The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11852
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Foreword, (fw) Insurance Thrillers, The Underwriter Printing and Publishing Co., 1932
- * Foreword, (fw) All-Fiction Love Story Annual 1943
- * Foreword, (fw) Arena February/March 1951
- * Foreword, (fw) Polish Short Stories, Polonia Publishing House, 1960
- * Foreword, (fw) Ole Doc Methuselah by L. Ron Hubbard, Theta, 1970
- * Foreword, (fw) The Dragon King’s Daughter, Foreign Languages Press, 1954
- * Foreword, (fw) The Delaney Christmas Carol, Bantam Fanfare, 1992
- * Foreword, (fw) More Binscombe Tales by John Whitbourn, Ash-Tree Press, 1999
- * Foreword, (fw) The Best American Short Stories of the Century ed. John Updike & Katrina Kenison, Houghton Mifflin, 2000
- * Foreword, (fw) Irish Girls About Town, Pocket Books, 2003
- * Foreword, (fw) (by Don Congdon) The Wild Sweet Wine ed. Don Congdon, Ballantine Books, 1957
- * Foreword, (fw) (by Percy W. Everett ,[?]) Ghost Stories and Other Queer Tales, C. Arthur Pearson, 1931
- * Foreword, (fw) (by Bryan Holden) Ghosts Have No Feelings ed. Bryan Holden, Barbryn Press, 1988
- * Foreword, (ms) Western Story Annual 1941, 1943
- * Foreword, (ms) The Crimson Pact: Volume 5 ed. Paul Genesse, Iron Dragon Books, 2013
- * Foreword and Afterword, (ms) Stirring Detective and Western Stories November 1940
- * Foreword - Third Time Lucky, (pm) Jane’s Journal #3, 1946
- * For Flaming June, (ar) Horner’s Stories #1813, June 23 1928
- * For Freedom!, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #11, August 3 1912
- * For Further Reading, (bi) Science Fiction ed. S. H. Burton, Longmans, Green, 1967
- * For Further Reading, (bi) Phoenix Feathers ed. Barbara Silverberg, Dutton, 1973
- * For Further Reading, (bi) Robert Silverberg’s Worlds of Wonder ed. Robert Silverberg, Warner, 1987
- * For Further Reading, (bi) Mariah of the Spirits and Other Southern Ghost Stories by Sherry Austin, Overmountain Press, 2002
- * For Gallantry in the Air, (ar) Modern World November 23 1940
- * The Forge, (nv) (by Mary Louisa Smith) The Atlantic Monthly Nov, Dec 1865
- * The Forged Cheque, (ss) Yes or No December 26 1914
- * Forged City Checks Swindle Merchants, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 9 1926
- * Forged Fingerprints, (ar) Modern Wonder October 28 1939
- * The Forged Fingerprints [Nelson Lee], (na) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Nelson Lee Library #28, December 18 1915
- * The Forged Marriage Lines [Nelson Lee], (na) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Nelson Lee Library #45, April 15 1916
- * The Forged War Orders [Nelson Lee], (na) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Nelson Lee Library #49, May 13 1916
- * Forged Will Proves Boomerang, (ms) Speed Western Stories October 1944
- * A Forge in Central Africa. Manganja Blacksmiths at Work, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1876
- * For Gentlemen Only, (pi) Men’s Digest March 1966
- * A Forger at Fifteen, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 15 1921
- * Forger Convicted Through His Typewriter, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 9 1922
- * Forger Dislikes Heat, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 1937
- * Forger Gets Job Instead of Sentence, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 14 1919
- * Forgeries Detected by the Microscope, (ms) Mystery Magazine #103, February 15 1922
- * Forgeries on Increase, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1927
- * Forger Ran Well, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 6 1921
- * Forgers’ Gang Swindles Bank in Fifteen States, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 30 1922
- * Forgers Get Millions Yearly, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1923
- * Forgers of French Currency Punished, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 6 1926
- * A Forger’s Trick on His Lawyer, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 1 1927
- * Forgery a Popular Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 22 1928
- * Forgery in Little Old New York, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 1 1927
- * Forgery Older Than Money, (ms) Flynn’s June 6 1925
- * Forgery Suspect Prefers Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 17 1926
- * Forges His Own Parole, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 22 1927
