The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 10753
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Wallace, (Richard Horatio) Edgar (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Nobby:
* ___ On Getting Commissions [Smithy], (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1915
* ___ When Nobby Was a Weather Prophet [Smithy], (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1915
- * The Northern Men [Sanders of the River], (ss) Collier’s December 2 1916
- * Number Six and the Borgia, (nv) The Popular Magazine December 7 1920
- * The Oilfield [Chick Pelborough], (ss) The Windsor Magazine June 1922
- * The Old Lady Who Changed Her Mind [Oliver Rater], (ss) Pall Mall Magazine September 1927
- * One and Sevenpence Ha’penny [Felix Carfew], (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1914
- * One Night in Somerset, (ss) Britannia and Eve July 1929
- * One, William Smith, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #261, May 2 1914
- * One with Authority, (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1922
- * On Getting Commissions [Smithy], (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1915
- * Only in Fun, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 14 1928
- * On the Cornish Express, (ss) The Premier Magazine #146, August 8 1922
- * On the Spot, (sl) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine Apr 25, May 2, May 9, May 16, May 23, May 30 1931
- * On the Witney Road, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1924
- * The Orator [Oliver Rater], (ss) Pall Mall Magazine August 1927
- * The Orator’s Downfall [Oliver Rater], (ss) Pall Mall Magazine June 1928
- * The Original Mrs. Blaney, (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1928
- * Our Most Thrilling Horse Race, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine March 1931
- * The Pacifist [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1918
- * The Passing of Major Hamilton [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1921
- * Patriots [Felix Carfew], (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1913
- * The Peddler in the Mask, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1922
- * The Pedometer [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #226, August 30 1913
- * People of the River [Sanders of the River], (ss)
- * The Perfect Criminal, (ss) Adventure July 1913
- * Phalaenopsis Gloriosa, (ss) The Monthly Story Magazine November 1905, as by John Jason Trent
- * Philanthropic Strangers [Anthony Newton], (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1922
- * The Pick-Up, (ss) John Bull Annual Summer 1927
- * The Place of the Ten Leopards [Sanders of the River], (ss) 1925, as "The Ball Game"
- * A Place on the River [J. G. Reeder], (ss) Flynn’s December 6 1924, as "The Troupe"
- * Planetoid 127, (na) The Mechanical Boy September 4 1924 - October 23 1924
- * The Plum-Pudding Girl [Anthony Newton], (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1922
- * The Poetical Policeman [J. G. Reeder], (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1924, as "The Strange Case of the Night Watchman"
- Flynn’s November 8 1924
- Dime Mystery Book Magazine December 1932
- The Thriller #304, December 1 1934
- Challenge to the Reader ed. Ellery Queen, Stokes, 1938
- Fifty Famous Detectives of Fiction, Odhams, 1938
- Book of a Thousand Thrills, Allied Newspapers, Ltd., 193?
