The FictionMags Index
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[]Tilden, Freeman (1883-1980) (about) (chron.)
- * The Affections of Lucille, (ss) Every Week June 11 1917
- * American, Very Rich, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 21 1925
- * Artistic Temperament, (ss) Collier’s May 1 1915
- * At Last, (ss) The Smart Set September 1909
- * The Auburn Hair of Minnie McCabe, (ss) Short Stories September 1911
- * Bad Huckaby, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 14 1925
- * Bear on the Mountain, (ss) Short Stories May 1911
- * Bigger Idea, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion April 1925
- * Black Eyes, (ss) The Hampton Magazine March 1912
- * The Blood of the Sullivans, (ss) Short Stories September 1910
- * The Boxton Sensation, (ss) The London Magazine April 1916
- * The Brother, (ss) The Smart Set February 1914
- * Burbine’s Barbecue, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 6 1923
- * The Called Bluff [J. Hollister Benedick], (ss) The Red Book Magazine March 1913
- * Capitalizing Mr. Bogglethorpe, (ss) Short Stories June 1910
- * Catch-As-Catch Cannery [Old Man Crabtree], (ss) The Country Gentleman December 1 1917
- * The Competitive Hermit, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine October 1920
- * Crabtree and the Blue Beaks [Old Man Crabtree], (ss) The Country Gentleman September 10 1921
- * Crabtree and the Widow’s Might [Old Man Crabtree], (pl) The Country Gentleman Dec 23, Dec 30 1922
- * Crabtree Jams the Wireless [Old Man Crabtree], (ss) The Country Gentleman October 8 1921
- * A Crabtree Venture in Oil [Old Man Crabtree], (ss) The Country Gentleman November 17 1917
- * The Customary Two Weeks, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Feb 24, Mar 3 1917
- * The Dear Old Homestead, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine January 1918
- * The Defective, (ss) The Smart Set March 1914
- * A Dog and His Man, (ss) The Red Book Magazine July 1913
- * Dog Eat Dog, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal September 1925
- * The Dramatic Cricket [J. Hollister Benedick], (ss) The Red Book Magazine May 1914
- * Dynamite Embers, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 12 1928
- * Emma the Frequent [J. Hollister Benedick], (nv) The Red Book Magazine November 1914
- * Every Room with Bath, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal December 1926
- * Face the Music, (ss) Argosy March 20 1937
- * First Prize, (ss) The Elks Magazine August 1925
- * Fishing Miraculous, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal August 1927
- * For Wayward Parents, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine May 1921
- * Garments of Truth, (ss) Pictorial Review May 1921
- * The Georgia Song-Bird, (ss) The Century Magazine August 1914
- * Gertie, the Bloodhound, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 11 1936
- * Girl of the Happy Valley, (sl) The Country Gentleman Aug 18, Aug 25, Sep 1, Sep 8, Sep 15, Sep 22, Sep 29, Oct 6, Oct 13, Oct 20 1917
- * A Good Influence, (ss) The Smart Set July 1914
- * Green Grass, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine April 1912
- * Green Tights, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 9 1925
- * The Grouch Cure, (ss) Short Stories August 1914
- * Gupper Meets the Duke, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 25 1936
- * Harko the Herald, (ss) Esquire July 1936
- * Here One Dines Well, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 15 1936
- * Hero, (ss) The Century Magazine March 1911
- * Her Own Business, (sl) Every Week Apr 9, Apr 23, Apr 30 1917
- * Hooray, Fellers! A Picnic!, (ss) The Country Gentleman July 30 1921
- * Housework—and the Man, (ss) Life February 17 1916
- * The Hut of the Uncle Tom, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 14 1928
- * In Testimony Whereof, (ss) Short Stories December 1912
- * Jersey the Untaxed, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 5 1924
- * J. Hollister, Canvasser, (ss) Short Stories November 1911
- * J. Hollister, Night Clerk, (ss) Short Stories February 1911
- * Jitney Tactics, (ss) Every Week August 13 1917
- * The Jonah, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 2 1922
