The FictionMags Index
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[]Tornabene, Lyn (Levitt) (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * Carol Burnett Portrays TV’s Pioneer Women, (ar) Cosmopolitan February 1962 [Ref. Carol Burnett]
- * Different College—Different Look, (ar) Cosmopolitan September 1959
- * Elegance Can Be Rented, (ar) Cosmopolitan October 1959
- * Fascination of the Unknown, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1960
- * Lunch Date with Anthony Newley, (iv) Cosmopolitan January 1963 [Ref. Anthony Newley]
- * Lunch Date with Cary Grant, (iv) Cosmopolitan August 1962 [Ref. Cary Grant]
- * Lunch Date with Harry Belafonte, (ar) Cosmopolitan November 1961 [Ref. Harry Belafonte]
- * Lunch Date with Jack Lemmon, (iv) Cosmopolitan December 1960 [Ref. Jack Lemmon]
- * Lunch Date with June Allyson and Dick Powell, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1961 [Ref. June Allyson & Dick Powell]
- * Lunch Date with Robert Morse, (ar) Cosmopolitan February 1962 [Ref. Robert Morse]
- * Separate Careers, (pi) Cosmopolitan July 1959
- * They Moved to Paradise, (ar) Cosmopolitan May 1960
- * War Wives 1966, (ar) Cosmopolitan April 1966
- * Your Pet Gives You Away, (ar) Cosmopolitan April 1958
[]Tornello, Richard (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * (21.2367605815)2, (pm) Aphelion #223, November 2017
- * 3.14… ALLe-ALLe-In-Free or, Satori, (pm) Aphelion #231, August 2018
- * Alien Reduction Sauce, (pm) Aphelion #204, March 2016
- * Aliens, (pm) Aphelion #180, December 2013
- * Aliens in the Mind, (pm) Aphelion #241, July 2019
- * The Aphelion Project (with Casey Callaghan, J. Davidson Hero, Nathan J. Kailhofer, Robert Moriyama, William R. Warren, Jr. & Bill Wolfe), (nv) Aphelion #175, July 2013
- * Appliances, or Woody Was Right, (pm) Aphelion #146, September/October 2010
- * Are We There Yet?, (ss) Aphelion #131, April 2009
- * As the Vortex Goes Down the Drain, (pm) Aphelion #155, September 2011
- * At yhe Gates of Heavenly Peace, (pm) Aphelion #135, August 2009
- * Awareness, (pm) Aphelion #143, May 2010
- * A Biblical Conundrum, (pm) Aphelion #111, June 2007
- * Blackwater and Friends, (pm) Aphelion #118, February 2008
- * Blowback, (ss) Aphelion #152, May 2011
- * Blowback (Revisited), (ss) Aphelion #162, May 2012
- * Borders and Boarders, (pm) Aphelion #223, November 2017
- * Bullet Train, (pm) Aphelion #174, June 2013
- * But I Do Feel Safe, (pm) Aphelion #138, November 2009
- * Butterfly Effect #2, (pm) Aphelion #142, April 2010
- * Certified Pre-Owned Books, (pm) Aphelion #267, November 2021
- * Cheney, Cheney, Lying Might, (pm) Aphelion #113, August 2007
- * Climate and Culture Change, (pm) Aphelion #278, November 2022
- * Climate Disaster, (pm) Aphelion #236, February 2019
- * Cold Fusion, (pm) Aphelion #181, February 2014
- * The Con Game, (pm) Aphelion #222, October 2017
- * The CONTROL-ALT-DELETE Button?, (pm) Aphelion #277, October 2022
- * Cyborg at a Restaurant, (pm) Aphelion #132, May 2009
- * The Dark kNight: A Love Story, (ss) Aphelion #153, June/July 2011
- * Dark Matter, (pm) Aphelion #244, October 2019
- * Day in a Life, (pm) Aphelion #117, December 2007
- * Dead Heading, (pm) Aphelion #128, December 2008
- * Desire and Consumerism Or, “I want that car Ma.”, (pm) Aphelion #215, March 2017
- * The Diary: Confessions of God’s Shrink, (na) Aphelion #161, April 2012
- * Disbelieveability-Jump Drive, (pm) Aphelion #154, August 2011
- * Donna the Donor, (pm) Aphelion #138, November 2009
- * Down and Out on Orion & Pisces, (pm) Aphelion #177, September 2013