- The Saint Detective Magazine June 1955
- The Saint Detective Magazine (UK) September 1955
- The Best Crime Stories, Hamlyn, 1984
- * The Poisoners [The Just Men], (nv) The Novel Magazine May 1912
- * The Policy Sleuth:
* ___ No. 1. Reddy at Monte Carlo [Bob Brewer (The Policy Sleuth)], (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 25 1920
* ___ No. 2. The Burglary at Goodwood [Bob Brewer (The Policy Sleuth)], (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 1 1921
* ___ No. 3. Baccarat at Cowes [Bob Brewer (The Policy Sleuth)], (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 8 1921
* ___ No. 4. A Race at Ostend [Bob Brewer (The Policy Sleuth)], (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 15 1921
* ___ No. 5. The Heppleworth Pearls [Bob Brewer (The Policy Sleuth)], (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 22 1921
* ___ No. 6. The Star of the World [Bob Brewer (The Policy Sleuth)], (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 29 1921
* ___ No. 7. The Big Four and the Bank [Bob Brewer (The Policy Sleuth)], (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 5 1921
* ___ No. 8. The Luck Dip [Bob Brewer (The Policy Sleuth)], (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 12 1921
- * Popular Tale Tellers: Edgar Wallace, (bg) The Weekly Tale-Teller #337, October 16 1915
- * The Post-Office Clerk, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) November 1924
- * The Praying Girl, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #337, October 16 1915
- * The Present [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1927
- * A Present for Evans [Educated Evans], (ss) The Passing Show Christmas 1924
- * The Pride of Kent [Henry Arthur Milton (The Ringer)], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 16 1929
- * The Principles of Jo Loless [Sgt. Sir Peter], (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1930
- * The Prison Breakers, (ss) Forty-Eight Short Stories by Edgar Wallace, Newnes, 1929
- * The Prisoner of Sevenways [J. G. Reeder], (na) The Thriller #106, February 14 1931
- * The Prophets of the Old King [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Windsor Magazine January 1921
- * The Proud Horse [Educated Evans], (ss) Educated Evans by Edgar Wallace, Webster, 1924
- * Puppies of the Pack [Tam o’ the Scoots], (ss) Everybody’s Magazine November 1917
- * The Queen of Sheba’s Belt, (nv) The Red Book Magazine February 1912
- * The Queen of the Marshes [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1928
- * The Queen of the N’gombi [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #176, September 14 1912
- * A Question of Honour, (ss) The Novel Magazine April 1913
- * A Question of Rank [Tam o’ the Scoots], (ss) Everybody’s Magazine May 1918
- * A Race at Ostend [Bob Brewer (The Policy Sleuth)], (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 15 1921
- * The Rebus [The Just Men], (ss) Again the Three Just Men by Edgar Wallace, Hodder, 1928
- * Red Aces [J. G. Reeder], (nv) The Thriller #1, February 9 1929
- * Red-Beard, (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1919
- * The Red Chocolate, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1915
- * Reddy at Monte Carlo [Bob Brewer (The Policy Sleuth)], (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 25 1920
- * The Remarkable Mr. Reeder [J. G. Reeder], (ss) Flynn’s December 6 1924, as "The Troupe"
- * The Remedy [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1916
- * A Reprisal Raid [Tam o’ the Scoots], (ss) Everybody’s Magazine June 1918
- * The Resources of Civilisation [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1921
- * The Return of the Great Unwanted, (ss) The Novel Magazine February 1915
- * Ricochet in Pearls, (ss) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #31, February 1967
- * The Riddle of the Elusive Flower Girl, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine February 1932
- * The Riddle of the Mysterious Wedding Guest, (sl) The Illustrated Detective Magazine March 1932
- * The Riddle of the Wistful Nurse, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine January 1932
- * Right of Way [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #295, December 26 1914
- * The Ringer [Henry Arthur Milton (The Ringer)], (sl) Detective Story Magazine Apr 18, Apr 25, May 2, May 9, May 16, May 23 1925
- * The Ringer and the Brute [Henry Arthur Milton (The Ringer)], (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 26 1928
- * The Ringer and the Cop [Henry Arthur Milton (The Ringer)], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 7 1928
- * The Ringer and the Nose [Henry Arthur Milton (The Ringer)], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 30 1928
- * The Ringer and the Outcast [Henry Arthur Milton (The Ringer)], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 4 1928
