The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 9635
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Smith, Edward H. (chron.) (continued)
- * Mysteries of the District Attorney’s Office:
* ___ The Phantom Intruder, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 25 1923
* ___ The True Story of Poe’s Marie Roget, (ar) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1923
* ___ The Vanished Attorney, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 22 1923
* ___ Who Killed Dolly Reynolds?, (ar) Detective Story Magazine April 21 1923
* ___ Who Killed James J. McAuliffe?, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 8 1923
- * Mysteries of the Missing, (cl) Detective Story Magazine Aug 30, Nov 22 1924
* ___ The Abduction of Charlie Ross, (ar) Detective Story Magazine July 5 1924
* ___ The Abduction of Marion Clarke, (ar) Detective Story Magazine July 26 1924
* ___ The Ambrose Bierce Irony, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 11 1924
* ___ The Conway Kidnaping, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 9 1924
* ___ Dorothy Arnold, (ar) Detective Story Magazine July 12 1924
* ___ The Fates and Joe Varotta, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 4 1924
* ___ The Highbridge Enigma, (ar) Detective Story Magazine June 28 1924
* ___ The Lost Tichborne Heir, (ar) Detective Story Magazine June 14 1924
* ___ Missing Ships, (cl) Detective Story Magazine January 21 1928
* ___ The Return of Jimmie Glass, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 27 1924
* ___ The Vanished Archduke, (ar) Detective Story Magazine July 19 1924
* ___ The Vanished Millionaire, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 16 1924
* ___ The Whitla Kidnaping, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 2 1924
- * The New Bank Burglars, (ar) Detective Story Magazine March 22 1924
- * The Old Hat (with Michael Fiaschetti), (ar) Detective Story Magazine February 6 1926
- * Old Love and New, (ar) Detective Story Magazine March 21 1925
- * On the Wedding Eve, (ar) Detective Story Magazine June 6 1925
- * Our Criminals from Abroad, (ar) Detective Story Magazine December 13 1924
- * Our Modern Pirates, (ar) Detective Story Magazine January 12 1924
- * The Passing of the Tombs, (ar) Detective Story Magazine May 22 1926
- * A Pastoral of Death, (ar) Detective Story Magazine July 25 1925
- * The Patrick Case, (ar) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1923
- * The Penitent Prodigal, (ar) Detective Story Magazine December 2 1922
- * The Petrosino Mystery (with Michael Fiaschetti), (ar) Detective Story Magazine May 15 1926
- * Petty Thieves, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 27 1923
- * The Phantom Intruder, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 25 1923
- * Poison (A Pastoral of Death), (ar) Best Detective Magazine September 1936
- * Poison (Florence Maybrick Case), (ar) Best Detective Magazine January 1937
- * Poison:
* ___ Aged Victims, (ar) Detective Story Magazine July 4 1925
* ___ The Case of Carlyle Harris, (ar) Detective Story Magazine March 7 1925
* ___ The Case of Doctor Wilson, (cl) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1927
* ___ Dr. Crippen’s Mistakes, (ar) Detective Story Magazine April 25 1925
* ___ The Florence Maybrick Case, (ar) Detective Story Magazine April 4 1925
* ___ Her Insured Husbands, (ar) Detective Story Magazine May 9 1925
* ___ Love and Avis Linnell, (ar) Detective Story Magazine January 15 1927
* ___ The Molineux Mystery, (ar) Detective Story Magazine March 14 1925
* ___ Old Love and New, (ar) Detective Story Magazine March 21 1925
* ___ On the Wedding Eve, (ar) Detective Story Magazine June 6 1925
* ___ A Pastoral of Death, (ar) Detective Story Magazine July 25 1925
* ___ Potions of Love and Death, (ar) Detective Story Magazine June 13 1925
* ___ The Strange Case of Dr. Waite, (ar) Detective Story Magazine June 20 1925
* ___ The Swope-Hyde Case, (ar) Detective Story Magazine March 28 1925
* ___ The-Odd Fellows’ Mystery, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 1 1925
- * Potions of Love and Death, (ar) Detective Story Magazine June 13 1925
- * The Prince of Queersmen, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 15 1927
- * Prisons, Past and Present:
* ___ At Hard Labor, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 21 1925
* ___ Auburn Again, and Its Champion, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 26 1925
* ___ County Jails, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 28 1925
* ___ The Dark Dawn, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 29 1925
* ___ Looking Ahead, (ar) Detective Story Magazine December 5 1925
* ___ Sing Sing, First Phase, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 19 1925
* ___ Solitary Confinement, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 17 1925
* ___ Trenton and the Doctors, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 14 1925
* ___ Virginia and Maryland, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 3 1925
- * Prisons, Then and Now:
