simon Jacoblivitch Skidelsky), (ss) Lilliput March 1941, as by Caryl Brahms & S. J. Simon
- Trouble in Paradise [Ferdinand 4] (with Simon Jacoblivitch Skidelsky), (ss) Lilliput April 1941, as by Caryl Brahms & S. J. Simon
- Special Messenger (with Simon Jacoblivitch Skidelsky), (ss) Lilliput July 1941, as by Caryl Brahms & S. J. Simon
- The Man in the Snuff-Coloured Suit (with Simon Jacoblivitch Skidelsky), (ss) Lilliput December 1945, as by Caryl Brahms & S. J. Simon
- Why Didn’t they Teach Her to Dance? (with Simon Jacoblivitch Skidelsky), (vi) Lilliput February 1948, as by Caryl Brahms & S. J. Simon
- Under the Juniper Tree, (ss) Argosy (UK) July 1950, as by Caryl Brahms
- Grete Lyttletoun, (ex) Argosy (UK) September 1954, as by Caryl Brahms
- Maidenhair Fern, (ss) Argosy (UK) January 1955, as by Caryl Brahms
Adams, Bill; [i.e., Bertram Martin (Gould) Adams] (1879-1953) (about) (items)
- The Bosun of the Goldenhorn’s Yarn, (ss) Adventure January 20 1922
- “I’ve Been Dreamin’”, (pm) Adventure February 20 1922
- A Debt at Sea, (ss) Adventure March 10 1922
- The Fenceless Meadows, (nv) Adventure March 30 1922
- Song of the Ship, (pm) Adventure April 30 1922
- Mersey-Men, (ss) The Premier Magazine May 16 1922
- Time Comes, (ss) Adventure May 20 1922
- The Helmsman of the Star, (ss) Short Stories May 25 1922
- The Packet Rat, (pm) Adventure May 30 1922
- Flower Child, (pm) Adventure June 20 1922
- Off Shore, (pm) The Premier Magazine June 27 1922
- Able-Bodied Seaman, (pm) Adventure June 30 1922
- So It Goes, (ss) Everybody’s June 1922
- Show ’Em, (ss) Adventure July 10 1922
- The Lure, (ss) The Premier Magazine July 11 1922
- The Song of the Sea, (pm) Adventure July 30 1922
- Amos Tregenna, (ss) Adventure August 10 1922
- Fogs, (ar) Adventure August 20 1922
- The Lure of the Sea, (ss) The London Magazine August 1922
- Ai-Lee-Yoh’, (pm) Short Stories September 10 1922
- Johnnie Chantey-Man, (pm) Adventure September 20 1922
- Twinkle-Bright, (ss) Adventure September 30 1922
- A Worth-while String of Pearls, (cl) Everybody’s September 1922
- To the Lubber Poets, (pm) Short Stories October 25 1922
- Muskoka, (pm) Adventure October 30 1922
- When Folly Is an Asset, (cl) Everybody’s October 1922
- Plain Man, (ar) Adventure November 10 1922
- Values, (cl) Everybody’s November 1922
- Rugged Living, Rugged Thinking, (cl) Everybody’s December 1922
- Peg-Leg, Ship’s Cook, (pm) Short Stories January 25 1923
- Miss Commonplace, (cl) Everybody’s January 1923
- The Last Port, (pm) Short Stories February 10 1923
- All’s Well, (pm) Short Stories February 25 1923
- Loyalty, (cl) Everybody’s February 1923
- Aftermath, (ss) Adventure March 10 1923
- Stowaway, (pm) Adventure March 30 1923
- The Spirit Wins, (cl) Everybody’s March 1923
- The Stowaway, (ss) Short Stories April 10 1923
- A Seaman’s Song, (pm) Short Stories May 25 1923
- Wreck of the Ship “Primrose”, (pm) Adventure May 30 1923
- Sue, (pm) Adventure June 20 1923
- True Love, (pm) Adventure June 30 1923
- The Cave Man, (pm) The London Magazine June 1923
- A Parable, (ar) Adventure July 10 1923
- Morning’s Tide, (pm) Adventure July 20 1923
- Roughnecks, (ar) Adventure July 30 1923
- Immigration, (ar) Adventure August 10 1923
- Plum-Pudding and Friendship, (ar) Adventure August 20 1923
- Two-Fisted Sermon, (ar) Adventure August 30 1923
- Flower of the Morning, (pm) Adventure September 10 1923
- The Ballad of the Ivanhoe, (pm) Adventure September 20 1923
- Under the Skin, (ar) Adventure September 20 1923
- The Happy Whalers, (pm) Short Stories September 25 1923
- Government by Idealism, (ar) Adventure September 30 1923
- Wisdom, (ar) Adventure October 10 1923
- The Last Voyage, (ar) Adventure October 20 1923
- Petrels, (ss) Adventure October 20 1923
- “Bill Adams Says—”, (ar) Adventure October 30 1923
