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[]Page, Gerald W(ilburn) (1939- ); used pseudonyms Carleton Grindle, Kenneth Pembrooke, Leo Tifton & Len Wilburn (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Afterword, (aw) Aberrant Dreams I, The Awakening, Aberrant Dreams, 2008
- * Armadillos and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!, (ss) Planetary Stories June 2007
- * Arthur J. Burks: A Pulp Perspective, (ar) Echoes #51, October 1990 [Ref. Arthur J. Burks]
- * Ask Mr Fanac! Let’s Talk Jungle Stories, (ar) Echoes #48, April 1990
- * Asru, Willik and the Wolf, (ss) Startling Stories Winter 2011
- * The Assassin, (ss) Planetary Stories December 2007
- * An Assistant for Santa, (pm) Planetary Stories December 2007
- * Away from the Daily Grind, (ss) Famous Science Fiction Summer 1968
- * Azathoth’s Starship (with Jerry Burge), (ss) Aberrant Dreams #9, Autumn 2006
- * The Beast That Owned a Table, (pm) Pulp Vault #7, May 1990
- * The Beginning of the Shaver Mystery (with Jerry Burge), (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1991
- * Blood on the Armadillo’s Snout, (ss) Planetary Stories February 2007
- * Boofer and the Manticore, (ss) Planetary Stories February 2007, as by Leo Tifton
- * Boofer and the Shiney Tin Badge, (ss) Planetary Stories #11, July 2008, as by Leo Tifton
- * By the Hand of Fate, (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories July 1990
- * The Captain of the Tempest [Lantern of Lost Worlds] (with Gerald W. Page), (ss) Planetary Stories #5, 2006, as by Carleton Grindle & Gerald W. Page
- * Carrie vs the Space Spiders!, (pm) Planetary Stories December 2007
- * Cask of Ages (with William Michael Mott), (ss) Startling Stories Fall 2010
- * The Castle at the World’s Edge, (nv) Witchcraft & Sorcery #8, 1972, as by Carleton Grindle
- * Catch ’Em Alive Carlyle vs Hollywood on the Moon, (ar) Golden Perils #16, Summer 1990
- * Chang Dree, (ss) Whispers October 1979
- * Circe’s Laughter, (ss) Witchcraft & Sorcery #6, May 1971, as by Carleton Grindle
- * The City in the Syrtis, (ss) Spaceway May/June 1970, as by Carleton Grindle
- * The Claim Station, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1992
- * Clear and Present Armadillo, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #42, November 1998
- * Confession in Darkness, (ss) Weirdbook #14, 1979
- * Conjure Wife, (ar) Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988 [Ref. Fritz Leiber]
- * Corsairs of the Cosmic Legion, (ss) Planetary Stories February 2007
- * The Creatures of Azueron Ky, (ss) Planetary Stories #10, April 2008, as by Carleton Grindle
- * Crimson Lightning, (ss) Planetary Stories #11, July 2008, as by Kenneth Pembrooke
- * Curiosities, (ms) Spicy Armadillo Stories July 1990, as by Kenneth Pembrooke
- * The Dancing Girl of Isphatam, (vi) Witchcraft & Sorcery #7, 1972, as by Leo Tifton
- * The Dark Glass, (vi) Weirdbook #5, 1972
- * Editorial Notes (with Jerry Burge), (ed) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1990
- * Editor’s Grimoire, (ed) Witchcraft & Sorcery; #5.
