The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 8402
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[]Porzecanski, Teresa (1945- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Rochel Eisips, (ss) With Signs & Wonders ed. Daniel M. Jaffe, Invisible Cities Press, 2001; translated from the Spanish (“Rojl Eisips”, 1986) by Louise Popkin.
- * The Seder, (ss) With Signs & Wonders ed. Daniel M. Jaffe, Invisible Cities Press, 2001; translated from the Spanish (“Cena de Pesaj”, 2001) by Louise Popkin.
- * The Story of a Cat, (ss) Short Stories by Latin American Women: The Magic and the Real ed. Celia Correas de Zapata, Arte Público Press, 1990; translated from the Spanish by Roland Hamilton.
[]Posner, Henriette (chron.)
- * Babette, (ss) The Tryout April 1918
- * Geraldine, (ss) The Tryout December 1918
- * He Comes up Smiling, (pm) The Tryout April 1919
- * The Hero, (pm) The Tryout March 1918
- * Humane, (pm) The Tryout July 1918
- * Impossible Fellow, (vi) The Tryout December 1917
- * The Invention, (vi) The Tryout November 1918
- * Lady Buckingham, (vi) The Tryout June 1918
- * Life’s Tragedy, (pm) The Tryout February 1918
- * Little Misery, (vi) The Tryout August 1918
- * Orphans, (pm) The Tryout March 1918
- * A Poet, (pm) The Tryout October 1919
- * The Reason, (vi) The Tryout April 1919
- * Truth, (pm) The Tryout June 1918
[]Posner, Jacob D. (1883-?); used pseudonym Gregory Dean (about) (chron.)
- * The Bird Watchers, (ss) The Evening Standard August 23 1952, as by Gregory Dean
- * End Play, (ss) The Evening Standard June 12 1953, as by Gregory Dean
- * Greetings to Isabel, (ss) The Evening Standard October 8 1952, as by Gregory Dean
- * Man Who Played Cards, (ss) Evening Express October 29 1953, as by Gregory Dean
- * The Murdered Minister, (ss) The Evening Standard July 21 1952, as by Gregory Dean
- * Operation Sandbag, (ss) The Evening Standard November 21 1952, as by Gregory Dean
- * Rhino, (ss) The Evening Standard June 5 1952, as by Gregory Dean
[]Posner, Richard (1944- ) (chron.)
- * The Dark Sonata, (n.) Gothic Stories Jul, Sep 1971
- * Jacob’s Bug, (ss) Tomorrow’s Alternatives ed. Roger Elwood, Macmillan, 1973
- * One Day in the War, (ss) Infinity Three ed. Robert Hoskins, Lancer, 1972
- * The Running, (ss) Androids, Time Machines and Blue Giraffes ed. Roger Elwood & Vic Ghidalia, Follett, 1973
- * Vacation, (nv) The New Mind ed. Roger Elwood, Macmillan, 1973
[]Possidente, John (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * The Dead Man’s Coffee [Humboldt Station], (ss) Interzone #285, January/February 2020
- * The Deliverers, (ss) IZ Digital August 30 2022
- * The Ephemeral Quality of Mersay [Humboldt Station], (ss) Interzone #289, November/December 2020
- * The Mischief That Is Past, (ss) Interzone #290/291, 2021
- * Red Sword of the Celiac, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2020
- * The Transport of Bodies [Humboldt Station], (ss) Interzone #287, May/June 2020
[]Post, Augustus (fl. 1910s-1930s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Aerial Navy, (ar) The Columbian Magazine April 1911
- * Aeronautic Achievements During 1910, (ia) The Columbian Magazine January 1911
- * Experiences of an Airman, (ms) The American Magazine February 1913
- * Experiences of an Airman. The Edge of the World, (ar) The American Magazine May 1914
- * Falling 3000 Feet in a Balloon, (ar) Adventure November 1913
- * The Landing Field, (cl) Boys’ Life Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1929
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1930
- * Learning to Fly, (ar) The Outing Magazine May 1911
- * The Man-Bird and His Wings, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine May 1910
- * Monoplane Versus Biplane, (ar) The Outing Magazine November 1911
- * The Present and Future of Man Flight, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine June 1912
- * The Unsolved Problem of Human Flight, (ar) The Outing Magazine October 1912
- * When the Balloon Lands, (ar) Adventure October 1913
- * Why Boys Should Take Up Aviation, (ar) Boys’ Life December 1928
- * Wireless and the Aeroplane, (ar) The Columbian Magazine July 1911
[]Post, Charles Johnson (1873-?) (chron.)
