The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Should Vengeance Write the Peace?, (ar) Liberty January 23 1943
- * Should We Tell the World…?, (ar) Racy 1952
- * Should Women Permit Paris to Dictate Style?, (ar) Miss 1930 January 1930
- * Should Your Boy Go to College?, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine August 1895
- * Should You Tell Your Wife Everything?, (qz) Parade #1634, April 17 1971
- * Shouting Victim Thwarts Robbers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 8 1925
- * Shout Out to Art Taylor, (ms) Black Cat Mystery Magazine #2, Spring 2018
- * “Shoved Queer” on Court, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 26 1921
- * Shoveled Coal in Sleep, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly September 10 1915
- * The Shoveler, (ar) Western Story Magazine July 13 1929
- * Shoving the Queer, (ms) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Fall 1952
- * Show a Leg, (qz) Argosy (UK) February 1960
- * The Show Behind the Books, (ms) Twilight Tales Presents Book of Dead Things ed. Tina L. Jens, 11th Hour Productions, 1999
- * Show Biz, (pi) Man to Man September 1962
- * “Show Boat”, (th) The London Magazine August 1928
- * Showboat Furnishes a Bachelor’s Apartment, (pi) Showcase v1 #1, 1960, as "Showcase Furnishes a Bachelor’s Apartment"
- * Showboat Goes Primitive, (pi) Showcase v1 #1, 1960, as "Showcase Goes Primitive"
- * Showboat Laughs, (hu) Showboat v4 #2, 1971/72
- * Showcase, (ar) Air Trails March 1951
- * Showcase, (ms) Rogue Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1959, Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 1960, Feb 1961
- * Showcase, (ss) (by Sarah Singleton) Nemonymous #2, May 2002
- * Showcase Bookcase, (br) Showcase v2 #2, v2 #3 1962
- * Showcase Close Up, (ms) Showcase v2 #2, v2 #3 1962, v2 #5 1963
- * Showcase Furnishes a Bachelor’s Apartment, (pi) Showcase v1 #1, 1960
- * Showcase Goes Primitive, (pi) Showcase v1 #1, 1960
- * Showcase Personality, (pi) Showcase v1 #2, 1960
- * Show-Down for Brazos Bell [Brazos Bell], (cs) (by F. L. Stebbins) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 26 1936
- * Showdown in the Middle East, (ms) Collier’s October 21 1950
- * Shower Baths in Prison, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 14 1921
- * Show Folk You Like to Hear About, (cl) Weekly Welcome #3149, January 16 1960
- * Showgirl, (pi) Rogue March 1960
- * Showgirl Broadcasting, (ts) True Love Stories 2nd February 1930
- * Showing How Mince-Pies Were Introduced Into Cornerwise, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1889
- * The Show Jumpers, (ar) Mayfair v2 #11, 1967
- * Showman Eloquence, (ss) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #1, August 23 1884
- * Showmanship in Sport, (ms) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st June 1931
- * Show of Farce, (hu) Hot Spot v1 #4, 1970
- * A Show of Farce, (hu) Matinee v3 #3, v3 #4, v4 #1 1966, v4 #2, v4 #3, v4 #4 1967, v5 #2, v5 #3 1968, v6 #2, v6 #3 1969
- * Show Off Your Handsome Towels, (ms) McCall’s January 1952
- * Shows, (cl) Penthouse Feb, Mar, Apr 1972
- * The Show That Shocked Paris: “Songs of Bilitis” starring Nadie Taillier, (ar) Escapade December 1960
- * The Show That Stops Roulette, (pi) Ace October 1959
- * Show the Six-Man Movie!, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy August 1938
- * Show Time, (pi) Man to Man April 1962
- * Showtime, (hu) Showboat v3 #4, 1971
- * “Show Trains”, (ar) Tit-Bits #2863, September 12 1936
- * Show Your Colors!, (ms) Love Fiction Monthly April 1942
- * Shrapnel, (ms) The London Magazine May 1915
- * Shreds of Morocco, (ar) (by Norman Garstin) The Cornhill Magazine September 1886
- * The Shree of Planet Dzehn, (hu) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 1995
- * A Shrewd Miner, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly February 6 1937
- * A Shrewd Robbery Trick, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 17 1923
- * A Shriek in the Night!, (cs) Weird Mysteries March/April 1959
- * The Shrike, (ar) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer March 1934
- * Shrimpers and Shrimping, (ia) The Boy’s Own Paper July 28 1894
- * The Shrimp-Gatherers, (pm) (by Bayard Taylor) The Atlantic Monthly July 1872
- * “The Shrimp Girl”, (ms) Black & White #2, February 14 1891
