The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11616
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[Misc.] (chron.) (continued)
- * Girls’ Letter, (lt) New Idea Woman’s Magazine Christmas 1904
- * Glamour Dep’t, (ms) Rob Wagner’s Script #462, May 14 1938
- * A Glance at Books, (br) National Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1900
- * A Glance at New Books, (br) National Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1899, Jan, Feb, Mar 1900
- * Goings-on in Washington, (cl) The National Farm Journal Aug 1930, Sep, Oct, Nov 1945
- * Gold!, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy March 1936
- * Golden Rule Applied to Food Products, (ar) National Magazine February 1913
- * The Gold Helmet Winner, (il) The Modern Boy October 27 1928
- * Good Citizenship, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion August 1921
- * The Good Citizenship Bureau, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion July 1921
- * Good Eats, (cl) The Rexall Magazine August 1924
- * The Good Idea Page, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion October 1911
- * Good Ideas for Christmas, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion December 1909
- * Good Ideas for Church Socials, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion May 1909
- * Good Ideas for Hot Weather, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion August 1909
- * Good Ideas for November, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion November 1909
- * Good Looks, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Jul, Aug 1921
- * A Good Match Trick, (pz) The American Boy January 1906
- * Good Times in the Club of Clubs, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion January 1910
- * Good Work from Our Boys and Girls, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion May 1909
- * Gossip of the New Day, (ms) The Weekly Telegraph #3811, May 4 1935
- * Gossip with Readers, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion November 1901
- * Graphicky Quality, (rv) Prism Spr, Sum, Aut 2011
- * The Great American Boy Army, (cl) The American Boy May 1911
- * The Great American Boy Army. For Manliness in Muscle, Mind and Morals, (cl) The American Boy Mar 1904, Jan, Apr, May, Jun, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1906, May, Dec 1907
- * The Great Idea #10: Printing, (il) The Modern Boy October 27 1928
- * The Great Idea #11: Printing Type, (il) The Modern Boy November 3 1928
- * The Great Idea #14: Steel, (il) The Modern Boy November 24 1928
- * The Great Idea #15: Leather Making, (il) The Modern Boy December 1 1928
- * The Great Idea #1: George Stephenson, (il) The Modern Boy August 11 1928
- * The Great Idea #3: The Submarine, (il) The Modern Boy September 1 1928
- * The Great Idea #4: Cugnot and Daimler, (il) The Modern Boy September 8 1928
- * The Great Idea #5: The Brothers Wright, (il) The Modern Boy September 15 1928
- * The Great Idea #6: The Telephone, (il) The Modern Boy September 22 1928
- * The Great Idea #7: Janssen and Galileo, (il) The Modern Boy September 29 1928
- * The Great Little Rocket’s Birthday, (il) The Modern Boy October 5 1929
- * Great - War - Competition, (pz) Short Stories May 14, May 21, May 28, Jun 4, Jun 11 1898
- * The Greek Anthology, (ms) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v4 #14, 1954
- * A Greek Theatre in California—William R. Hearst’s Gift to the State University, (ar) National Magazine November 1903
- * Grooming the Cub, (ar) The American Boy October 1923
- * Groucho - His Marx, (ar) Rob Wagner’s Script #623, February 28 1942
- * A Group of American College Presidents, (pi) The Booklovers Magazine June 1904
- * A Group of Distinguished Writers, (il) The Booklovers Magazine December 1904
- * Growing Up in Society, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 2 1912
- * The Guardian Patron of Love: Have You Seen the D&C Girl in the Moon?, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * Guess What’s Going On Here!, (il) The Modern Boy October 24 1931
- * Guess What this Is, (il) The Modern Boy November 16 1929
- * “Guy! Guy! Guy! Set Him Up on High!”, (il) The Modern Boy November 9 1929
- * Gypsying Up-to-Date, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1921
- * Hail (and Razz) The Hero!, (ms) Rob Wagner’s Script #485, November 26 1938