- * Across South America:
* ___ Shooting the Cañons of the Eastern Andies, (ar) The Century Magazine December 1911
- * Across the Highlands of the World, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1905
- * At the Ebb-Tide, (ss) The Century Magazine March 1914
- * “Can you tell us where your husband got those horses?”, (il) Putnam’s Monthly & The Reader May 1908
- * The Cave of Adullam, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine July 1920
- * Crossing a South-American Desert, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine March 1904
- * Down the West Coast, (ar) The Outing Magazine August 1912
- * An Ethnological Paradox, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine May 1905
- * Eve, Incorporated [Mrs. Hogan], (ss) Good Housekeeping September 1921
- * Hearts and Flowers [Mrs. Hogan], (ss) Good Housekeeping April 1922
- * The Home Enters Politics [Mrs. Hogan], (ss) Good Housekeeping September 1920
- * Indian Music of South America, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine January 1906
- * Intillygince an’ Ould Maids [Mrs. Hogan], (ss) Good Housekeeping May 1922
- * Jimmie’s Infant Industry, (nv) Everybody’s Magazine September 1912
- * Middals an’ Houses [Mrs. Hogan], (ss) Good Housekeeping December 1920
- * Mrs. Hogan on Kissin’ [Mrs. Hogan], (ss) Good Housekeeping August 1921
- * Mrs. Hogan on Marriage [Mrs. Hogan], (ss) Good Housekeeping May 1921
- * On Andean Trails, (ar) The Outing Magazine November 1912
- * On Min an’ Cukkin’ [Mrs. Hogan], (ss) Good Housekeeping July 1921
- * Over the Interior Andes, (ar) The Outing Magazine September 1912
- * Pent an’ Powdher [Mrs. Hogan], (ss) Good Housekeeping January 1921
- * The Rubber Bubble, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 7 1910
- * Shooting the Cañons of the Eastern Andies, (ar) The Century Magazine December 1911
- * Slow-Poke, (ss) The Elks Magazine May 1929
- * Venezuelan Gavroche, (ss) The Century Magazine July 1912
- * The “Xantippe” Case, (ss) Sea Stories December 1929
- * [front cover], (cv) Collier’s March 16 1912
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine Dec 1902, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Sep 1903, May, Jun 1905, May 1906
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Pearson’s Magazine (US) May, Jul 1906
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Collier’s Jan 10, Feb 14 1914
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Elks Magazine May 1929
- * [illustration(s)] (with Harry Fenn), (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1903
[]Post, David (fl. 1920s-1940s) (chron.)
- * The Airedale Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine April 18 1925
- * The Arabian Horse, (ar) True Western Stories June 1926
- * The Basset Hound, (ar) Western Story Magazine October 31 1925
- * The Beagle, (ar) Western Story Magazine October 24 1925
- * The Bedlington Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine June 13 1925
- * The Belgian Sheep Dog, (ar) Western Story Magazine March 13 1926
- * The Black-and-Tan Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine March 28 1925
- * The Bloodhound, (ar) Western Story Magazine September 26 1925
- * The Boston Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine June 27 1925
- * The Brussels Griffon, (ar) Western Story Magazine September 4 1926
- * The Bull Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine April 4 1925
- * The Cairn Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine June 20 1925
- * The Chesapeake Bay Dog, (ar) Western Story Magazine January 2 1926
- * The Chihuahua, (ar) Western Story Magazine September 25 1926
- * The Chow Chow, (ar) Western Story Magazine July 10 1926
- * The Clumber Spaniel, (ar) Western Story Magazine April 17 1926
- * The Clydesdale Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine May 30 1925
- * The Cocker Spaniel, (ar) Western Story Magazine April 3 1926
- * The Collie, (ar) Western Story Magazine February 20 1926
- * The Dachshund, (ar) Western Story Magazine November 7 1925
- * The Dalmatian, (ar) Western Story Magazine July 17 1926
- * The Dandie Dinmont Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine June 6 1925
- * The Dingo and the Australian Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine November 6 1926
- * The Doberman Pinscher, (ar) Western Story Magazine August 22 1925
- * English and American Foxhounds, (ar) Western Story Magazine October 17 1925
- * The English Bulldog, (ar) Western Story Magazine June 19 1926
- * English Setter, (ar) Western Story Magazine November 28 1925
- * English Toy Spaniels, (ar) Western Story Magazine July 31 1926
- * The Eskimo, the Husky, and the Malemute, (ar) Western Story Magazine October 16 1926
- * The Field Spaniel, (ar) Western Story Magazine May 22 1926
- * The Fox Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine April 11 1925
- * The French Bulldog, (ar) Western Story Magazine July 3 1926
- * The Gordon Setter, (ar) Western Story Magazine December 5 1925