- * The Forgetful Blacksmith, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 25 1934
- * Forgetfulness, (pm) (by Matthew Arnold)
- * Forget It, (pm) Heart Throbs Volume Two ed. Joe Michell Chapple, Grosset & Dunlap, 1911
- * “Forget-Me-Not”, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine May 1897
- * Forget the Disagreeable, (ms) Success
- * Forget Tomorrow, (ss) Spotlight Confessions 1948
- * Forgive Me, (pm) Grit Story Section #1619, January 24 1926
- * Forgive Me, Darling, (ss) My Confession 1948
- * Forgive Me My Trespasses, (ts) Smart Set Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1927
- * Forgiveness, (pm) The Golden Argosy August 28 1886
- * Forgiveness.—The Return, (ss) Bentley’s Miscellany 1849, as by Alfred Crowquill
- * Forgiven, Not Forgotten, (nv) The English Ladies Novelettes v1 #24, 1891
- * Forgive Us Our Trespasses, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 16 1880
- * For God and Gideon, (ar) The Bible Story #15, June 13 1964
- * For God and the King, (ss) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #5, September 20 1884
- * Forgot His $26,199, (ms) Mystery Magazine #78, February 1 1921
- * Forgot His Revolver, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 23 1929
- * Forgotten, (pm)
- * Forgotten, (pm) (by Elizabeth Akers) The Atlantic Monthly September 1864
- * Forgotten Authors:
* ___ No. 2 Geoffrey Willans, (cl) (by Christopher Fowler) The Independent on Sunday August 17 2008 [Ref. Geoffrey Willans]
* ___ No. 27 Georgette Heyer, (cl) (by Christopher Fowler) The Independent on Sunday March 15 2009 [Ref. Georgette Heyer]
- * Forgotten Classics of Pulp Fiction, (br) (by Ed Hulse ,[?]) Blood ’n’ Thunder Summer 2019
- * A Forgotten Crime, (nv) The Argosy (UK) July 1880
- * The Forgotten Days, (nv) Tales of Tomorrow #1, 1950
- * A Forgotten Emperor, (ex)
- * A Forgotten Fashion, (ar) (by Victor Plarr) The Cornhill Magazine June 1887
- * Forgotten, for a Time, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine January 15 1925
- * Forgotten Fortune, (ar) Leading Western November 1945
- * A Forgotten Hero, (bg) The Golden Argosy January 13 1883
- * Forgotten Heroes of the British Army, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1900
- * Forgotten Highway to China, (ts) Popular Mechanics November 1957, as "Adventure on the Stilwell Road", by Adrian Cowell
- * Forgotten Inventors, (ms) The Captain #150, September 1911
- * Forgotten Jokes, (ar) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray) The Cornhill Magazine November 1876
- * Forgotten Love, (pm) Hollywood Nights September 1931
- * Forgotten Novels, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine Mar, Jun 1862
- * Forgotten Parts Contest No. 1, (cn) Sky Birds May 1934
- * Forgotten Parts Contest No. 2, (cn) Sky Birds June 1934
- * Forgotten Parts Contest No. 3, (cn) Sky Birds July 1934
- * Forgotten Parts Contest No. 4, (cn) Sky Birds August 1934
- * Forgotten Parts Contest No. 5, (cn) Sky Birds September 1934
- * A Forgotten Race, (ar) (by Alice Marion Hart) The Cornhill Magazine July 1891
- * Forgotten Service, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1883
- * Forgot the Mirror, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 19 1931
- * Forgot to Hang Murderer, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 23 1921
- * Forgot to Lock the Door, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 6 1932
- * For Hearth and Home, (pm) The Golden Argosy August 8 1885
- * For Her, (ar) The Idler November 1906
- * For Her and for Him, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1880
- * For Heroic Service to France, (cs) Calling All Girls July/August 1944 [Ref. Florence Conrad]
- * For Her Sake, (ss) The Star July 11 1901
- * For Her Sister’s Name!, (ts) True Story February 1924
- * For His Baby’s Sake, (ss) True Marriage Stories March 1927
- * For His Father’s Honour, (ss) Chums October 5 1912
- * For His Friend’s Sake [Herbert Trackett], (nv) (by Arthur Joseph Steffens) The Boys’ Friend #72, October 25 1902
- * For His Friend’s Sake [Mary the Red-Cross Sister], (ss) (by Bessie Reynolds) Horner’s Penny Stories #1114, January 23 1915
- * For Historian - Ira A. Cole, (ar) The Providence Amateur June 1915
- * For Italians Only, (ar) The Strand Magazine (US) April 1907
- * For Jacques Barzun on His Centennial, (ed) The American Scholar Winter 2008
- * Forked-Tongue Warrior, (ms) Fighting Western July 1948
- * For Kids from 7 to 70, (ms) Everywoman’s Magazine Oct 1945, Jan 1946