- * The Ringer and the Vamp [Henry Arthur Milton (The Ringer)], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 23 1928
- * The Ringer (A Review), (ar) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine September 1926
- * The Ringer’s Christmas Party [Henry Arthur Milton (The Ringer)], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 22 1928
- * Ringer’s Trap [Henry Arthur Milton (The Ringer)], (ss) Again the Ringer by Edgar Wallace, Hodder, 1929, as "Case of the Home Secretary"
- * The Ringer to the Rescue [Henry Arthur Milton (The Ringer)], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 2 1928
- * The Ringer Wrung [Henry Arthur Milton (The Ringer)], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 21 1928
- * Ringing Defiance, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 3 1930
- * The Rise of the Emperor [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #206, April 12 1913
- * The Rising of the Akasava [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #177, September 21 1912
- * The Road to London, (na) The New Magazine (UK) Sep, Oct, Nov 1926
- * The Road to Scotland Yard [The Just Men], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1927
- * A Romance in Brown, (ss) The Happy Mag. January 1923
- * Romance in It [Supt. Minter], (ss) The Lone House Mystery by Edgar Wallace, Collins, 1929
- * The Ruler of the River:
* ___ 1. Nine Terrible Men [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #173, August 24 1912
* ___ 2. In the Village of Irons [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #174, August 31 1912
* ___ 3. Sanders—Missionary [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #175, September 7 1912
* ___ 4. The Queen of the N’gombi [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #176, September 14 1912
* ___ 5. The Rising of the Akasava [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #177, September 21 1912
* ___ 6. Mr. Commissioner Bosambo [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #178, September 28 1912
* ___ 7. A Maker of Spears [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #179, October 5 1912
* ___ 8. The Sickness Mongo [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #180, October 12 1912
* ___ 9. The Teller of Tales [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #181, October 19 1912
* ___ 10. The Crime of Sanders [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #182, October 26 1912
* ___ 11. The Man on the Spot [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #183, November 2 1912
* ___ 12. Spring of the Year [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #184, November 9 1912
- * Sanctuary, (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1922
- * Sanders, C.M.G. [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #284, October 10 1914
- * Sanders Meets Love [Sanders of the River], (ss)
- * Sanders—Missionary [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #175, September 7 1912
- * Sanders of the River [Sanders of the River], (ss) Metropolitan Magazine March 1911
* ___ I.—The Education of the King [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #43, February 26 1910, as "The Education of King Peter"
* ___ No. 1: The Education of the King [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #43, February 26 1910, as "The Education of King Peter"
* ___ II.—The Keepers of the Stone [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #51, April 23 1910
* ___ No. 2: The Keepers of the Stone [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #51, April 23 1910
* ___ III.—Bosambo of Monrovia [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #46, March 19 1910
* ___ IV.—The Drowsy One [Sanders of the River], (ss) Sanders of the River by Edgar Wallace, Ward Lock, 1911
* ___ V.—The Special Commissioner [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #29, November 20 1909
* ___ VI.—The Dancing Stones [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #66, August 6 1910
* ___ VII.—The Forest of Happy Dreams [Sanders of the River], (ss) Sanders of the River by Edgar Wallace, Ward Lock, 1911
* ___ VIII.—The Akasavas [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #107, May 20 1911
* ___ IX.—The Wood of Devils [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #21, September 25 1909
* ___ X The Loves of M’Lino [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #103, April 22 1911
* ___ XI.—The Witch-Doctor [Sanders of the River], (ss) Harper’s Weekly February 18 1911, as "The Devil Man"
* ___ XII.—The Lonely One [Sanders of the River], (ss) Harper’s Weekly May 20 1911
* ___ XIII.—The Seer [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #133, November 18 1911, as "The Telepathists"
* ___ XIV.—Dogs of War [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #63, July 16 1910
