The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Pioneer’s Last Wish, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 5 1936
- * Pioneers of America:
* ___ XII: Lewis Wetzel, (cl) The Open Road for Boys February 1937
* ___ XVIII: Ewen Cameron, (cl) The Open Road for Boys July 1937
* ___ XIX: Morse and Vail, (cl) The Open Road for Boys August 1937
* ___ XXII: Samuel Brady, (cl) The Open Road for Boys November 1937
* ___ XXXI: George Croghan, (bg) The Open Road for Boys November 1938 [Ref. George Croghan]
* ___ XXXII: Eli Whitney, (bg) The Open Road for Boys January 1939 [Ref. Eli Whitney, Jr.]
- * Pioneers of Power No. 5-Steam on Rail, Road and Farm, (pi) Look and Learn #183, July 17 1965
- * Pioneers of the Northwest, (ms) Western Story Magazine June 23 1928
- * The Pioneers; or, A Tale of the Radical Rising at Strathaven in 1820, (sl) The Chartist Circular #139 May 21, #140 May 28, #145 Jul 2, #146 Jul 9 1842
- * Pioneers’ Pet Names, (qz) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine May 1953
- * Pioneer Spirit Pays Off, (ms) Speed Western Stories November 1945
- * A Pioneer’s Prophecy, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 19 1935
- * Pioneer Sugar, (ms) Western Story Magazine November 17 1928
- * Pioneer Tanning, (ms) West November 12 1927
- * Pioneer Tombs Breakers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 13 1919
- * A Pioneer Woman of California, (ms) Western Story Magazine April 14 1923
- * Pioneer Women of California, (br) Sunset April 1904
- * Pio Pico, (ia) The Rio Kid Western August 1949
- * “Piou-Piou”’s Painter, (bg) Pearson’s Magazine November 1913 [Ref. Edouard Detaille]
- * The Pious Entusiast, (pm) Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal June 16 1832
- * Pious John on Flirtation—Our Own Vodvil Show, (ms) Flapper’s Experience May 1925
- * The Pious Man’s Diary 2999 A.D., (hu) The Butterfly June 1899
- * Pip, (pi) Monsieur October 1967
- * The Pipe, (nv) (by Richard Marsh) The Cornhill Magazine March 1891
- Library of the World’s Best Mystery and Detective Stories: English: Irish ed. Julian Hawthorne, The Review of Reviews, 1907
- The Lock and Key Library: Modern English Stories ed. Julian Hawthorne, The Review of Reviews Co., 1909
- Famous Mystery Stories ed. Joseph Walker McSpadden, Crowell, 1922
- Famous Mystery and Detective Stories ed. Joseph Walker McSpadden, Blue Ribbon, 1938
- The Haunted Chair and Other Stories by Richard Marsh, Ash-Tree Press, 1997, as by Richard Marsh
- * The Pipe, (ss) New-York Tribune November 4 1917
- * Pipe, Cigar, and Cigarette: A Unique Portrait Gallery, (ar) The London Magazine February 1907
- * Pipe Dreams, (ar) Mayfair v16 #12, 1981
- * Pipe Dreams, (pi) Rogue February 1965
- * Pipe Dreams Come True, (ms) Redbook August 1949
- * The Pipe Manufacture of Germany, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1887
- * The Piper of Cairndhu, (nv) (by R. Cleland) The Cornhill Magazine March 1884
- * Piping Petroleum in Iraq, (ia) Modern Wonder February 4 1939
- * Pippa Passes: A Drama, (ar) Atalanta #131, August 1898
- * A Pippin of a Chicken, (??) Broadway Nights March 1931
- * The Pips of Pan, (pi) Ace June 1959
- * Piracy for Revenge, (ms) Flynn’s July 25 1925
- * A Pirate Betrayed, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1890
- * The Pirate Bird, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #251, November 5 1966
- * The Pirate Captain, (ss)
- * Pirate Cat’s Ghost Keeps Crews Awake, (ms) Mystery Magazine #7, February 15 1918
- * Pirate Deeds and Misdeeds, (ar) Pirate Stories March 1935
- * Pirate Playmate, (pi) Affair v4 #2, 1967
- * The Pirates and the Mermaids, (pi) Monsieur June 1963
- * Pirates Black Flags, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1916
- * The Pirate’s Daughter, (ss) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #39, May 16 1885
- * Pirates Decoying a Merchantman, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper December 9 1882
- * The Pirate’s Diamonds, (ss) London Society Christmas 1880
- * Pirates Did Not Get Her Twenty Thousand Dollars, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 6 1920
- * Pirate’s Gold, (ar) Liberty December 5 1931
