The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 8780
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[]Robbins, Paul Jay (fl. 1960s) (chron.)
- * The Anatomy of Sex, (hu) Tonight v1 #7, 1961
- * Answer the Man!, (ss) Cocktail v2 #2, 1961
- * The Censored Individual, (es) Showcase v2 #1, 1962
- * Forgive Me (with Toni Robbins), (ss) Touch v1 #7, 1960
- * Four to Go, (ss) Showcase v1 #2, 1960
- * Girl in the Grey Flannel Suite, (ar) Cloud-9 v1 #6, 1961
- * The Godly Wines of Greece, (ar) Cocktail v2 #3, 1961
- * “I Made Four Bucks Last Night”, (hu) Showcase v1 #4, 1961
- * In Lonely Splendor, (ss) High Time v1 #3, 1961
- * In Silks My Julia Goes, (ss) Tip Top v1 #2, 1960
- * The Itemized Eternity, (ss) Cavalier February 1967
- * Midnight Riff, (ar) Midnight v1 #3, 1961
- * One Man’s Meat (with Toni Robbins), (ss) Rapture v1 #5, 1960
- * Project Beat-Chick, (ss) Cocktail v2 #1, 1961
- * Put-Down (with Toni Robbins), (ss) Tonight v1 #5, 1961
- * Sweets to the Sweet, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1963
- * Time for Sex, (ar) Cloud-9 v1 #7, 1961
- * Touché, (ss) French Frills v1 #4, 1961
- * The Well-Tanned Hide, (ss) High Time v1 #4, 1961
- * Wren, (pm) Tonight v1 #6, 1961
[]Robbins, R. J. (fl. 1920s-1940s) (chron.)
- * The Soul Master (with Will Smith), (nv) Astounding Stories of Super-Science March 1930
- * Swamp Horror (with Will Smith), (ss) Weird Tales March 1926
- More Not at Night ed. Christine Campbell Thomson, Selwyn & Blount, 1926
- Not at Night! ed. Herbert Asbury, Macy-Macius, 1928
- The Not at Night Omnibus ed. Christine Campbell Thomson, Selwyn & Blount, 1937
- More Not at Night (var. 1) ed. Christine Campbell Thomson, Arrow Books, 1961
- 100 Wild Little Weird Tales ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1994
- * Under the N-Ray (with Will Smith), (nv) Weird Tales May 1925
- * [letter from Maine], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries April 1942
[]Robbins, Richard D. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Autopsy, (ss) Rhapsoidia August 15 2002
- * Blue Moon Rising, (ss) Black Petals Summer 2001
- * Café Toujours, (ss) Dark Angel Rising #3, 2002
- * Clowning Around, (ss) Redsine #9, July 2002
- * The Dragon Griswynd, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume XVI ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2003
- * The End of Things, (ss) Midnight Street #2, Summer 2004
- * The Last Chance Bowling Alley, (ss) Blood Moon Rising #17, May/June 2003
- * Loopy, Destroyer of Worlds, (vi) Yellow Bat Review #3, Spring 2002
- * Memory of Water/Constellation, (pm) The Southern Review Winter 2017
- * Nostalgia, (ss) Blood Moon Rising #9, January/February 2002
- * Power Supply, (ss) Black Petals #24, Summer 2003
- * What’s for Dinner?, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss #6, September 2003
- * A Woman with Six Fingers Came, (pm) Macabre #2, 2003
- * Wynbane’s Tale, (pm) Glyph #12, 2003
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[]Robbins, Rollo, Jr. (fl. 1880s) (chron.)
- * Bear and Forbear, (ss) The Golden Argosy February 19 1887
- * Lost in the Wilds; a Sequel to “Up the Tapajos”, (sl) The Golden Argosy Jun 16, Jun 23, Jun 30, Jul 7, Jul 14, Jul 21, Jul 28, Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18,
Aug 25, Sep 1 1883
- * Up the Tapajos; or, Adventures in Brazil, (sl) The Golden Argosy Dec 23, Dec 30 1882, Jan 6, Jan 13, Jan 20, Jan 27, Feb 3, Feb 10, Feb 17, Feb 24,
Mar 3, Mar 10 1883
- * A Wild Buffalo, (ss) The Golden Argosy December 9 1882
[]Robbins, Tod; pseudonym of Clarence Aaron Robbins (1888-1949) (chron.)
