The FictionMags Index
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[]Scholz, Carter (1953- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Altamira, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1981
- * Amadeus, (nv) New Dimensions: Science Fiction: Number 10 ed. Robert Silverberg, Harper & Row, 1980
- * The Amount to Carry, (nv) Starlight 2 ed. Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Tor, 1998
- * At the Shore, (ss) The Missouri Review Winter 1984
- * Bad Pennies, (ss) Flurb #8, Fall/Winter 2009
- * Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor, (ss) Crank! #1, 1993
- * Clod, Pebble (with Kathe Koja), (ss) Flurb #9, Spring/Summer 2010
- * Closed Circuit, (ss) Clarion SF ed. Kate Wilhelm, Berkley Medallion, 1977
- * Dance of Shadows, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #81, May 1995
- * The Doctrine of Color (with Kathe Koja), (ss) Century #6, Spring 2000
- * A Draft of Canto CI, (ss) Afterlives ed. Pamela Sargent & Ian Watson, Vintage, 1986
- * The Eve of the Last Apollo, (nv) Orbit 18 ed. Damon Knight, Harper & Row, 1976
- * Galileo Complains, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1986
- * Gypsy, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2015
- * Happy Thoughts on the Way to Oblivion (with Barry N. Malzberg), (ar) Event Horizon October 7 1999
- * The High Purpose (with Barry N. Malzberg), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November 1985
- * I Didn’t Know What Time It Was, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 2005
- * In Reticulum, (nv) Universe 11 ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday, 1981
- * Intrusions, (ss) Last Wave v1 #2, 1984
- * The Johann Sebastian Bach Memorial Barbecue and Nervous Breakdown, (ss) Universe 10 ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday, 1980
- * Kafka Americana (with Jonathan Lethem), (Subterranean Press, December 1999, co)
- * KIT: Some Assembly Required (with Kathe Koja), (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2016
- * The Last Concert of Pierre Valdemar, (vi) New Dimensions 12 ed. Marta Randall & Robert Silverberg, Pocket, 1981
- * Make It New, (ss) Crank! #6, Winter 1996
- * The Menagerie of Babel, (nv) Universe 14 ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday, 1984
- * The Nine Billion Names of God, (ss) Light Years and Dark ed. Michael Bishop, Berkley, 1984
- * The Ninth Symphony of Ludwig Van Beethoven and Other Lost Songs, (nv) Universe 7 ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday, 1977
- * Radiance, (na) New Legends ed. Greg Bear & Martin Greenberg, Legend, 1995
- * Receding Horizon (with Jonathan Lethem), (nv) Crank! #5, Summer 1995
- * Recursion, (ss) Cuts by Carter Scholz, Chris Drumm, 1985
- * Rim, (ss) Flurb #10, Fall/Winter 2010
- * Signs of Life, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2011
- * Thus, to the Stars (with Barry N. Malzberg), (ss) Galaxy September/October 1994
- * Transients, (ss) Terry’s Universe ed. Beth Meacham, Tor, 1988
- * Travels, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 1980
- * Vanguard 2.0, (ss) Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities ed. Ed Finn, Joey Eschrich & Juliet Ulman, Center for Science and the Imagination, 2017
- * Who Writes Science Fiction?, (br) The Comics Journal [Ref. Charles Platt]
_____, ed.
_____, trans.
_____, [ref.]
- * The Amount to Carry by F. Brett Cox, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #188, April 2004
- * Cuts by Orson Scott Card, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986
- * Cuts by Orson Scott Card, (br) Worlds of If September/November 1986
- * Cuts by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #60, Fall 1986
- * Interview with Carter Scholz by Misha Chocholak, (iv) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy #11, July 1988
- * Is Radiance to Be Believed? by Kathryn Cramer, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #170, October 2002
- * “Its awful and enticing radiance”: The Beauty and Terror of Carter Scholz’s Radiance by L. Timmel Duchamp, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #169, September 2002
- * Palimpsests (with Glenn Harcourt) by Dean R. Lambe, (br) Science Fiction Review #54, Spring 1985
[]Scholz, Jackson V(olney) (1897-1986); used pseudonyms Royal Hall & Jack Volney (chron.)