- * Dragon-Spine, (pm) Aphelion #147, November 2010
- * A Dream Come True, (pm) Aphelion #271, April 2022
- * Driving Our Teslas, (pm) Aphelion #187, August 2014
- * Durga or Dust Bunnies, Origins III, (pm) Aphelion #243, September 2019
- * Dust Bunnies, (pm) Aphelion #147, November 2010
- * Dutch, (ss) Aphelion #153, June/July 2011
- * Earth Monkeys or, a Friendly Reminder to Our Other Worldly Alien Allies, (pm) Aphelion #205, April 2016
- * Elegant Slumming, (na) Aphelion #246, December 2019/January 2020
- * Encounter, (pm) Aphelion #148, December 2010
- * Entrance to an Ashram, (pm) Aphelion #142, April 2010
- * Eulogy, (pm) Aphelion #144, June 2010
- * An Evening Dress, (pm) Aphelion #112, July 2007
- * Every Now and Then, (pm) Aphelion #200, October 2015
- * Evolution #2, (pm) Aphelion #217, May 2017
- * Experiment 1919, (ss) Aphelion #136, September 2009
- * Expression of Time, (pm) Aphelion #185, June 2014
- * Falsehoods, (pm) Aphelion #192, February 2015
- * Fear, (pm) Aphelion #168, November 2012
- * Fibre Optic Eating Backhoe, (pm) Aphelion #133, June 2009
- * Filaments, (pm) Aphelion #189, October 2014
- * Final Notice, (ss) Aphelion #128, December 2008
- * Finding Our Voices, (ss) Aphelion #151, April 2011
- * Ghosts in the Machine, (pm) Aphelion #216, April 2017
- * Google Maps, You Are Here, (pm) Aphelion #226, March 2018
- * Grouchasaurus, (pm) Aphelion #214, February 2017
- * Halloween Poem, (pm) Aphelion #156, October 2011
- * Hawking Radiation, (pm) Aphelion #145, July/August 2010
- * Herd on the Street, (pm) Aphelion #123, July 2008
- * Hewa, (ss) Aphelion #148, December 2010
- * Hey, Hey, She’s a Cyborg, (pm) Aphelion #197, July 2015
- * Hey Soose Visits Reston, (ss) Aphelion #177, September 2013
- * Holo, Grammy, (ss) Aphelion #166, September 2012
- * The Horse Head Nebula’s Whore, (pm) Aphelion #196, June 2015
- * Humint, (pm) Aphelion #169, December 2012
- * Hunting Season, or a Different View, (pm) Aphelion #157, November 2011
- * If One, Why Not Another?, (pm) Aphelion #186, July 2014
- * The Incantations, (ss) Aphelion #155, September 2011
- * Intelligent Design, (pm) Aphelion #109, April 2007
- * In the Beginning There Was a Thought, or the Negation of Free Will, (pm) Aphelion #252, July 2020
- * It’s Digital Not Analog, (pm) Aphelion #278, November 2022
- * Just an Observation, (pm) Aphelion #141, March 2010
- * Kirk’s Reflective Glass & the Laundromat, (ss) Aphelion #241, July 2019
- * Kookbanelli, (ss) Aphelion #179, November 2013
- * Let’s Do It, (pm) Aphelion #116, November 2007
- * Life Over the Hot Spots, (pm) Aphelion #152, May 2011
- * Life’s a Party, (pm) Aphelion #151, April 2011
- * Life’s Great Eternal Internal Questions, or, the Tale of Giggle-Mesh, (pm) Aphelion #164, July 2012
- * Light Headed, (pm) Aphelion #175, July 2013
- * Living in a Centrifuge, (pm) Aphelion #190, November 2014
- * Looking Back, (pm) Aphelion #195, May 2015
- * Loopy, (pm) Aphelion #217, May 2017
- * The Lost and Lonely Dragon, (ss) Aphelion #135, August 2009
- * Lost in Time, (pm) Aphelion #158, December 2011
- * Mable’s Roach Coach Diner on Wheels, (pm) Aphelion #235, December 2018/January 2019
- * Madrid Falls Again, (pm) Aphelion #170, February 2013
- * A Many Worlds View and the Life of a Mouse, (ss) Aphelion #187, August 2014
- * Mao Had It Partially Correct Or, Plato’s Fear of Poets, (pm) Aphelion #209, August 2016
- * Metamorphosis or, Thoughts Upon: From Business Owner to Employee, (pm) Aphelion #178, October 2013
- * A Metaphysical/Theological Trilogy, (pm) Aphelion #251, June 2020
- * Metaphysics 101 or, “What’s the Big Deal?”, (pm) Aphelion #145, July/August 2010
