The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Underwater Handyman, (ar) Argosy May 1950
- * The Underwater Naturalist, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #52, December 15 1954 [Ref. Pierre de Latil]
- * Underwater Naval Heroes, (ar) Speed Detective October 1944
- * Underwater Oil, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1953
- * An Under Water Route to Europe, (ar) Boston Courier
- * Underwater Water Manipulators, (ms) If January 1960
- * Underwater Wolves, (ss) (by David Harris) Boys’ World February 29 1964
- * Under Way, (ms) The Grand Magazine July 1938
- * Underweight Overcoats, (ms) Collier’s September 28 1956
- * Underworld Lingo, (ms) Startling Detective Adventures #22, March 1930
- * Underworld Lingo, (ms) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine July 1957
- * Underworld Love, (sl) Racketeer Stories Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1930as told to A. L. Kimball
- * Underworld Love, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st June 1930
- * The Underworld’s Revenge, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 25 1930
- * Underworld Wonderland, (ar) Look and Learn #23, June 23 1962
- * An Undeserved Punishment, (ms) Wild West Weekly March 24 1928
- * An Undesirable Attachment, (ts) The Strand Magazine September 1898
- * Undetectable Poisons, (ms) Detective Classics July 1930
- * The Undies-Covered Look, (pi) Parade #1627, February 27 1971
- * An Undine of the Rivers, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine December 1896
- * An Undiscovered Mystery, (ms) Clues 2nd September 1928
- * Undiscovered Treasure, (ms) Wild West Weekly November 30 1929
- * Undone, (pm) Abyss & Apex #51, 3rd Quarter 2014
- * Undressing Room Dialogues, (hu) Broadway Nights Dec 1931, Feb, Mar 1932
- * An Undress Rehearsal [Jane], (fa) Jane’s Journal #3, 1946
- * Undying, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 21 1885
- * Undying Light, (pm) The Golden Argosy October 23 1886
- * Unearthed, (ss) Boy’s Comic Journal #481, May 28 1892
- * Unearth Hairpins of Ancient Women, (ms) Western Story Magazine December 29 1923
- * Unearths Fortune in Old Spanish Treasure, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly July 10 1915
- * Unearth the Tomb of an Aztec Warrior, (ms) Mystery Magazine #106, April 1 1922
- * Unearth Vast Wealth in Egyptian Tomb, (ms) Weird Tales March 1923
- * Uneasy Love, (ts) Smart Set Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1928
- * Uneasy Pleasure—Learning to Love the Questions Themselves: An Interview with Alan Lightman, (iv) Alaska Quarterly Review Fall/Winter 1996 [Ref. Alan Lightman]
- * The Unemployed, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1874
- * Unemployment, (ar) Chambers’s Journal July 18 1908
- * Unemployment Insurance, (cl) Maclean’s August 15 1940
* ___ “Declaration of Interdependence”, (cl) Maclean’s August 15 1940
* ___ The “Ex”, (cl) Maclean’s August 15 1940
* ___ Still Petty Patronage, (cl) Maclean’s August 15 1940
- * An Unenviable Record, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 25 1921
- * An Unequal Battle, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly Feb 27 1937, Jan 1 1938, Jun 15 1940
- * The Unequal Yoke, (sl) The English Illustrated Magazine Apr, May, Jun 1886
- * The Unexpected!, (ms) Presenting Moonshine v2 #8, 1973
- * An Unexpected Answer, (cs) Boy’s Comic Journal #480, May 21 1892
- * Unexpected Blows, (ss) (by Elizabeth Drew Stoddard) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1867
- * An Unexpected Furnishing Experience in N.W.1, (ar) Nova July 1965
- * Unexpected Help Rendered by a Dog, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1879
- * Unexpected Heroine, (ar) Western Digest November 1969