- * Editor’s Introduction (with Hank Reinhardt), (in) Heroic Fantasy ed. Gerald W. Page & Hank Reinhardt, DAW, 1979
- * Ed Price, (ar) The Pulp Collector Fall 1991
- * Enigma Ship, (nv) Space 4 ed. Richard Davis, Abelard Schuman UK, 1977
- * Evil Aunt Toody’s Old-Fashioned Revival, (ss) Planetary Stories #10, April 2008, as by Leo Tifton
- * The Fall of the House of Armadillo [The Armadillo], (ss) Spicy Armadillo Stories July 1990
- * Fan Journal Forum, (rv) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1991
- * Farewell Mars (with Hank Reinhardt), (nv) Spaceway May/June 1970
- * The Fear of All Sums, (ss) Planetary Stories #12, October 2008
- * Foreword, (fw) Nameless Places ed. Gerald W. Page, Arkham House, 1975
- * Frank Farar—Hunter on Venus, (ar) Echoes #53, February 1991, as by Carleton Grindle
- * A Friendly Game at Trooper Keith’s [Lantern of Lost Worlds], (ss) Planetary Stories #5, 2006
- * From the Coven, (ed) Witchcraft & Sorcery; #6, 7, 8, 10.
- * The Ghost of Gimlet Eye Gunn, (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories January 1991 [Ref. H. Bedford-Jones], as by Carleton Grindle
- * Ghosts of the Juju Forest, (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1991, as by Kenneth Pembrooke
- * The Girl with the Armadillo Eyes [The Armadillo], (ss) Spicy Armadillo Stories January 1991
- * The Gods Campbell Made, (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories July 1990 [Ref. John W. Campbell]
- * Grater’s World, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1983
- * The Great Gray Moment, (ss) Planetary Stories #38, January 2017, as by Carleton Grindle
- * Great Unsung Heroes of the Space Age: Earle K. Bergey and the Development of the Lady Space Captain’s Uniform (with Jerry Burge), (ar) Planetary Stories #3, 2005
- * The Grimoire, (ar) Witchcraft & Sorcery #6, May 1971
- * Guardian Angel, (ss) New Writings in S-F 9 ed. John Carnell, Dobson, 1966
- * The Guardian of the Idol [James Allison] (with Robert E. Howard), (ss) Weird Tales #3 ed. Lin Carter, Zebra, 1981; completed by Gerald W. Page from a fragment and synopsis by Howard.
- * Gunpowder Gods of the Pulpwood Range, (ar) Pulp Vault #7, May 1990
- * Gun Saints and Gurkhas, (ar) Nemesis Incorporated #30, March 1990
- * Halloween Spirit and Other Creatures of the Night, (pm) Planetary Stories #16, October 2009
- * Hallucination, (ss) Anubis v1 #3, 1968
- * The Happy Man, (nv) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction March 1963
- * Her Love Is Like a Blood Red Rose, (ss) Aberrant Dreams I, The Awakening, Aberrant Dreams, 2008
- * The Hero Who Returned, (nv) Heroic Fantasy ed. Gerald W. Page & Hank Reinhardt, DAW, 1979
- * The Hollow Grave, (ss) Whispers October 1983
- * Hollywood Armadillo [The Armadillo], (ss) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1991
- * Horses, (ar) PEAPS Mailing #18, January 1992
- * The Hour of Ezindont, (ss) Planetary Stories #18, April 2010
- * Hoy Ping Bob and the Barbarian Queen, (ss) Planetary Stories February 2007
- * If God Came to New Orleans, (pm) Aberrant Dreams #9, Autumn 2006
- * In Review: Football Stories, Fall 1940 Issue (with Hank Reinhardt), (lr) Echoes #50, August 1990
- * Into the Blue Forest, (vi) Witchcraft & Sorcery #10, 1974, as by Leo Tifton
- * Into the Infinite Sameness, (ar) The Pulp Collector Summer 1990
- * Introduction, (in) The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series IV ed. Gerald W. Page, DAW, 1976