* ___ The Early American Experiments, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 5 1925
- * The Private Detective (How He Supplements the Regular Police), (ar) Best Detective Magazine November 1936
- * The Private Detective: The Unscrupulous Kind, (ar) Detective Story Magazine April 17 1926
- * Profit in Loss, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 5 1921
- * The Prowler’s Woman, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 18 1922
- * Queen Silk, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 26 1920
- * Queens of the Knaves, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 21 1922
- * Ray Lambert, (ar) Western Story Magazine January 7 1928
- * Recollections of Warden Thayer:
* ___ The Case of Cal Wood, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 25 1926
* ___ The Finish of Martin Foy, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 9 1926
* ___ Leon Czolgosz, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 23 1926
- * The Reds and the Glands, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 21 1920
- * Removers, (ar) Detective Story Magazine May 10 1924
- * The Return of Jimmie Glass, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 27 1924
- * The Return of John Yegg (with John W. Wilson), (ar) Liberty August 29 1925
- * Rival Macbeths, (ar) Detective Story Magazine July 3 1926
- * Robert Dollar—the Grand Old Man of the Pacific, (ar) Western Story Magazine November 12 1927
- * The Saga of Charlie Becker, (ar) Detective Story Magazine March 12 1927
- * The Second Story Man, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 24 1923
- * Shall We Hang Ourselves?, (ar) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1924
- * Shall We Tote the Gun?, (ar) Detective Story Magazine January 9 1926
- * Shoplifters and Pickpockets, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 16 1922
- * The Silent Lumber Baron, (ar) Western Story Magazine June 11 1927
- * The Silver King of Colorado, (ar) Western Story Magazine July 23 1927
- * Simp Moll and Wise Moll, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 23 1922
- * Sing Sing, First Phase, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 19 1925
- * Sir Edward Marshall Hall, (ar) Detective Story Magazine January 7 1928 [Ref. Edward Marshall Hall]
- * Smelter Magnates, (ar) Western Story Magazine March 26 1927
- * Solitary Confinement, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 17 1925
- * Some Girls of Yesteryear, (ar) Detective Story Magazine April 16 1927
- * The Spread of Vigilanteism, (ar) Detective Story Magazine April 3 1926
- * The Stevens Case, (ar) Detective Story Magazine July 31 1926
- * The Strange Case of Dr. Waite, (ar) Detective Story Magazine June 20 1925
- * Sutro and His Tunnel, (ar) Western Story Magazine July 16 1927
- * Swindlers and Scoundrels, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1927
* ___ “Hungry Joe” Lewis, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 1 1927
* ___ The King of the We Boys, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 26 1927
* ___ Kings of the Wire, (ar) Detective Story Magazine December 24 1927
* ___ The Man from Formosa, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 10 1927
* ___ Two Ante-Bellum Colonels, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 24 1927
* ___ Whittaker Wright—Friend of the Mighty, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1927
- * The Swope-Hyde Case, (ar) Detective Story Magazine March 28 1925
- * Tapping the Bank of England, (ar) Detective Story Magazine December 11 1926
- * The Thaw Affair, (ar) Detective Story Magazine January 22 1927
- * The-Odd Fellows’ Mystery, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 1 1925
- * Tombs Escapes and Escapers, (ar) Detective Story Magazine June 5 1926
- * Trenton and the Doctors, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 14 1925
- * The Trial of Robert Buchanan, (ar) Holiday Clubman #60, Winter 1955/1956
- * Truck Bandits, (ar) Detective Story Magazine January 5 1924
- * The True Story of Poe’s Marie Roget, (ar) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1923
- * The Tweed Ring, (ar) Detective Story Magazine June 12 1926
- * Two Ante-Bellum Colonels, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 24 1927
- * Two Charming Importations, (ar) Detective Story Magazine July 30 1927
- * Two Imaginative Ladies, (ar) Detective Story Magazine April 30 1927
- * The U.P. Boys, Chiefs of the Shining Rails, (ar) Western Story Magazine July 30 1927
- * The Vanished Archduke, (ar) Detective Story Magazine July 19 1924
- * The Vanished Attorney, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 22 1923
- * The Vanished Millionaire, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 16 1924
- * The Vermont Raffles Who Transcended the Tomb, (ar) from You Can Escape, Macmillan US, 1929
- * Virginia and Maryland, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 3 1925
- * Walsh and Stratton of Colorado, (ar) Western Story Magazine June 18 1927
- * Western Pioneers of To-day:
* ___ Albert E. Carlton, (cl) Western Story Magazine September 3 1927