- * An Unexpected Highlander, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1871
- * An Unexpected Journey, (ss) The Wave December 2 1893
- * An Unexpected Meeting, (il) St. Nicholas March 1876
- * An Unexpected Meeting, (ms) Nick Carter Stories #121, January 2 1915
- * Unexplained!, (ar) The Silver Jacket #30, 1956
- * Unexplained Mysteries, (pm) The Grand Magazine July 1905
- * An Unexplored Region, (ms) Mystery Magazine #33, March 15 1919
- * An Unfair Advantage, (ss) The Argosy (UK) November 1869
- * An Unfair Trap, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 28 1931
- * The Unfaithful Shepherdess, (pm)
- * An Unfamiliar Version of the Flood: from a 15th century French illuminated manuscript, (ar) The Illustrated London News Christmas 1932
- * “Unfathomed Mysteries”, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #811, May 1883
- * The Unfatuous Father, (hu) The Popular Magazine April 7 1923
- * Unfavored, (ss) The Wave November 23 1895
- * The Unfettered Mind, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine November 1910
- * Unfinished, (pm) The Golden Argosy May 8 1886
- * The Unfinished Clue [Dixon Hawke], (ss) Sporting Post December 22 1951
- * The Unfinished Ear, (hu) Knave December 1959translated by John A. Rea
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 1, (cn) Sky Birds October 1931
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 10, (cn) Sky Birds September 1932
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 11, (cn) Sky Birds October 1932
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 12, (cn) Sky Birds November 1932
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 13, (cn) Sky Birds December 1932
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 14, (cn) Sky Birds January 1933
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 15, (cn) Sky Birds February 1933
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 16, (cn) Sky Birds March 1933
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 2, (cn) Sky Birds November 1931
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 3, (cn) Sky Birds December 1931
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 4, (cn) Sky Birds January 1932
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 5, (cn) Sky Birds February 1932
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 6, (cn) Sky Birds March 1932
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 7, (cn) Sky Birds April 1932
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 8, (cn) Sky Birds June 1932
- * Unfinished Ships Contest No. 9, (cn) Sky Birds August 1932
- * Unfinished Still, (pm)
- * Unfinished Story, (vi) Fantastic Universe February 1957
- * The Unfinished Wreath, (ss)
- * The Unfolding Glory of Spring, (pi) My Magazine May 1915
- * An Unforeseen Denouement, (vi) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1890
- * Unforgettable Fashions for the Summer of a Lifetime, (pi) McCall’s July 1961
- * The Unforgettable Richard Hillary, (ar) Esquire March 1945 [Ref. Richard Hillary]
- * An Unforgivable Mistake, (ss) Futures #16, August/September 2000
- * The Unforgivable Sin, (ts) Real Life Confessions April 1937
- * Unforgotten Kisses of Queens, (ms) The Scrap Book April 1906
- * The Unforgotten Sin, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st July 1930
- * Unfortunate Doctor Dodd, (ar) (by Percy Fitzgerald) Dublin University Magazine Mar, Apr 1864
- * The Unfortunate Sportsman, (pm) Hutchinson’s Adventure & Mystery Story Magazine February 1929
- * An Unfought Battle, (ms) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #66, 1936
- * An Unfought Battle, (ts) Battle Stories #16, December 1928
- * The Unfruitful Tree, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 19 1885