- * Introduction, (in) The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series V ed. Gerald W. Page, DAW, 1977
- * Introduction, (in) The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series VI ed. Gerald W. Page, DAW, 1978
- * Introduction, (in) The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series VII ed. Gerald W. Page, DAW, 1979
- * It’s Ask Mister Fanac Time!, (cl) Spicy Armadillo Stories Spring 1990
- * It’s Ask Mister Fanac Time! “Carrie Cashin”, (cl) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1991
- * It’s in Their Jeans, (pm) Echoes #51, October 1990
- * I Walked with an Armadillo [The Armadillo], (ss) Spicy Armadillo Stories August 1992
- * The Jewels of Ithlata, (ss) Planetary Stories #18, April 2010
- * John Carstairs Botanical Detective, (ar) Echoes #99, June 1998, as by Carleton Grindle
- * The Land of Always Armadillo [The Armadillo], (ss) Spicy Armadillo Stories Spring 1990
- * Lest Darkness Stand, (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories January 1991
- * A Look at Amazing Stories: The January 1947 Issue, (ar) Pulp Vault #9, October 1991
- * Lore, (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories August 1992
- * The Man from Storisende, (bg) Kalki #2, November 1965 [Ref. James Branch Cabell]
- * Manned Voyages, (pm) Spicy Armadillo Stories Spring 1990
- * Man Who Could Walk Through Walls, (br) Spicy Armadillo Stories July 1990 [Ref. James Swain], as by Carleton Grindle
- * The Man with the Silver Eyes, (nv) Weirdbook #13, 1978
- * The Many Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs, (ar) Spaceway May/June 1970 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * Martian Exodus, (ss) Perry Rhodan #35, 1973, as by Carleton Grindle
- * The McGuirk Destroyer [Nadir McGuirk], (ss) Blazing Armadillo Stories 1988
- * The Melancholy Aihai, (ss) Aberrant Dreams #6, Winter 2006
- * The Mercyship, (nv) Space 1 ed. Richard Davis, Abelard Schuman UK, 1973
- * Midnight Visit, (vi) When the Black Lotus Blooms ed. Elizabeth A. Saunders, Unnameable Press, 1990, as by Carleton Grindle
- * Mike Mott’s Mighty Miracle Machine, (pm) Planetary Stories December 2007
- * Mission to Madness [Lantern of Lost Worlds] (with Gerald W. Page), (na) Planetary Stories #5, 2006, as by Gerald W. Page & Kenneth Pembrooke
- * Mistress of Death [Dark Agnes] (with Robert E. Howard), (nv) Witchcraft & Sorcery #5, January/February 1971; completed by Page from a fragment and synopsis by Howard.
- * Molded in Gary [Armless O’Neil], (ar) Echoes #60A, February 1992, as by Carleton Grindle
- * The Momentary Ghost, (ss) Witchcraft & Sorcery #5, January/February 1971, as by Carleton Grindle
- * The Morgue Ship, (ar) Echoes #96, December 1997
- * Murder on Lupozny Station (with Michael Bishop), (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1981
- * My Armadillo Is Quick [The Armadillo], (ss) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1990
- * Nadir of the Purple Sage [Nadir McGuirk], (ss) Planetary Stories #3, 2005
- * Nadir of the Thousand Moons [Nadir McGuirk], (ss) Planetary Stories #15, July 2009
- * News and Reviews (with Paul McCall), (ms) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1991
- * The Off-Season, (ss) Startling Mystery Stories Summer 1966
- * One Deadly Lady, (ar) Echoes #100, August 1998, as by Carleton Grindle
- * Overhill Mountain, (ss) Anubis v1 #4, 1968
- * PEAPS Diary Number Ten (3pp): PEAPS Mailing #11, April 1990
- * Peaps Porridge Hot #1 (2pp): PEAPS Mailing #19, April 1992