- * Keeping the Farm Off the Girl, (ss) The Country Gentleman October 16 1920
- * Knowledge Is Power, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine May 1916
- * A Knowledge of Beans, (ss) Every Week October 8 1917
- * Ladies on Relief, (ss) The American Magazine July 1936
- * The Lesser Fleas, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine February 1915
- * The Little Brown Man in the Golden West, (ar) The Country Gentleman May 15 1920
- * Loaned Leaves, (ss) Short Stories January 1913
- * Loss of Memory, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) August 1913
- * The Man Who Looked Like Lincoln, (ss) The Red Book Magazine December 1912
- * The Man with a Country, (ss) The Smart Set June 1914
- * Mr. Clupp and the Adding-Machine, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine March 1915
- * Mr. Williams Takes a Chance, (ss) The Red Book Magazine October 1917
- * Mother Earth Forgives, (ar) The New Red Cross Magazine August 1919
- * Moudie Browns the Wheats, (ss) McClure’s Magazine June 1916
- * Mrs. Callahan’s Coal, (ss) Short Stories with Keith’s House Plans April 1915
- * Necessity for Remaining Dead, (ss) The Century Magazine October 1912
- * Night-Desk Daddies, (ss) The American Magazine December 1936
- * No Business Ability, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 11 1923
- * No Sale!, (ss) The Red Book Magazine January 1918
- * Not for Ordinary Folks, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 27 1917
- * Not Mentioned by the Experts, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1916
- * Oh, Perfect Love!, (ss) The Smart Set April 1914
- * The Old Crossroads Game, (ss) The Country Gentleman December 2 1922
- * Old Man Crabtree and the Native Son [Old Man Crabtree], (ss) The Country Gentleman January 1 1921
- * Old Man Crabtree in Denmark [Old Man Crabtree], (sl) The Country Gentleman Sep 2, Sep 9, Sep 16 1922
- * Old Man Crabtree in West Texas [Old Man Crabtree], (ss) The Country Gentleman January 28 1922
- * Old Man Crabtree Overseas [Old Man Crabtree], (ss) The Country Gentleman Apr 2, Apr 9 1921
- * Ombompom, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 21 1924
- * One Inch of Uplift, (ss) Short Stories July 1917
- * One Lovely Black Eye, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #8, February 1923
- * One Wise Night Clerk, (ss) The Argosy November 1914
- * The Oriental What-Is-It, (ss) The Country Gentleman December 17 1917
- * The Other Dimensions, (ss) Harper’s Bazar September 1915
- * Other People’s Thunder, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine June 1916
- * Parleyvoo, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 28 1925
- * Peggitt Pays the Freight, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 21 1917
- * People Want Pictures, (ss) The Smart Set September 1914
- * A Picture of Innocence, (na) Munsey’s Magazine April 1917
- * Pillicy Mixes the Speed, (ss) Short Stories June 1917
- * Positively Last Appearance, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 1 1926
- * The Power of Pie, (ss) Short Stories May 1913
- * Prison-Made, (ss) The Smart Set May 1914
- * The Quitter, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine April 1924
- * The Rescue Business, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine April 1916
- * Roots and Herbs, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 23 1924
- * The Sanitary Hermit, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1916
- * Saturday Night and No Beans, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 28 1928
- * A Slump in Uplift, (ss) Short Stories May 1912
- * Social Connections, (ss) Short Stories March 1911
- * Something for Nothing, (sl) McClure’s Magazine Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1919
- * Something That Goes Around, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 11 1928
- * Stannerton & Sons, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 15 1917
- * The Stove in the Study, (ss) Short Stories June 1911
- * The Surprising Thing About Edward, (ss) The Red Book Magazine November 1917
- * That Night, (ss) Harper’s Bazar July 1915
- * That Rich Bottom Land [Old Man Crabtree], (ss) The Country Gentleman November 3 1917
