The FictionMags Index
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Wade, George A(lfred) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Seats of the Mighty, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 12 1908
- * Shall We See These Beaten This Season? (Unique Cricket Scores on the Board), (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 22 1907
- * Society on the Turf, (ar) The Lady’s Realm June 1904
- * Soldiers as County Cricketers, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 17 1912
- * Some Beautiful Gardens, (ar) The Lady’s Realm August 1902
- * Some Bridal Carriages, Old and New, (ar) The Lady’s Realm January 1903
- * Some Celebrated Lady Anglers, (ar) The Lady’s Realm May 1901
- * Some Charming Riverside Residences, (ar) The Lady’s Realm July 1904
- * Some Exciting School Matches, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 25 1906
- * Some Extraordinary Auctions, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine November 1900
- * Some Famous Collaborators, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine August 1900
- * Some Famous Lifeboats, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 16 1907
- * Some Famous May Queens, (ar) The Lady’s Realm May 1903
- * Some Famous Nurseries of County Cricket, (ar) The London Magazine July 1902
- * Some Famous Schoolrooms, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 15 1906
- * Some Famous Tuck-Shops, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 24 1903
- * Some Fashionable Promenades, (ar) The Lady’s Realm July 1901
- * Some Heroes of the Public Schools, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 14 1905
- * Some Hints for Young Oarsmen by Ernest Barry, (iv) The Boy’s Own Paper October 1920
- * Some Historic City Gates and Barriers, (ar) The Windsor Magazine May 1902
- * Some Houses Where Famous Novels Have Been Written, (ar) The Lady’s Realm February 1904
- * Some “Knowing” Animals at the Zoo, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 1918
- * Some Notable Regattas (Sunbury, Henley, Richmond), (ia) The Boy’s Own Paper October 13 1906
- * Some Noted School Cricket Coaches, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1916
- * Some of England’s Greatest Benefactors: The Founders of Our Great Public Schools, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 19 1905
- * Some Public School Dining-halls, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1915
- * Songs of the Great Public Schools, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Dec 22, Dec 29 1906
- * The Speech-Halls at the Great Schools, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1914
- * Spinning-Wheels, Ancient and Modern, (ar) The Lady’s Realm August 1901
- * The State Coaches of Europe, (ar) The Lady’s Realm May 1902
- * Stone’s “Benefit”, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper July 27 1912
- * Stories Written About Public Schools (Charles Turley, Desmond Coke, Horace A. Vachell), (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 6 1906
- * The Story of the Motor-Car, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine November 1901
- * The Street Markets of London, (ar) The Ludgate February 1900
- * Street Performers, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine April 1900
- * The Sultan’s Private Apartments, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1903
- * Swimming at the Chief Schools, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 27 1907
- * 10, Downing Street, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine February 1901
- * A Terrible Revenge, (ss) Everybody’s Story Magazine April 1911
- * The Theatre in the Public Schools, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1906
- * To Boy Cricketers-and Others (interview with Hon. F. Stanley Jackson), (iv) The Boy’s Own Paper May 1919
- * To the Memory of the Brave: How the Public Schools Honour Their Dead Heroes, (ar) The Windsor Magazine July 1900
- * A Town of Ribbons, (ar) The Lady’s Realm April 1905
- * Towns Made by Books, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine April 1901
- * Towns Made by Peers, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1912
- * A Training School for Orators, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine May 1905
- * The Treasures of the Great Schools, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 1913
- * Turning Swords Into Ploughshares; or, Peaceful Uses for Captured Cannon, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 25 1905
- * Twenty-Five Years as County Captain: The Stirring Career of Lord Hawke as Captain of the Yorkshire County Cricket Club, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 13 1907
- * Two Hundred Years at One School, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 1914
- * Two Thousand Years Behind the Times, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1901
- * The University of London, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1906
- * Varsity Bumping Races, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 1923
- * The ’Varsity Match at Lords (F. S. G. Calthorpe), (iv) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1924
- * A Visit to a Snake Charmer, (ts) The Boy’s Own Paper May 20 1911
- * War Memorials at Public Schools, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Feb, Apr, Sep 1923, Jan, Apr 1924
- * War Memorials at Public Schools, (ia) The Boy’s Own Paper Oct 1924, Jan 1925
- * War Memorials of the Public Schools, (ia) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1925
- * War Memorials to Famous Players, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1923
- * When I Was at School, (ts) The Boy’s Own Paper Feb 1, Feb 8, Feb 15, Feb 22 1902
- * When Oxford Meets Cambridge, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1923
- * When Schoolboys Shoot at Bisley, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1914
- * Where Royalties Have Proposed, (ar) The Universal Magazine #4, June 1900
- * Where Some Famous Women Were Wooed, (ar) The Lady’s Realm November 1900
- * Where “Tommy’s” Weapons Are Made and Tested, (ar) The Windsor Magazine March 1900
- * Where to Spend Easter, (ar) The Lady’s Realm April 1903
- * Which Is the Oldest Public School?, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 1923
- * Who Has the Greatest ’Varsity Athlete?, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1919
- * The Wooden Spoon: The Story of Cambridge’s Unique “Order”, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 4 1904
- * Words Peculiar to the Public Schools, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 1919
- * Workhouses for Animals, (ar) The Windsor Magazine November 1901
- * The World’s Famous Libraries, (ar) The Windsor Magazine January 1900
- * The World’s Rulers in Their Workrooms, (ar) The Lady’s Realm April 1904
- * The Yeomen of the Guard, (ar) The Windsor Magazine September 1900
- * Yorkshire’s County Cricket Grounds, (ia) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1925
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Boy’s Own Paper June 4 1904
[]Wade, George Edward (1869-1954); used pseudonym George Robey (chron.)