- * The Bibulous Baby, (ss) The Thrill Book July 1 1919
- * Brothers Under the Skin, (ss) Macfadden Fiction-Lovers Magazine November 1924
- * Cock-Crow Inn, (nv) Mystery Magazine March 1 1926
- * The Come-back, (ss) Droll Stories June 1923
- * The Confession, (nv) Thrills, Philip Allan, 1935
- * The Conquerers, (ss) The Thrill Book August 15 1919
- * Crimson Flowers, (vi) The Thrill Book October 1 1919
- * For Art’s Sake, (na) Silent, White and Beautiful by Tod Robbins, 1920
- * For His Lady Friend, (ss) Everybody’s November 1923
- * Fragments, (vi) The Thrill Book September 1 1919
- * Freaks, (nv) Munsey’s Magazine February 1923, as "Spurs"
- * How I Became an Author, (ar) National Pictorial Monthly May 1922
- * The Living Portrait, (nv) All-Story Weekly April 5 1919
- * The Man Who Escaped, (nv) Mystery Magazine October 1926
- * The Mole, (ss) Telling Tales 1st January 1924
- * Old Dog—New Tricks, (ss) All-Story Weekly January 19 1918
- * Safe and Sane, (sl) All-Story Weekly Oct 26, Nov 2, Nov 9 1918
- * Silent, White and Beautiful, (nv) The Smart Set April 1918
- * Spurs, (nv) Munsey’s Magazine February 1923
- Creeps, Philip Allan, 1932
- Creeps Omnibus, Philip Allan, 1935
- The Freak Show ed. Peter Haining, Rapp & Whiting, 1970
- The Ghouls ed. Peter Haining, W.H. Allen, 1971, as "Freaks"
- The Ghouls, Book One ed. Peter Haining, Orbit, 1974, as "Freaks"
- Stories Into Film ed. William Kittredge & Steven M. Krauzer, Harper Colophon, 1979
- The Elephant Man and Other Freaks ed. Sean Richards, Futura, 1980
- Reel Terror ed. Sebastian Wolfe, Xanadu, 1992
- Zoetrope: All-Story Fall 2002
- The Best American Noir of the Century ed. James Ellroy & Otto Penzler, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010
- * The Terrible Three, (n.) All-Story Weekly Jul 14, Jul 21, Jul 28, Aug 4 1917
- * The Toys of Fate, (nv) Munsey’s Magazine January 1921
- Shudders, Philip Allan, 1932
- Creeps Omnibus, Philip Allan, 1935
- Super Science and Fantastic Stories (Canada) June 1945
- Fantastic Novels Magazine March 1949
- Famous Fantastic Mysteries ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert E. Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Gramercy, 1991
- Off the Rails ed. Jon A. Schlenker, Jeffrey A. Linscott & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2021
- * Undying Hatred, (ss) The Thrill Book September 15 1919
- * A Voice from Beyond, (vi) The Thrill Book July 15 1919
- * The Whimpus, (nv) All-Story Weekly October 25 1919
- * Who Wants a Green Bottle?, (nv) All-Story Weekly December 21 1918
- * Wild Wullie, the Waster, (nv) All-Story Weekly February 14 1920
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[]Robbins, Tom; [i.e., Thomas Eugene Robbins] (1936-2025) (about) (chron.)
