The FictionMags Index
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[]Steiner, (Francis) George (1929-2020) (about) (chron.)
- * Can de Gaulle Avoid a Civil War?, (ar) Harper’s Magazine February 1961
- * A Conversation Piece, (vi) Granta #15, Spring 1985
- * The Deeps of the Sea, (ss) Botteghe Oscure #18, 1956
- * Desert Island Discs, (ss) Granta #18, Spring 1986
- * Fish Story, (pm) The Paris Review #1, Spring 1953
- * Heraldry, (ss) Granta #58, Summer 1997
- * A Modern Highway Links Bathsheba and Sodom, (pm) The Paris Review #3, Autumn 1953
- * No“e”l, No“e”l, (ss) Granta #28, Autumn 1989
- * The Portage to San Christobal of A.H., (na) The Kenyon Review Spring 1979
- * Proofs, (na) Granta #36, Summer 1991
- * A Samurai Who Tried to Kill All the Roosters of Japan, (pm) The Paris Review #1, Spring 1953
- * The State of Europe: Christmas Eve, 1989, (sy) Granta #30, Spring 1990
- * Tolkien, Oxford’s Eccentric Don, (ar) Tolkien Studies v5, 2008; translated from the French (Le Monde, 6 September 1973) by Ross Smith.
[]Steiner, K. Leslie; pseudonym of Samuel R. Delany (1942- ) (chron.)
- * The K. Leslie Steiner Interview, (iv) Silent Interviews by Samuel R. Delany, Wesleyan University Press, 1994 [Ref. Samuel R. Delany]
- * “Return…” A Preface, (pr) The Bridge of Lost Desire by Samuel R. Delany, Arbor House, 1987
- * “The Scorpion Garden” Revisited: A Note on the Anti-Pornography of Samuel R. Delany, (ar) The Straits of Messina by Samuel R. Delany, Serconia, 1989
- * Some Remarks Toward a Reading of Dhalgren, (ar) The Straits of Messina by Samuel R. Delany, Serconia, 1989
- * Tales of Nevèrÿon, (ar) The Straits of Messina by Samuel R. Delany, Serconia, 1989
- * Trouble on Triton, (ar) The Straits of Messina by Samuel R. Delany, Serconia, 1989
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Eye #5, July 1989
[]Steiner, Pat R. (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * God Eye, (ss) Grantville Gazette v53, 2014
- * Kilroy Wasn’t There, (ss) Qualia Nous ed. Michael Bailey, Written Backwards, 2014
- * Original Skin, (ss) Cover of Darkness #9, January 2012
- * The Shoe Tree, (ss) Potter’s Field 4: Tales from Unmarked Graves ed. Katie Hartlove & Greg Miller, Sam's Dot Publishing, 2011
- * [front cover], (cv) Ashes and Entropy ed. Robert S. Wilson, Nightscape Press, 2018
- * [illustration(s)], (il) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XXVIII ed. K. D. Wentworth, Galaxy, 2012
[]Steiner, Paul (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * Alibis Assorted, (ms) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine Jul 1956, Feb 1957
- * Alibis That Worked, (ms) This Week May 13 1956
- * All Balled Up, (ms) Bluebook May 1956
- * Amazing but True, (cl) Amazing Stories; Feb-Apr 57.
- * Boy Meets Dream Girl, (ms) Dream World May 1957
- * Curious Clues, (ms) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine February 1956
- * It Sounds Fantastic, But…, (cl) Fantastic; Mar-Jun 57.
- * The Mink Dynasty, (ar) Escapade June 1959
- * On the Liquor Front, (hu) High Adventure June 1959
- * The Orient Sexpress, (ar) Hi-Life July 1963
- * Pet Peeves, (ms) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine April 1956
- * Proof Negative, (ms) The New York Times
- * Quote: Dancing Party, (ms) Escapade February 1962
- * Shooting Gallery, (ts) Rugged Men May 1958
- * Small Fry, (ar) Redbook January 1953
- * Splitting Hairs, (ms) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine November 1956
- * Warriors’ Ways, (ms) High Adventure April 1959
- * Watch That Drink!, (ar) Hi-Life November 1960
- * Windfalls…, (ms) Dream World February 1957
[]Steinfeld, J. J. (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Absurd Death Threat, (pm) Lost and Lonely ed. John Benson, John Benson, 2013
- * Alien Architecture, or, How the Interplanetary Hostilities Began, (vi) Fifty Flashes ed. Arthur Sanchez & Jean M. Goldstron, Whortleberry Press, 2017
- * Artistic Death, (ss) Strange Mysteries 6 ed. Tim Tobin & Jean M. Goldstrom, Whortleberry Press, 2015
- * The Art of Becoming Invisible, (pm) The Were-Traveler December 2016
- * As Hidden Animals Observe Me, (pm) Polar Borealis July/August 2019
- * The Assassin’s Morning, (pm) Not One of Us #40, October 2008
- * Awaiting the Past, (ss) A Glass Shard and Memory by J. J. Steinfeld, Recliner Books, 2010
- * The Beginning of an Inter-galactic Love Affair, (pm) Shelter of Daylight #9, Autumn 2012
- * The Blindfold, (pm) An Affection for Precipices by J. J. Steinfeld, Serengeti Press, 2006
- * Captivities, or Béla Lugosi, 2031, (ss) Nameless Magazine #2, Fall/Winter 2012
- * A Celestial Voice, (pm) Carillon
- * Civility, (pm) Tesseracts Fifteen ed. Susan MacGregor & Julie Czerneda, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2011
- * The Criminal Before the Crime, (pm) A Fanciful Geography by J. J. Steinfeld, Erbacce-Press, 2010
- * Crying Over Spilt Milk, (pm) Space and Time #119, Summer/Fall 2013
- * A Deep-Voiced Apparition, (pm) The Sirens Call #59, Halloween 2022
- * Despite Being Weaponless, (pm) Helios Quarterly Magazine March 2017
- * Disrupting Chronology and Definitions, (pm) Wax Poetry and Art October 6 2015