- * Unfulfilled Promise, (iv) Parsec Winter 2001 [Ref. Andreas Katsulas]
- * Unfurled from the World, (ms) Coronet June 1951
- * Un-Gloomy Dean, (ar) The Passing Show June 8 1935 [Ref. Dr. Walter R. Matthews]
- * Ungrateful Burglar Is Jailed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1921
- * The Ungrateful Delinquent, (ar) Rumble #7, 1993
- * The Ungrateful Giant, (ss) (by David Harris) Boys’ World April 18 1964
- * The Unguarded Hour—Loretta Young, Franchot Tone, (sa) Romantic Movie Stories #26, June 1936
- * The Unhappy Candidate or Every Man Against His Neighbor, (ss) The Wave October 20 1894
- * The Unhappy Empress, (ar) The Scrap Book March 1910
- * Unhappy Endings, (br) Shroud #7, Autumn 2009 [Ref. Brian Keene]
- * Unhappy Landings, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1940, 1939
- * Unhappy Loves of the Roumanian Princes, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2162, January 2 1932
- * The Unhealthy Houses in London, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine May 14 1870
- * ’Unheard’ Sound can Work Wonders, (ar) Look and Learn #17, May 12 1962
- * The Unheralded Defender of the Alamo, (ar) Western Digest September 1969
- * The Unhinged, (bg) Unhinged #1 1999, #6 2000
- * Unholy Passion, (??) Saucy Stories Digest November 1935
- * The Unholy Three, (sl) New Sensations September/October 1925
- * The Unholy Wife, (mr) Argosy August 1957
- * Unicorn Mystery Quiz, (qz) The Unicorn Mystery Book Club News v1 #9, 1949
- * The Uniform Makes the Man, (ts) True Love and Romance January 1943
- * Uniforms and the Man, (ar) Modern World April 27 1940
- * Uniforms for Washington’s Lady Cops, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 23 1926
- * Uniforms of Dishonour, (ar) Modern World October 5 1940
- * Uniforms of the British Army, Past and Present, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper October 8 1904
- * Uniforms of the Royal Navy, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 14 1891
- * A Uniform Type for the Blind, (ms) Mystery Magazine #35, April 15 1919
- * Uninhibited Irene, (pi) Jaguar March 1969
- * Uninhibited Miss, (pi) Jaguar November 1965
- * Uninhibited Photos from One of the World’s Most Sensual Films, (pi) Best for Men April 1966
- * An Unintentional Legacy, (ss) Yes or No January 25 1908
- * An Unintentional Shower-Bath, (cs) Boy’s Comic Journal #476, April 23 1892
- * Uninvited!, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1930, 1929
- * An Uninvited Guest, (vi) Chicago Ledger November 15 1919
- * The Uninvited Guest, (ss) Once a Week March 3 1866
- * Union and Liberty, (pm) (by Oliver Wendell Holmes) The Atlantic Monthly December 1861
- * The Union Brigade, (ar) Chums August 7 1928
- * The Union Jack and How to Construct It, (ia) The Boy’s Own Paper July 21 1894
- * The Union Jack Bicycle Club, (cl) The Union Jack Oct 13 1881, Apr 6 1882
- * The Union Jack; Every Boy’s Paper, (ed) (by G. A. Henty) The Union Jack September 28 1882
- * The Union Jack; Our National Banner, (ia) The Union Jack February 5 1880
- * The Union Jack, Vol. II, (ms) The Union Jack September 23 1880
- * The Union of Tongues, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1888
- * The Union or Christendom, (ms) The Sunday Strand November 1906
- * Union Pacific: Kina Kai and Jana Jordan, (pi) Penthouse (US) June 2007
- * The Union Pacific Streamliners, (ar) Railroad Magazine March 1938
- * Union Square, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine April 1901
- * A Unique Balloon Ascension, (ex) 1786
- * A Unique Bit of Versifying (“Bold Nassau quits his caravan…”), (pm)
- * Unique Christmas Cards, (pi) Planetary Stories December 2007; Christmas Cards hand-drawn and colored by Rankin that were sent to E. Hoffmann Price.