- * A Shrimp-Seller in France, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1879
- * Shrimpy Was No Romeo, (ss) Oracle #1266, May 11 1957
- * The Shrine of Kali [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Harry Gregory Hill) The Sexton Blake Library #317, 1924
- * The Shrouded Watcher, (ss) The Wave February 14 1891
- * Sh-Sh Some Secrets, (hu) French Night Life February 1936
- * ’Shun!, (hu) Chums Mar 4 1922, Sep 8 1923
- * Shun Delays, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 25 1885
- * The Shutdown, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 19 1921
- * Shut in, (pm) Grit Story Section #2379, August 25 1940
- * Shut-In, by Choice, (pi) Stag July 1960
- * Shutterbug’s Paradise, (pi) Sir! September 1943
- * “The Shuttered Room” on Film, (mr) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968
- * Shutter Svengali, (??) Snap v1 #2, 1958
- * Shutting a Woman’s Head in a Box, (ms)
- * Shuttle Bombing, (ms) Flying Aces August 1943
- * Shuttleness Loom Doubles Production, (ms) Mystery Magazine #113, July 15 1922
- * Shylock Homes: His Posthumous Memoirs, (br) The Armchair Detective August 1973 [Ref. John Kendrick Bangs]
- * Shylock in London, (ts) (by Thomas E. Kebbel) The Cornhill Magazine January 1864
- * Shy Statesman, (bg) John Bull July 12 1947 [Ref. George C. Marshall]
- * Shyster’s Swan Song, (ss) True Gangster Stories February 1941
- * The Siamese a Peculiar People, (ms) Mystery Magazine #107, April 15 1922
- * Siamese Fish Can Walk, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2388, May 2 1936
- * A Siamese Rope-Dancer, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1877
- * Siam Old Story, (pm) Penthouse (UK)
- * Siana’s Punchbowl, (ms) Wild West Weekly January 25 1930
- * Siberia and the Russians, (ia) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1880
- * Siberian Exiles, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1878
- * Siberian Hospitality, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1884
- * Sibyl’s Disappointment, (ss) (by Harriet Parr) The Cornhill Magazine June 1863
- * A Sicilian “Bernhardt”—Signorina Aguglia Ferrau, (ar) The Lady’s Realm April 1908
- * Sicilian Folk-Songs, (ar) (by Evelyn Martinengo-Cesaresco) The Cornhill Magazine April 1877
- * The Sick Criminal, (sl) Physical Culture December 1927
- * Sick Flicks, (ar) Dude July 1964
- * The Sick Frog, (vi) St. Nicholas March 1877
- * Sick Jewelry (Doctor Zach), (ar) Escapade December 1958
- * Sick Plants Should Go to the Doctor, (ms) Western Story Magazine March 29 1930
- * The Sick Room and Its Inmate, (ar) The New Magazine (UK) July 1914
- * The Sick Stockrider, (pm) Colonial Monthly January 1870
- * Sic Transit!, (pm) The Grand Magazine October 1905
- * Sic Vita, (ss) Short Stories October 1899; translated by Rosa G. Abbott
- * A Side-Car Cell, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 5 1925
- * Side Issue, (ss) (by Ronald Horton) Detective Casebook February 1948
- * Sidelights, (ar) The Science Fiction Fan February 1941
- * Sidelights in Scottish Soccer, (ar) The Boys’ Realm of Sport and Adventure #333, August 15 1925
- * Side Lights on a Page of History, (ar) Temple Bar October 1903 [Ref. Helmuth von Moltke, the Elder]
- * Sidelights on Crime, (ms) The Grand Magazine May 1938
- * Sidelights on the Screen, (cl) Treat ’Em Rough June 1919
- * Side-Lights on the War, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine June 1900
- * Sidelights Upon Catherine of Braganza, (ar) Longman’s Magazine March 1899 [Ref. Catherine of Braganza]
- * The Sideline, (cl) Thrilling Sports Nov, Dec 1936, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1937, Jan,
Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1938
Jan, Mar, Jul, Sep, Nov 1939, Jan, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1940, Jan, Mar,
Jul, Sep, Nov 1941
Apr 1942, Wtr, Mar, Fll 1943, Spr, Sum 1944, Wtr 1945
- * “Side-line Johnny”, (ar) The American Magazine June 1920
- * Sidelines, (cl) The Strand Magazine July 1942
- * Side Lines That Pay (Poultry, Bees, Rabbits, Pigeons), (ar) Pearson’s Magazine April 1912
- * The Sideric Pendulum, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1920
- * The Side Show, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #528, January 25 1930; adapted from the movie (Marie Provest, Ralph Graves).