- * Hail the Prize-Winners!, (ms) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy February 1934
- * Half a Steamer Launched, (il) The Modern Boy September 29 1928
- * A Half-Timbered House for $7,500, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion April 1907
- * Halt Here for Kelly’s Garage!, (il) The Ranger #79, August 13 1932
- * Hamburgers… Make ’Em Plain or Fancy (uses of hamburger in casseroles, meatloafs, etc.), (ar) Woman’s Day October 1938
- * Hamburgers Turn Gray, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 1977
- * Hammock Books, (br) Woman’s Home Companion July 1910
- * Ham ’N Eggs, (ms) Rob Wagner’s Script #525, October 14 1939
- * Handy Articles Made by Our Boys, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion January 1910
- * The Handy Man, (cl) True Experiences Apr 1946, Feb 1947
- * Hannibal the Flying Hotel…, (il) The Modern Boy September 19 1931
- * Hardboiled Art, (pi) Purple Prose #14, July 2001
- * The Harlequinade, (ms) Short Stories Illustrated June 20 1914
- * Harvest for a Holiday, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post December 24/December 31 1960
- * The Hat That Johnny Wears, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion August 1921
- * Have You Ever Wondered?, (ms) Pageant December 1956
- * Have You Heard This?, (hu) Pals #16, November 12 1923
- * Heard in May, (ms) London Opinion May 1953
- * Heard in November, (ms) London Opinion November 1952
- * Heartbeat, (qa) The Saturday Evening Post November/December 2007
- * Heartbeat: Go Fish!, (qa) The Saturday Evening Post September/October 2007
- * Heartbeat: In with the Good, Out with the Bad, (qa) The Saturday Evening Post May/June 2007
- * Heartbeat: Omega-3, Rx for Heart Health, (qa) The Saturday Evening Post January/February 2007
- * A Heart So White, (ms) Avallaunius Winter 1995
- * He Capitalizes Time, (ar) The American Boy July 1923
- * Held Captive by the Nose, (il) The Modern Boy July 14 1928
- * The Help-One-Another Club, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Nov, Dec 1907
- * The Help-One-Another Club—Entertaining Our Grown-Up Children, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion April 1907
- * Help-One-Another Club Letter-Box, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion December 1906
- * The Help-One-Another Club—The Week’s Work in My Household, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion August 1906
- * He Makes Mines Safe, (il) The Modern Boy November 30 1929
- * Here’s a fine Loco, You Fellows, (il) The Modern Boy December 15 1928
- * Here’s Cash for Bicyclists, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy May 1939
- * Here’s the New Line, (ms) Woman’s Journal February 1949
- * Here, There and Everywhere, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion April 1907
- * Heritage, (pi) Woman’s Journal June 1949
- * The Hermit of the March (Masked Story), (ss) The American Boy November 1923
- * Heroes of the British Isles, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion January 1910
- * Heroes & Villains of the Idle Universe, (ms) The Idler #29, Winter 2001/2002
- * He Runs 70 Farms and Makes Them Pay a Profit, (ar) Farm & Fireside June 1925
- * He’s a Champion Marksman, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy June 1937
- * He’s a Funny Duck, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy June 1937
- * A High-Speed Aerial Duel, (il) The Modern Boy December 5 1931
- * Hints for Mone-Made Christmas Gifts, (ar) National Magazine December 1903
- * A Historic Milwaukee Store, (ar) National Magazine February 1914
- * Histories, Mysteries, etc., (br) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #1, January/February 1991
- * The History of the Curl, (ss) London Life April 27 1935
- * Hit the Western Trail!, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy May 1932
- * Hoisting the Rudder, (il) The Modern Boy January 4 1930
- * Holiday Girl 1952: Mrs Rollins, Bradford, (ms) A Basinful of Fun #82, October 1952
- * Holiday Hops, (ar) The American Boy December 1923
- * Holiday Pictures, (pi) Jack and Jill December 1956
- * Hollywood Parties, (cl) Motion Picture November 1940
- * Hollywood Unit Man—He makes stars out of starlets, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 21 1942