- * Aceing the Apeman, (ss) Ten Story Sports February 1940
- * Ace Rides High, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 25 1934, as by Royal Hall
- * Advantage—Mr. Brown, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine June 10 1933, as by Royal Hall
- * After the Bawl, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 10 1934
- * Alibi Doctor, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st September 1936, as by Royal Hall
- * The Alibi Kid, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine June 10 1934, as by Royal Hall
- * Allay Oop, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd June 1930
- * All Blood Is Red, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1944
- * All Paid Up, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st December 1929
- * Also Ran, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st December 1935, as by Royal Hall
- * Altitude, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st August 1929
- * Amateur, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 25 1932
- * Anchor Man, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine May 10 1934, as by Royal Hall
- * Anchor Man, (ss) New Sports Magazine November 1947
- * And Jill Came Tumbling After, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 14 1923
- * The Apology Kid, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 25 1932, as by Royal Hall
- * Apple Buster, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine Fall 1945
- * As Men Are Judged, (vi) Collier’s June 16 1928
- * Athlete’s Feet, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st December 1938
- * Aunt Penny Scores a Fall, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd January 1938, as by Royal Hall
- * Baby Face, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd June 1938, as by Royal Hall
- * Backfield Bazooka, (nv) (ghost written by William R. Cox) Football Action 1st Fall 1944
- * Backfield Bomb, (ss) Football Stories October 1942
- * Backfield Harmony, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd January 1936, as by Royal Hall
- * Backfield Misfit, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 1942
- * Back to the Goal, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine June 25 1934, as by Royal Hall
- * Badgers’ Holiday, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd March 1939
- * Badges, (ss) Sport Story Magazine March 8 1927
- * Baldy, (nv) Sport Story Magazine May 22 1928
- * The Barber Pole-Vaulter, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 25 1935
- * The Barb Meet, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd March 1931
- * Bare Knucks and Base Knocks, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 25 1933, as by Royal Hall
- * Barking Dogs, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine February 10 1934, as by Royal Hall
- * Barnacle Lil, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd May 1938, as by Jack Volney
- * Bartered Shell, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd June 1939
- * Base Burglars, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st June 1936
- * Baseline Burglar, (ss) Action Stories Summer 1944
- * Basket Bells, (ss) Thrilling Sports April 1942
- * Basket Brawl, (ss) Complete Stories March 1936
- * Basket Heritage, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd March 1938
- * Batons, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd April 1929
- * Battle of the Divots, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd May 1938
- * Battle Orders, (ss) Fighting Aces May 1942
- * Battle Stations, Navy!, (na) (ghost written by William R. Cox) Football Action 2nd Fall 1944
- * Beach Apollo, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd August 1936, as by Jack Volney
- * Beach Boss, (ss) Boys’ Life August 1950
- * Beauty and the Beach, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 1939
- * The Benefactor, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine February 1929
- * Beyond the Flag, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st April 1929
- * Beyond the Point, (ss) Sport Story Magazine August 22 1928
- * Big League Rookie, (ss) Thrilling Sports July 1940
- * The Big Rhubarb, (nv) Baseball Stories Spring 1946
- * Birdies and Blushes, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine August 10 1934, as by Royal Hall
- * Birds and Jailbirds, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd April 1938, as by Royal Hall
- * Bleacher Ally, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine September 1941, as by Jack Volney
- * Block, You Soreheads!, (nv) Football Action 1st Fall 1948
- * The Bluff Runner, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st April 1937, as by Royal Hall
- * Blurred Baskets, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd February 1936, as by Jack Volney
- * Bodyguard, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd December 1936
- * Bombshell on the Bench, (nv) All-American Football Magazine 2nd Fall 1944
- * The Booby Squad, (ss) Sport Story Magazine July 22 1926
- * The Book Jumper, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st August 1935
- * Bootlegged Baskets [The Three Musketeers], (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine April 25 1934
- * Borrowed Power, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd October 1929
- * Boss Hazard, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st November 1935
- * Bowled Baskets, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd April 1936
- * Bowler’s Bait, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd February 1938, as by Jack Volney
- * Boy Wonder, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st August 1935, as by Royal Hall
- * Breezy Baskets, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd February 1937, as by Royal Hall