- * For Kids…from 7 to 70!, (ms) Everywoman’s Magazine March 1946
- * Forks, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1888
- * Forks and Fingers, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1879
- * Forks and Their Days, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1876
- * For Little Folks, (vi) St. Nicholas November 1873
- * For Little Tim’s Sake, (ss) The Nelson Lee Library #102, May 19 1917
- * A Forlorn Hope, (pm) (by Samuel Eytinge) Scribner’s Monthly November 1873
- * A Forlorn Hope, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine October 1891
- * For Love and Money, (pi) Adam February 1968
- * For Lovelier Eyes, (ms) Variety Love Stories May 1949
- * For Love of a Woman, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 20 1932
- * For Love of You, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1878
- * Form, (pm) Ghostlight Winter/Spring 2018
- * A Formal Call (A True Story), (vi) St. Nicholas September 1891
- * For Married Men Only, (hu) The Popular Magazine April 7 1923
- * Formation of Character, (nf) The Literary Emporium June 1845
- * Formed for Conquest, (sl) (by Annie E. Wickham) Cassell’s Family Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1892
- * For Men Only—A Touch of Jazz, (??) Touch v1 #2, 1958
- * For Men Only—Uncensored, (ar) For Men Only December 1957
- * Former Bandit Meets Hard Death, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1917
- * Former Bandit Robbed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 4 1921
- * Former Bandit to Work Among Convicts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 19 1924
- * Former Gambler Turns Evangelist, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 5 1917
- * Former Gangsters’ Lawyer Slain, (ms) Clues Detective Stories July 1939
- * Former German Policeman Caught, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 2 1929
- * Former Invasions of Egypt, (ar) Mystery Magazine #116, September 1 1922
- * Former Judge Arraigned in Own Courtroom, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 11 1922
- * Former Miner Had Wife Trouble, (ms) Two Gun Stories September 1932
- * Former Notorious Crook Leads Fight Against Drug Raids, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 17 1922
- * Former Police Chief Becomes Convict, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1927
- * Former Publisher Found Guilty, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 16 1922
- * The Former Rulers of the Canadian West, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine December 1907
- * Former Sieges of Paris, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine January 21 1871
- * Former Slave Enjoys Fishing, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 29 1938
- * Form-Finder, (ix) Robert E. Howard: Selected Poems by Robert E. Howard, Frank Coffman, 2009
- * Form Follows Function, (pi) Rogue July 1963
- * A Formidable Personality: Andrew Carnegie, (bg) Smith’s Magazine October 1905 [Ref. Andrew Carnegie]
- * A Formidable Personality: Arthur Brisbane, (bg) Smith’s Magazine February 1906 [Ref. Arthur Brisbane]
- * A Formidable Personality: Charles E. Hughes, (bg) Smith’s Magazine January 1906 [Ref. Charles E. Hughes]
- * A Formidable Personality: David Belasco, (bg) Smith’s Magazine March 1906 [Ref. David Belasco]
- * A Formidable Personality: Evan Roberts, the Welsh Revivalist, (bg) Smith’s Magazine August 1905 [Ref. Evan Roberts]
- * A Formidable Personality: M. Metchnikoff, (bg) Smith’s Magazine December 1905 [Ref. Élie Metchnikoff]
- * Formidable Pet Proves Burglar’s Ally, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 9 1927
- * A Formidable Woman, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1890
- * For Middle-Aged Little Folks:
* ___ A Kind Hearted Puss, (vi) St. Nicholas June 1888
- * Form in Sport, (ms) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st June 1931
- * For More and Bigger Birds, (ms) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories July 1 1932
- * Formosa, (ar) (by Robert K. Douglas) The Cornhill Magazine October 1874
- * Forms for Faith, (pi) Literary Cavalcade December 1955
- * Forms of Salutation, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1884
- * Forms of Salutation, (ar) (by John Massie) The Cornhill Magazine November 1879
- * The Formula for Art, (ms) Astounding Science Fiction November 1950
- * Formula for Success, (pi) Parade #1630, March 20 1971
- * Formula One at Sebring, (ia) Escapade October 1960