* ___ Anceney, Montana’s Biggest Rancher, (cl) Western Story Magazine January 28 1928
* ___ Beatty of the C.P.R., a Big Business Man, (cl) Western Story Magazine December 10 1927
* ___ Colonel Goodnight, (cl) Western Story Magazine August 13 1927
* ___ Colonel Ike Pryor, (cl) Western Story Magazine August 27 1927
* ___ Cowboy with Portfolio, (cl) Western Story Magazine November 5 1927
* ___ The Denver Sugar-Beet King, (cl) Western Story Magazine October 22 1927
* ___ E.A. Stuart, the Nation’s Milkman, (cl) Western Story Magazine January 14 1928
* ___ Edgar Davis and Luling, (cl) Western Story Magazine October 29 1927
* ___ Giannini, California’s Banker, (cl) Western Story Magazine November 26 1927
* ___ Henry Worth Thornton, from Indiana, (cl) Western Story Magazine December 31 1927
* ___ John D. Ryan—Copper King, (cl) Western Story Magazine January 21 1928
* ___ John Stoughton Smith, C.M.G., (cl) Western Story Magazine December 17 1927
* ___ Lasater of Falfurrias, (cl) Western Story Magazine November 19 1927
* ___ L.J. Hart, (cl) Western Story Magazine December 3 1927
* ___ Mr. Creed and His Creed, (cl) Western Story Magazine December 24 1927
* ___ Ray Lambert, (cl) Western Story Magazine January 7 1928
* ___ Robert Dollar—the Grand Old Man of the Pacific, (cl) Western Story Magazine November 12 1927
* ___ Wyoming’s Cowboy Senator, (cl) Western Story Magazine October 1 1927
* ___ Yount, the Black-Gold Finder, (cl) Western Story Magazine September 17 1927
- * The Whitla Kidnaping, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 2 1924
- * Whittaker Wright—Friend of the Mighty, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1927
- * Who Killed Dolly Reynolds?, (ar) Detective Story Magazine April 21 1923
- * Who Killed James J. McAuliffe?, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 8 1923
- * Winners of Western Millions:
* ___ The Banana King of Comstock, (cl) Western Story Magazine July 9 1927
* ___ The Bonanza Kings, (cl) Western Story Magazine February 26 1927
* ___ The Cantankerous Copper Kings, (cl) Western Story Magazine May 28 1927
* ___ Collis P. Huntington, (cl) Western Story Magazine February 5 1927
* ___ F. Augustus Heinze, (cl) Western Story Magazine June 4 1927
* ___ George Hearst, Miner, Legislator, American, (cl) Western Story Magazine May 21 1927
* ___ Haggin, the Mysterious Turk, (cl) Western Story Magazine March 19 1927
* ___ Mills, the Gold Rush Banker, (cl) Western Story Magazine February 12 1927
* ___ The Silent Lumber Baron, (cl) Western Story Magazine June 11 1927
* ___ The Silver King of Colorado, (cl) Western Story Magazine July 23 1927
* ___ Smelter Magnates, (cl) Western Story Magazine March 26 1927
* ___ Sutro and His Tunnel, (cl) Western Story Magazine July 16 1927
* ___ Walsh and Stratton of Colorado, (cl) Western Story Magazine June 18 1927
- * The Woman of Stone (with Michael Fiaschetti), (ar) Detective Story Magazine March 6 1926
- * Women in Crime, (cl) Best Detective Magazine Apr, Jul 1931
* ___ The Confidence Woman, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 7 1922
* ___ Criminality and the Business Girl, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1922
* ___ The Moll and Her Beginnings, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 9 1922
* ___ The Moll and the Gang, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 30 1922
* ___ The Moll and the Yegg, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 4 1922
* ___ The Penitent Prodigal, (ar) Detective Story Magazine December 2 1922
* ___ The Prowler’s Woman, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 18 1922
* ___ Queens of the Knaves, (ar) Detective Story Magazine October 21 1922
* ___ Shoplifters and Pickpockets, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 16 1922
* ___ Simp Moll and Wise Moll, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 23 1922
- * Wyoming’s Cowboy Senator, (ar) Western Story Magazine October 1 1927
- * Yount, the Black-Gold Finder, (ar) Western Story Magazine September 17 1927
- * Your Check, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 1 1920
_____, as told to
[]Smith, Edward Percy (1891-1968); used pseudonym Edward Percy (about) (chron.)
- * Farmer John’s Wives, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine April 1931, as by Edward Percy
- * The Harum, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1933, as by Edward Percy
- * He Who Anticipates Is Lost, (nv) 1932, as by Edward Percy
- * How Sanderleys Came to Sampits, (ss) Britannia and Eve January 1932, as by Edward Percy
- * Ladies in Retirement (with Reginald Denham), (pl) Random House, 1940, as by Reginald Denham & Edward Percy
- * The Love Story of a Pedant, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine February 1931, as by Edward Percy
- * The Miser’s Garden, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1932, as by Edward Percy
- * Something Venture, (ss) The New London Magazine #11, September 1931, as by Edward Percy
- * “Wi’ Burke and Hare”, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1931, as by Edward Percy
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