- The Unnamed Book, (ar) Adventure November 10 1923
- In the Eyes of Men, (ar) Adventure November 20 1923
- Ol’ Bill, (pm) Adventure November 30 1923
- The Great Gift, (ar) Adventure December 10 1923
- The Helmsmen of the “Harper”, (ss) Adventure December 20 1923
- Primal Impulses, (ar) Adventure December 20 1923
- Unrest, (pm) Short Stories December 25 1923
- Plowman and Paralytic, (ar) Adventure December 30 1923
- Smiling, (pm) Adventure December 30 1923
- Shore Roads of April, (pm) Fenceless Meadows: Tales of the Sea by Bill Adams, Frederick A. Stokes, 1923
- Jobs, (ar) Adventure January 10 1924
- The Jailer, (ar) Adventure January 20 1924
- Under Dogs, (ar) Adventure January 20 1924
- The Mate of Le Maire, (pm) Adventure January 30 1924
- Point of View, (ar) Adventure January 30 1924
- It Is—Poor Form, (ar) Adventure February 10 1924
- As You Please, (ar) Adventure February 20 1924
- Dives and Lazarus, (ar) Adventure February 29 1924
- Liverpool to Vancouver, (ss) Adventure February 29 1924
- To a Prisoner, (ar) Adventure March 10 1924
- Fruit-Tramps, (ar) Adventure March 20 1924
- To Those Who Would Follow the Sea, (ar) Adventure March 30 1924
- The Sea Call, (ar) Adventure April 10 1924
- Creeds, (ar) Adventure April 20 1924
- Wage-Earners and Babies, (ar) Adventure May 10 1924
- Jack, (pm) Adventure May 20 1924
- Marea’s Fancy Man, (ss) Adventure May 30 1924
- The Wedding Gift, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #23, May 1924
- Old Farmer, (ar) Adventure June 10 1924
- The Mean Second, (ss) Adventure June 20 1924
- The Rising Sun, (pm) Adventure June 20 1924
- On Dogs and Children, (ar) Adventure June 30 1924
- Reverie, (pm) Adventure July 10 1924
- Brother o’ Mine, (ar) Adventure July 20 1924
- Useless Gold, (ar) Adventure August 10 1924
- One Small Dog, (ar) Adventure August 30 1924
- Soilers of Truth, (ar) Adventure September 20 1924
- Song, (pm) Short Stories September 25 1924
- Requiescat, (pm) The Premier Magazine September 1924
- A Sunday Morning, (ar) Adventure October 10 1924
- Gumps, (ar) Adventure October 30 1924
- Truth, (cl) Everybody’s October 1924
- Visions, (ar) Adventure November 20 1924
- Old Sea Flower, (ss) Adventure December 20 1924
- Biography, (pm) Adventure December 30 1924
- The Jade, (ar) Adventure January 10 1925
- The Dog Star, (ar) Adventure January 30 1925
- Sunset Reflections, (ar) Adventure February 20 1925
- A Sea Rescue, (ar) Adventure March 10 1925
- The Great Procession, (ar) Adventure March 30 1925
- Life and Beauty, (ar) Adventure April 20 1925
- That Old Bluffer, Fate, (pm) Everybody’s April 1925
- A Friend, (ar) Adventure May 10 1925
- The Eternal Struggle, (ar) Adventure May 30 1925
- Bittersweet, (ar) Adventure June 20 1925
- What They Ate, (ar) Adventure July 10 1925
- Looking Back, (ar) Adventure July 20 1925
- The Old Saloon, (pm) Adventure July 30 1925
- The Sea Call, (ar) Adventure August 10 1925
- The Helmsman of the Mandarin, (ss) Adventure August 30 1925
- Retrospect, (ar) Adventure September 10 1925
- The Ensign, (ss) Adventure October 10 1925
- The Passing Train, (ar) Adventure October 10 1925
- Just Folks, (ar) Adventure October 20 1925
- “Tarpaulin Muster”, (vi) The Outlook October 21 1925
- Slaver, (ss) Adventure October 30 1925
- Solace of the Sea, (ss) Adventure January 10 1926
- Salt Spray, (ar) Adventure March 20 1926
- War, (ar) Adventure March 30 1926
- Stammerjohann, (ss) Adventure April 23 1926
- Posted Missing, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1926
- The Apprentice Way, (ss) Adventure May 8 1926
- Thrall of the Sea, (pm) Short Stories May 10 1926
- Human Values, (ar) Adventure May 23 1926
- Maloney’s Girl, (pm) Short Stories June 25 1926
- Liverpool Irish, (ss) Adventure July 8 1926
- The Siren Sea, (pm) Short Stories July 25 1926
- Afterthoughts, (ar) Adventure August 23 1926