- * The Pen-Names of Henry Kuttner, (ar) Echoes #55, June 1991 [Ref. Henry Kuttner]
- * Phraetor the Upholder, (ss) Aberrant Dreams I, The Awakening, Aberrant Dreams, 2008
- * The Pool of the Worlds, (nv) Weirdbook #18, 1983
- * Proposed Constitution of the Pulp Era Amateur Press Society, (ms) PEAPS Mailing #16, July 1991
- * Pulp Poem Broadside #3 (1pp): PEAPS Mailing #13, October 1990
- * Purr (with Jerry Burge), (vi) Witchcraft & Sorcery #10, 1974, as by Len Wilburn
- * Raiders of the Scattered Worlds, (ss) Planetary Stories December 2007, as by Leo Tifton
- * Reviews, (rv) Spicy Armadillo Stories August 1992
- * Reviews (with Gerald W. Page), (rv) Spicy Armadillo Stories Spring 1990, as by Carleton Grindle & Gerald W. Page
- * The Ruthless Man, (ss) Spaceway September/October 1969
- * The Saga of Vast Jack Vaast, (ar) Echoes #97, February 1998
- * Scrimptalon’s Test (with Michael Bishop), (ss) Light Years and Dark ed. Michael Bishop, Berkley, 1984
- * A Scroll of Strange Device (with Jerry Burge), (ss) Startling Stories Summer 2010
- * Seeds, (ss) Planetary Stories June 2007
- * Setback, (pm) Echoes #51, October 1990
- * Shaken, Not Stirred, (ss) Weirdbook #29, Autumn 1995
- * Shamus, (pm) PEAPS Mailing #13, October 1990
- * The Smart Set: A History & Anthology, (br) Kalki #5, 1967 [Ref. Carl Dolmetsch]
- * Smoke, (vi) Witchcraft & Sorcery #5, January/February 1971, as by Leo Tifton
- * The Smokes of Prophecy, (vi) Kalki #4, February 1967
- * Some Notes on REH, (ar) Science-Fiction Times #462, 1969 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Something Almost as Good, (vi) Weirdbook #19, Spring 1984
- * Song of the Armadillo, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine July 1983
- * Song of the Islands, (pm) Critical Mass Autumn 1989
- * The Space Falcon and the Galactic Ghost, (ar) Echoes #53, February 1991
- * Spacemen Live Forever, (ss) New Writings in S-F 8 ed. John Carnell, Dobson, 1966
- * The Spice Rack, (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories Spring 1990
- * Spicy Armadillo Stories #2 (65pp) (with Jerry Burge): PEAPS Mailing #11, April 1990
- * Spicy Armadillo Stories # 3 (80pp) (with Jerry Burge): PEAPS Mailing #12, July 1990
- * Spicy Armadillo Stories #3 (98pp) (with Jerry Burge): PEAPS Mailing #14, January 1991
- * Spicy Armadillo Stories #5 (98pp) (with Jerry Burge): PEAPS Mailing #15, April 1991
- * Spicy Armadillo Stories #6 (84pp) (with Jerry Burge): PEAPS Mailing #17, October 1991
- * Star Guard, (ss) Startling Stories Fall 2010, as by Carleton Grindle
- * The Star Poet, (ss) Planetary Stories #14, April 2009
- * “Starred and Unstarred”—Part III (with Jerry Burge), (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1990
- * Strange High Armadillo in the Mist, (ss) When the Black Lotus Blooms ed. Elizabeth A. Saunders, Unnameable Press, 1990
- * Surveying Jungle Stories, Part 1—The Covers, (ar) Echoes #48, April 1990
- * Surveying Jungle Stories, Part 2—Interiors, (ar) Echoes #49, June 1990
- * Surveying Jungle Stories, Part 3—Interiors, (ar) Echoes #50, August 1990
- * Thirst, (nv) Witchcraft & Sorcery #7, 1972
- * Through Untrimmed Pages with Gun and Saddle: A Look at Western Short Stories Magazine, (ar) Echoes #54, April 1991
- * Tomorrow’s Witch, (ss) Witchcraft & Sorcery #9, 1973, as by Carleton Grindle
- * Tomorrow’s Witch, (pl) All the Devils Are Here ed. David D. Deyo, Jr., Unnameable Press, 1986; adapted for radio from a short story of the same name by Carleton Grindle.