- * Thick Fog, (ss) Harper’s Bazar April 1927
- * The Thrift of Martha, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 21 1917
- * To Please the Ladies, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 28 1925
- * Total Loss of Memory, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1913
- * Two-Browning Man, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal May 1927
- * The Very Time Wild Man, (ss) Short Stories March 1910
- * The Virtuous Husband, (sl) The Ladies’ Home Journal April 1925
- * A Vision in 159 [J. Hollister Benedick], (ss) The Red Book Magazine October 1915
- * What Men Call Fame, (ss) The Argosy January 1915
- * When Do We Eat?, (ss) The Argosy April 1915
- * When He Came Home, (ss) The Century Magazine September 1912
- * When “I” Was a Boy, (ss) The Argosy August 1915
- * When the Jitney Came to Enderby, (ss) Every Week October 18 1915
- * Wildcats, (ss) The Smart Set August 1914
- * Wild Money, (sl) Ladies’ Home Journal August 1926
- * Witch Grass and Limas [Old Man Crabtree], (ss) The Country Gentleman December 31 1917
- * With a Slight Accent, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal February 1927
- * The Wolf in the Fold, (ss) The Argosy February 1915
- * Yes-Man, (ss) The Century Magazine July 1912
- * Zelba [J. Hollister Benedick], (ss) The Red Book Magazine April 1913
[]Tilden, J. Wentworth (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Airplanes vs. Burros, (ms) Argosy July 4 1936
- * All Dice Are Loaded, (ms) Argosy October 17 1936
- * An Ancient City in Nebraska, (ms) Argosy August 8 1936
- * Beware the Nile’s Curse, (ms) Argosy December 31 1938
- * Buy It if You Must, (ms) Argosy July 29 1939
- * Call for Pioneers!, (ms) Argosy September 12 1936
- * Call for Wooden Nickels!, (ms) Argosy August 22 1936
- * The Compleat Wrangler, (ms) Argosy April 16 1938
- * Counterfeiting—1636 Style, (ms) Argosy October 10 1936
- * Dead in One Place, Alive in Another, (ms) Argosy September 26 1936
- * Eat It or Die!, (ms) Argosy June 13 1936
- * The Enemy Within, (ms) Argosy May 13 1939
- * Farming with Vacuum Cleaners, (ms) Argosy October 3 1936
- * A Fishworm Never Sees Red!, (ms) Argosy June 27 1936
- * Geared Fish, (ms) Argosy February 19 1938
- * Gods of the Lightning, (ms) Argosy September 24 1938
- * Hairless in Gaza, (ms) Argosy August 7 1937
- * Harem, Scare ’Em, (ms) Argosy June 25 1938
- * Have a Cup of Sunshine, (ms) Argosy July 16 1938
- * Have You a Seagull in Your Sink?, (ms) Argosy January 14 1939
- * It’s Not Really Whacky, (ms) Argosy October 24 1936
- * Kill the Robot, (ms) Argosy June 4 1938
- * Lady Musher Goes Boating, (ms) Argosy September 5 1936
- * Lo, the Poor Place-Name, (ms) Argosy August 28 1937
- * Magic Carpets for Manhattan, (ms) Argosy February 5 1938
- * M-M-Men S-S-Stutter M-M-More, (ms) Argosy September 18 1937
- * More Ways to Skin a Brat, (ms) Argosy August 6 1938
- * Noise, Please, (ms) Argosy February 4 1939
- * Of Time and the Chessmen, (ms) Argosy July 23 1938
- * Oh, for the Life of a Sailor!, (ms) Argosy August 29 1936
- * Old Enough to Vote, (ms) Argosy February 26 1938
- * 160,083 Is a Lot of Flapjacks, (ms) Argosy November 28 1936
- * Our Crazy Calendar, (ms) Argosy January 30 1937
- * Pirates—New York Style, (ms) Argosy November 7 1936
- * A Pooch for Schiaparelli, (ms) Argosy January 7 1939
- * Puppets for Moppets, (ms) Argosy June 26 1937
- * Requiescat in Pace, (ms) Argosy July 31 1937
- * Rescued Rescues Rescuer, (ms) Argosy June 20 1936
- * Science Rules the Waves, (ms) Argosy April 22 1939
- * Shades of Vesuvius, (ms) Argosy April 24 1937
- * Shine, Mister? No?, (ms) Argosy September 23 1939
- * Small Boats Starts to Circle Globe, (ms) Argosy July 11 1936
- * Spare the Food, (ar) Argosy March 26 1938
- * Stars at Less Than Cost, (ms) Argosy July 9 1938
- * The Star You Can’t See, (ms) Argosy September 17 1938
- * The Temple of Ishtar, (ms) Argosy October 29 1938
- * Toy Battleships for Admirals, (ms) Argosy August 15 1936
- * Way Out West on Tenth Avenue, (ms) Argosy July 17 1937
- * Weather by Machinery, (ms) Argosy August 13 1938
- * Writing to Left, (ms) Argosy May 7 1938
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