- * The Home, (cl) National Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1904, Jan, Feb, Mar,
Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1905
Jan, Feb, Mar, Sep 1906
- * Home for the Easter Holidays, (il) The Modern Boy March 30 1929
- * The Homeless World Cup, (pi) BIGnews September 2004
- * A Homemade Loud Speaker, (ar) The American Boy October 1923
- * Home Problems, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
- * Home Problems, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Mar 1909, Jul 1910
- * Homes of the Highway, (pi) Your Car: A Magazine of Romance, Fact and Fiction August 1925
- * “Honist Work_Modrat Prices”, (ar) The American Boy October 1923
- * Honourable Mentions, (ms) The Lost Club Journal #1 1999, #2 2000
- * Horrible Hollywood, (cl) Rob Wagner’s Script #415, May 15 1937
- * Horse-Show Fads and Frills, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion December 1906
- * Hospitals in the Sky, (il) The Modern Boy July 20 1929
- * Hot Cereal, (ar) Woman’s Day October 1945
- * Housebuilding, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion July 1921
- * Houses of Eternity, (pi) Asia November 1920
- * Housewives’ Reciprocity Bureau, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion March 1902
- * How “Cold Storage” Was Begun, (ar) National Magazine February 1914
- * How Gullible Are You to Hoaxes?, (qz) Liberty (Canada) October 1954
- * How Hurrell Shoots a Star, (pi) Motion Picture November 1940
- * How I Lost My Money, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Nov 24, Dec 8, Dec 15, Dec 29 1906
- * How I Lost My Savings, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Jun 8, Jul 6 1907
- * How Many Trades Must a Housewife Learn? Prize Essays, (ar) National Magazine September 1903
- * How Plain Anne Found a Way to Be Pretty, (ss) Woman’s World November 1921
- * How’s Business and Why, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post Oct 12, Nov 16, Dec 28 1912
- * How’s Business and Why, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post Jul 15, Aug 12, Sep 16, Oct 14, Nov 11, Dec 9 1911, Feb 15, Feb 22 1913
- * How’s Business—and Why, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post Jan 13, Jan 20, Feb 17, Mar 30, Apr 13, May 11, Jun 15, Jul 20, Aug 17, Sep 14 1912
- * How They Got Their Start: Letters by Big Business Men to U.S. Senator Robert N. Stanfield, (lt) McClure’s November 1927
- * How They Travel Abroad, (il) The Ranger #100, January 7 1933
- * How They Won Their Badges, (cl) The American Boy May 1906
- * How to Be Unpopular at Camp, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy June 1937
- * How to Get Hold of the New Thought, (br) National Magazine November 1903
- * How to Get Up a Successful Fair, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion March 1909
- * How to Make Money, (ar) The American Boy Oct 1919, May, Nov 1923
- * How to Make the Farm More Profitable, (ar) Farm Mechanics September 1931
- * How to Obtain Journalistic Work, (ms) Atalanta #124, January 1898
- * How to Obtain Staterooms, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * How to Place the New Stars, (ar) The American Boy November 1906
- * How to Put On a Life Preserver, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1911, 1921
- * How Women in the Armed Services Lose Weight, (ar) Good Housekeeping February 1959
- * H.P. Lovecraft, (in) Avallaunius Summer 1994
- * H.R.H. Prince of Wales, (il) The Modern Boy November 8 1930
- * The Hudson-Fulton Celebration, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
- * Human Documents: Bishop John H. Vincent, (pi) McClure’s Magazine August 1895
- * Human Documents - General Miles, (pi) McClure’s Magazine October 1895
- * Human Documents - John G. Whittier, (pi) McClure’s Magazine November 1895
- * Human Documents: Prince Bismarck, (pi) McClure’s Magazine May 1895
- * Humor of the Hour, (hu) The Owl November 1897
- * IdeaFile, (ms) Calliope #47, November/December 1993
- * Idler Contributors, (bg) The Idler #29, Winter 2001/2002
- * Idler’s Diary, (ms) The Idler #29, Winter 2001/2002
- * The Idler Wage Slave Support Group, (ms) The Idler #29, Winter 2001/2002
- * If I had a Million, (lt) The Silver Jacket #21, 1955
- * “If I Were Only Slim!”, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1921