- * 1715, (ss) The Evening Standard June 10 1933, as by George Robey
- * After Dinner Stories, (hu) Pearson’s Magazine Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1919, as by George Robey
- * Anecdotes—and How to Tell Them, (hu) Pearson’s Magazine February 1919, as by George Robey
- * Better Than Any Other, But—, (lt) All-Story Weekly June 26 1915
- * Beware of the Dog!, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine December 1920, as by George Robey
- * The Brink of Matrimony, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1921, as by George Robey
- * The Case of Sally Peabody [Detective Baxter], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #136, July 1923, as by George Robey
- * Cave Canem, (ss) The Story-teller March 1921, as by George Robey
- * Coals of Fire, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #104, November 1920, as by George Robey
- * The Comedian’s Lot Is Not a happy One, (ar) The Modern Boy October 13 1928, as by George Robey
- * Cool as a Cucumber, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #103, October 1920, as by George Robey
- * Don’t! A Few Commandments, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine August 1925, as by George Robey
- * Double or Quits, (nv) Everybody’s September 1921, as by George Robey
- * An Educational Force, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine November 1916, as by George Robey
- * A Family Affair, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) December 1921, as by George Robey
- * “Filmitis”, (ar) The Royal Magazine September 1917, as by George Robey
- * For Charity’s Sake, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #101, August 1920, as by George Robey
- * Gambling in Futures, (ss) The Corner Magazine March 1926, as by George Robey
- * The Grape Cure, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #126, September 1922, as by George Robey
- * Heave-Ho, My Lads!, (ss) The Corner Magazine September 1925, as by George Robey
- * An Honest Living, (sl) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #113 Aug, #114 Sep, #115 Oct, #116 Nov, #117 Dec 1921, #118 Jan 1922, as by George Robey
- * How Smith Flew, (ss) The Novel Magazine March 1910, as by George Robey
- * A Hunt for an Heiress, (ss) Bits and Pieces by George Robey, Jarrolds, 1928, as by George Robey
- * A Hunting Expedition, (ss) The Story-teller May 1921, as by George Robey
- * If I Were a Woman, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1935, as by George Robey
- * It Made Me Smile, (hu) The Novel Magazine January 1913, as by George Robey
- * A Jew Story, (hu) The Story-teller December 1908, as by George Robey
- * Just Like the Good Old Times, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1926, as by George Robey
- * Laughing-Gas, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine June 1916, as by George Robey
- * “Lest We Forget”, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1920, as by George Robey
- * Lost! One Private Life, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1934, as by George Robey
- * The M.F.H.’s Awful Mistake, (hu) The Story-teller September 1908, as by George Robey
- * Mistletoe and Other Things, (ts) The Strand Magazine December 1919, as by George Robey
- * More Don’ts for the Doubtful, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine September 1925, as by George Robey
- * A Moving Story, (ss) The Story-teller April 1921, as by George Robey
- * A Musical Turn Round!, (ar) , as by George Robey
- * My Allotment, (ss) The Story-teller November 1920, as by George Robey
- * My First Case [Detective Baxter], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #133, April 1923, as by George Robey
- * My Happiest Holiday, (ms) The Novel Magazine August 1919, as by George Robey
- * My Happy Christmas, (ss) The Happy Mag. December 1922, as by George Robey
- * My Holiday Guy’d, (si) Pearson’s Magazine August 1921, as by George Robey
- * My Idea of Me, (pi) Pearson’s Magazine July 1918, as by George Robey
- * My Peace Bonfire, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine December 1919, as by George Robey
- * My Perfect Treasure, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #110, May 1921, as by George Robey
- * My Post Bag, (ar) The London Magazine October 1923, as by George Robey
- * Odd Things, (ms) The Novel Magazine December 1916, as by George Robey
- * The Old Umbrella, (pm) The Idler November 1908, as by George Robey
- * The Only Turkey I Ever Loved, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1925, as by George Robey
- * Our Picnic, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) August 1921, as by George Robey
- * Our Special Cricket Article: George Robey on Cricket, (ar) The Boys’ Friend #949, August 16 1919, as by George Robey
- * Pearls from My W.P.B., (ar) Pearson’s Magazine July 1918, as by George Robey
- * People Who Spoil Christmas, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1923, as by George Robey
- * Please Find Me a Flat!, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1924, as by George Robey
- * Power of Thought, (ss) The (London) Evening News October 12 1949, as by George Robey
- * Servants, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #146, May 1924, as by George Robey
- * Solving the Servant Problem, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) May 1922, as by George Robey
- * The Soul of Jawpers, (ss) The (London) Evening News September 1 1949, as by George Robey
- * Sound Sense from George Robey, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine February 1921, as by George Robey
- * A Special Effort, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine January 1921, as by George Robey
- * Things I Don’t Do at Christmas, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine December 1925, as by George Robey
- * Those New Year Resolutions, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2162, January 2 1932, as by George Robey
- * Unamerican Americanisms, (ar) Appleton’s Magazine May 1908
- * Where My Caravan Has Rested, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) April 1921, as by George Robey
- * You May Laugh!, (ar) The Royal Pictorial October 1934, as by George Robey
- * The Young Person in Puce, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #135, June 1923, as by George Robey
- * “You Perfectly Priceless Old Things!!”, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine May 1917, as by George Robey
- * “You’re Wanted!”, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #134, May 1923, as by George Robey
