The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 9267
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[]Sigmund, Jay G. (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Balm, (ss) Outdoor America November 1928
- * Bitter Herbs, (ss) Hygeia November 1928
- * Blasphemer, (ss) The Morada #1, Autumn 1929
- * Broken Pump, (ss) The Frontier March 1930
- * Cracked, (ss) The Husk January 1927
- * Devils in the Bone, (ss) The Tanager September 1932
- * Gaff Maker, (ss) The Midland July/August 1928
- * Ivory Dart, (ss) The Tanager July 1928
- * Man Servant, (ss) The Tanager March 1931
- * Mystic, (ss) The Tanager May 1931
- * Pegasus in the Mart, (ss) The Gammadion Fall 1926
- * Placard, (ss) The Midland January/February 1929
- * Runaway, (ss) The Midland September/October 1930
- * Saturday Night, (ss) The Tanager May 1932
- * Sturgeon’s Fry, (ss) Overland Monthly October 1924
- * Subpoena, (ss) The Midland May 1927
- * Thin Hills, (ss) Outdoor America April 1930
- * Tracks, (pm) American Prefaces
- * Trade, (ss) The Household Magazine June 1929
- * Two Errands, (ss) The Frontier March 1929
- * Way Out, (ss) The Midland March/April 1929
[]Sigourney, Lydia H(untley) (1791-1865) (about) (chron.)
- * Aaron on Mount Hor, (pm) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine May 1844
- * The Blue-Bird, (sg) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1883
- * California, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1855
- * Death of a Young Maiden, (pm) The Ladies’ National Magazine May 1846
- * Healing at Sunset, (pm) The Literary Emporium March 1845
- * The Holiday, (pm) The Ladies’ National Magazine July 1845
- * The Indian’s Welcome to the Pilgrim Fathers, (pm)
- * The Intemperate, (ss) 1834
- * Journal of Autumnal Snows, (vi) The Ladies’ National Magazine January 1845
- * Last Visit of the Princess Marie of France to Her Native Clime, (pm) The Ladies’ National Magazine February 1845
- * Meliton of Sebaste, (pm) The Ladies’ National Magazine July 1844
- * Niagara, (pm)
- * Oriska, (pm) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine December 1843
- * The Patriarch at Haran, (pm) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine September 1843
- * Schaghticoke and the Knickerbockers, (pm)
- * Seed Sowing, (pm) The Ladies’ National Magazine January 1846
- * The Staff of My Father, (pm) The Ladies’ National Magazine January 1847
- * Sunrise at New London, (pm) The Ladies’ National Magazine January 1844
- * Talk with Time at the Closing of the Year, (pm) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine April 1844
- * Thoughts after Sickness, (pm) The Ladies’ National Magazine March 1846
- * Thy Mother, (pm) The Literary Emporium February 1845
- * Uncultured Flowers, (pm) The Ladies’ National Magazine April 1844
- * The Vale of Wyoming, (pm) The Ladies’ National Magazine December 1844
- * The World’s First Born, (pm) The Ladies’ National Magazine May 1845
_____, [ref.]
[]Sikes, A. J. (fl. 2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * The Cannoneer’s Tale, (ss) Some Time Later ed. A. J. Sikes, B. J. Sikes & Dover Whitecliff, Thinking Ink Press, 2017
- * The Confectioner’s Tale, (ss) Some Time Later ed. A. J. Sikes, B. J. Sikes & Dover Whitecliff, Thinking Ink Press, 2017
- * Ghost and the Birdman, (ss) Thirty Days Later ed. A. J. Sikes, B. J. Sikes & Dover Whitecliff, Thinking Ink Press, 2016
- * Ghost Bets the House, (ss) Thirty Days Later ed. A. J. Sikes, B. J. Sikes & Dover Whitecliff, Thinking Ink Press, 2016
- * Notes from the Editors (with B. J. Sikes & Dover Whitecliff), (ix) Some Time Later ed. A. J. Sikes, B. J. Sikes & Dover Whitecliff, Thinking Ink Press, 2017
_____, ed.
[]Sikes, B. J. (fl. 2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * Adelaide’s Trial, (ss) Thirty Days Later ed. A. J. Sikes, B. J. Sikes & Dover Whitecliff, Thinking Ink Press, 2016
- * Adelaide’s Triumph, (ss) Thirty Days Later ed. A. J. Sikes, B. J. Sikes & Dover Whitecliff, Thinking Ink Press, 2016
- * The Descent, (ss) Some Time Later ed. A. J. Sikes, B. J. Sikes & Dover Whitecliff, Thinking Ink Press, 2017
- * Into the Order of Glaucos, (ss) Some Time Later ed. A. J. Sikes, B. J. Sikes & Dover Whitecliff, Thinking Ink Press, 2017
- * Notes from the Editors (with A. J. Sikes & Dover Whitecliff), (ix) Some Time Later ed. A. J. Sikes, B. J. Sikes & Dover Whitecliff, Thinking Ink Press, 2017
_____, ed.
[]Sikes, F. H. (fl. 1890s) (chron.)