- * Chapter One from Another Roadside Attraction, (ex) Doubleday, 1971
- * The Chink and the Clock People, (ss) American Review 1976
- * Cyberpunk Forum/Symposium, (ar) Mississippi Review #47/48, 1988
- * Foreword, (fw) Richmond Noir ed. Andrew Blossom, Brian Castleberry & Tom De Haven, Akashic Books, 2010
- * The Hair of the Beast, (ss) Esquire November 1984
- * In Defiance of Gravity, (es) Harper’s Magazine September 2004; (illus. Alexander Calder’s “Acrobat”)
- * Meditations on a Camel Pack, (ss) Esquire July 1980
- * The Purpose of the Moon, (ss) Playboy January 1979
- * Skinny Legs and All, (ss) Esquire April 1990
- * Still Life with Woodpecker, (ex) Playboy September 1980
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[]Robbins, Trina; [née Perlson] (1938-2024) (about) (chron.)
- * The First Brown-Haired Princess, (cs) Oz-story Magazine #5, 1999; from the story by Ruth Plumly Thomson, adapted by Eric Shanower.
- * Inanna: Witchwoman, (ss) Chicks in Capes ed. Lori Gentile & Karen O'Brien, Moonstone, 2011
- * Lines from a Diary, (vi) Gauntlet #3, 1992
- * Nell Brinkley and the Brinkley Girls, (bg) Illustration #5, January 2003 [Ref. Nell Brinkley]
- * The Right to Life Game, (cs) Gauntlet #3, 1992
- * Trina Remembers Julius [Schwartz; a dissent from the view of a wholly lovable ladies-man], (lt) The Comics Journal #261, June/July 2004
- * 2 Live Crew: The Double Standard Is Alive and Well in the Nineties (with Carol Leigh), (ar) Gauntlet #3, 1992
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Showcase v1 #4, 1961
- * [front cover], (cv) The Ova Hamlet Papers by Richard A. Lupoff, Pennyfarthing Press, 1979
- * [front cover], (cv) The Compleat Ova Hamlet by Richard A. Lupoff, Ramble House, 2007
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Crawdaddy #17, August 1968
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[]Robbins, W(yndham) Wayne (1914-1958); used pseudonym Wyndham Brooks (chron.)
- * All These Must Die!, (nv) Terror Tales March 1941
- * Asylum for Murder, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1940
- * At Home in Hell, (ss) Horror Stories December 1940, as by Wyndham Brooks
- * A Beast Is Born, (nv) Horror Stories October 1940
- * Bride for the Butcher, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1939
- * Brother of the Beast, (ss) Horror Stories April 1941
- * Evil Lives in My Hands, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1939
- * Guide to Horror House, (ss) Horror Stories October/November 1939
- * Gunman’s Honor, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine April 1942
- * Horror’s Holiday Special, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1939
- * I Am the Madman!, (ss) Terror Tales January/February 1940, as by Wyndham Brooks
- * King of the Poverty Pool (with Ormond Robbins), (nv) Fifteen Western Tales March 1952, as by Dane Gregory & W. Wayne Robbins
- * The Last Horror, (ss) Horror Stories August 1940, as by Wyndham Brooks
- * Luncula’s Hairy One, (ss) Horror Stories June 1941 (unpublished)
- * Mad Is the Flesh-Master!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1940
- * Mates for the Passion Flower, (ss) Terror Tales March 1940
- * Mistress of the Dead, (nv) Horror Stories December 1940
- * Murder Boss of the Poverty Pool (with Ormond Robbins), (na) 10 Story Western Magazine September 1941, as by Dane Gregory & W. Wayne Robbins
- * The Sealed Jar Horror, (ss) Terror Tales January 1941
- * Seal Tight His Grave!, (ss) Terror Tales November 1940
- * The Soul-Thief, (ss) Horror Stories May 1940
- * Test-Tube Frankenstein, (nv) Terror Tales May 1940
- * Their Flesh Is Soft and Tender, (nv) Terror Tales January/February 1940
- * They Seek Your Skin!, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1940
- * The Thing from Beyond, (ss) Horror Stories August 1940
- * The Thing in Search of a Body, (nv) (ghost written by William R. Cox) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1940
- * The Unborn Horror, (ss) Terror Tales March 1940, as by Wyndham Brooks
- * The Zombie Master, (ss) Terror Tales July 1940
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