- * A Unique Claim in the California Courts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 9 1922
- * A Unique Contest, (ms) Best Detective Magazine December 1931
- * Unique Criticisms, (ar) The Mirror #58, December 6 1873
- * A Unique Dwelling, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly May 10 1915
- * A Unique Group of Kings and Queens, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine February 1908
- * Unique History of a Soldier: Jimmy Durham, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper November 17 1906
- * Unique Job for Eagle-Eyed Cop, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 8 1927
- * A Unique Memorial Font, (ms) The Sunday Strand October 1906
- * A Unique Money Bank, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 13 1921
- * Unique Monique, (pi) Dude July 1963
- * The Unique Mr. Peter Ustinov, (ar)
- * A Unique Pet: A Tame Humming-Bird, (ms) The Strand Magazine January 1920
- * A Unique Prize Competition, (cn) The Lady’s Realm May 1904
- * A Unique Robbery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 29 1928
- * A Unique School in Arkansas, (ms) Western Story Magazine July 6 1929
- * Unique Sideshow Secret, (ar) Best for Men June 1962
- * Unique Sports Pavilion, Shoreham Grammar School, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper November 26 1910
- * The UN Is at Stake, (ms) Collier’s February 24 1951
- * United!, (hu) Here! Is America’s Humor February 1952
- * United Nations, (pm) Pett’s Annual, Thomas's Publications Ltd., 1944
- * The United Nations of Fifty Years Ago, (pi) The Blue Book Magazine December 1950
- * United States Agents Get a Big Haul, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 17 1923
- * The United States and Manchuria, (ar) Sunset April 1904
- * United States Army Commanders, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1883
- * The United States Bullion Depository, (ar) Murder Ink: The Mystery Reader’s Companion ed. Dilys Winn, Workman Publishing, 1977
- * United States Diamonds, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1888
- * United States Leads in Murder Convictions, (ms) Best Detective Magazine July 1935
- * The United States Navy in the Revolution, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1889
- * United States Navy Scale Model Aircraft Plans, (ms) Air War Summer 1942
- * United States Rocket Society, (ms) Spaceways Jan, Apr 1942
- * United States Sea Power, (ia) Modern World January 18 1941
- * The United States Secret Service, (ms) Best Detective Magazine March 1931
- * The United States Signal Service, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1878
- * A United States Training Ship for Boys, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 18 1891
- * United Through a Robbery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 31 1931
- * A United World, (ms) The Outlook July 27 1912
- * Uniting the People and the Farms, (ar) The Scrap Book May 1911
- * A Universal Creed, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 4 1885
- * Universal Electric Farm Motor, (ar) Science and Invention January 1921
- * Universal Finger Prints, (ar) Nick Carter Magazine May 1935
- * Universal Genius, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1888
- * The Universal Language, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 1 1913
- * Universal Reform: A Vision, (ss) The European Magazine March 1826
- * A Universal Rule, (pm) The Golden Argosy October 24 1885
- * Universal Studios: Behind the Scenes, (ar) The Spook #8, March 2002
- * Uni-Verse, (pm) Seldon Seen #2, July/August 1967
- * The Universe, (ar) (by Barrington J. Bayley & Michael Moorcock) Boys’ World June 1 1963
- * The Universe Is Growing, (ms) My Magazine March 1925
- * The Universe Is Okay, (ms) Argosy January 8 1938
- * The Universe of Science Fiction, (in) Holt Anthology of Science Fiction, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2000
- * Universities’ Camps for Public School Boys, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper May 14 1898
- * The University Boat Race, (ar) London Society #5, June 1862
- * The University Boat Race, (pm) The Captain #13, April 1900
- * The University Boatrace, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 17 1884
- * The University Boatrace for 1889, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 15 1889
- * The University Boat-Race of 1883, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 12 1883
- * University Boat Races, (ar) London Society May 1863
- * A University Course in Crime, (ms) Best Detective Magazine September 1931
- * University Hoods, (ar) Chums September 1 1923
- * University Hoods, (il) Chums September 8 1923
- * University Hoods, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper Sep 4 1886, Mar 26 1904
- * University Life, (ar) (by Reginald Lewis) The Cornhill Magazine February 1865
- * University Life at Oxford, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine July 16 1870
- * The University Match: A Retrospect by an Old Blue, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 10 1903
- * University of Colorado Mud with Marilyn Van Derbur, (pi) Escapade June 1960
- * The University of the Prairies, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #776, June 1880
- * University Round Table on the Shaver Mystery, (ar) The Shaver Mystery Magazine v2 #2, 1948
- * Unjustly Branded [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Reginald Heber Poole) The Sexton Blake Library #100, 1919
- * Unjust Suspicion, (ar) Sunshine August 1890
- * The Unkindest Cut of All!, (pm) The Grand Magazine May 1905
- * An Unkind Inquiry, (hu) The Popular Magazine March 1905
- * Unknown, (pm) Metropolitan Magazine December 1900
- * The Unknown, (hu) The Popular Magazine July 1907
- * The Unknown, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1891
- * An Unknown Blonde, (ts) Smart Set August 1927
- * Unknown—But Not for Long, (pi) Men’s Digest December 1966
- * The Unknown Eye, (ms) Private Detective Stories September 1944
- * Unknown London Sights, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine April 30 1870
- * An Unknown Peril, (nv) The Princess’s Novelettes May 18 1886
- * Unknown Peril from Outer Space, (ar) Look and Learn #21, June 9 1962
- * The Unknown Poets of Scotland, (ar) Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal December 22 1832
- * The Unknown Ranger, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #924, August 28 1937; adapted from the movie (Bob Allen).