- * Pirate’s Gold, (pz) The Silver Jacket #28, 1956
- * Pirates in Furs, (ar) Tit-Bits #2867, October 10 1936
- * Pirates in the China Seas, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 5 1881
- * Pirates’ Lair, (ar) The Modern Boy November 2 1929
- * Pirates’ Lair, (ms) Doc Savage Magazine September 1936
- * The Pirate’s Love, a Tale of the Sea, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #179, December 13 1851
- * Pirates of the Air, (ar) The American Boy January 1912
- * The Pirates of the Airway [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by R. C. Armour) The Sexton Blake Library #92, 1927
- * Pirates of the Mongol Main, (ar) The Danger Trail March 1926
- * Pirates of the Ohio, (ms) Flynn’s May 9 1925
- * Pirates of the Panama, (ss) Thrills of the Seven Seas, Dean & Son, 1936
- * Pirates of the Plains, (ms) Speed Western Stories April 1943
- * The Pirates of the Western coast, (ar) Indian State Railways Magazine December 1933
- * Pirates of Yesterday and To-morrow, (ar) Chums October 23 1928
- * The Pirates’ Planet, (vi) Captain Future Winter 1943
- * Pirates Siege Governor of Nevis, (ms) The Golden Gazette v1 #1, 2008
- * Pirates Still Infest New York Water Front, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 8 1926
- * A Pirate’s Tragedy, (vi) Chicago Ledger January 23 1909
- * Pirate’s Treasure, (sa) Sure-Fire Screen Stories March 1934
- * The Pirate’s Treasure, (ts) The Book of the Ocean, and Life on the Sea, Auburn, Alden & Beardsley, 1857
- * The Pirates Treasure, (ss)
- * Pirates: True Tales and Legends of Terror on the High Seas, (ar) Dark Realms #12, Fall 2003
- * The Pirate Submarine, (ss) Chums November 29 1913
- * Pirates Who Haunt the Outer Seas, (ia) Pirate Stories January 1935
- * Pirate to Panto, (ar) Tit-Bits #2877, December 19 1936
- * Pirate Treasure, (sa) Sure-Fire Screen Stories April 1934
- * Pirate Treasures, (ms) Speed Adventure Stories July 1943
- * The Pirate Who Saved New Orleans, (ms) Speed Adventure Stories January 1943
- * A Piratical F.S.A., (ss) (by James Theodore Bent) The Cornhill Magazine December 1888
- * Pirating More Exciting Than School, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 2 1929
- * A Pirouetting Polyglot, (bg) Nash’s Magazine July 1912 [Ref. Gina Cormani]
- * Pisa, (ar) The Bible Story #17, June 27 1964
- * Pisa’s Leaning Tower, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1889
- * Pissing Off America, (pi) Penthouse September 1999
- * Pistol and Pad; or, The Lives of the Great Highwaymen, (sl) The Young Englishman Oct 12, Oct 19, Oct 26, Nov 2, Nov 9, Nov 16, Nov 23, Nov 30, Dec 7, Dec 14,
Dec 21, Dec 28 1878
Jan 4 1879
- * A Pistol Cracked at Sunset, (ar) Look and Learn #162, February 20 1965
- * Pistol Duel Fatal to Both, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1918
- * Pistol-Making: A Lost Scottish Art, (ar) Chambers’s Journal April 18 1908
- * Pistol Packin’ Mammas, (ms) Argosy March 1944
- * Pistol-Packin’ Polly, (pi) Copper Cuties January 1969
- * Pistols of Five Centuries, (ar) Chums September 29 1923
- * “Pistol-Totin’” and Murder, (ms) Clues 1st August 1929
- * Piston Rod Parting, (ar) Railroad Magazine May 1949
- * The Pitahaya, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1877
- * Pit-boy Hero (Henry Murten), (ts) The Boy’s Own Paper May 1 1909
- * Pitcairn’s Island, and the Descendants of the Mutineers of the Bounty, (ia) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine January 1881
- * Pitched “Perfect” Games, (ms) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 10 1932
- * The Pitcher Plant (Saracenia Purpurea), (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1879
- * Pitching Camp: Tents and Beds, (pi) Your Car: A Magazine of Romance, Fact and Fiction May 1925
- * The Pit of Crocodiles [African Adventure], (ss) The Buzzer #24, March 26 1938
- * The Pit of Doom [Sexton Blake], (na)
- * The Pit of Fire, (ss) Chums April 27 1918
- * Pitter Patter, (hu) Spicy Stories February 1932
- * Pittsburgh, Pennyslvania, (ar) Collier’s April 9 1949
- * The Pittsburgh Stogy, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1927