- * Bring ’Em Back Alive, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd July 1939, as by Royal Hall
- * Brother Bill, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st April 1939
- * Buck, (ss) Sport Story Magazine October 8 1927
- * Bugs and Harriers, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 25 1933
- * The Bull’s-Eye Treatment, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd March 1937, as by Royal Hall
- * Bungled Batons, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd February 1936
- * Buzz Bomb Champ, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1945
- * Caddy Class, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st September 1937
- * Caddy Crazy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st September 1938, as by Jack Volney
- * Caddy Culture, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st July 1937
- * Caddy Cure, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st September 1936
- * Cadet Command, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 1942, as by Royal Hall
- * California or Bust!, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine August 25 1932
- * Camp Color, (ss) Thrilling Sports July 1941
- * Can Basket Ball Develop Crowd Appeal?, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine February 25 1933, as by Royal Hall
- * Candid Golf, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd October 1937
- * Canine Caddy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd May 1937
- * Cannonball Comback, (ss) Sports Action February 1942
- * Cannon Power, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd February 1930
- * Cap’n Diz, (sl) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine May 25, Jun 10, Jun 25, Jul 10 1933
- * A Champ in the Making, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine May 10 1933, as by Royal Hall
- * Champ Maker, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine May 1949
- * Change Your Room, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st September 1938, as by Royal Hall
- * Cinder Boss, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine April 1948
- * Cinder Challenge, (ss) Boys’ Life March 1950
- * Cinder Dust, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine March 10 1933, as by Royal Hall
- * Cinder King, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine August 1940
- * The Cinder Trail, (ar) Sport Story Magazine Jul 22, Aug 8, Aug 22, Sep 8, Sep 22 1927
- * Class, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st June 1937, as by Royal Hall
- * Clay Feet, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 22 1927
- * Clown Flight, (ss) Airplane Stories June 1929
- * Clues for a Champ, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st May 1938, as by Jack Volney
- * Code of the Hellcats, (ss) Wings Winter 1945/1946
- * Color, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 25 1932, as by Royal Hall
- * Colts Will Run, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd November 1936, as by Royal Hall
- * The Comeback, (ss) Sport Story Magazine December 8 1926
- * Command, (ss) (ghost written by William R. Cox) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 1941
- * Commando in the Backfield, (ss) All-American Football Magazine 1st Fall 1943
- * Condemned Baskets, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st January 1938
- * Conestoga Gets a Sixgun Surgeon, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine December 1947
- * Corsair of the Southern Cross, (nv) Wings Fall 1943
- * Court Color [The Three Musketeers], (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine March 25 1934
- * Court Cut-up, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd March 1936, as by Royal Hall
- * Court Manners, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st June 1936, as by Jack Volney
- * Crawl-Stroke King, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st October 1938, as by Royal Hall
- * Crossed Oars, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 10 1933, as by Royal Hall
- * Daffy Butts In, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 10 1932
- * Dangerous Crossing, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine February 1943, as by Royal Hall
- * Dash Duffers, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st August 1936
- * Death Music, (ss) Short Stories August 10 1946
- * A Debt to Pay, (ss) Boys’ Life March 1957
- * Deep Sea Booting, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 25 1933, as by Royal Hall
- * Deferred Charges, (ss) Air Trails September 1929
- * Deflating Chesty, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st May 1938, as by Royal Hall
- * Derelict Fists, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine April 1939
- * Diamond Doctor, (ss) (ghost written by William R. Cox) Dime Sports Magazine September 1940
- * Diamond Flaws, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine July 10 1934, as by Royal Hall
- * Diamond Lights, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine September 25 1931, as by Royal Hall
- * Different Angles, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd December 1935
- * Discipline, (nv) Sport Story Magazine January 8 1927
- * Discobolus, (ss) Sport Story Magazine September 8 1926
- * Discus Ballet, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd May 1939
- * Discus Dervish, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st June 1938
- * The Discus Remedy, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st July 1929
- * Dizzy Discus, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st July 1936, as by Royal Hall
- * Dormie Three, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st June 1938, as by Royal Hall
- * Dream Backfield, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 1941, as by Royal Hall
- * Duffer Bait, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd November 1937