- * The Great Dane, (ar) Western Story Magazine January 23 1926
- * The Greyhound, (ar) Western Story Magazine August 15 1925
- * Gun Dogs, (ar) True Western Stories May 1926
- * The Irish Setter, (ar) Western Story Magazine December 12 1925
- * The Irish Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine April 25 1925
- * The Irish Water Spaniel, (ar) Western Story Magazine December 26 1925
- * The Irish Wolfhound, (ar) Western Story Magazine September 19 1925
- * The Italian Greyhound, (ar) Western Story Magazine September 5 1925
- * The Japanese Spaniel, (ar) Western Story Magazine August 7 1926
- * The Kerry Blue Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine July 18 1925
- * The Maltese Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine August 8 1925
- * The Mastiff, (ar) Western Story Magazine January 30 1926
- * The Mongrel, (ar) Western Story Magazine November 27 1926
- * The Newfoundland, (ar) Western Story Magazine February 6 1926
- * The Norwegian Elkhound, (ar) Western Story Magazine November 14 1925
- * The Old English Sheep Dog, (ar) Western Story Magazine February 13 1926
- * The Otterhound, (ar) Western Story Magazine October 10 1925
- * The Owtchar and Boxer, (ar) Western Story Magazine November 13 1926
- * The Papillon, (ar) Western Story Magazine October 2 1926
- * The Pekinese, (ar) Western Story Magazine August 14 1926
- * The Pointer, (ar) Western Story Magazine November 21 1925
- * The Pomeranian, (ar) Western Story Magazine August 21 1926
- * The Poodle, (ar) Western Story Magazine July 24 1926
- * The Pug, (ar) Western Story Magazine August 28 1926
- * The Retriever, (ar) Western Story Magazine January 9 1926
- * The Russian Wolfhound, (ar) Western Story Magazine September 12 1925
- * The St. Bernard, (ar) Western Story Magazine January 16 1926
- * The Saluki and the Afghan Hound, (ar) Western Story Magazine October 30 1926
- * The Samoyed, (ar) Western Story Magazine October 9 1926
- * The Schipperke, (ar) Western Story Magazine September 11 1926
- * The Scottish Deerhound, (ar) Western Story Magazine October 3 1925
- * The Scottish Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine May 9 1925
- * The Sealyham Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine July 4 1925
- * The Shepherd, (ar) Western Story Magazine March 6 1926
- * The Shetland Collie, (ar) Western Story Magazine March 20 1926
- * The Skye Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine May 23 1925
- * The Spitz and the Mexican Hairless, (ar) Western Story Magazine November 20 1926
- * The Springer Spaniel, (ar) Western Story Magazine May 1 1926
- * The Sussex Spaniel, (ar) Western Story Magazine May 8 1926
- * The Welsh Springer, (ar) Western Story Magazine June 5 1926
- * The Welsh Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine May 2 1925
- * The West Highland White Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine May 16 1925
- * The Whippet, (ar) Western Story Magazine August 29 1925
- * The White English Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine August 1 1925
- * The Yorkshire Terrier, (ar) Western Story Magazine July 11 1925
- * Your Dog, (cl) Western Story Magazine March 14 1925
* ___ The Airedale Terrier, (cl) Western Story Magazine April 18 1925
* ___ The Basset Hound, (cl) Western Story Magazine October 31 1925
* ___ The Beagle, (cl) Western Story Magazine October 24 1925
* ___ The Bedlington Terrier, (cl) Western Story Magazine June 13 1925
* ___ The Belgian Sheep Dog, (cl) Western Story Magazine March 13 1926
* ___ The Black-and-Tan Terrier, (cl) Western Story Magazine March 28 1925
* ___ The Bloodhound, (cl) Western Story Magazine September 26 1925
* ___ The Boston Terrier, (cl) Western Story Magazine June 27 1925
* ___ The Brussels Griffon, (cl) Western Story Magazine September 4 1926
* ___ The Bull Terrier, (cl) Western Story Magazine April 4 1925
* ___ The Cairn Terrier, (cl) Western Story Magazine June 20 1925
* ___ The Chesapeake Bay Dog, (cl) Western Story Magazine January 2 1926
* ___ The Chihuahua, (cl) Western Story Magazine September 25 1926
* ___ The Chow Chow, (cl) Western Story Magazine July 10 1926
* ___ The Clumber Spaniel, (cl) Western Story Magazine April 17 1926
* ___ The Clydesdale Terrier, (cl) Western Story Magazine May 30 1925
* ___ The Cocker Spaniel, (cl) Western Story Magazine April 3 1926
* ___ The Collie, (cl) Western Story Magazine February 20 1926
* ___ The Dachshund, (cl) Western Story Magazine November 7 1925
* ___ The Dalmatian, (cl) Western Story Magazine July 17 1926
* ___ The Dandie Dinmont Terrier, (cl) Western Story Magazine June 6 1925
* ___ The Dingo and the Australian Terrier, (cl) Western Story Magazine November 6 1926
* ___ The Doberman Pinscher, (cl) Western Story Magazine August 22 1925
* ___ English and American Foxhounds, (cl) Western Story Magazine October 17 1925
* ___ The English Bulldog, (cl) Western Story Magazine June 19 1926
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