- * Away We Go, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper January 15 1898
- * Barring-Out: An Old Christmas Custom, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper December 25 1897
- * Carpe Diem, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper March 27 1897
- * A Carpet Skater, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper February 26 1898
- * Jones, R.A., (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper December 14 1895
- * A Little Shopping, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper January 11 1896
- * The Minstrel Boy, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper January 12 1901
- * The Nights of Other Days, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper December 25 1897
- * Parnassus Revisited, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper September 22 1894
- * The Song That Might Have Been, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper January 4 1896
- * A Waterbury Wonder, (pl) The Boy’s Own Paper July 7 1900
[]Sikes, Shirley (fl. 1970s-1980s) (chron.)
- * Apocalypse, (ss) Transatlantic Review #51, Spring 1975
- * The Death of Cousin Stanley, (ss) Kansas Quarterly Summer 1972
- * Falling off the Matterhorn, (ss) CALYX v11 #1, 1987/88
- * Go Not, Happy Day, (ss) Transatlantic Review #55/56, May 1976
- * Pioneers, (ss) Transatlantic Review #37/38, Autumn 1970/Winter 1971
- * A Plains Spring, (ss) Transatlantic Review #44, Autumn/Winter 1972
[]Sikes, William Wirt (1836-1883) (chron.)
- * About the Blousards, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science March 1875
- * Absalom Mather, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1866, uncredited.
- * Among the Gwledigion, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine April 1882
- * Assassins and their Work:
* ___ Catharine de Medici, (cl) Beadle’s Monthly #5, May 1866
* ___ Charlotte Corday, (cl) Beadle’s Monthly #3, March 1866
* ___ Gunpowder Plot, (cl) Beadle’s Monthly #6, June 1866
* ___ William of Orange, (cl) Beadle’s Monthly #2, February 1866
- * The Blousard in His Hours of Ease, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science June 1875
- * Bowery England, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science June 1873
- * British Goblins, (ar) British Goblins by Wirt Sikes, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1880
- * Camphor and Cologne, (ss) Beadle’s Monthly #2, February 1866
- * Catharine de Medici, (ar) Beadle’s Monthly #5, May 1866
- * Charlotte Corday, (ar) Beadle’s Monthly #3, March 1866
- * The Corpse Candle, (ex) British Goblins by Wirt Sikes, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1880
- * A Day with the Rose Family, (ss) The Riverside Magazine for Young People September 1867
- * English Coffee-Palaces, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science December 1879
- * Frédéric Lemaître, (bg) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science May 1875 [Ref. Frédéric Lemaître]
- * Greenblow in Gotham, (na) Beadle’s Monthly Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1867
- * Gunpowder Plot, (ar) Beadle’s Monthly #6, June 1866
- * Had His Wits About Him, (ss) Beadle’s Monthly #6, June 1866
- * In the Five Points, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1868, uncredited.
- * Last Days at Burton Harbor, (ss) The Riverside Magazine for Young People December 1867
- * Literary Lunatics, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education January 1870
- * The Moneypenny Boys, (ss) The Riverside Magazine for Young People October 1867
- * Mrs. Roth’s Bridal Tour, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1866, uncredited.
- * My Royal Wife, (ss) Beadle’s Monthly #1, January 1866
- * The New Book-keeper at Burton Harbor, (ss) The Riverside Magazine for Young People August 1867
- * An Old Hand, (pm) Beadle’s Monthly #8, August 1866, uncredited.
- * Old Him’s Metamorphoseis, (ss) Beadle’s Monthly #9, September 1866, uncredited.
- * One of My Scholars, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1865, uncredited.
- * Slightly Deaf, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1860, uncredited.
- * Uncle Silas at Burton Harbor, (ss) The Riverside Magazine for Young People November 1867
- * Vine Lane, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1866, uncredited.
- * A Welsh Watering Place, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science August 1878
- * Welsh Women, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine February 1881
- * The Wild Welsh Coast, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1883
- * William of Orange, (ar) Beadle’s Monthly #2, February 1866
- * The Wonderful Beads: or, King Fu-Ti and Nathaniel Nye, (ss) Our Young Folks June 1867
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