- * Formula…Plus, (pi) Caper July 1959
- * For Murdering the Sheriff, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly February 2 1935
- * For Music, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine March 1902
- * For My Baby’s Sake, (ts) “I Confess” August 21 1925
- * For Nancy Amos, (br) The Mystery Reader’s Newsletter [Ref. Peter L. Dixon & Laird P. Koenig]
- * For National War on Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 28 1925
- * For No Reason, (ts) Mystery July 1934
- * For Others to Perceive, (ed) The Windmill v1 #4, 1946
- * For Our Children’s Sake, (ed) The Red Cross Magazine May 1919
- * “For Percival”, (sl) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Oct, Nov, Dec 1877, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1878
- * “For Percival”, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1878
* ___ Chapter I. Thorns and Roses, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine September 1877
* ___ Chapter II. “Those Eyes of Yours”, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine September 1877
* ___ Chapter III. Dead Men Tell No Tales—Alfred Thorne’s Is Told by the Writer, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine September 1877
* ___ Chapter IV. Wishing Well and Ill, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine October 1877
* ___ Chapter V. Why Not Lottie?, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine October 1877
* ___ Chapter VI. Her Name, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine October 1877
* ___ Chapter VII. Jael, or Judith, or Charlotte Corday, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine October 1877
* ___ Chapter VIII. “Perhaps I’m Letting Secrets Out”, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine October 1877
* ___ Chapter IX. Sissy Looks Into the Mirror, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine November 1877
* ___ Chapter X. In Langley Wood, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine November 1877
* ___ Chapter XI. Meanwhile, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine November 1877
* ___ Chapter XII. Well, What’s Gone from Me? What Have I Lost in You?, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine November 1877
* ___ Chapter XIII. Shadows, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine December 1877
* ___ Chapter XIV. Godfrey Hammond Prescribes, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine December 1877
* ___ Chapter XV. As Others See Us, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine December 1877
* ___ Chapter XVI. Principles and Persons, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine December 1877
* ___ Chapter XVII. A Midnight Encounter, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine January 1878
* ___ Chapter XVIII. Love in a Mist, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine January 1878
* ___ Chapter XIX. Sissy Consults Her Oracle, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine February 1878
* ___ Chapter XX. I and My Mistress, Side by Side, Shall Be Together, Breathe and Ride, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine February 1878
* ___ Chapter XXI. Reconciliation, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine February 1878
* ___ Chapter XXII. A Thorn in the Flesh, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine March 1878
* ___ Chapter XXIII. What Is Love?, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine March 1878
* ___ Chapter XXIV. Godfrey Hammond on Bird-Catching, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine March 1878
* ___ Chapter XXV. Of a Hermit Crab, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine March 1878
* ___ Chapter XXVI. Of Confession, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine April 1878
* ___ Chapter XXVII. Sissy Enters Into King Agag’s Feelings, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine April 1878
* ___ Chapter XXVIII. Broken Off, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine April 1878
* ___ Chapter XXIX. A Reverie in Rookleigh Church, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine May 1878
* ___ Chapter XXX. Of a Golden Wedding, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine May 1878
* ___ Chapter XXXI. Why Not Lottie?, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine June 1878
* ___ Chapter XXXII. Lottie Wins, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine June 1878