- * Sideshow Heartbreak, (nv) Love Revelations combined with Secret Confessions June 1941
- * A Side-Slip, (pm) Sievier’s Monthly #6, June 1909
- * The Side-Step Brigade, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 20 1923
- * Side Views from the Stalls, (pi) The Royal Magazine May 1908
- * Sidewalks of New York, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #633, January 30 1932; adapted from the movie (Buster Keaton, Anita Page).
- * Sideways Video Reviews, (mr) Gateways #8 Aut 1993, #9, #10 Spr 1994
- * Sidmouth and About It, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 14 1888
- * Sidney James Snoop, (ms) The Magnet Library July 28 1917
- * Sid Says: If You Ever Reach Easy Street—Turn Into It!, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine August 1923
- * Sid Says:
* ___ Money Talks—But There Are Other Speakers, (ar) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine September 1916
* ___ I. Let’s Break Away from Granddaddy, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine November 1915
* ___ II. To Go Thoroughly Married Takes Time and Trouble, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine December 1915
* ___ III. The Millennium Is No Mushroom, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine January 1916
* ___ IV. This Is a Want Ad for a World-Beater, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine February 1916
* ___ V. Here Is a New Suit of Clothes for Some Old Ideas, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine March 1916
* ___ VI. If This Be Contempt of Court—Send Me the Bill, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine April 1916
* ___ VII. Strive as we Will—Our Brows Slope Gently Downward, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine May 1916
* ___ VIII. It Is Hard to Tell How Numb a Young Skull is, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine June 1916
* ___ IX. If Your Ego Bothers You—Go Look at the Stars, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine July 1916
* ___ X. Some Poetry Is Made to Be Heard—Not Heeded, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine August 1916
* ___ XI. Considering Who Grandpa Was—We’re Not so Bad, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine October 1916
* ___ XII. You Can Go Further if You Take Others with You, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine November 1916
* ___ XIII. Good Brains Don’t All Travel the Same Way, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine December 1916
* ___ XIV. Consider Your Ears—They Are Not Purely Decorative, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine January 1917
* ___ XV. Don’t Get Anxious about New York: Let New York Get Anxious About You, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine February 1917
* ___ XVI. It Is Sometimes Better to Remain a Bore than to Make Yourself Too Intersting, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine March 1917
* ___ XVII. I Will Hang This on Balboa—Because He Has Had His Fun and Is Dead, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine April 1917
* ___ XVIII. Some Mighty Good Salaries Go to Men Who Would Almost as Soon Work for Nothing, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine May 1917
* ___ XIX. A Great Ancestor Would Be All Right if So Many Outsiders Didn’t Butt In, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine June 1917
* ___ XX. Men Can’t Be Geared Up—Unless They Are Cheered Up, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine July 1917
* ___ XXI. Now That We Have Bought Them—Let’s Bury Them!, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine August 1917
* ___ XXII. A Mail Carrier Is Not the Only One Who Has to Keep on Delivering, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine September 1917
* ___ XXIII. It’s the Encores People Call for That Make Lying Difficult, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine October 1917
* ___ XXIV. Abraham Lincoln Belongs in History—Not in the Nursery, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine November 1917
* ___ XXV. No One Person Is Allowed to Carry Around All the World’s Knowledge, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine December 1917
* ___ XXVI. What Goes On in Your Head Is Older Than You Think, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine January 1918