- * Pittsburgh’s Triple Death Tragedy, (pi) Startling Detective Adventures #99, October 1936
- * Pity, (pm) Pan November 1920
- * Pity the Christmas Postman, (ms) The Modern Boy December 15 1928
- * Pity the German Motorist!, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2486, March 19 1938
- * Pity the Pilot!, (ar) Thrilling Book for Boys 1938
- * Pity the Pioneer, (ms) The Popular Magazine 2nd October 1929
- * Pity the Poor Birds, (pi) The Royal Magazine May 1914
- * Pity the Poor Hostess, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 5 1936
- * Pity the Poor Peer, (pm) The Tatler November 16 1904
- * Pity the Poor Photographer, (pi) Man’s Conquest March 1959
- * Pity the Poor Soldier Boys!, (ms) Experience November 1924
- * Pity the Poor Stepmother, (ar) Liberty July 8 1939
- * Pixie from Dixie, (pi) Mermaid v2 #1, 1960
- * Pixie in Disguise, (pi) Man’s Book Periodical April 1965
- * Pix Laffs, (hu) Pix May, Jul 1966
- * The Pix of Maso Finiguerra—The First Copperplate Engraving, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1876
- * Pix Porn, (ms) Pix November 1976
- * Pix’s Grab Bag, (pi) Pix v1 #5 1964, v1 #7, May 1965
- * Pix’s Picks, (ms) Pix v1 #1, 1963
- * Pix Throws Its Annual Pixie Ball, (pi) Pix v1 #1, 1963
- * Pixy, (pi) Hi-Life January 1961
- * Pizen Bill, (pm) All Western Magazine #37, May 1935
- * Pizza-Pie Playgirl, (pi) Venus v1 #11, 1959
- * P.J., (mr) Adam Film Quarterly #4, April 1968
- * P.J. Springboards to Fame, (ms) Collier’s July 25 1953
- * Place Aux Dames; or, The Ladies Speak at Last, (pl) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science March 1877
- * Place aux Dames; or, The Ladies Speak at Last, (pl) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science March 1877
- * “A Place in the Sun”, (mr) Redbook September 1951
- * Place Nicknames, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1895
- * The Place of Peace, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 10 1888
- * The Place of the Sacred Bo-Tree, (ss) (by C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne) The Cornhill Magazine August 1895
- * A Place of Your Own, (ms) Miniature Girls Magazine April 1950
- * Places of Interest in New Orleans, (ar) New Orleans Stories v1 #2, 1994
- * Places Sacred to Lovers, (ar) The Lady’s Realm July 1900
- * Places to Avoid!, (ms) Etchings & Odysseys #1, 1973
- * Places to Avoid! in Madison, Wisconsin, (fa) Etchings & Odysseys #2, 1983
- * The Place Where Your Money Is Made, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine April 1908
- * Placing the Blame, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine July 15 1928
- * Plagiarism and Accidental Imitation, (ar) (by Richard Robert Madden ,[?]) Dublin University Magazine January 1869
- * Plagiarism Prohibited, (ms) Manhunt May 1957
- * Plague and Pestilence, (ar) (by William Strange) The Cornhill Magazine May 1865
- * “Plague Doctor this Place”, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1899
- * The Plague from the Sky [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #568, 1941
- * A Plague of Locusts, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper September 6 1879
- * The Plague of Locusts, (ar) (by G. L. Stevens) The Cornhill Magazine October 1891
- * The Plague of Locusts, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine
- * The Plague of Mimsers, (ar) Lilliput September 1954
- * A Plague of Picture Post-cards, (ar) People’s Magazine November 1906
- * The Plague Ship [Nelson Lee], (na) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Nelson Lee Library #64, August 26 1916
- * Plaguing a Philosopher!, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper November 27 1880
- * Plain-clothes Men in “Gallery”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 11 1925
- * Plain Detective Smith, (ss) Scotland Yard #8, December 1930
- * Plain George of Perania, (th) The London Magazine December 1917
- * A Plain Inference, (hu) The Popular Magazine July 1906
- * Plain Jane, (ms) McCall’s Magazine September 1930
- * Plain John Smith, (nv) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1876
- * Plain Mara Lane, (pi) Cavalier June 1954
- * Plain Pure Humor, (hu) Parisienne Revue v7 #1, 193?