- * A Modest Proposal, (pm) Aphelion #110, May 2007
- * Money Makes the World Go ’Round, (pm) Aphelion #250, May 2020
- * Morning Surprise Attack, (pm) Aphelion #172, April 2013
- * My Confession, or Walking Out on Love 1984, (pm) Aphelion #291, February 2024
- * My Degree, or, The Repossessed, (pm) Aphelion #127, November 2008
- * My Evil Step-Daughter’s Bright Idea, (pm) Aphelion #177, September 2013
- * My Sister, (pm) Aphelion #160, March 2012
- * The Myth of Origins and SETI Communication, (pm) Aphelion #168, November 2012
- * Neko, (ss) Aphelion #148, December 2010
- * The Next Evolutionary Generation, (pm) Aphelion #179, November 2013
- * No Braner, (pm) Aphelion #117, December 2007
- * No Difference, (pm) Aphelion #194, April 2015
- * None Spared or, You Can’t Hide from the Electric Slide, (pm) Aphelion #191, December 2014/January 2015
- * Nonverbal, (pm) Aphelion #131, April 2009
- * On Aging, (pm) Aphelion #167, October 2012
- * On Being Held Up or, on a Path to Madness, (pm) Aphelion #221, September 2017
- * Once Again, (pm) Aphelion #198, August 2015
- * Once Upon a Time, (pm) Aphelion #136, September 2009
- * Once Upon Some Time, (ss) Aphelion #134, July 2009
- * One Evening on a Drive to the Food Store, (pm) Aphelion #122, June 2008
- * One Way Trip, (pm) Aphelion #173, May 2013
- * On Strike!, (ss) Aphelion #266, October 2021
- * Origins of the Species, (pm) Aphelion #245, November 2019
- * Our Root Stock or the Meek Will Inherit the Cinders, (pm) Aphelion #213, December 2016/January 2017
- * Our Superior Criminal Justice System in the Abell 520 Cluster, (pm) Aphelion #171, March 2013
- * Pantry Goblins, (pm) Aphelion #137, October 2009
- * Party Years: 1967 to AIDS, or My Reminiscences and Willing Pharmaceuticals, (pm) Aphelion #201, November 2015
- * Phast Phood Diets, (pm) Aphelion #203, February 2016
- * A Photon’s Flight, (pm) Aphelion #149, February 2011
- * The Poet As Voyeur, or I Can’t Believe I Just Heard That, (pm) Aphelion #153, June/July 2011
- * Poets and Storytellers, (pm) Aphelion #235, December 2018/January 2019
- * Possession Is Nine Tenths of the Law or E=mc2 +10% Interest, (pm) Aphelion #228, May 2018
- * A Possibility Within the World of Quantum Multi-Universe Probabilities, (pm) Aphelion #122, June 2008
- * A Prayer for Science, (pm) Aphelion #227, April 2018
- * QBTS, (pm) Aphelion #146, September/October 2010
- * Quantum Gravity My Ass!, (pm) Aphelion #218, June 2017
- * Quantum Mechanics: On Strike!, (pm) Aphelion #164, July 2012
- * Quiet Desperation, (pm) Aphelion #135, August 2009
- * “Radio dog”, (pm) Aphelion #224, December 2017/January 2018
- * The Ransom of the Red Chief, (pm) Aphelion #219, July 2017
- * The Real Story Behind the Congressional UFO Meeting, (pm) Aphelion #287, September 2023
- * Reflective Glass, (ss) Aphelion #117, December 2007
- * Resume for BoD South Riding, VA, (pm) Aphelion #165, August 2012
- * Ride a Broomstick, (pm) Aphelion #146, September/October 2010
- * The Rime of Watered Canada, (pm) Aphelion #115, October 2007
- * A Ripple in My Mind, (pm) Aphelion #140, February 2010
- * Said in Time, (pm) Aphelion #240, June 2019
- * Sarah’s Dilemma, (ss) Aphelion #291, February 2024
- * The Scarlet Character, (ss) Aphelion #253, August 2020
- * A Schrödinger Mouse, (pm) Aphelion #182, March 2014
- * Scowboys, (nv) Aphelion #235, December 2018/January 2019
- * Sewan Chaide, (ss) Aphelion #187, August 2014
- * Shiny Happy People, (pm) Aphelion #166, September 2012
- * A Short Analysis of the SETI Noise Eminating from the Dominant Creatures on the Planet Called Earth, (ss) Aphelion #268, December 2021/January 2022