* ___ XXVII. If You Aren’t Fighting—Are You Worth Fighting For?, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine February 1918
* ___ XXVIII. Moths Don’t Destroy Treasures Like These, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine March 1918
* ___ XXIX. Here Is the Reason Some Men Appear So Marvelously Able, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine May 1918
* ___ XXX. Where do I come in?—Asks the Human Being, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine June 1918
* ___ XXXI. “Don’t Use Your Head—Use Mine,” Says the Kaiser, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine July 1918
* ___ XXXII. Deal a Few Cards to Others—Life Is no Game of Solitaire, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine August 1918
* ___ XXXIII. When the “Lunar Limited” Starts—Buy a Ticket, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine September 1918
* ___ XXXIV. Are you on Two Pay-rolls? You Can Be—and you Should Be, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine October 1918
* ___ XXXV. It Was the United States of America That Yelled Down That Stairway, Mr. German Major, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine November 1918
* ___ XXXVI. Aim with Your Imagination—But Don’t Neglect to Shoot!, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine December 1918
* ___ XXXVII. Extra! Extra! All About the Oldest Thing in the World!, (ms) The American Magazine January 1919
* ___ XXXVIII. All May Be Vanity—But It’s Better Than Being Bored, (ms) The American Magazine February 1919
* ___ XXXIX. It Is a Tough Job—Trying to Sit on a Pinnacle, (ms) The American Magazine March 1919
* ___ XL. The Square Peg Is Often Too Proud of His Shape, (ms) The American Magazine April 1919
* ___ XLI. The Race Is Not to the Swift—Especially if They Sit Down, (ms) The American Magazine May 1919
* ___ XLII. Swelled Heads Have No Ears, (ms) The American Magazine June 1919
* ___ XLIII. Booze and Throttles Don’t Go Well Together, (ms) The American Magazine July 1919
* ___ XLIV. Most Folks Are Easier to Get at Than Around, (ms) The American Magazine August 1919
* ___ XLV. Try to Have Your Pay Envelope Contain These Two Coins, (ms) The American Magazine September 1919
* ___ XLVI. If You Haven’t Got One of These Little Machines You’re the Human Wonder of the World, (ms) The American Magazine October 1919
* ___ XLVII. What You Win Is Always Two Jumps Behind What You Want, (ms) The American Magazine November 1919
* ___ XLVIII. Genius Burns—But Only so Long as the Power Is Turned on, (ms) The American Magazine December 1919
* ___ XLIX. If You Expect Any Miracles in 1920—You Have Got to Perform Them, (ms) The American Magazine January 1920
* ___ L. It Isn’t Your Age That Counts—It’s What You Can Do, (ms) The American Magazine February 1920
* ___ LI. Here Is One Way to Teach the Young to Worship the Almighty Dollar, (ms) The American Magazine March 1920
* ___ LIII. Don’t Try to Sell Opera Glasses to a Blind Man, (ms) The American Magazine May 1920
* ___ LIV. Paddle Your Canoe—Watching the Other Fellow Won’t Carry You Up-Stream, (ms) The American Magazine June 1920
* ___ LV. June Is a Good Month in Which to Get Rid of a Swelled Head, (ms) The American Magazine July 1920
* ___ LVI. Mr. Almighty Dollar Looks Pretty Sick Just Now—but He’ll Convalesce, (ms) The American Magazine August 1920
* ___ LVII. Don’t Get Mad or Scared Because the Other Fellow Is Smart, (ms) The American Magazine September 1920
* ___ LVIII. Maybe Your Wasong Is Hitched to a Star—and You Don’t Know It, (ms) The American Magazine October 1920
* ___ LIX. It’s All in Knowing When to Go to the Mat, (ms) The American Magazine November 1920
* ___ LX. It Is Better to Make Things Than to Break Things, (ms) The American Magazine December 1920
- * The Siege of Basing House, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1879
- * Siege of Berwick, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 20 1880
- * The Siege of Florence, (ar) (by John Rutherford) The Cornhill Magazine March 1875
- * The Siege of Ghuznee: An Episode of the First Afghan War, (ts) (by C. B. Norman) The Cornhill Magazine February 1880; based, without permission, on the memoirs of Major-General Charles Harris.