- Vagabonds, (ar) Adventure September 23 1926
- Home ’Round the Horn, (pm) Short Stories September 25 1926
- Observations, (ar) Adventure October 8 1926
- Jukes, (ss) Adventure November 23 1926
- Comrades of the Sea, (nv) Adventure January 1 1927
- The Wild Boat of the Atlantic, (pm) Short Stories February 25 1927
- Sacrament, (pm) Adventure April 15 1927
- Fog of the Western Ocean, (pm) Short Stories June 10 1927
- Deep Waters, (ss) Adventure June 15 1927
- Johnnie Gull, (pm) Short Stories June 25 1927
- Retired, (pm) Adventure July 1 1927
- Windjammer Days, (pm) Short Stories September 10 1927
- Pay As You Go, (ss) Adventure December 1 1927
- Romancing, (ms) Adventure December 15 1927
- Majesty, (pm) Adventure February 15 1928
- Home Is the Sailor, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1928
- Lucky Dog, (ss) Adventure April 1 1928
- Sailor’s Mourner, (pm) Adventure April 15 1928
- Sailmaker, (pm) Adventure July 1 1928
- The Hoodoo of the Midnight, (nv) Short Stories July 25 1928
- Old Temple of the Deep, (pm) Short Stories September 25 1928
- Three Minutes at Sea, (ar) Adventure October 1 1928
- Paintin’ Ship, (pm) Short Stories October 10 1928
- The Skivvy, (ss) Adventure November 1 1928
- Boatswain, (pm) Adventure November 15 1928
- Sea Baptism, (ss) Adventure December 1 1928
- An Eye for an Eye, (ss) Adventure February 1 1929
- Water Rat, (pm) Short Stories March 10 1929
- Roll Down to Hilo, (pm) Adventure April 1 1929
- The Last of the ’Horns, (ss) Adventure April 15 1929
- Johnnie Spots, (ar) Adventure May 15 1929
- Slants on Life, (cl) Adventure June 1 1929
- Salmon Cargo, (ar) Adventure August 15 1929
- Regret, (pm) Short Stories August 25 1929
- Able Sailor, Brave and True, (ss) Adventure September 1 1929
- Cargoes, (pm) Short Stories September 25 1929
- The Mate of the Kestrel, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1929
- Western Island, (pm) Short Stories November 10 1929
- Ladings, (pm) Short Stories November 25 1929
- Rolling in from Soundings, (pm) Short Stories December 25 1929
- Solomon and the Bright Pearl, (ss) Adventure January 1 1930
- Old Stormalong, (pm) Short Stories January 10 1930
- Limey, (pm) Short Stories January 25 1930
- Chained, (pm) Adventure February 1 1930
- Who Knows?, (ss) Adventure February 15 1930
- There Goes Thermopylae, (pm) Short Stories March 10 1930
- Roll the Years Back, (pm) Short Stories April 10 1930
- The Good Times, (ar) Adventure May 15 1930
- Rowers of the Night, (pm) Short Stories May 25 1930
- Light the Binnacle, Boy, (pm) Adventure July 1 1930
- Eldest Apprentice, (pm) Short Stories August 25 1930
- All Hands on Deck, (pm) Adventure September 15 1930
- Eat, Drink and Be Merry, (ss) Adventure November 1 1930
- Abandoned, (pm) Short Stories November 10 1930
- Skipper’s Orders, (ss) Adventure January 1 1931
- The Sea Wife, (ss) Adventure August 15 1931
- Curios, (ar) Adventure September 1 1931
- A Long Time Ago, (pm) Adventure September 15 1931
- Floating Butcher Shop, (pm) Short Stories November 10 1931
- The Alien, (ss) Adventure November 15 1931
- First Voyage, (pm) Adventure January 15 1932
- Furling the Foresail, (pm) Adventure February 1 1932
- The Saving of the “Tavy”, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1932
- The Cruise of the Mary & Susan, (ss) Adventure May 15 1932
- Nightmare Island, (ss) Short Stories June 25 1932
- Salt Schooling, (pm) Short Stories August 25 1932
- Barracout, (pm) Short Stories October 25 1932
- The Ramirez Rocks, (pm) Short Stories November 25 1932
- The Pariah, (ss) Adventure December 15 1932
- Shark, (pm) Adventure February 15 1933
- The Lubber, (ss) Adventure April 1 1933
- Thanks for the Drink, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1933
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