- * The Unknown Singer: A Mystification, (ss) Hood’s Magazine and Comic Miscellany August 1844
- * The Unknown Tongue, (pm) Horlick’s Magazine and Home Journal for Australia, India and the Colonies March 1904
- * Unknown Wives of Well-Known Men:
* ___ III — Mrs. William Ewart Gladstone an American Girl with Portrait, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal March 1891
- * The Unlawful Gift; or, Kindness Rewarded, (ss) Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal September 21 1850
- * The Unlighted Match, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly July 21 1928
- * Unlikely Accolades, (ms) Unlikely Story #10, November 2014
- * The Unloaded Revolver—The Diplomacy of Fanaticism, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #781, November 1880
- * Unlocked Safe Cracked, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 20 1916
- * Unlucky Days, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1876
- * An Unlucky Doe, (ms) Far West Stories February 1929
- * The Unlucky Fortune, (ss)
- * Unlucky Plants, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine October 8 1870
- * The Unlucky Present, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1876
- * Unlucky Prize Winners, (ms) Flapper’s Experience May 1925
- * An Unlucky Raid, (ss) The Argosy (UK) April 1882
- * An Unlucky Shot; or, An Incident in a Planter’s Life, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1885
- * An Unlucky Strike, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 1 1930
- * Unmarried Mother-to-Be, (pi) Showpiece October/November/December 1972
- * Unmasked, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal September 19 1891
- * Unmasked by a Bullet, (ss) (by B. H. West) London Society October 1884
- * Un-Melancholy Dane with Dane Arden, (pi) Escapade November 1956
- * Unmilitary Courtesy, (ms) Collier’s October 17 1942
- * The Unmiraculous Life of Jackie Mendoza, (ss) (by Tamar Yellin) Nemonymous #1, November 2001
- * Unmooring, (pm)
- * The Unnamable, (vi) Short Stories April 1891; from “Legends of the Sahara,” in Nouvelle Revue.; translated by H. B.
- * The Unnatural Husband, (ar)
- * The Unnatural Son, (ms) The Terrific Register, Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1825
- * Unnecesary Words, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 2 1931
- * Unnecessary Fears, (ed) Appleton’s Magazine April 1909
- * Unnecessary Murder, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 12 1929
- * An Unnoticed Welsh Industry, (ar) The Argosy (UK) July 1899
- * Un-Nuclear Simmer: The Effect on Global Media of a Major Nuclear Bore, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #16, December 1989
- * Unofficial Sign Language, (ia) Railroad Magazine November 1941
- * The Unoriginal Boy, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 13 1880
- * An Unpaid Bill, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 19 1932
- * UN Parade of Foreign Foods, (ms) Good Housekeeping October 1962
- * Unparalleled Parallels, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper July 24 1886
- * Unparliamentary Boroughs, (ar) (by Grant Allen) The Cornhill Magazine August 1885
- * An Unpleasant Sequel, (pm) The Red Magazine December 15 1911
- * Unpleasant Shipmates, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper Summer 1895
- * Unpoised Lives, (ms) Success
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