- * Plains Buffalo “Mow Their Own”, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd November 1926
- * A Plain Statement of Facts, (ss) (by Mrs. Frank M’Carthy) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1870
- * Plain Talk from a Cop Who Went Wrong, (ar) Liberty May 4 1935as told to James Edward Grant
- * Plain Talking in the South, (ar) The Half-Century Magazine September 1919
- * Plain Talk to the Stage-Struck Girl, (ar) Pictorial Review May 1912
- * The Plaintiff Nonsuited, (ss) (by I. O. Culver) The Atlantic Monthly May 1867
- * A Plaint of Head-Gear, (ar) Black & White #42, November 21 1891
- * Plaint of the Plutocrat, (pm) The Chicago Tribune
- * Plan 9 from Outer Space, (mr) Monster Parade November 1958
- * The Plandok and the Crocodile, (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1926
- * Plane Alarms Indians, (ms) The Popular Magazine 2nd January 1929
- * Plane Carries Miner to Hospital, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 25 1924
- * Plane Chuting, (ms) Flying Aces October 1942
- * Plane Crashes Into Oregon Mountain, (ms) Western Story Magazine March 12 1927
- * Plan Education for English Convicts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 16 1919
- * Plane Facts, (ms) Airplane Stories September 1929
- * Plane Flies 63,875 Miles in a Shed, (ar) Modern Wonder August 13 1938
- * A Plane for the Antarctic, (ms) Astounding Stories of Super-Science March 1933
- * “Plane” Girls Must Be Slim, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2388, May 2 1936
- * Plane Mysteries, (cn) Airplane Stories Mar, Nov, Dec 1930, Jan, Feb 1931
- * Plane Mysteries—No. 7, (cn) Airplane Stories October 1930
- * Plane Mystery Winners, (ms) Airplane Stories Mar, Apr 1931
- * Plane Names, (cl) Airplane Stories Mar, Oct, Nov 1930, Feb, Apr, May 1931
- * Plane Names: No. 19, (cl) Airplane Stories January 1931
- * Plane Names: No. 21, (cl) Airplane Stories March 1931
- * Plane of the Future: The Comet 3, (pi) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #55, March 15 1955
- * The Plane on Our Cover:
* ___ B-25, Fastest Medium Bomber, (cl) Flying Aces February 1941
- * Plane on Private Yacht, (ms) Air Trails October 1930
- * The Plane on the Cover, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1940, 1939
- * Plane Protection, (ms) Flying Aces October 1944
- * Plane Sailing, (ms) The Happy Mag. May 1939
- * Planes Find Buried City, (ms) Flying Aces November 1932
- * Planes Hunt Bank Robbers, (ms) Street & Smith’s Air Trails April 1931
- * Planes of Tomorrow, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1938, 1937
- * Planes That Fly Themselves, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1937, 1936
- * Planes That Have Never Flown, (ar) Modern Wonder May 13 1939
- * Planes That Take-Off Straight Up!, (ia) The Silver Jacket #11, 1954
- * Planes to Carry Gold in New Guinea, (ms) Air Trails February 1931
- * Planes to Map North, (ms) North•West Stories 1st March 1927
- * Planes Unite Alaska, (ar) Air Stories August 1927
- * Planes v. Pests, (ar) Modern Wonder November 5 1938
- * The Planet, (ss) Knickerbocker’s Magazine July 1853
- * Plane Talk, (qa) Flying Stories Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1929
- * Planetariums, (ms) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #66, February 15 1956
- * Planetary Communiqué, (hu) Savage Planets May, Jul, Oct 2021, Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2022, Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2023,
Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2024
- * Planetary Exploration:
* ___ 2—The Biologist, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #54, February 15 1955
* ___ 3—The Physicist Prepares, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #55, March 15 1955
* ___ 5—The Geologist, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #57, May 15 1955
* ___ 6—The Medical Officer, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #58, June 15 1955
- * The Planeteer’s Televisor: 1. The Rocket Pistol, (ar) The Planeteer December 1935
- * The Planeteer’s Televisor: 2. The Disintegrator, (ar) The Planeteer January 1936
- * The Planeteer’s Televisor: Heavy Artillary: The Moon-Ray, (ar) The Planeteer February 1936
- * The Plane That Caught a U-Boat, (ia) Rover and Wizard #241, August 28 1965
- * The Plane That Wagged Its Tail, (ss) The Skipper #185, March 17 1934
- * The Planet Mars, (br) Science Fiction Fortnightly #7, April 1 1951 [Ref. Gérard de Vaucouleurs]
- * The Planet Mars: An Essay by a Whewellite, (ar) (by Richard A. Proctor) The Cornhill Magazine July 1873
- * The Plane to Buy Now, (ms) King (UK) Winter 1964
- * Planet of the Month: Earth, (ms) Child Life June/July 1980
- * The Planet of War, (ar) (by Richard A. Proctor) The Cornhill Magazine July 1877
- * A Plane to Probe the Heat Barrier, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #65, January 15 1956
- * Planet Plane, (br) Dime Novel Round-Up #52, July 1936 [Ref. John Beynon]
- * The Planets and Where to Find Them, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Nov 9, Dec 7 1889, Feb 1, Mar 8, Apr 5 1890
- * The Planets: and Where to Find Them, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 4 1890
- * The Planets, Put in Leverrier’s Balance, (ar) (by Richard A. Proctor) The Cornhill Magazine September 1875
- * Plane Views, (cl) Flying Aces Sep, Oct, Dec 1944, Jan, Feb, Apr 1945
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