- * The Siege of Ipswich [Jimmy Harding], (ss) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) Cheer Boys Cheer #66, August 23 1913
- * The Siege of Jobson’s Alley [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #293, 1931
- * Siege of Khelat-i-Ghilzai, (ts) The Boy’s Own Paper September 4 1880
- * The Siege of Leningrad, (ar) Look and Learn #134, August 8 1964
- * The Siege of Sebastopol. A true tale of the Crimea War, (nv) Pluck August 27 1897
- * The Siege of Sunda Gunge, (ss) Temple Bar
- * The Siege of the Bank of England [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #102, 1923
- * The Siege of the Black Cottage, (ss) (by Wilkie Collins) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1857
- A Plot in Private Life and Other Tales by Wilkie Collins, Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1859, as "The Black Cottage", by Wilkie Collins
- The Best Supernatural Stories of Wilkie Collins by Wilkie Collins, Robert Hale, 1990, as by Wilkie Collins
- The Complete Shorter Fiction by Wilkie Collins, Carroll & Graf, 1995, as "The Black Cottage", by Wilkie Collins
- * Siegfried and Kriemhild, (ss) from The Fall of the Nibelungs, J.M. Dent, 1907
- * Siegfried the Fearless, (ar) Look and Learn #32, August 25 1962
- * Sienna and St. Catherine, (ar) (by John A. Symonds) The Cornhill Magazine September 1866
- * The Sierra Leone Railway, (ar) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine November 1901
- * The Sierra Peaks, (pm) Lariat Story Magazine October 1927
- * Sierra Scenes, (ms) Far West Illustrated Magazine September 1926
- * Sierra Sue, (sa) Movie Western January 1942
- * Siesta, (ms) Manhunt April 1957
- * Siesta, (pm) (by Harriet Prescott Spofford) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1871
- * Siesta, (ss)
- * A Sigh, (pm) (by Harriet Prescott Spofford) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1870
- * Sighs from Space, (ar) Authentic Book of Space ed. H. J. Campbell, F.C.S., F.R.H.S., M.S.C.I., F.B.I.S., Authentic Science Fiction, 1954
- * Sight and Sound, (cl) McCall’s May 1961
- * Sighted Man—Saved Same, (ms) Flying Aces May 1944
- * “Sighted Sub—Sank Same”, (ar) Flying Aces November 1942
- * The Sight of an Angel, (ss) The People’s and Howitt’s Journal v4,, as "Johan Schmit"
- * Sights and Scenes Among the Pyrenees, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1859
- * Sights from a Steeple, (ss) (by Nathaniel Hawthorne) The Token 1832, 1831, uncredited.
- * The Sights of Greyfriars - Little Side, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1921, 1920
- * The Sights of Greyfriars - No. 1 Study Remove Passage, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1921, 1920
- * The Sights of Greyfriars - The Gym, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1921, 1920
- * The Sights of Greyfriars - The Head’s Study, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1921, 1920
- * The Sights of Greyfriars - The Punishment Room, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1921, 1920
- * The Sights of Greyfriars - The Remove Dormitory, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1921, 1920
- * The Sights of Our Great Cities: London Museums, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Jan 14, Jan 21, Feb 4, Feb 11, Feb 18 1888
- * Sight Unseen, (ar) Flying Aces December 1942
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