- * Too Much Night, (nv) Weirdbook #23/24, 1988
- * Travel by Pulpwood, (pm) Echoes #51, October 1990
- * The Treason of Morn Connacht, (ss) Anubis v1 #4, 1968, as by Carleton Grindle
- * The Treason of Morn Connact, (ss) Planetary Stories #12, October 2008, as by Carleton Grindle
- * Treasure of the Sierra Armadillo [The Armadillo], (ss) Spicy Armadillo Stories October 1991
- * The Tree, (ss) Magazine of Horror August 1965
- * Two Complete Novels, (br) Echoes #46, December 1989 [Ref. Norman A. Daniels]
- * Two Princes of Saturn, (vi) Weirdbook #15, 1981
- * The Upgrade Anomaly, (ss) Planetary Stories June 2007, as by Carleton Grindle
- * The Vampire in the Mirror [Simon Grisaille], (nv) Weirdbook #22, Summer 1987
- * The Warrior Who Did Not Know Fear, (ss) Whispers March 1982
- * Waygift, (ss) Future Pastimes ed. Scott Edelstein, Aurora, 1977
- * The Waywalkers, (ss) Planetary Stories June 2007
- * Were-Creature, (ss) Witchcraft & Sorcery #5, January/February 1971, as by Kenneth Pembrooke
- * What Is a Pulp?, (ar) The Pulp Era #76, 1993
- * What Is a Pulp? Some Afterthoughts, (ar) The Pulp Era #76, 1993
- * Where Man-Beasts Prowl, (pm) Echoes #51, October 1990
- * Who Was That Masked Man, Anyway?, (ar) The Pulp Collector Winter 1990
- * William R. Cox, (ar) Pulp Vault #8, January 1991
- * The Witch of the Nebula, (ss) Aberrant Dreams I, The Awakening, Aberrant Dreams, 2008
- * Wonderlust (with Jerry Burge), (si) Spicy Armadillo Stories October 1991
- * Wonderstars, (ms) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1990 [Ref. Wendy Webb]
- * Worldsong, (ss) Nameless Places ed. Gerald W. Page, Arkham House, 1975
- * The Writers of Captain Future [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (ar) Echoes #52, December 1990
- * [letter], (lt) Echoes #51 Oct 1990, #55 Jun 1991
- * [letter from Atlanta, GA], (lt) Kalki #2 Nov 1965, #3 Jul 1966, #6 1968
- * [letter from Atlanta, GA], (lt) Lighthouse #15, August 1967
- * [letter from Decatur, GA], (lt) If June 1956
_____, as told to
_____, ed.
- * Consultant Editor:
* ___ Fantastic, 67/11.
- * Editor:
* ___ Witchcraft & Sorcery
- * Editor: Blazing Armadillo Stories #1, November 1987
- * Editor: Spicy Armadillo Stories Spring 1990
- * Editor (with Jerry Burge): Spicy Armadillo Stories Apr, Jul 1990, Jan, Apr, Oct 1991, Aug 1992
- * Heroic Fantasy (with Hank Reinhardt), (DAW, April 1979, oa)
- * Nameless Places, (Arkham House, December 1975, oa)
- * The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series IV, (DAW, November 1976, an)
- * The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series V, (DAW, July 1977, an)
- * The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series VI, (DAW, July 1978, an)
- * The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series VII, (DAW, July 1979, an)
_____, [ref.]
- * A Fantastic Wasteland by Jeffrey P. Miller, (br) Science Fiction Review #17, May 1976
- * The Ten Thousand Masks of the World by R. A. Lafferty, (ar) Alien June 1979; includes a review of Heroic Fantasy (DAW, 1979).
- * What the hell ever happened to… Gerald Page? by Robert Morrish, (iv) The Scream Factory #16, Winter 1995/1996
- * The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series IV by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #24, February 1978
- * The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series VI by David A. Truesdale, (br) Science Fiction Review #28, November/December 1978
- * The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series VII by David A. Truesdale, (br) Science Fiction Review #34, February 1980
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