- * Ending Music of the Disoriented Soul, (pm) On Spec September 2016
- * The End of the World, (pm) Phantom Drift #5, October 2015
- * The Escape Maps of Others, (pm) Not One of Us #62, October 2019
- * Executions and the Memory of Executions, (ss) Writer’s Block Magazine Spring 1994
- * The Existence of Posters, (ss) Disturbing Identities by J. J. Steinfeld, Ekstasis Editions, 1997
- * An Existential Foretelling, (pm) The Sirens Call #59, Halloween 2022
- * Existential Gunfire, (pm) Disturbed Digest #1, June 2013
- * Fallling from One Dimension to Another, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2018
- * A Far-Travelling Handwritten Love Letter, (pm) Trysts of Fate #1, February 2014
- * Final Metaphysical Exam, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2017
- * The Forlorn Creature’s Lament, (pm) Helios Quarterly Magazine December 2016
- * A Frightening Metaphysical Puzzle, (pm) Illumen Autumn 2013
- * Gregor Samsa Was Never in the Beatles, (ss) Word Burials by J. J. Steinfeld, Crossing Chaos Enigmatic Ink, 2009
- * How the Amorous and Ravenous Martian Found Love and Sustenance on Earth, (vi) Freak/Pure Slush Vol. 13 ed. Matt Potter, Pure Slush Books, 2016
- * Ill-Shaped Signs Unavoidable and Unmistakable, (pm) Star*Line April/June 2012
- * In a Small Earthbound Room, (pm) Polar Borealis November/December 2019
- * Just Out-of-Reach Dreams, (pm) Zymbol
- * The Kafka Lovers, (pm) Trysts of Fate #2, August 2014
- * Learning the History of War, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2016
- * A Lifetime of Headlines and Confusion, (pm) Helios Quarterly Magazine December 2016
- * The Lonely Robot’s Imagination, (pm) Carbon Culture (online content) March 1 2015
- * The Martian Sport of Jump-Rotate-Shapeshift, or, The Day the Interplanetary War Began, (vi) The Drabbler Harvest Presents: Alien Sports ed. Terrie Leigh Relf, Alban Lake, 2013
- * Morning Creatures and Gigantic Creatures, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #12, Winter 2016
- * The Most Fateful Day in Earth History: Super Bowl CXLVIII, Sunday, February 4, 2114, (vi) The Drabbler Harvest Presents: Alien Sports ed. Terrie Leigh Relf, Alban Lake, 2013
- * My Biggest Existential Disappointment, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction August 2022
- * The Narrative of Existence, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2013
- * The Nefarious: A Tale of a Notorious Halloween Dance, (ss) Ghostlight Winter 2016
- * Nestor’s Last Valentine’s Day, (ss) Strange Lucky Valentines ed. James Hartley, Whortleberry Press, 2013
- * No One Believed She Was That Old, (pm) Trysts of Fate #1, February 2014
- * Not Quite Kafkaesque, (pm) Space and Time #132, Fall 2018
- * The Old Neighbourhoods on Mars, (ss) Wicked Words Quarterly June 2014
- * Old Sci-Fi Films, (pm) Eye to the Telescope April 2013
- * One Person’s Madness Is Another’s…, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2020
- * On This Outlying Planet, (pm) Red Sky ed. E. S. Wynn, CreateSpace, 2014
- * Penalty for Misuse—$20, (ss)
- * Photographic Proof, (pm) I Know What I Saw ed. Barry Napier, Needfire Poetry, 2012
- * Playing Intergalactic Baseball, (vi) The Toucan July 2011
- * Poetry and History, (pm) An Affection for Precipices by J. J. Steinfeld, Serengeti Press, 2006
- * Poetry-Reading Honorarium, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2015
- * Previous Plans for Escape, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2016
- * Reading Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, (vi) A Glass Shard and Memory by J. J. Steinfeld, Recliner Books, 2010
- * A Scavenger of Words, (pm) Helios Quarterly Magazine September 2016
- * Stopped in the Street, (pm) The Wild Word March 2017
- * The Strangest Coincidence Imaginable, (pm) Polar Borealis October/November 2018
- * Streets Are Not Always for Walking, (ss) Cover of Darkness May 2008
- * The Suicide Inspector, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss September 2011
- * Surpassing Photography, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2021
- * Surreal Musings, (pm) mgversion2>datura January 2016
- * Time and Space, (pm) Outposts of Beyond #3, January 2014
- * An Unhappily Married Couple Watches an Old Sci-Fi Film on Late-Night TV, (vi) The Drabbler Special Edition #1, Spring 2009
- * Unmagical, (pm) Animal Day II ed. John Benson, John Benson, 2018
- * An Unpublishable Sequel to the End of the World, (pm) Illumen
- * Unwilling to Turn Around, (pm) Tesseracts Seventeen: Speculating Canada from Coast to Coast to Coast ed. Colleen Anderson & Steve Vernon, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2013
- * Visiting Our Earth, (pm) FrostFire Worlds #20, May 2018
- * Voices in an Especially Ominous Night, (pm) Helios Quarterly Magazine September 2016
- * We Stop in Front of This Picture of Death, (pm) An Affection for Precipices by J. J. Steinfeld, Serengeti Press, 2006
- * When the Superhero Was Too Young to Battle or Re-Imagine Monsters, (pm) Disturbed Digest #17, June 2017
- * Wrong Numbers, (pm) Not One of Us #68, 2021
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