- * 60 to 80 feet, (pm) Aphelion #175, July 2013
- * Smuggler’s Cove, (pm) Aphelion #176, August 2013
- * Snoopin’ Round, (pm) Aphelion #124, August 2008
- * SolidCold, (ss) Aphelion #150, March 2011
- * Some Molecular Self-Assembly Required, (ss) Aphelion #133, June 2009
- * So Much for Any Deep Space Alien Interdiction Force or Tic-Tac Drones Recorded by F18s from 2 Carrier Fleets, (pm) Aphelion #242, August 2019
- * “Southern rising up”, (pm) Aphelion #133, June 2009
- * Space Trash, Scowboys, (pm) Aphelion #158, December 2011
- * Speak Easy My Friend, (pm) Aphelion #143, May 2010
- * Stepping Into the Same River Twice, or, The Mind as a Continuum, (pm) Aphelion #166, September 2012
- * Strange Noises in My Head, (pm) Aphelion #149, February 2011
- * Stratification, (pm) Aphelion #119, March 2008
- * Stratification 2, (pm) Aphelion #119, March 2008
- * Stratification 3, (pm) Aphelion #119, March 2008
- * Strength in Letters, (pm) Aphelion #130, March 2009
- * A Stroll Through the Repair Garage, (pm) Aphelion #225, February 2018
- * Synopsis, (pm) Aphelion #125, September 2008
- * A Temporary Bargain, (pm) Aphelion #162, May 2012
- * Temptress in a Teapot, (ss) Aphelion #147, November 2010
- * That’s What Food Eats!, (pm) Aphelion #188, September 2014
- * They Never Knew, (ss) Aphelion #120, April 2008
- * Thought for Food, (pm) Aphelion #145, July/August 2010
- * Thoughts on Land Fills, (pm) Aphelion #167, October 2012
- * Thumb in the Eye of the Gods, (pm) Aphelion #144, June 2010
- * Time Lies, (ss) Aphelion #126, October 2008
- * The Time Machine, (pm) Aphelion #163, June 2012
- * Tithonus Redux, (ss) Aphelion #138, November 2009
- * To a Question Regarding Sci Fi Games, (pm) Aphelion #193, March 2015
- * Toast of the Town, (ss) Aphelion #267, November 2021
- * Today’s Don Juan, or the Facebook Lover, (pm) Aphelion #184, May 2014
- * To Protect and Serve, (ss) Aphelion #158, December 2011
- * Toys, Toys, (pm) Aphelion #120, April 2008
- * Transport by Design, (ss) Aphelion #114, September 2007
- * Travel Log, (pm) Aphelion #150, March 2011
- * The Trip of a Lifetime, (ss) Aphelion #156, October 2011
- * Twittering Machine, (pm) Aphelion #139, December 2009
- * The Ultimate Answer: A First Step, (pm) Aphelion #183, April 2014
- * Universal Collision and Repair, (pm) Aphelion #257, December 2020/January 2021
- * US, (pm) Aphelion #161, April 2012
- * Usual Thoughts Before Sleep, (pm) Aphelion #153, June/July 2011
- * Valentine Conundrum, (pm) Aphelion #129, February 2009
- * Vasco da Chipmunk, (pm) Aphelion #234, November 2018
- * Versailles & Washington Conference Redux, (pm) Aphelion #134, July 2009
- * Walkin’ Black Hole, (pm) Aphelion #126, October 2008
- * We’re Already a Hydrogen Society, (pm) Aphelion #114, September 2007
- * What Just Happened?, (pm) Aphelion #148, December 2010
- * When My Computer Is Not Happy, (pm) Aphelion #118, February 2008
- * Where the Ge-Moes Are, (pm) Aphelion #270, March 2022
- * Why They Don’t Make Contact?, (pm) Aphelion #134, July 2009
- * A Winter Solstice Prayer, (pm) Aphelion #148, December 2010
- * A Winter’s Task or My First Time, (pm) Aphelion #156, October 2011
- * Witches and Warlocks, (pm) Aphelion #137, October 2009
- * Words, (pm) Aphelion #139, December 2009
- * WYSIWYG or Is Not, (pm) Aphelion #202, December 2015/January 2016
- * Yes, (pm) Aphelion #233, October 2018
- * Zip Code 93949, (ss) Aphelion #170, February 2013
- * Zombies in the Night, (pm) Aphelion #176, August 2013
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