_____, [ref.]
[]Wade, Henry; pseudonym of Henry L. Aubrey-Fletcher (1887-1969) (chron.)
- * The Alibi, (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1931
- * Anti-Tank [Constable John Bragg], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1937
- * The Baronet’s Finger [Insp. (Chief Insp.) Poole], (ss) The London Magazine September 1930
- * Bright Thoughts on Tides, (rr) The Floating Admiral, Hodder & Stoughton, 1931
- * C.I.D.:
* ___ The Baronet’s Finger [Insp. (Chief Insp.) Poole], (ss) The London Magazine September 1930
* ___ “Duello” [Insp. (Chief Insp.) Poole], (ss) The London Magazine April 1930
* ___ The Missing Undergraduate [Insp. (Chief Insp.) Poole], (nv) The London Magazine May 1930
* ___ The Real Thing [Insp. (Chief Insp.) Poole], (ss) The London Magazine August 1930
* ___ The Sub-Branch [Insp. (Chief Insp.) Poole], (ss) The London Magazine July 1930
* ___ Wind in the East [Insp. (Chief Insp.) Poole], (ss) The London Magazine June 1930
- * Cotton-Wool & Cutlets [Constable John Bragg], (nv) The 20-Story Magazine #215, May 1940
- * “Duello” [Insp. (Chief Insp.) Poole], (ss) The London Magazine April 1930
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror Vol. 2 ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1931
- Second Omnibus of Crime ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Coward-McCann, 1932
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror: Part III ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1939
- The Orion Book of Murder ed. Peter Haining, Orion, 1996
- * The Dying Fall, (n.) Constable, 1955
- * Four to One—Bar One, (nv) Policeman’s Lot by Henry Wade, Constable, 1933
- * A Good Turn [Constable John Bragg], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine January 1938
- * The Ham Sandwich [Constable John Bragg], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1937
- * The Little Sportsman [Constable John Bragg], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine November 1937
- * A Matter of Luck, (ss) Policeman’s Lot by Henry Wade, Constable, 1933
- * The Missing, (ss) The Evening Standard August 6 1936
- * The Missing Undergraduate [Insp. (Chief Insp.) Poole], (nv) The London Magazine May 1930
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror Vol. 3 ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1934
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror: Part V ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1939
- The Third Omnibus of Crime ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Coward-McCann, 1942
- Seven Great Detective Stories ed. William H. Larson, Western Publishing Co., 1968
- Lessons in Crime ed. Martin Edwards, The British Library, 2024
- * November Night [Constable John Bragg], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1937
- * Payment in Full, (ss) Mystery League November 1933
- * The Real Thing [Insp. (Chief Insp.) Poole], (ss) The London Magazine August 1930
- * The Sea-Gull [Constable John Bragg], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1937
- * Smash and Grab [Constable John Bragg], (ss) Here Comes the Copper by Henry Wade, Constable, 1938
- * The Stolen Boy, (sl) John Bull Feb 2, Feb 9, Feb 16, Feb 23 1957
- * The Sub-Branch [Insp. (Chief Insp.) Poole], (ss) The London Magazine July 1930
- * Summer Meeting [Constable John Bragg], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1937
- * These Artists [Constable John Bragg], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine April 1937
- * The Three Keys, (ss) Policeman’s Lot by Henry Wade, Constable, 1933
- * Toll of the Road [Constable John Bragg], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1937
- * Wind in the East [Insp. (Chief Insp.) Poole], (ss) The London Magazine June 1930
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