* ___ Chapter XXXIII. A Start in Life, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine June 1878
* ___ Chapter XXXIV. No. 13, Bellevue Street, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine June 1878
* ___ Chapter XXXV. Of the Landlady’s Daughter, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine July 1878
* ___ Chapter XXXVI. Wanted, an Organist, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine July 1878
* ___ Chapter XXXVII. Lydia Rearranges Her Cap, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine July 1878
* ___ Chapter XXXVIII. Concerning Sissy, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine July 1878
* ___ Chapter XXXIX. Short Reckonings Make Long Friends, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine August 1878
* ___ Chapter XL. Bertie at the Organ, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine August 1878
* ___ Chapter XLI. Where There’s a Will There’s a Way, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine August 1878
* ___ Chapter XLII. Walking to St. Sylvester’s, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine September 1878
* ___ Chapter XLIII. Faint Heart Wins Fair Lady, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine September 1878
* ___ Chapter XLIV. The Last Music Lesson, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine September 1878
* ___ Chapter XLV. A Thunderbolt in Standon Square, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine September 1878
* ___ Chapter XLVI. The Result of Percival’s Economy, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine October 1878
* ___ Chapter XLVII. Consequences, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine October 1878
* ___ Chapter XLVIII. Engagements—Hostile and Otherwise, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine November 1878
* ___ Chapter XLIX. How the Sun Rose in Gladness, and Set in the Valley of the Shadow of Death, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine November 1878
* ___ Chapter L. Through the Night, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine December 1878
* ___ Chapter LI. By the Express, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine December 1878
* ___ Chapter LII. “Quand On a Trouvé Ce Qu’on Cherchait, On n’a Pas le Temps de le Dire: Il Faut Mourir”, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine December 1878
* ___ Chapter LIII. Afterwards, (sl) (by Margaret Veley) The Cornhill Magazine December 1878
- * For Pete’s Sake, (ms) Far West Stories March 1930
- * For Resort and Country Club, (cl) The Illustrated Love Magazine August 1932
- * Forrest J Ackerman Remembered, (ar) Dark Discoveries #13, Spring 2009 [Ref. Forrest J Ackerman]
- * Forrest the Tragedian, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine March 1863
- * For Richer, for Poorer, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine May 1931
- * For Richer, for Poorer, (ts) Home Notes November 12 1953
- * For Rogues Only, (cl) Rogue Nov, Dec 1961, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov,
Dec 1962
- * For Rupert—With No Promises, (ss) Esquire February 1977
- * Forry’s Fantastic Museum, (pi) Swank April 1974 [Ref. Forrest J Ackerman]
- * For Safe Deposit [Sexton Blake], (ss) Answers June 26 1909
- * The Forsaken, (pm) The Novel Magazine July 1906
- * For Sale, (pi) Funny Stories January 1929
- * For Sale-a Complete Burglars Outfit, (ss) The Skipper #277, December 21 1935
- * For Sale; or Billy Joper’s Joke, (ss) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #31, March 21 1885
- * For Sand, Sun and Fun, (pi) Escapade October 1959
- * For Saving Time in Switching, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1912
- * For Scouts and Campers Out, (ar) Chums May 12 1923
- * For Sending Secret Messages, (ar) The British Boy’s Annual 1925
- * For Seven Years, (ss) The Argosy (UK) June 1872
- * For Shining Hair, (ms) Love Fiction Magazine September 1946
- * For Shipwrecked Mariners, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1915
- * For Slain Policemen’s Widows, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 30 1926
- * For Smarter Tables, (ms) Mystery July 1934
- * For Snappy Shoppers, (cl) Snappy Stories and Pictures Mar, Apr 1928
- * For Snapshooters, (cl) This Week Jun 20, Jun 27, Jul 11, Jul 18, Jul 25, Aug 1, Aug 8, Aug 15, Aug 22, Sep 5,
Sep 19, Sep 26, Oct 10, Oct 24, Oct 31, Nov 7, Nov 21, Nov 28, Dec 5, Dec 12, Dec 26 1937
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