- * If the Moon Came Back, (il) The Modern Boy July 6 1929
- * If You Meet a Gull with a Tag, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy February 1932
- * If You See a Flying Hippo, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy February 1932
- * I Have Been Lucky, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 24 1962
- * II. Speaking of Autos. Promanent Americans Talk About the Car and How It Is Changing America, (sy) The Saturday Evening Post October 5 1968
- * Ills from next week’s cover of Pearson’s Short Stories, (il) Short Stories Apr 12, Apr 19, Apr 26 1902
- * Illuminating Discord: An Interview with Robert Anton Wilson, (iv) New Libertarian Notes #39, September 5 1976 [Ref. Robert Anton Wilson]
- * The Imperial Airways Fleet, (il) The Modern Boy January 3 1931
- * Important General Information, (ms) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * The Inauguration of President Wilson, (ar) National Magazine April 1913
- * Index, (ix) Story Parade December 1938
- * Index 1st January, 1966 to 18th June, 1966, (ms) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #248, October 15 1966
- * Index 25th June 1966 to 20th May 1967, (ms) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #285, July 1 1967
- * Index 27th May 1967 to 30th December 1967, (ms) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #316, February 3 1968
- * Index January 6th, 1968 to June 29th, 1968, (ms) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #349, September 21 1968
- * Index July 6th, 1968 to December 28th, 1968, (ms) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #380, April 26 1969
- * Index to Advertisements, (ms) Good Housekeeping March 1933
- * Index to Advertisers, (ix) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1907, 1911, 1921
- * Index [to all 26 issues/volumes], (ix) American Review #26, November 1977
- * Index to Illustrations, (ix) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1907
- * Index to the Fifteenth Volume, (ix) Longman’s Magazine April 1890
- * Index to Vol.1, (ms) The Silver Jacket #8, 1954
- * Index to Vol.2, (ms) The Silver Jacket #17, 1955
- * Index to Volume VII, (ix) Raritan Spring 1988
- * Indians!, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy April 1936
- * Indie Press Reviews, (rc) Prism Autumn 2011
- * Inevitable Embroidery, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion August 1921
- * Infectious Diseases of Childhood: Measles, (ar) People’s Home Journal March 1929
- * Infodéfonce et Vracanews, (br) Bifrost #22, April 2001
- * Informations Diverses, (ms) Solaris #32, April 1980
- * In Friendly Converse, (ms) Short Stories Feb 19, May 14 1898
- * The Inhuman Family, (ms) Rob Wagner’s Script #623, February 28 1942
- * In Jocund Vein, (hu) Harper’s Bazar June 2 1900
- * Inkfriends, (ms) The Silver Jacket #26, 1955
- * In Lighter Vein, (hu) The Continent #61 Apr 11, #66 May 16, #83 Sep 5, #93 Nov 21 1883
- * In Mighty Riralry, (il) The Modern Boy September 21 1929
- * In Paris Now, (ms) Woman’s Journal May 1949
- * Inside the Box, (ms) Bakka Magazine #7, Fall 1977
- * Insults with Class, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post March/April 2007
- * Interesting Facts About the Great Lakes, (ar) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * International: British Nudity Paradox, (ar) Censorship Today August/September 1968
- * International: Czechs Okay Free Press, (ar) Censorship Today August/September 1968
- * Interview: Billy Graham, (iv) The Saturday Evening Post Spring 1972
- * An Interview with George Will, (iv) The South Carolina Review Fall 1996
- * An Interview with Jennifer Spiegel of Hayden’s Ferry Review, (iv) The Summerset Review #5, Fall 2003
- * An Interview with Other Voices’ Gina Frangello, (iv) The Summerset Review #4, Summer 2003
- * An Interview with StoryQuarterly’s M.M.M. Hayes, (iv) The Summerset Review #3, Spring 2003
- * In the American Boy’s Pocket, (cl) The American Boy Oct, Nov 1923
- * In the December Issue…, (ms) Short Story International November 1963
- * In the Future Issues…, (ms) Short Story International December 1963
- * In the News!, (ms) The Modern Boy Nov 18, Nov 25, Dec 2 1933
- * In the Signal Cabin on Tower Bridge, (il) The Modern Boy November 3 1928
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