- * Eagle Blood, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st February 1930
- * Easy marks, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine February 10 1932, as by Royal Hall
- * Easy Money, (ss) College Stories October 1931, as by Royal Hall
- * The Eggs of the Turtle Dove, (ss) Flying Stories November 1929
- * Eight-Hurdle Jones, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd August 1935, as by Jack Volney
- * Extra Cargo, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st June 1931, as by Royal Hall
- * Eyes Front, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd June 1937, as by Royal Hall
- * Fair Dinkum, (ss) Sky Fighters Spring 1945
- * Fair Test, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st August 1939
- * The Falcon Squadron, (na) Popular Sports Magazine Winter 1941
- * Fat Man’s Game, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine June 25 1935, as by Royal Hall
- * Fighting Fool in the Backfield, (ss) Sports Action October 1941
- * Fire, (ss) Sport Story Magazine February 8 1927
- * Five Miles for Zack, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st October 1937
- * Five Points for Pepper, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine April 25 1933
- * Fixed Quarters, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd October 1936
- * The Flagpole Sitter, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine May 25 1934
- * Flanders Backs the Line, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st November 1930
- * Flanders Drops In, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st October 1930
- * Flanders Puts on the Gloves, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd December 1930
- * Flanders Tries the Sky, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd September 1930
- * The Flight of the Javelin, (ss) Sport Story Magazine April 8 1928
- * The Flying Cop, (ss) Sport Story Magazine January 22 1927
- * Flying Temper, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 22 1928
- * Football Lawyer, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine February 10 1935, as by Royal Hall
- * Football’s So Foolish, (ss) Argosy November 1944
- * Form, (ss) Sport Story Magazine July 8 1926
- * Forty-Three Fifty-Two, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine November 1928
- * The Four Batoneers, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st February 1929
- * Four Forty or Bust, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st July 1936
- * .400 Eaters, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st March 1939, as by Royal Hall
- * The Four-minute Miler, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine August 10 1934
- * Four Walls and a Ball, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd March 1937, as by Jack Volney
- * Foxy Quarters, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine September 10 1933
- * Freedom of the Seas, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st June 1937, as by Jack Volney
- * Friday Foursome, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st July 1939
- * Front-Page Tailback, (nv) All-American Football Magazine October 1942
- * Gallery Miler, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st March 1937
- * Gallery Trouble, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd September 1937, as by Royal Hall
- * Galley Slave, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine June 1940
- * Galloping Gil, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd February 1937
- * Galloping Woodchuck, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st January 1936
- * Garden Challenge, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd February 1938
- * Garden Fever, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine March 10 1934
- * Genus Lepidoptera, (ss) Sport Story Magazine March 22 1928
- * Get Set!, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine April 1934
- * Ghost on the Goal-Line, (na) (ghost written by William R. Cox) Football Action 1st Fall 1943
- * Gimme a Zero, (ss) Wings Summer 1943
- * Give ’Em the Ax!, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 25 1931, as by Royal Hall
- * Goats and Rackets, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine July 25 1933
- * Gobs of Baskets, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd January 1936
- * Goldbrick, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 1942, as by Royal Hall
- * Golden Apples, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd May 1936
- * Golden Wings, (ss) Air Trails July 1929
- * Golf Angler, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd September 1938
- * Golf Ball Graveyard, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st May 1937, as by Royal Hall
- * Golf Doctor, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd June 1936
- * Golf Pilot, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st August 1937
- * Good Neighbor, (ss) Thrilling Sports Fall 1942
- * The Gorgeous Goon, (ss) Football Stories 1st Fall 1944
- * Governor’s Day, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 10 1934, as by Royal Hall
- * Grandstander, (ss) Fifteen Sports Stories September 1950
- * Grappling Hooks, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine May 25 1934, as by Royal Hall
- * The Greater Things, (ss) College Life November 1928
- * The Greatest Thrill, (ss) Sport Story Magazine July 8 1928
- * The Great Frosh Fizzle, (na) Football Stories 2nd Fall 1945
- * Gridiron Crooner, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 10 1934
- * The Gridiron Crusader, (nv) Thrilling Sports January 1941
- * The Gridiron Dancer, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 25 1934
- * Gridiron Horseshoes, (nv) Thrilling Sports January 1940
- * Gridiron Milkman, (sl) Boys’ Life Nov, Dec 1958
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