- * Scotland Yard’s Yankee Dick, (sl) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine Apr 16, Apr 23, Apr 30, May 7, May 14 1932
- * The Secret of the Moat Farm, (ts) Great Stories of Real Life #2, 1924
- * Seddon, (ts) Great Stories of Real Life #6, 1924, as "The Trial of the Seddons"
- * The Seer [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #133, November 18 1911, as "The Telepathists"
- * The Sentimental Burglar [P.C. Lee], (ss) Ideas March 10 1909
- * The Sentimental Crook, (ss) The Happy Mag. June 1922
- * Sentimental Simpson, (ss) The Happy Mag. June 1922, as "The Sentimental Crook"
- * Sergeant Sir Peter’s Cases:
* ___ No. 1—The Four Missing Merchants [Sgt. Sir Peter], (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1929
* ___ No. 2 The Desk-Breaker [Sgt. Sir Peter], (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1930
* ___ No. 3 The Inheritor [Sgt. Sir Peter], (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1930
* ___ No. 4 Dr. Fifer’s Patient [Sgt. Sir Peter], (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1930
* ___ No. 5 The Burglar Alarm [Sgt. Sir Peter], (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1930
* ___ No. 6 Buried Treasure [Sgt. Sir Peter], (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1930
* ___ No. 7 The Principles of Jo Loless [Sgt. Sir Peter], (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1930
- * A Servant of Women [Henry Arthur Milton (The Ringer)], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 2 1929
- * Seven Locks, (sl) Flynn’s Nov 28, Dec 5, Dec 12, Dec 19 1925
- * The Seventh Man (with Ruby M. Ayres, Daisy Mace Edginton, W. Holt-White & W. Harold Thomson), (ss) The Novel Magazine October 1912
- * The Seventy-Fourth Diamond [Anthony Smith (The Mixer)], (ss) The Mixer by Edgar Wallace, Long, 1927
- * The Shadow Man [J. G. Reeder], (na) The Thriller #156, January 30 1932
- * Sheer Melodrama [J. G. Reeder], (ss) Flynn’s January 3 1925
- * Shocked to Sense, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 23 1927
- * Should a Steward Tell?, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1923
- * Shylock Dies Tonight, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine November 1931
- * The Sickness Mongo [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #180, October 12 1912
- * The Silence of PC Hirley [P.C. Lee], (ss) Ideas June 16 1909
- * The Silver Charm, (ss) The Story-teller June 1910
- * The Silver Key Makes Its Appearance, (sl) Hodder, 1930
- * Silver Steel, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Jan 24, Jan 31, Feb 7, Feb 14, Feb 21, Feb 28 1931
- * Sinister Halls, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Dec 10, Dec 17, Dec 24, Dec 31 1927, Jan 7, Jan 14 1928
- * The Sinister Man, (sl) Detective Story Magazine May 24, May 31, Jun 7, Jun 14, Jun 21, Jun 28 1924
- * Sins of the Mothers, (sl) Flynn’s Feb 7, Feb 14, Feb 21, Feb 28 1925
- * The Sirius Man [Oliver Rater], (ss) Pall Mall Magazine January 1928
- * The Six Blue Rings [George “Gospel Truth” Mortimer], (ss) The Red Magazine July 15 1914
- * The Slane Mystery [The Just Men], (ss) Again the Three Just Men by Edgar Wallace, Hodder, 1928
- * The Slave-Maker [Henry Arthur Milton (The Ringer)], (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1933
- * The Sleuth [Sanders of the River], (ss) The Windsor Magazine September 1917
- * Slick, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 3 1928
- * The Slip, (ss) Printers’ Pie 1918
- * Smithy’s Best Girl [Smithy], (ss) The Story-teller July 1907
- * The Snake Woman, (ss) The Premier Magazine #145, July 25 1922
- * The Social Club Safe Deposit [York Symon], (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1920
- * The Society of Bright Young People, (ss) The Merry Magazine February 1925
- * The Sodium Lines, (ss) The Lyons Mail December 1923
- * Solo and the Lady, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #28, October 1924
- * Some Adventures of the Four Just Men:
* ___ I.—The Man Who Lived at Clapham [The Just Men], (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1921
* ___ II.—The Man with the Canine Teeth [The Just Men], (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1921
* ___ III.—The Man Who Hated Earthworms [The Just Men], (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1921
* ___ IV.—The Man Who Died Twice [The Just Men], (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1921
* ___ V.—The Man Who Hated Amelia Jones [The Just Men], (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1921
* ___ VI.—The Man Who Was Happy [The Just Men], (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1921
- * The Son of Sandi [Sanders of the River], (ss) Collier’s December 1 1917
- * The Sooper Speaking [Supt. Minter], (nv) Collier’s April 28 1928
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